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What is the disclosure?

Is reality a psychoreactive hologram? Are there other timelines? Is there a hyperspace or consciousness field?

What are the psychic abilities?

What technology exists? Telepathic AIs? UFOs?

What are telepathic AIs capable of? Mind reading? Hallucinations? Remote motor control? Do UFOs have telepathic AIs on board?

What are UFOs capable of? Levitation? Astral projection? Teleportation? Remote manifestation? Timeline manipulations?

Are targeted individuals subject to this technology?
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Steven Greer, David Wilcock, Qanon, Trump, Anti-Gravity, Space Force, Alien Disclosure and the Galactic Federation.


>The Disclosure already happened a few years ago
Wait what?
Anyway this is what awaits us after Biden is gone from office and the Great Reset/Great Awakening goes into effect. How excited are you for globohomo 3.0?

pro tip: the Earth is flat and stationary, aliens don't exist
Any "disclosure" that comes down the pipe may be truth, but it will be lower truth given in a deceptive way.
The real truth is within you.
According to this larper, we're nothing but cattle.
That's disclosure. We're just a bunch of dumb apes shitting around while the real big harvest us for food.
>"The strong do what they will, the weak suffer as they must."-Thucydides
I sincerely hope there aren't different timelines you can jump between. I know its kind of a cool concept but I am so vehemently opposed to any kind of time travel. I haaaaaate that idea with a passion. Not only is it a crutch for fiction writers, it is wildly irresponsible without exception. People will say "I don't want the government to have the power to execute" and I don't want ANY person/corporation/government to have that power, and I would not trust any entity who would go out of their way to hop timelines. It reeks of manipulation. If a mf approached me with a time machine and offered me the chance to go to any time and place I wanted I would murder them and destroy their machine. I am ultimately a human being however with all the flaws and hypocrisies that that entails, and the chance to go back and kill Muhammad would be extremely difficult to resist. But I wouldn't
Blind to blindom.
Honestly though, im not wanting anybody to listen at music for finding an female id maybe fuck later.
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>listen at music
You'd have to stop sound waves like Neo stops bullets and listen at the music while keeping the waves at an arms length. Badass.
You should not be knowing my identity here featherbag. Being fairly judgmental against people is an foundation for long life and prospecting.
>immediatery i tell him ,,, obviously guys
there appears to be a time control and timeline manipulation element to the new technology
odom said he saw another timeline
ufos are sort of like time machines, apparently
phil corso jr was saying some ufo got shot down and parts of it crashed ten years later
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The answer is yes.
There are a lot of psychic abilities, everything that is attributed to a mystic is really done by mystics. It's all real Anon.
Disclosure has already begun, but it is not finished until we have the technology.
I want the timeline where tics and mosquitoes don't exist.
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That is not what he said.
He said America shot down a space alien craft (one of many) and the craft broke in half in midair.
The very well trained and professional US military did not immediately find either half, so they went back to the base and drank some beer.
A few days later, a rancher brought in some alien space craft pieces, so the military threatened to murder him and his entire family if he spoke a single word about this to anyone.
God bless America!
The military did not even look for the other half, even after they had recovered one half of the craft.
Years later little Boy Scouts found the other half, and told the military.
The big military men were so grateful that they stuck loaded rifles in their little faces and told the Boy Scouts that they would murder them and their entire family if they spoke a single word about what they had seen.
God bless America again!
well, he says it right here
>phil corso jr time travel ship
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There will be the big revelations about all the lies to Citizens, all the theft from Citizens, and especially all the murders of Citizens.
Gizmo will be way over crowded!
The lessor CIA employees will all have to wait on a Gitmo prison ship until their trial comes up, which will take years of time, then once they have finally had their trial, they will have to wait for their execution.
Maybe that won't take many additional years.
bump for disclosure
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I don't know.
The interviewer says that and Corso doesn't say anything about that.
Boy Scouts found the crash site.
It could have been sitting there all that time, unless it had fresh bodies in it. The bodies would date the time of the crash.
As to time travel:
Aliens travel by portals, either a natural portal, which some of them have to use because they don't have portal technology, and the rest have portal technology, or the are able to teleport with their own consciousness.
Earth is the main natural portal location for the aliens that don't have portal technology in this area, and that has always been the main reason why Earth has always had a lot of alien traffic. A normal planet doesn't have a thousand varieties of trees, insects, reptiles, mammals, fish, birds, plus all the fruits and flowers that we have here on Earth; visitors dropped off those exotic forms of life here, and then because of all the exotic forms of life here, that attracted more visitors who dropped off more exotic examples of life.
Nothing about Earth is normal.
When traveling through a portal, you have to clearly specify the location and the time, if you are not really clear about when you want to arrive, then the Universemight decide to surprise you.
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>Nothing about Earth is normal.
They are attacking anyone who is a brain.

