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Where can you find an online coven with serious, non-larpers that isn't filled with trannies?
People who actually read books, discuss and practice esoterica with intention, not shallow newspaper horoscope tier bullshit.

At this rate I'll have to solo practice.
you'll always have to solo practise
True, I'm doing that already, I should have been more clear in my post. I just don't want to ONLY solo practice if there's an alternative.
are you good at game theory?
can you sort of figure out that 'most' people are averse to competition?

you ever hack in a videogame?
Is there like a special number to a coven, like 9 or something.
Also what are the target interests; ESP, divination, magick, -mancies, seances, apothecary.
I've never hacked in video games, but I do understand competitive nature, but not every community has to have people in the running against each other.
Learning as a group and raising each other up is all I'm looking for and I understand there are many people far more advanced than me that I can learn from.

I'm not too sure about the number, but I'm just trying to figure out my first steps towards finding a small, close-knit community.
As for interests, Divination, magick, apothecary, dreams and anything nature based interests me, but I also want to know things beyond what I know of now. But I don't know what I don't know to continue learning.
At current, with solo practice I can only research and search things that I already know exist, daisy chaining from once school of thought to the next.

Just earnestly keep up your solo practice and others will eventually show up.
See if you call that a coven then you're looking for the larpers. Plenty of groups out there, discord included, that read and discuss seriously, and the last thing they'd do is call themselves a coven.
I've read this, it's a great set of essays. I do feel myself in the losers bracket.

You're likely right.

What would even be the correct term for it then? Just 'small community invested in spiritual esoterica and learning'? I do agree that 'coven' is a fair bit larp-y but couldn't think of a better word in my frustration.

Most unfortunate.
The Magical Troglodytes and Occult Proletariat are low-quality.
It is not like in the olden days when there were Quality people like Sir Isaac Newton invoking and working amicably with King Paimon and others towards Mathematics...or Medical practitioners who wanted to get to the cutting-edge, in more ways than one, with innovations to save human lives with better medical sciences.

It is no wonder that the soon-to-be 72 Judges of the Inferno (after this year's Convocation the resolution states, for brevity, that they will no longer have differing titles like King, Duke, President, etc.) will no longer adhere to any summons of invocation except with those already determined to have passed the vetting process towards Acolyteship.

Gone is the deception that the Invoker Commands the "Spirit."
See, this is exactly the reddit tier larping fart-sniffers I'm trying to avoid. Talk like a normal person you colossal faggot.
>Namefag is literally a fat incel shit posting in his stained underwear.
I recently started a public group with some serious and experienced people for this exact reason, hoping to attract more quality people.

t (dot) me (slash) +tmT2FguUMr05MzQ0
>Is there like a special number to a coven
always has been
The idea of altering the fabric of space-time through a biological being with a silicon-based tissue and a jade skeletal system involves a mix of speculative science and imagination. Let's break down the concepts involved:

1. Silicon-Based Tissue
Silicon-based life forms are a speculative concept where silicon, rather than carbon, forms the backbone of biological molecules. Silicon can potentially form complex molecules similar to carbon, though it presents different chemical and structural properties. In this scenario, the sentient tissue of the human-like being is composed of silicon-based compounds instead of carbon-based ones.

2. Jade Skeletal System
Jade is a tough and durable gemstone, traditionally composed of jadeite or nephrite minerals. It has been prized for its toughness and beauty in various cultures. A hypothetical skeletal system made of jade implies an extremely durable and possibly conductive material.

3. Manipulating Space-Time
The ability to manipulate space-time, such as stopping or reversing time, is a concept rooted in theoretical physics and often explored in science fiction. According to current understanding:
Space-time Fabric: In Einstein's theory of General Relativity, space and time are intertwined into a four-dimensional fabric called space-time. Massive objects like planets and stars warp this fabric, causing gravitational effects.

Manipulation of Space-Time: Manipulating space-time would require immense amounts of energy and the ability to control gravitational fields. Theoretically, advanced technology or beings with extraordinary capabilities might achieve this, though it remains firmly in the realm of speculative science fiction.

