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I swear to God there used to be an entire part of a province here. I am legitimately freaked out right now wtf kind of timeline did I land in? The Hudson Bay is supposed to be located further south and landlocked to the north
Ikr right
Ive gone through 1000s of old maps of the region, none of it is consistent
Probably 3rd hottest cryptogeographic spot after arctic ocean and antarctica

I have a goal to arrive down the nelson river
OP, Hudson Bay called. It called you a summerfag and suggested you neck yourself.
>Probably 3rd hottest cryptogeographic spot after arctic ocean and antarctica

Can you elaborate further anon? I have always felt something off about that area. It feels like a gateway in more ways than one
My inquires started with wyfliets zubgara map and the fabled island of conibas where they did a crazy type of money system where they essentially turned criminals into nfts to have a justice backed currency, viscious, but it triggered a wide spectrum of my interests

What was zubgara, the island of conibotz,

It didnt take long to zero in on this anomaly, inspecting the surronding geometry, it looks like God took a paint smudge tool started in the middle and dragged east, the east side looks like it had a area of effect spawning from a local central point

Perhaps a supercharged comet passed over the area, liquifiying and dragging the ground with it, not sure, but i wanted to dig deeper
it's a gateway to jo-em
>This region, which appeared first in Mercator’s 1569 atlas has been loosely interoperated, depending upon the source, as the Northwest Passage, the Hudson Bay, or the first map of the Great Lakes. Plate IV shows what is almost certainly Alaska, labeled Anian Regnum . Here is a real cartographic curiosity, where myth become fact, which again becomes myth. Anian is a term derived from a John Donne poem, “Anyan if I go west by the North-West passage.” However, it was interpreted as the Bering Strait by cartographers, successfully transitioning it from the realms of poetry to cartography. Anian presupposed the existence of a Northwest Passage and, as such, was entirely mythical, though the lands that are now Alaska long bore that name

Interesting af. Also this "John Donne" guy reminds me an awful lot of John Dee
They took it in the divorce
Massive world ending event was caused by the land that used to be in that spot.
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What happens to people erased by the mandela effect in our timeline?
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Right? Meth>>38260006
Pretty much the entirety of the American continent is a fucking graveyard, for example. A fresh graveyard too. The bones are not yet fossils - they remain bones in the ground.

This place is a place where cultures have completely died out. Stories told since the beginning of man ended on this land. We walk with ghosts, and ghosts walk with us. We are subject to the whims of spirits, for fuck's sake the fucking sky and wind are our main opp for a good 8% of the continent (See: Tornado Alley)
A missing Province of Canada just flew over my house
That's Francis Drake. Who the fuck is John Donne
You're too young to use the internet if you think Canada is "missing" a section
I erased it with the power of my mind
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Fascinating, ill look intl this, desu i chalked up anian regio to japans ainu people, good to see a different source
In attempts to plot my expedition, i reckoned it best to train to churchill. However i found out due to polar bears, they made it forbidden to venture beyond the encampment. If i were to arrive by kayak however, with rifle and fishing pole, i could make to the coast lines of hudson bay. From thense id ditch gps and rely on astrolabe.

Note top image, i embedded the cuboctahedron (cubits favorite shape) and got a gps coord in the bay, note i probably need tp shift by around 4 degrees as coordinates change with the procession of the equinox, the obelisk in st petersburg points to this, as i land in the nearby swamp with my calcs, but eccleptic change can get me nearer,
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Will also point out John Dee thought the cuboctahedron was important enough that it deserved its own chapter in euclids elements, same with iscosidodecahedron from flussus.

I think superimposing cymatic shapes on earth will bear great fruit
>be god
>rule whole planet
>I know what this needs!!!
>pix related.
It was a clean and pure continent before the endless tide of white came and brought occult mind control
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NA 95% was a hardcore pvp server

Pic related how money printer went burr
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The other 5% is as you describe
But if you hear about Hiawatha you learn this only hallened because they were so incomprehensivly brutal and savage, that they traumatized themselves into peace
>plot my expedition
Fucking kek
There needs to be a Mandela effect containment thread
an asteroid or comet hit the ice shelf there about 12k years ago.

The impact threw out a bunch of huge rocks that landed all across america and you can trace the impact craters and their direction to that spot too.
If they sent 14 year olds from liverpool up the nelson with just a musket and flint and tinder i can go down it with solar panels and a drone

Supposedly the natives just need a .22 from a canoe to get swimming bears behind the ear

Might still go with a .308

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