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I will share my views with you. Please tell me what you think.
Spirituality is esoteric religion. Religion is necessary for a culture to be healthy because spirituality is only for the elect few. Both are good. Flat earth. I believe earth is flat, not a globe, because supernatural insight and intuition have given me this revelation. This revelation has profoundly impacted me and made me much more spiritual. I believe in the supreme spirit, other names include Vralda, Manitou, Brahman. I believe everything has a spirit. Mountains have spirits, trees, rocks. Everything. I believe there is enlightenment. Seeing reality as it truly is. Currently I'm think whether Mahayana Buddhism, or something else is true. I am still finding out a lot of things but one big reason why I chose Buddhism to be my main focus is because it is the only religion that uniquely opposes all divorce. Christianity does not. I firmly believe all divorce is immoral or unskillful at least. Thoughts?
I think you’re an egregious dumbfuck.
>Flat earth. I believe earth is flat, not a globe
Idk about your other points but this one is provably false. You can prove that the earth is a globe using star rotation patterns, sun speed and the Coriolis effect alone.
Anytime I see someone make a thread with this specific image I know its a trap with nonsensical viewpoints . The poster will soon start arguing and spiraling into madness
That's what they tell you.
Stars rotate around earth, the sun has been lied about, and I don't know what coreolis is but another lie of course.
>Spirituality is esoteric religion. Religion is necessary for a culture to be healthy because spirituality is only for the elect few. Both are good.
Religion is the dumbing down of spirituality and keeps people immature.
>Flat earth. I believe earth is flat, not a globe, because supernatural insight and intuition have given me this revelation. This revelation has profoundly impacted me and made me much more spiritual.
You do you. I'm an agnostic on this topic.
>I believe in the supreme spirit, other names include Vralda, Manitou, Brahman. I believe everything has a spirit. Mountains have spirits, trees, rocks. Everything.
I agree.
>I believe there is enlightenment. Seeing reality as it truly is.
>Currently I'm think whether Mahayana Buddhism, or something else is true. I am still finding out a lot of things but one big reason why I chose Buddhism to be my main focus is because it is the only religion that uniquely opposes all divorce. Christianity does not. I firmly believe all divorce is immoral or unskillful at least.
That's a very peculiar reason for choosing a religion. Why do you place so much importance on divorce in particular?
Because I see divorce as something I would never do, and can't even imagine ever doing. I have a strong position on this, for no other reason than supernatural insight/understanding.
>I see divorce as something I would never do
Somewhat hypothetical given you’re unlikely to ever marry.
>I believe everything has a spirit.
Buddhism explicitly rejects the notion of intrinsic existence.
It says nothing has spirit, but that everything is built upon a web of relations. There is only context. No core essence to anything.
Like pic related, the triangle only exists because you see the network of circles.
Except the circles dont exist either, neither does the pic, nor the computer, nor you.
All of these "existences" are merely a web of relations between webs of relations.
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...pic related.
>flat earth
Stopped reading right there
N*gga biscuit I don't need to marry it is much more free to be unmarried and you can go into the woods and live there alone without leaving a wife behind.
You realize that tathagathagarbha is a thing right.
Lol ok incel
I'm not going to debate with an atheist, big brain.
It can only be a thing in relation to something else. Which is in relation to other things. Inherent Buddha nature in sentient beings isnt exempt from this nor an intrinsic, independent existence.
It cant be.

