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/x/ - Paranormal

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Would I really go to Hell if I killed myself? Discuss the metaphysics of suicide ITT
that a question of 'if' is more preferable to fighting out your own problems

that a 'god' that sparked your existence from dirt and fire would condemn you to a conscious realm that holds its state for eternity, as difficult as it is already to stay awake...

is going to keep you fully manifested to suffer beyond the plane of hell we are already in.

it's a question of society, net losses, invalidation of 'life' as we conform to it
The weekly Saturday Suicide Thread
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Here’s why

When you die you have to face your inner Deamon which holds all your guilt, hate and fear

If your suicide is a traumatic event the inner demon will use it against you to make you feel even worse and possibly could cause you to feel so disillusioned with the reality of your death and life that you will not be able to overcome it and would possibly relinquish all of your divine power too it
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In christianity yes.
In Buddhism yes
Hindu yes
Don't kill yourself it leads to bad fates.
I went through a suicidal phase twice because of demons. It got better. Stay alive Anon.
what would the alternative outcome be?
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Face your inner deamon in life
But if you had done this why would you wanna suicide ?
Death is a part of life, and in life what matters most is not what you do, but why and how you do. People believe in elderly assisted suicide for this reason, even if they think suicide in general is wrong. Ultimately the best way to know is to ask yourself, is this decision respecting my life and the lives of others? Do they agree? Or am I considering suicide for my own selfish reasons?

By dwelling upon what you feel is the reason for wanting to Check Out you may undergo the Crisis of the Mind/Self/Soul.

You don't have to go Joseph Smith status (he underwent 3 Crises of the Mind by messing around with Murmur and the Grimoires) you simply have to hit that sweet spot that makes the calcium in your Pineal Gland crack and seep with a brain bleed so you can Thought Adjust for a Renaissance of the Self.


You will be released from the Inferno after your Condemnation if you Check Yourself Out early.

Suicide is only waived under certain situations.
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One can choose to face certain death in many ways, are they all suicide? I believe it depends on your state of mind and if you do as an escape from despair, depression and hopelessness you might have to still deal with this wherever your soul/spirit end up afterwards. It may actually be easier to work out your problems in this material realm and that's why we are here. You don't want to end up like a ghost or something trapped in a state of confusion.
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God loves you
this seems most resonant
>Would I really go to Hell if I killed myself? Discuss the metaphysics of suicide ITT
if you were a higher being and you saw someone lose hope would you cast stones at them? Would you do the same down here on earth? Would there not be people who might cast stones or seek to support you out there too?
okay okay

what if, our sim overlords, are psychotic clowns

who replay scenarios over and over

to laugh at

the complexity and intricacy and depth of our suffering

>turn and smile
>his name is Grimmjow and he's been torturing Chris Farley

the only person who's been made aware of the existence

I'm just saying.
there have been places like that aplenty in the higher life. When found they are cleaned up. The roots of demoralization are planted knee-deep so less spirits are willing to resist.
Hell is just a temporary state where your reality reflects the negativity of your own mind at the time of death. It's like a nightmare but you can't wake up. If you kill yourself and your mind is full of guilt and shame and sadness and you aren't open to anything else then your afterlife will reflect that until something changes.
If you're considering suicide, you're already in "hell." "Dying" won't change that. Guessing you'll just wake up in the hospital worse off than you are now.
Show me where it says killing yourself is bad
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Bible says it's eternal
Not in the biblical sense. Your mindset upon death effects your mind deeply, and death isn't instant. Until your soul leaves your body, it will suffer under whatever darkness led you to suicide.
Do you really expect a valid answer about this from /x? Every religion has its own beliefs about what happens to suicides but that is all they are: beliefs. And since they can't even agree on whether or not suicide is ever justified, that is a pretty obvious sign that they are just pulling their beliefs out of their hats.
Yes you are a coward and would be sent to hell. If you mass shoot some people you’ll be spared in some way from your stupidity.
I can't give a definitive answer, but I can share an anecdote that has changed me. Lately I've been having a lot of weird dreams, one of which involved me hearing the words "I wanna say goodnight" sung in a painfully somber way accompanied by some background music/sound. I had this gut-wrenching feeling that it was about someone considering ending it all. I know it may not may not seem like much, but it has changed the way I see life and I don't think ending one's life prematurely is a gamble worth taking.
You already live in hell
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i literally came back once i tried. there is no escape. live this life the best you can, and know that the next can be better.
Chances are you just stop existing. Everyone loves to be a groveling cuck so they imagine they have to do what they're told by some imaginary guide, or will have to endure a punishment.
>Would I really go to Hell if I killed myself?
unless you self immolate and do 360 quick scope backflip 20 stories high
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Deliberately, prematurely ending the body is generally done as a very selfish and paradoxically as a very materially attached thing to do.
The one is so invested in this situation being real, being important, being the only one, that they try to simply end everything than accept the discomfort of the situation.
It is not exactly the situation that causes the suffering, but the desire for a different, preferred situation for the potential suicider to enjoy.
that's the real thing, as everything material boils down to - the person is trying to enjoy this material realm, and leads to suffering and leads to Hell.

However, there are ways to end this body that DONT show this material attachment. Processes by which you detach from the material, and show this through will and mastery over the demands of the body. There are three main ways to show this mastery over the demands of the body, and of varying levels of mystic prowess.
1 - Stop eating. Fast until death. The simplest. Just stop eating. No one who says they want to die, but still acts to eat is being sincere in their desire to end the body.
2 - Drown in a sacred body of water. Go under the water and just wait. No rocks or weights or other artificial methods. Show you can just put your body in an inhospitable place, and then refuse to move until it dies.
3 - Self-immolation. Again - no outside help. Concentrate the inherent energy in the body and raise your temp until you burst into flames. Pouring gas all over yourself doesnt count.
There is literally zero (0) reprocussions for killing yourself. You get to check out of life early and you get to go to hell which is like welfare afterlife
You do this by holding your farts in, if everyone were to release their farts it would cause global warming

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