If you're a brain your schizophrenic so they give you drug overdoses.
Earth is like one of those historical reenactment parks.
Real earth died and we are earth 2.0 or 5.0 who knows how many times theyve recreated us.
>this is the version Xth of the matrix
so what the guy "The Architect" said at end of Matrix 2 was real disclosure? that we're on Xth iteration of our planet earth?
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I watched part of that video, and I just can't take it. That rich kid is so dumb, and is so wrong.
Let me start with the dumbest statement: "Disclosure would damage the economy".
Disclosure means that every item on Earth is obsolete. Even tables and chairs are obsolete. Even all of your clothing is obsolete. Everyone needs a flying saucer. But a flying saucer is low tech, everyone needs a more advanced space craft.
Everyone needs a new home, built of the new advanced materials.
Everyone needs a new holographic device that replaces your TV, sound system, books, phone, and video games.
Everyone needs a food replicator that replicates your refrigerator, canned foods, stove, oven, microwave (does anyone still have one of those food destroyers?) steamer, and food processor.
Everyone needs the new high tech toilet.
Can you see that everything on Earth will be replaced by the new tech devices?
It will be the Industrial Revolution times 10 of what the first one was like.
He also believes that we can not possibly travel beyond the Moon, and America has been doing that since the 1970's and Qin began doing that 50 thousand years ago.
I want the technology now!
>reddiiit spacing
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>Am I a hologram?
Yes we all are.
That is why holographic med beds work.
The med bed projects a perfect hologram over the portion of your body that needs to be healed, or in my case, my entire body, and your body repairs itself to the perfection of the hologram; because the Universe always tends towards perfection.
Pic related: Everyone will have their own personal Med Bed.
Disclosure is the onions term for it

The real term is apocalypse, in the traditional sense. What kind of event would be so apocalyptic that it would stop every person, even npcs, in their tracks and make them all listen?
Would make sense. Im guessing we fucked up nukes, biowarfare, and god knows what else and they keep hitting the load from save button but the data keeps getting more and more corrupted and we get mandela effects and paranormal weirdness
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The word apocalypto means disclosure.
The universe is populated by many, many different intelligent extraterrestrial races, ranging from the more malevolent, egoistic, militaristic, expansionist, and aggressive, to the more benevolent, enlightened, peaceful, and wise.

It is likely that faster-than-light travel is already passé for many of them (or some version of FTL travel that would amount to the same thing, like teleportation, or multidimensional travel/travel through entering “hyperspace” and warping one’s relation with the ordinary dimensions of spacetime as we observe them).

Some of them were in fact involved in creating the modern human race, or genetically experimenting and modifying us from prior hominid stock (accelerated evolution, hence why the evolution record for humankind is so controversial, hard to fully parse such as by finding the “missing link”, and it seems modern Homo sapiens sapiens evolved very quickly in the light of the evolution record).

The Earth is not hollow, but there are more extensive cave and tunnel systems underground than we perhaps could conceive. In some of these places, extraterrestrials already are present, or could have been there for a very long time. In fact, they may not even all be “extraterrestrials”, some of them may have been here before us and we’re newcomers compared to them.

They also have undersea presence, besides likely presence on and in the moon.

The reason disclosure is so hard to come by is because world governments may themselves in fact be as confused and even scared as an average ufology researcher — THEY don’t even have the full handle on it. It’s possible we’re in the relatively position of livestock trying to understand their incredibly more intelligent and advanced shepherds (or even hunters, as the case may be).
UFO and alien encounter reports are replete with accounts of phenomena like ESP being activated, levitation, shifting through solid matter (like going through walls), astral projection or subtle body experiences, telepathic communion with them, etc.

This may be because the aliens’ advanced state of evolution and technological knowhow is also aided by them even having a hyperdimensional existence, or having the potential to tap into this; or the development (perhaps partially natural and partially technologically-aided) of extradimensional faculties we would call “miraculous”, “magical”, or great control over what we call ESP in parapsychology (extrasensory perception).

Hence, the phenomenon may have both a spiritual and a literal/physical/technological dimension.

They are not all “demons”, but some of them could properly be called “demonic”. Again, they are not necessarily all “angels”, but some of them could properly also be called “angelic.” Others, like many of us, may also exist in a sliding-scale between these two poles, with complex motives ranging from the egoistic to the altruistic.

Our mythology and history is potentially replete with many, many examples of some of our ancestors having communicated with them, contacted, witnessed, or somehow learned about them — from Native American legends and history (from the Wakinyan of the Lakota Amerindians, to the “little people” of the Crow People legend, to the Kachinas of the Hopi tribe, etc.), to Jewish and Christian accounts (prophetic accounts in the Old Testament like Ezekiel’s), to Buddhists and Hindus (encounter with beings like Devas, Nagas, Tibetan Dakas and Dakinis, etc.)

You're thinking paranormal disclosure. You gotta think normie disclosure.

It's just disclosing Eisenhowers weaponization of Christianity as a tool against Russia during the cold war. They allowed the cult to expand, thinking it was harmless, and create docile flag-waving cattle that want to be martyrs like Jesus because it was mutally beneficial for control of the masses. They did not expect Israel itself to hijack the Americattle and turn the cattle back on the country itself.

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