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/x/ - Paranormal

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Did anyone else ever see a ghost hand (in real life) as a child? It's the only paranormal experience I remember having as a child and supposedly it's during that age that you are susceptible to seeing them.

I never thought much about it until I read some interviews with the creators of the Fatal Frame game talking about how they said children in Japan and even themselves would see white ghostly hands when they were young.

It was interesting but it took me a second to remember that I myself experienced the same thing. Reading others experiences actually really spooked me because it was so identical.. it's honestly very similar to how ghost hands grab you in Fatal Frame, but without the arm.

There was a time when I woke up from a dream, was in a waking state, and off the side of my bed (on the wall side) was a very, very white hand who's arm/rest of body was hidden beneath the side of the bed.

It reached out in a grasp and then floated beneath the side of the bed.

Literally for years after that -- even up to like late teenage years -- I would sleep with a pillow 'blocking' the open side of the bed to 'prevent that hand from returning.' I didn't think it was anything beyond something scary, but in retrospect I realize I actually saw a ghost(-hand.)

It was very, very real. It was not like transparent, it was pure white and you could not see through it. It was extremely distinct. It was shaped like an adult hand. I still remember what it looks like -- I can still replay that moment in my mind like it's still happening.
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It's weird how silent it was. The way the hand reached out and tried to grab/clasp before descending away. It's almost like I expected there to be a sound -- even just the sound of a hand or fingers or anything even remotely subtle -- but there was just this momemtary action that took place in silence that left me scared to leave the wall-side of the bed 'open' for years and years.

I never dared look over during the night. Even to this day, part of me wonders if I'll ever see it again.

Did anyone ever experience something like the Fatal Frame creators describe children experiencing -- a ghost hand?
False memory. It wasn’t a ghost hand. It was your Uncle creeping into your room to jerk you off.
Something similar. Dad was driving me to a dentist appointment in the rain, only him and me in the car. He was driving and on his phone while I was zoning off, staring at the rain hitting the windshields and other cars. Got a sudden feeling that I needed to look at the empty backseat, so I turned around, and saw a shadowy black hand like a godamn floor master from zelda shoot up from under the chair and shoot towards me. I jumped, dad asked me the fuck was wrong with me as I glanced back to the back of the car and saw nothing cept the trash dad threw back there when he couldn't throw it out of the window without a cop getting on his ass about it

Weird shit
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about 4 years ago.
I downloaded one of those 3D room scanner apps. It wasn't even one of those ghost prank ones. Like you move your phone camera around and it makes a super rough 3d mockup of a room you can spin around and look at.
it was very late at night. probably 2 or 3 and I couldn't sleep so I was dicking around on my phone. My room was in the basement. All of my room lights were on and all of the basement lights were off.
anwyays I took a few different scans and nothing appeared out if the ordinary. Then after the third scan loaded I got what appears to be a figure standing in the doorway (picrel is a screenshot). To me it looks like a 8ft tall man with a burlap sack suit on, and a burlap hood over his head, with a circular marking in it. The legs cut off near the bottom. and he could be holding something?
Right after I saw this on my phone I took the picrel screenshot and looked up to the door to double check. It was completely dark and there wasn't anything in my basement that could have made those shapes even if the lights were on or glaring the camera.
I felt a chill down my spine and the feeling was really uneasy. I didn't feel threatened, in fact it felt like I was being protected or watched over by something (albeit against my will). My gut feeling made me feel like some otherworldly gaurd-dog had posted itself outside my room. I could feel the presence of something really powerful, but it wasn't hostile towards me. I looked around but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, besides the unusual silence.
the house I am in was built by my family when I was 4ish. So I don't think we have any resident spirits. I haven't seen picrel 'bagman' or anything else paranormal in the house since, so I assume that it was some traveling spirit, or super strange fluke with that program I was using.
This is basically the only direct paranormal encounter I have experienced in my entire life. I don't necessarily believe in ghosts but this event has fascinated me.
also I know it isn't a ghost hand story, but this is the only ghost thread on the board at the moment and I wanted to post. sorry.
>My room was in the basement
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I did, and i've told the story a few times over the years when i came across a story-sharing thread and i felt like it, i can easily find one of these posts with key words so i'll add it as the pic.

