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most are made my edgy teenagers who want DID or other mental illnesses for some stupid reason. most of them suck and aren't about any interesting topics (again made by teenagers). the ug channel the devil's trumpet is a little better than most channels topic wise. they mostly make stuff like become (insert anime character),manifest superpowers or stuff with violent themes like becoming more violent, being aggressive and other edgy crap.
the noise coming from your walls
they're not an Underground creator, but they are underground
anyway, anon y'know how to make em right?
and how to incorporate more advanced practice as well, yes?
just hemi-sync and homebrew your own internal workings, the entire thing is basically how to control yourself yourself, when put in a suggestible state
>homebrew your own internal workings
unbelievably based
They don’t work and are a waste of time
I dont. Care to share?
The very basics: a text2speech program, balabolka works fine
And, a daw. Audacity can handle the bare minimum necessary to make a sub.

Define your affs, ('You're freaking epic' 'The president of the united states drops dead now') etc.
Get them in, then out of ur teggxt 2 speech program, and then put em in audacity.
Then, Layering!
Duplicate it several times, give each a unique pitch and volume.
Make sure to provide le subliminal with affs that increases its p0wer and effectiveness.
Now, the diversity and number of different aff writing methods, and supposed rules is basically fractal, but you don't really have to follow very many of then. The quality of their functioning is heavily determined by your state spiritually, fostering yourself will allow them to function to an exponentially increasing degree. However, there are a couple things you should be aware of, it's similar to how there're so many different systems of magic, they're all making use of fundamental universal principles, but in different obfuscations (Often, but there are many instances of genuine innovation)

Now, for use in higher practice
You'd basically just, define affs in the subliminal that allow it an input relevant to the context of whatever practice you want to empower them with, though the simplest would just be something like 'This subliminal's effects are those placed unto it by you'.
Now, be it energy work, or just pure intention and usage of the ability, or visualization, it will respond regardless.
Repetition is very imporant in charging, especially at lower or unfostered states, a lower level of the ability used many times can equal or get close to a higher usage of the ability, basically.
However, this is only really necessary for empowerment, no real repetition is needed for just giving a creation its base effects at all, though, you should experiment and prove that for yourself (but I've had plenty of success.)
Hope this helps
also, charging their effects this way rather than writing them down specifically can help with more vague things, like very complex usages of the ability in relation to spiritual anatomy, or effecting spiritual anatomy that you don't yet have vocabulary to name, or just performing anything that's very vague or hard to describe.
Another way to do this, is to order the creation to mimic any desired usage of the ability by you, charging them can involve as much finesse as you desire.
Keep in mind, as external tools are externalizations of the user's internal state and ability, they're subject to the same requirements and aspects
The ability (and thus, external tools) at a lower or unfostered state, can more easily accomplish things like probability alteration/manifestation, basic reality manipulation [think healing ailments rather than opening a portal] and altering the minds of others. If you want to make more powerful subliminals, the easiest path would be using them and ~the ability~ to increase your intelligence, intuition, and power, alongside partaking in activities like meditation, and using le ability and tools like this to make such things easier, and progress much faster.

they can do what you can do, if you want them to do more, you have to be able to do more
Thank you so much. Do you know how to infuse the frequencies of natural objects such as crystals? Ex. Garnet in a fame subliminal
usage of the ability at its base is very simple, its just whatever you want, pure intention, wishing, as you imagine in your mind, will things in reality in the same way, etc. As you foster it and yourself, it will be able to accomplish more and more, and you'll gain a greater and more intuitive understanding of it.
However, if this isn't satisfying, here's an explanation of energy work, from simple to advanced, from what I've figured out myself.
Note: If you want some more ways to interact with the subliminal
All sensory input, and perception of it, can be infinitely modified
I mean, sound can be treated as and played with like a tactile sensory experience
It can be felt and moved and interacted with like energy, and can effect things like 'energy' can as well
If you acompany a subliminal with a sound that you identify as being a component of it, you can then have a part of the subliminal that can then use to give it a direct path into you, either to use it as an easier way to effect it, or for it to effect you.
You can treat the sound and its tactile presence as though it's a part of spiritual anatomy, and hold it directly upon where you feel the ability operates from, and let pure intention flow into it, so it takes less mental effort to empower it, or, it can be used to get closer to its effects, placing it in specific parts of your body, or maybe even combining it with visualization, get creative.
This can also be done with visual input, in the form of visualization.
all of this also applies to any other form of external spiritual tool.
Well, the ability is similar to how your imagination works, think of the process as it would happen in your mind
You could just tell the subliminal to recognize the frequencies of said objects, and then, as you imagine it, it would incorporate them. (Or you could tell the ability to place them unto it, either or.)
Due to the nature of magic, this is enough, and it can operate and be done like this. using the ability with this much ease becomes much more natural, and easier, as you reach higher states, as in doing so, you are returning to its true functioning.
If this isn't satisfying, just return to written affs, define the subliminal, via its included affirmations, as incorporating whatever properties you desire.
If that isn't satisfying, then, you can incorporate something more visual component to the subliminal, through metaphor, or specific techniques that translate the frequency of natural objects into visual metaphor, or, anything similar, and defining such a thing as functioning as you desire via the ability (again, if you can imagine it, it can be done) then, yeagh. If you want ideas on making external tools, look into chaos magic, those people have many ideas (though they're generally not too aware of the fundamental principles they're playing with, in my experience?)
However, the specifics are up to you, I don't work with crystals.
Thanks I’m well versed in magic just haven’t delved into subliminals. Do you know anything about binaurals?
sorry to be patronizing, I just go out of my way to overexplain as much as possible for the sake of curious lurkers
sort of, yes
though I haven't put as much effort into studying them as I have, magicke.
I personally suggest you begin studying them on your own, they're like meditation, they bridge the gap between normie and x to some extent, so there's plenty of genuine scientific documentation on them, that'd maybe be a better place to find information, you should scour /sci/ archives for more helpful information on that
though, many people have stated that isochronic tones are more powerful, and I can sort of attest to that.
Audacity actually has a free plugin for creating them; https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/isochronic-modulator-plug-in/15860

but I can tell you the basics, but there's much more to it than this
basically just, they're and auditory illusion, the frequency a binaural beat provides isi the difference between the two tones that go into it
one that only plays in the left ear, it can be 100hz, and one in the right can be 107 hz. The result will be a 7hz binaural beat, which is in the theta (3.5-7.5)hz range for brainwaves.

I can, however, give you more information on writing affs
I've noticed that, sometimes self destruction is easier than other things
For example, if you want to implant an idea in the minds of the world, identify the behavior, or idea, or etc, then write something like "[idea] isn't unique at all"
taking advantage of destruction sometimes being easier like this is very helpful with affs in my experience, but be careful.

brainwave entrainment in general is very interesting, makesure 2 confirm 4 urself
it can be accomplished through, basically any form of repetitive and rhythmic sensory input, basically
see for yourself I guess

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