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Have you ever experienced passing out and waking up hours later without ever remember falling asleep as if time instantly moved ahead without a noticeable cognitive disruption?

I once hit my head and woke up in the hospital and didn't remember the time between, but my body knew something happened and time passed.

But recently I was sitting and I went from being fully alert but then waking up abruptly and I looked at the time and 2 hours had gone by. I wasn't even tired and don't remember falling asleep. This completely freaked me out. Is this dementia shit?

Anyways that has lead to me questioning death, after life and reality. If there isn't an afterlife, and once I die, wouldn't my entire existence skip from before birth to death without ever happening? Consiousness seems so fragile.
Much of what you describe is flow state. Not only that but I believe it's a much more modern phenomenon: we have clocks everywhere nowadays. We can't go more than 15 minutes without looking at our phones, at a watch, at some wall clock, or even street clocks. Whenever we stay more time without even looking at the hours (which is common if you're lying in bed trying to fall asleep), time will seem to pass much differently because your mind won't be receiving the constant information it usually does.

In regards to NDE, afterlife, etc.: considering you can still have a perceived distorted passage of time while awake, and it's subject to your state of mind and stimuli, you can be easily induced to believing this is all brains and there's nothing more to it. In fact, it's that very inconsistency of the human mind that led us to creating instruments that aren't biased on their measurements, in order to always have a registry of time without any psychological bias. But at the same time, we can't assume there's nothing more to it, no afterlife for example, because our minds are subject to the material. As far as we're concerned, whichever realm there is out there, it doesn't follow our rules of time, and it'd fit with the whole "the brain is an antenna" hypothesis. I have once heard many dementia patients remember it all by their last hours before passing away, but I haven't gone after credible sources. So is the brain playing a prank on us, or is there more to it and we struggle understanding past our meat limits? Who knows.
I too believe we can do anything. We just need to unlock how. It's hard though.
>I once hit my head and woke up in the hospital and didn't remember the time between, but my body knew something happened and time passed.
ENGRAM, 1 . a mental image picture which is a recording of a time of physical pain
and unconsciousness. It must by definition have impact or injury as part of its
content. (HCOB 23 Apr 69) 2 . a specialized kind of facsimile. This differs from
other mental pictures because it contains, as part of its content, unconsciousness
and physical pain. (Dn 55 .1, p. 12) 3 . a complete recording, down to the last
accurate detail, of every perception present in a moment of partial or full
unconsciousness. (Scn 0-8, p. 11) 4 . a theta facsimile of atoms and molecules in
misalignment. (Scn 0-8, p. 81) 5 . a unit of force which is held in because one
has chosen force itself for his randomity. (5312CM13) 6 . the word engram is
an old one borrowed from biology. It means simply, “a lasting memory trace on a
cell.” It may be engraved on more than the cell, but up against Dn processing, it is
not very lasting. (Science of Survival, p. 10) 7 . physical pain, enmest and entheta held at a
specific point on the time track. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 25) 8 . a severe physical pain
causes considerable analytical attenuation, shutting off the analyzer thoroughly for
a period of time. This, technically, is an engram, although any incident, painful
or not, contained in the reactive mind, and occluded by anaten can be considered
an engram. (SOS, p. 80)
9 . a recording which has the sole purpose of steering
the individual through supposed but usually nonexistent dangers. (SOS, p. 10)
10. a severe area of plus or minus randomity of sufficient volume to cause
unconsciousness. (Scn 0-8, p. 81) 11. a moment when the analytical mind is
shut down by physical pain, drugs or other means, and the reactive bank is open
to the receipt of a recording. (DMSMH, p. 153) 12. simply moments of physical
pain strong enough to throw part or all the analytical machinery out of circuit; they
are antagonism to the survival of the organism or pretended sympathy to the
organism’s survival. That is the entire definition. Great or little unconsciousness,
physical pain, perceptic content, and contra-survival or pro-survival data.
(DMSMH, p. 68) 13. not a sentient recording containing meanings. It is merely a
series of impressions such as a needle might make on wax. These impressions are
meaningless to the body until the engram keys-in, at which time aberrations and
psychosomatics occur. (DMSMH, p. 131) 14. a bundle of data which includes
not only perceptics and speech present but also metering for emotion and state of
physical being. (DMSMH, p. 245)15. an apparent surcharge in the mental circuit
with certain definite finite content. That charge is not reached or examined by the
analytical mind but that charge is capable of acting as an independent command.
(DTOT, p. 43)
Just wanted to say I hope for the best for you anon, and others too.
Having lived in a modern city all my life I can say my overall processing of time changed when I lived in the woods for three weeks. Things felt like they moved more naturally, being both "slower" and "faster". Since then its become very apparent the modern monopoly on time exists primarily to exert constant pressure as a means of molding and manipulating.

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