Like it says in the post of the pic, i saw it when i was 10 and i was doing homework, i've never had mental issues and i was fully awake and lucid. I still remember the sound the floppy disk made while it was being dragged under the desk by the hand, i remember the nails, the texture of the skin and everything like it happened an hour ago.
I'm a basement dwelling 4chan user on /x/ and that surprises you? this just in: Sky is blue
I'm gonna be honest; no.
Holy shit, I thought I was the only one that ever saw that. I was, hell, maybe 4 and I woke up and saw a white hand in my bed. Just sort of laying on the mattress near my pillow. I freaked out and ran and got my mother, but the hand was gone by the time we got back to my room. I always thought it was just something weird, but unique to me, I had no idea others had this.
i actually saw one few days ago, a complete black shadow hand grabbing at me for a second and reaching for me then it vanished

This is the only video i've been able to find after searching a few times over the years. The only video that kinda resembles my experience >>38261461 and doesn't seem manipulated that is.

I thought there had to be people out there who had experienced something similar, but i never found anyone when sharing my story, also didn't know it was like a thing in Japan.
>I thought there had to be people out there who had experienced something similar, but i never found anyone when sharing my story, also didn't know it was like a thing in Japan.
Until your post, I had never heard of it from anyone, Japan or otherwise. Now I'm really interested. I remember that while the hand didn't move at me, I felt like it wasn't "good", and that I had to get the hell out of there. But it was so white it was like a glove.
I started thinking there had to be something more going on after finding that video from the security camera, because it was following the same framework as my experience, a pale disembodied hand moving an object. It might seem like nothing, just another "paranormal" video on the internet, but it's the only one i've ever found on this "subject". Now seeing how other people have also seen disembodied pale hands makes me realize there's a pattern, and it's untouched and unexploited by the internet forgers, which makes me believe even more there's some real shit going on with disembodied pale hands.
Yeah it was a seriously bad / malevolent vibe.

The directors/creators of Fatal Frame actually depict this in their game and it's literally the only media I've ever seen it discussed.

It's definitely real and widespread. So what are the implications since we know this is actually real? How does it change our realities?
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I took a photo of a ghost hand in a church window at night once
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Dude I'm almost 40 and I've never heard this was a thing. Yes. I went through a period when I was 5-8 years old when I saw exactly what you describe. A hand so white it's like powdered with white makeup or something. I also remember a jet black sleeve.
>first time, it comes over side of bed randomly grabbing at me, I avoid by scooting all the way over, totally scared
>second time, it grabbed my hand, I yanked it away terrified
>I got scared of sleeping with my hand out near the edge of the bed and always hid my hands in covers or under pillow
>third time it appeared different, same hand BUT had a white ethereal glow around it, like a ghost
>grabs my hand again (i must have moved while asleep and exposed my hand)
>this time for some reason I let it, I felt weirdly calm and didn't move
>raises my hand in the air just holding it up for a few moments before letting me go and my hand drops back to the bed
Never saw it again. Probably I am forgetting some details, and my ages are approximate. I used to think about it a lot, but now its been decades.
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I was interfacing with a thing from another context of reality on Friday night. It will manifest into this reality as a kind of physical shadow projected from the patterns in my subconscious, since it can only perceive this world through me. It formed a hand that was quite interesting. Slender and hairless; almost like it was made of rubber, and I don’t recall it even having five fingers.

It’s fascinating to observe how simultaneously powerful and restricted some forms of life are that exist beyond this world. They can create objects here, yet rely on our minds to do so.
I'm actually half way through a book about paranormal happenings in Portugal and multiple kids in an orphanage in Porto claimed to have seen weird, tall humanoids, with faces that they couldn't discern. They would walk without making any noise, almost like they were floating.

These figures would walk through curtains and some kids mentioned seeing floating arms/hands, kinda like their limbs were fading in and out of reality.

I believe that sometimes we experience glitches in reality and see things outside our usual 3 dimensions.

Who knows, maybe we're surrounded by these entities, humanoids, ghosts, NHI, etc, whatever you want to call them, and we breakthrough the veil of reality unknowingly (or they control it and play around with us, that's highly likely as well).
Yep. He stabs me in the face when I'm sleeping. He's an ancient demon that comes for the living.
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>It’s fascinating to observe how simultaneously powerful and restricted some forms of life are that exist beyond this world. They can create objects here, yet rely on our minds to do so.

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