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Where did years of "conspiracy research" take (you), anon?
This poor sinner just realized that they aren't trying to annoint le epic evil antichrist son of lucifer, but annoy God enough so he can send the winged strider as Brother Winter/Father Sky and start the end of the beggining. They are unironically teasing the Devil so Uranus come. I can't take this gay earth serious anymore.
I have just started to believe in flat earth and it's awesome.
Researching "conspiracy theories" has led me to say that no one is really "in charge" of the world. It's governments and organized crime that run the show. They totally are into some wild stuff.

Anyway, Akira is awesome though. I still have my volumes. Tetsuo is my spirit animal and I'd love to have psychic powers.
Daily reminder that watching someone’s shitty YT channel is not “research”.
Wish I did that. I'm in that weird limbo where I'm not pseud enough to pretend I know my shit, actually invested to reading original actual sources, and too neurotic to be a merry sperg watching "essays" in youtube. Is there a name for it?
Negi sounds nice.
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You may be correct.
I've shared with the /x/ Fiends that the New Testament fuses both Gnostics and Scriptures as One. Whereas the Jews and Moslems have their Scriptures separate from the Gnostic Traditions in their Hadiths and the Talmud.

God Almighty may be indeed punishing those crooked schemers, from the Secular Governing Body of all Christendom to the now Freemasons which have their tendrils through human societies, both public and secret, all over the World.

So thus the Almighty is punishing the crooked scribes of all active and extant eschatologies both on the Other Side (The Three-Fold Realms) and here on Earth. That prevents them from jumping to and fro from Eschatology date/year at their convenience...remember that they want to prevent the end whilst blaming Yeshua the Nazarene as if he were some Sacrificial Scapegoat-Lamb. Hence the Gnostic Traditions are the Mystery beneath the surface of the New Testament.

Even if they successfully try to be clever, especially Jupiter Helel Zeus and the Powers of the Heavens (including the Hindu and Asian Ruling Houses) the Almighty will continue the Supernatural Disaster onslaught.

Tell your FRENS, the SEVENTY YEARS OF BOUNTY (1954-2014) have come to a close on this very year. Now the SEVENTY YEARS OF TRIBULATION (2025-2095) are beginning.

correction on year

Yours Truly, 2095 by ELO:

How quaint...
It took me all the way to the secret of how to defeat them. It turns out that even for them, there can be a point where the violence is too much for them to bare witness too. You have not seen such violence here though. The very reason why I am here now is because the Devil told me to get out and never come back because I was too prone to violence.
Yo. Pussy
I know you remember the ass whopping I gave you. I guess you need a reminder?
Made me realize it's all shitty materialists who perpetuate a cycle that will guarantee that 99.99 of their offspring are recycled through a hellish system that will come to resemble actual hell at some point while fewer and fewer will benefit. Ironically, all the rest seems to be noise.
Personally, I wish the future overlords the best. There will come a point where, if they win, they will devour their peons to survive when the environment is destroyed by them. And then, when there are none left, their last generation will have to resort to cannibalism of their family members and friends and lovers, and drinking urine to survive their final months. It will end in shame. It will end in the wailing and gnashing of teeth, and their descendents will know in their hearts that every evil of theirs was in vain.
It is their destiny.
Either that, or they will try a consciousness upload into a machine and their spirits will literally live the biblical hell, being ripped from their bodies and forced to feel extreme electrical torture without end in order to simply keep existing.
>drinking urine to survive their final months
Isn't that every BDSM afficionado's wet dream? (pun intended)
Human VPNs.
>it's my preferred method of resaerch therefore it's not research
Bruh, you just posted top shelf cringe
took me away from my social life
it's lonely but i'd rather be a knowledgeable recluse than an ignorant normie

I'm convinced at this point that there is a cyclic disaster of some kind that wipes out all infrastructure and tosses mankind back to the stone age every so often. It's either a 6, 12, or 24 thoslusand year cycle. I think that there is a "leap year" after 50 or so of these cycles, where it doesn't happen, and we are currently in the midst of that. There is far too much evidence of ancient knowledge of technologies like electricity in old alchemical texts, and the sheer absence of discussion about magnets in most ancient texts that autistically list every stone and gem and their uses is just eerie. You have ancient Greek authors commenting on static electricity and lodestone in 1000 BC, then everyone actively ignores magnets until the 1600s. They 100% knew about electricity, they just held back using it until they absolutely couldn't.
>Where did years of "conspiracy research" take (you), anon?
I never did that. I just searched for the truth at the expense of all else. Found God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures.

A lot of mainstream end-times prophecy is misleading, misinterpretations, or just wrong. A lot of is is done so for political purposes too or religious purposes like promoting certain religious systems. You have to rely on God's Word first, otherwise you're just a man building a house on sand -- build your house on rock, which is Christ (not Peter).
>copying monks create all COPE
It's all so silly.
Mercury and his 3 moms are right. Venusian-Martian abstraction are CRINGE. Fuck Luci, praise none, for who's like God?
Led me to the alawite AMAs and now I want to see a sultan...
>consciousness upload into a machine
they want to do this to world population, part of the IoB plan
The what now, bumo?
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God bless you anon. Did you know the space station is fake and it’s filmed in a pool in florida?
turn people into zombies by moving their consciousness to cloud -> demons take control of bodies of entire world population -> hell on earth (doom 1 , 2 & 3)
youre so right dude it all makes sense. crust is kang and fuck the devil.
More like... Theircunt...
Amirite? Hahaha
>Jupiter Helel Zeus
due to the interpretatio romana Jupiter and Zeus are indeed the same god, but "Helel" (a title, "exalted one") is ʿAṯtar, in this instance referred to as "son of Shāḥar," a male Venusian deity in an entirely separate group of religions (pan-Semitic) with no relation or correspondence to Jove.
and reading a top "declassified glownigger documents" is not a research you should go /out/side and do a field research and you also need to make a thesis paper about it
where do I publish it? mages need to wirte petty manifestos? kinda cringe bro
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Lots of fun and great friends along the way. Still want my ayy gf tho.
I realized it's less about what you know and more about what you remember knowing.
For example one person might remember watching a documentary on a subject and be sure of certain facts they don't actually know anything about.
Over time this propensity for false expertise combined with our very human need to communicate and be seen as a person of value leads to a basic bitch conspiracy theorist.
Anyone who's sure of what's happening is operating on remembered knowledge, not actual knowledge. Some people can infodump to support their theories but it shows in their rhetoric that they haven't actually absorbed and thought about all the things they think they know about the world.
It's basically the families of the stockholders of the federal reserve.
And jews.
Magic is mostly head games and propaganda.
Shrooms are just adrenaline.
And also, most conspiracy theories are well poisoning. Flat earth is a distraction from how fake the Apollo program was. Most 9/11 shit is to distract from obvious shit like Lucky Larry, Marvin Bush, and the building that didn't get hit.
wait till you realize that the devil works for God and god is the final boss of evil
the elite worship el lmao
devil worships real but its left hand path vs right
why do you think evil always wins
cuz God is evil and hates good
if theres a hell it should be for people who justify all the evil in the world with muh God muh plan and all that cringe doormatt shit
fuck God and satan lol both are monsters
Rosicrucianism is based
>I realized it's less about what you know and more about what you remember knowing.
This. I have ton of content saved from some discords, and many /x/ threads, but it's hard to remember all of it. You might see something, you save it, but it doesn't click immediately. You sort of build view that world is fucked, and then you eventually stumble upon the old memes or texts you saved, and you realize "it's actually worse than I thought", and then the information clicks better.
This. 100%. Gotta aim to try escape from simulation

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