If you want to think there is an eternal oneness, why not just follow Advaita?
Because I don't accept divorce.
nta, but said doctrine isn't accepted by everyone. some contemporary buddhist philosophers out of japan reject it as a form of dhatu-vada, a doctrine that there is some kind of underlying substance to reality, which they say the buddha rejected. see, "why they say zen is not buddhism", by paul l swanson. you can find the essay easily by searching online.
What does that have to do with the nature of absolute truth? So why not look into Advaita - which AFAIK has no desire to promote divorce - and have your stance against divorce?
Because then I would be half-assing something. And I want to go all in when I go for a spiritual system. I don't want to disbelieve in something but then practice it thinking it will lead somewhere when it clearly won't because it's false.
shitty strawman to scare hylic normies who are close to awakening away
>Because then I would be half-assing something
How would reading about a philosophical tradition that does not agree with divorce and that more closely aligns with what you seem to accept be "half-assing it"?
Half-assing is going into Buddhism while holding onto some sense of inherent essence, as other anon called dhatu-vada.
Many maybe even most Mahayana traditions as far as I know.. believe in the eternal tathagathagarbha, do they not? Advaita allows divorce. I've researched Hinduism and know it allows divorce.
>Advaita allows divorce
I’m not an atheist and this isn’t a debate, dumbass. Your opinions are not informed by knowledge or life experience and are utterly worthless. If you were smart you’d ignore me but you’re not and you’ll be compelled to reply. And I shall laugh and laugh and laugh.
Manusmrti and parasara allow it as well as tantra.
Of course they are. It is my supernatural mind and intuition that told me divorce is always wrong. This is ultra-real life experience at it's finest.
Tantra doesn't seem to allow it, I have said something wrong.
Cite it, please. And please cite where Mahayana Buddhism explicitly forbids it.
Because everywhere I look, I see
>No specific reference to divorce can be found in the Buddhist scriptures. However, Buddhists are encouraged to take responsibility for maintaining happy marriages.
>no Buddhist scripture says that divorce violates the precepts. So for reasons such as emotional conflict, lack of common interests, abuse, or other factors that lead a marriage to become unbearable, divorce is permissible.
>Generally, Buddhism has no religious objection to divorce. Social and cultural influences play a major role in determining the level of acceptance when it comes to divorce and remarriage.
This site is Jewish. Divorce is seen as unskillful by Buddhists. Buddha didn't divorce his wife nor did she divorce him, even though Hindu texts and culture allow it in his case. I am not interested in atheist-like debates with sources. We do not do that here on /x/ because we're not atheists.
Lol so predictable. You’re sitting in your mom’s basement, your pudgy and greasy fingers are smearing the tacky keys and touchscreen. You open up a tab showing BBC porn and reach for the Kleenex Time for your fifth jerk today. Amirite?
Lol no. I don't masturbate.
I did masturbate in the past, but it was never black interracial porn. I was more into tranny, Asian women, and young African women porn. That last one was my favorite.
So you can't cite anything, and everywhere I look says Mahayana Buddhism has no problem with divorce.
But YOU don't wanna half-ass anything...
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>I will share my views with you.
>cancer and poison is necessary for a culture to be healthy
Only jew or mindless zealot could written that.
>Flat earth. I believe earth is flat, not a globe, because supernatural insight and intuition have given me this revelation.
"source: dude trust me"

>I believe everything has a spirit. Mountains have spirits, trees, rocks. Everything.
You sure you didn't get your revelation from some devil?

>Currently I'm think whether Mahayana Buddhism, or something else is true. I am still finding out a lot of things but one big reason why I chose Buddhism to be my main focus is because it is the only religion that uniquely opposes all divorce. Christianity does not.
Buddhism isn't even the same everywhere in the world, it adapts to other religions/cultures very easily because it's of the world and not the truth. The truth doesn't conform to this world.

As for divorce:
>Matthew 19:8 He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

>Religion is the dumbing down of spirituality and keeps people immature.
Everyone has some religion. Most people are unaware of what religious beliefs they even have which are religious beliefs. Evolution is a religion, believing on faith that man came from apes which came from fish which came from soup which came from a rock. Humanism is a religion, and evolution is or at least was their creation myth, don't know if they've moved since then (a house built on sand always moves). Even atheism is a religion, and they believe on faith that there is no God outside their knowledge, it's a belief they have on faith and they form an entire worldview around it and typically subscribe to the evolution creation myth after the big bang creation myth, and they proselytize their faith and attack all others (well, by "others" really only the God of the Bible, false world religions don't bother each other because they're all of the world, they're not even bothered by religions whose followers are commanded to kill them for not believing their religion).
Yuri Bezmenov (KGB defector):

Are you a socialist or communist by any chance? They hate religion.

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