Hypothetical Scenario
In this hypothetical scenario:

The silicon-based tissue could potentially interact with gravitational fields in ways different from carbon-based life forms.
The jade skeletal system might enhance these interactions due to its durability and possibly unique electromagnetic properties.
Together, they could hypothetically generate or manipulate gravitational fields to affect the local space-time continuum.
Practical Considerations
Energy Requirements: Manipulating space-time would require vast amounts of energy. A biological being would need to either generate or harness such energy efficiently.

Biological Feasibility: Creating a sentient being with silicon-based tissue capable of supporting complex life functions remains speculative due to our current understanding of biochemistry.

Technological Integration: The concept implies a level of advanced technology or biotechnology far beyond current capabilities.

While the idea of a silicon-based, jade-skeletoned being altering space-time is intriguing, it remains firmly in the realm of speculative science fiction. Exploring such concepts can inspire new ideas and discussions about the boundaries of biological and physical sciences, but practical realization would require significant advancements in multiple scientific disciplines.
Metaphysical or Special Abilities:
Psychic Powers: Enhancing neural connections or integrating advanced neural interfaces could enable telepathy, telekinesis, or heightened cognitive abilities.

Energy Manipulation: Learning to harness and control electromagnetic or other forms of energy could enable abilities such as generating force fields, projecting energy blasts, or even manipulating elements.

Regeneration and Healing: Accelerating cellular regeneration or integrating nanomachines could confer rapid healing abilities, making the individual nearly impervious to injury.
just read books for the time being
Uh, imagine Rock up in that field where options ain't so audible
Problems steady fallin', the effects is like some dominoes
Issues chronological, gotta get that money fast
Andale, vamonos, feelin' like Osama, got my llama close
Hope them boys don't come knock at my mama's door
AK-47 out that window, think I'm paranoid
America, another case I can't afford, help me Lord

You can't. The one who claim to be what you're looking for are just hiding it until you are too deep. That's just the name of the game for magicians, sadly.
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Lmao, everything on the internet is trannies. Wake up!
Covens are basically nothing but trannies by their very nature. Idk how many times i have to say this, there are no women on 4chan just trannies and dudes. That’s it!
Tulpamancy is way better.
Anon, I just lurk, but this is the last place to look for anyone. Here, I come to be entertained by larps, mental illness and the absolute surety that only the idiotic and depraved possess. I practice my works alone. Perhaps I'll find others, in time. Maybe you will too.
>stained underwear

I can assure you my underwear is unstained. In fact, it has been freshly laundered.
Can I beg you for a magical favor?
No guarantees, but I'll do what I can
What is the scope of what you can do? The superhero stuff like getting to fly is out of the question but can you make a missing finger regrow?
I've not heard of a case of spontaneous regrowth of limbs or appendages in humans. Maybe medical therapy will figure that out, in time. What do you need, explicitly?
>where can i find people who take my magic LARP seriously
Real answer the trannies and larpers are legitimately less retarded than people who seriously think they are somehow empowering themselves with """magic""".

Do you think you are going to put more into magical pursuits than Aleister Crowley? He spent a lifetime and a literal fortune he inherited on "magic" and what did he have to show for it? He killed one of his children by trying to cure pneumonia with magic after she became sick from letting livestock literally just freely shit and piss inside her bedroom. He had his reputation absolutely destroyed by people who lied about him and never exacted any revenge in spite of spending half of his life trying. The end of his life was having his cult usurped and couch surfing among people who felt sorry for him after squandering an unbelievable amount of wealth and leaving his surviving children nothing. His highest accomplishment was deciding getting assfucked by asian rentboys was "magick" and occasionally entertaining rich people with parlor tricks.

If you have anything less than he started with in terms of time to dedicate or resources, you can reasonably expect to achieve even less than that in your pursuit.
My big dream is getting a new life but my realistic dream is mending health problems (hearing loss and dental problems)
You'll never learn anything useful until you stop putting obstacles in your own path for the sake of comfort.
If seeing a dentist and an audiologist would improve your life, have you not done so because you don't have insurance or it's otherwise prohibitively expensive to you?
There are multiple obstacles and cost is one of them

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