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/x/ - Paranormal

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Islam has imam mahdi, Christians have second coming, Jews have meshiach, i believe hindus have one too.

Are they all referring to the same person? If so that would mean that the world savior would be a universalist. And not an adherent of a specific religion.
He will have two faces, he's both Ur-An-Us (beast against time in chaldean, your arse in vernacular english) and goo' ol' young mercury. His opposite is actual duality in one. A tranny, mars desiring to be Venus and vice versa. Light wanting to be darkness.
Who's the trickster? Who is the saviour? Who's the One who's actually two?
You decide!
It's up to (you).
The saviour already arrived and he lurks /x/
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Check em
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If anything it's the same dude over and over. Celts had, technically multiple, but they had a main guy who "always came back." The Germanic religions bounce back and forth between Thor and Tyr. Greeks had a whole "Son of Zeus" trope that was applied to more spiritual figures and historical ones alike.
"... he was Pelinal the Whitestrake because of his left hand, made of a killing light; he was Pelinal the Bloody, for he [drank] it in victory; he was Pelinal Insurgent, because he gave the crusades a face; he was Pelinal In Triumph, as the words eventually became synonymous, and men-at-arms gave thanks to the Eight when they saw his banner coming through war; he was Pelinal the Blamer, for he was quick to admonish those allies of his that favored tactics that ran counter to his, that is, sword-theory; and he was Pelinal the Third, though whether this was because some said he was a god guiser, who had incarnated twice before already, or that, simpler, he was the third vision given to Perrif, anon Alessia, in her prayers of liberation before he walked among the quarters of rebellion, is unknown."

"Also during the Late Merethic Era the legendary immortal hero, warrior, sorceror [sic], and king variously known as Pelinal Whitestrake, Harrald Hairy Breeks, Ysmir, Hans the Fox, etc., wandered Tamriel, gathering armies, conquering lands, ruling, then abandoning his kingdoms to wander again."
Think hidus is Shiva dancing fire? Could be confusing the gods and religions.
Yeah and I condemn this garbage insect species to eternal suffering. Not a savior anymore. Done with that shit. It's killing time.
Antichrist pilled. Also, who ever uses the sword will die by the sword
>One thousand six hundred and ten...
>five thousand six hundred and ten...
>Ten thousand six hundred and ten...
>Fifty thousand six hundred and ten...
>One million six hundred and ten...

They are referring to the same person.

Joshua of the Alamo - the Nobody - Texas-Chan.
If it were Achilles I would agree, but this thing is not, it is far worse, and quite monstrous at that. Achilles was blessed by his mother. This one was cursed. One was a hero. This one is more like a villain. This one is not even a demon. More like an Arch-Devil. The world will ring out the bell of warn once more. Then the trumpet. War. War. Wore. Worship to warship. The skies will turn black as cole, then cold shall carry with it the smokestrum of death and tarry. Carry, sally, fally.

You made that up. Texas chan is just a shittier, newer meme like the nobody.
Space Marine Alpha Red.
Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need.
Red. Sus. Defeated all the Gods in Warhammer Space Hell.
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You're missing the clever nuance I made with picrel, that's not very nice.

I see funny demon particles filled with Love
Clean the trash up near my Temple.
You will need to find my statue in your land named Unity.
Clean the trash before my arrival.
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I am coming home soon.
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Why is it so hard to clean up the trash.
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Why did you trash the Earth I gave to you?
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This is gross. There are no Gods in India. It is too dirty to have them bless your land.
Shut up, Nibiru is about to be discovered.
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The cow is better to eat trash.
the jewish messiah is the christian antichrist, so no
Shut up bitch, ive burned in hell for calling other people trash.
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World Destroyer more like
Too bad she listens to you.
>he lurks /x/
thats cringe
In a way.

They're just as you described, they are archetypes. They are a symbol of hope to cling to in a world that is hopeless with or without it. Nothing can truly save people from the nature of life. Deep down, deep beyond the doubts and unanswerable questions that they flee from, they know it to be true. It's in our nature to flee from it. It's in our nature to lie. It's neither good nor bad. It just is what always was and what all things reduce to.
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Astral subconscious programming to keep peoples spirits docile and following
Even one human spirit can unshackle 20 if you just do the bare minimum effort in life. Every person can channel fragments of the saviour archetype.
What about Asians? What do they get? The next ganghis khan?
mahdi and messiah refer to two different people. unless you take a really mohamedean interpretation of the Gospel of Barnabas. in islamic eschatology the christ and mahdi battle the dajjal together. some people think kalki (the hindu "messiah") is Matreiya, the Buddhist messianic figure.

one thing you're right about is Kalki is Christ, since Kalki is an incarnation of Krishna, and 'Christos' derives from the Vedic 'Krishna'
I find it hilarious that Asians and negros have no reference to a future messiah or any of that bs. Caucasoids are shizos.
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Hasana hosana hisana
השנה חוסנה הישנה
This year is an old one.

I'm old anon. Very old. Dying is rebirth of dying and renewal. Of suffering and health.

You're looking for the CHAKRAVARTI.
Mishanti handi
משנתי הנדסי
From my engineering studies
-from the work of my hands

You were made into a faggot by yours.
it's Kalki
>What about Asians? What do they get? The next ganghis khan?
they already got him, they just don't know the importance
Not possible, hylic
Many such cases I fear.
Ive seen hyper deaths, afterlife included.
Thank God a glitcher pulls them out.
It's better than r9k

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