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/x/ - Paranormal

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I've always been the weirdo, no matter how hard I tried I never seemed to blend with any group

Is there any /x/ reason for it? I feel so lonely, I think I will always be a misfit
Same for me. We are a chosen race.
You must stop caring. I've found since I stopped trying or giving one shit, people flock to me. They all think I'm their friend but I just like my own company and am comfortable in my own skin. Happens after 25yrs old.
What do you do that people find so weird?
People also find me weird because i drink different beer, eat different food, travel with no plan, sleep outside, notice illogical stuff that people do, say irregular things...
Idk i guess the "weirdos" are just free-thinkers and not as conditioned as the normie hive mind folks
Unfortunetly its hard to find other weirdos that are also chill. Im wondering where i can move to to find more people like me and no im not a leftist or gay, those people are not weird in the good way, they are sheeply weird
Stopped caring that people think you are weird? Or?
Please eleborate on what makes you say you are weird
Ahh. Yeah they say im weird for driving slow.... but they all got injected to "save lives" but drive reckless and are so in a hurry...
They say im weird but then they circumsize, they say im weird but they load their babies up with shit and then let the media brainwash them
But yeah does anyone know why were like this or how to use it to our advantage to get $$$, girls, comfort, health, happiness, safety etc???
Stopped caring about everything: that I seem weird or if I seem normal. I'm just engrossed in the experience of being alive. Nothing matters. Just try to enjoy the ride.
skill issue anon
this is not the over the garden wall wirt from my timeline
Can you provide an example of something you do that people find weird?
Or eleborate on how your life and thoughts were before you stopped caring?
>normie riverdale quote
man riverdale got to be so stupid i couldnt even hatewatch it to see what stupid shit was happening. the faggot who made is put way too many musicals in it
I would sweat constantly and avoid eye contact. If anyone was laughing I would think they were laughing at me. Just hyper aware in social situations of any awkwardness. It's all melted away. Now I just walk through life like it's a dream. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and then got a job in the mental health field doing peer support. Such a easy going job. Part of it's the disorder, but it's not my normal nature to care anymore. I have the appropriate amount of anxiety compared to before when I would constantly be in my own head over analysing everything. I feel free now and do whatever I want. I can go out and not care what the other people are doing. Going thru psychosis after psychosis has damaged my brain into normalcy.
>I've always been the weirdo, no matter how hard I tried I never seemed to blend with any group
Well, we're all in the same boat, so welcome to the nut house.
Thats whatsup man
Im still working on not giving a fuck what others think. I guess i only care because i am sensitive to their hater vibes when they wanna attack me for being diferent (yeah i know they usually attack because they are insecure with themselves)

Very bridges of Madison County, I got a brochure, multiple Paiges, told me to head to the EastesT...

Ran into the Trinity Bay Harbor Butcher wearing 3D glasses
I keep hearing about 25 years old being when everything changes. Why is this?
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it's fun going against the grain, pic related
not him but what i've always heard is that around 25 is when the brain stops developing, so that's probably part of it
>I feel so lonely, I think I will always be a misfit

Then you are just a maladjusted normie. Real weirdos don't suffer from loneliness. We usually prefer it -- even over the company of fellow weirdos.
You'll fit right in here on /x/, the most emotional board.
Just embrace and become the professional weirdo. Ppl tend to appreciate that rather than (you) simply trying to "fit in".
Just too bad I didn't just say "fuck it" until my mid 20s
It means God is callin on you to be a leader or inspiration. Only weirdos are qualified for that
>t. aquarians
Focus on your ANUS.
>im not a leftist or gay, those people are not weird in the good way

you might be more similar to the hivemind than you think
Post more snufkins and/or moomins plox
Are you autistic? This is extremely common because we are literally wired different from normies. They pick up on our difference & shun us from the 1st day of school.

Mingle with other autists with similar hobbies, there are a lot more of us than people think. Might even find your own manic pixie dream girl.
The world needs variety. If we all followed the same path then we would all share the same fate. Still, people fear the unknown, and the reasons behind weird behavior are unknowable. Consider that the word "weird" come from the Old Norse "wyrd" which was the web constructed by the Norns who determined everyone's fate. Calling something weird basically meant that a only those who controlled the fate of the world could understand it.

Being weird means your place in the world is beyond the grasp of mortals.
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My butthole is ready for the liquid!!!

*grabs bottle of gin*

We going hard tonight!!!

No sex though.
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Male brains need longer time to develop. At 25 it feels like you finally have the brain you know you needed at 18.
Other than that the number signifies grace, the number of reconnection with the soul, soul retrieval. You will be shown truth, good or bad.
If you put in the work of course, only if you put in the work.
25 can be a shock though, mellows and sits down at 26.
Obviously differs by your community but personally it coincided with me graduating university, getting a decent full time job, and moving out of my parent's place. Having more life experience and seeing trends come and go made me give much less of a shit about things that don't immediately affect me or my friends/family and less anxiety about "missing out" or being seen as cool or "cringe" or anything like that. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Unironically this
this is a common feeling with young people but the older you get the more you understand that it is who you are and who you are meant to be and you actually enjoy it.

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