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/x/ - Paranormal

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The Black Cube of Saturn sits upon the void of Abbadon in the centrifuge of the demiurge. The magnetic microwave emitters send noncorporeal bugs to your skin to use your toenails as Frankenstein neuro transmitters for subatomic-demonic energies which resonate with the universe to upset the balance. The only known cure is to ingest an entire jar of crunchy peanut butter. God help us all.
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you're so random
t. didnt eat enough peanut butter

What a Sci-Fi Gnostic Pseudo-Schizoid whole lotta Rosie AC/DC-ism...

Strangely enough, at least it makes sense...unlike the complete bullshit lies that Trump spews.

Now that the New Testament has been revealed to be a fusion of Scripture and Gnosis what now?

You fools, non-Reli-Trads, have lost your purpose.

Gnostics depend on the Holy Roman Church construct that is the Mystery Religion Facade that is Christendom. The secret, even when people are familiar with Ancient and Current Gnostics (even Thelema, Luciferians, and Satanists) depends on the general population being unaware that the Covenant of Salvation via the Spilling of the Blood of the Lamb is pure Late-Apostolic Pretension.
(read Against Heresies)

Take St. Valentine's Skull at Santa Maria, Cosmedin, and Rome. The 1 in 3 and 3 in 1 St. Valentine composite...that is VALENTINUS, one of the progenitors of Gnosticism.


You'd be surprised that some of the Relic Remains of purported Saints are Gnostic Patriarchs and Matriarchs.

I Am not implying that I approve of the Degenerate Depraved Gnostic Traditions...I Am against it.

Yeshua wanted to bring back to life the True Order of Melchizedek, yet was conspired against by Jupiter Helel Zeus and other Powers of the Heavens that sought to stifle his effort in an egregious move due to their impatience in wanting to force a union between Judaism and Greco-Roman religions.

Jupiter Helel Zeus may have anticipated that Yeshua would never accept the NT and Christendom...well he was right...now they are without Liahona or Anchor.

How dare a low-tier being like Jupiter Helel Zeus tell Yeshua, an OPHANIM, what he can or can not do.
>thinks OP makes sense
>trusts corporate media
>larps as a prophet

Oh /x/ never change
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Very insightful. It is rare to find common ilk among the ethereal waves of the metanet. I once postulated that an aura of benign evil and malevolent good was surfaced across the stratosphere on our planet Terra Prime. Yet none seem to be able to realize this, much less sense it.
If what you say is true it would align with my theory. I will have to get right to rapid peanut butter consumption, posthaste, to rid myself of these magnetic demonic ailments to my meatscape shell which my soul harnesses. Bless.
>Frankenstein neuro transmitters for subatomic-demonic energies which resonate with the universe to upset the balance.

Just wear rubber shoes and the rubber will disrupt the electromagnetic communication between the astrological frankenstein bugs in your toes and the subatomic-demons
>still believes in the peanut butter jew
>What a Sci-Fi Gnostic Pseudo-Schizoid whole lotta Rosie AC/DC-ism...

thats the joke
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I believe most rubber soles and rubber bootings on the market nowadays come pre-insulated to allow nanodemonic emissions to perforate the edge casing of the bootwear. This can be attributed to the rise of carbon fiber / rubber industry collusion where big banks see profit on cutting corners at the behest of the Awakened consumer. The easiest way to check before purchase of a rubber booting at your footer of choice such as Lidl or Wal-Mart is to take an ordinary hammer or other hammering tool to lightly tap at the walls of the shoe surrounding the toe encasing region, and to listen for hollowness. If it carries a hefty sound, you may have found an older boot from before the recall in which they claimed Prop 65 cancer (which in reality is an op against tobacco enlightenment) concerns in the rubber material. Purchase them immediately, but do so using cash, and avoid the garden section of the store.
Hark! I hear the call of the demesne. Bells ring from the afterworld which beckon a curious listener to beseech the whills of the unyearning. At this very moment I stand alone amidst a population of sheep who rest unknowing of the evil microscopic transmitters underneath their very noses, nay, beneath their very own toeses. Inside every nail upon thine foot is a bug naked to the human eye in direct contact with the blackened squares of Saturn, those cursed geometries. I must now run immediately to my closest Wal-Mart; I haven't a choice but to abandon my vow of isolation from this dingy cellar beneath my patriarchal abode, lest I remain a beacon for evil spirits in my toes. I must purchase several jars of crunchy peanut butter with which to ingest immediately, along with many pairs of rubber boots to dampen the signals to avoid interplanetary demonic contact. I leave you now to purchase these goods with what little I have from my silent isolation. Watch the skies and guard your skin from Saturn's grasp.
Youre right. Id go to one of the chinese places to get my toes cleaned by fish but id cast a spell before hand so that the fish might but the neurotransmiters in a temporary off state. Then after drying put rubber tape immediatly before the neurotransmiters wake up. Then go dress as a jew and walk into the dessert and chant ELOHIM ELOHIM facing east until the planet Saturn forgives you and removes the curse
The fish of sucklage are known bearers of positive will. Ask the fishmonger of the clinic how potent the capacity for suck is first, measured in amperes. If the suck exceeds twenty, it is potent enough to disrupt or destroy the bugs.
Something I always wondered:
If Addadon is in charge of the great reset, does him great reset the demiurge?
Wouldn't this make him stronger than the demuirge? Suppose they get into a fight, and the demiurge is about to win
Now Abbadon can try again and improve over its last strategy, and if it fails
So he has infinite attempts to beat the demiurge, so it should be stronger because we only get to perceive the only time Abaddon wins.
I don't think people get how strong Abaddon would be with this ability.
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He does, but I think we just need to keep eating chunky peanut butter. Does the type of spoon used to scoop it matter?
id like some more elaboration on demonic toenail transmitters please.
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Ah, a fresh mind. For a little backstory: The Earth (or Terra Prime as those outside our plane refer to it as) carries a subatomic and magnetic band through its gravitational stratosphere which is known to harmonize with the rest of the known univsrse. The dark influences of Saturn, namely its polar region(s), take advantage of this for a telecommunicative dominion which serves as a bridge between their world and ours. They can monitor and enact their will through it, and the more hosts they can turn into Frankenstein neurotransmitters, the stronger their connection is. If we sever the connection, we can be free from this interplanetary demiurge.
I'm just about done with the first jar of peanut butter. Should I be worried if I have an overwhelming urge to defecate now? My stomach does not agree with ingesting this much buttered peanut.
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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. Abbadon doesn't exist. Frankenstein is not real. The demiurge is a meme.
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All of these pictures are CGI.
I like blending it with milk and sugar, it's like the beverage I wished I drank as a kid so besides being delicious I could be nostalgic about it.
Alas, I was raised in a place without any peanut butter (other than candy with it, like Reeses's and such, but those don't count), so I spent more than 3 decades of my life without knowing what I was missing (other than candy with it, like Butterfingers and such, but those don't count.)
>Abbadon doesn't exist
Does this imply that that great resets don't happen either, or that a different being is responsible for them?
That is false, I know the dinosaurs one was created with practical effects, the opposite of CGI, in fact.
Frankenstein is a manner of thinking, and let me tell you: It is thinking right now.

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