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/x/ - Paranormal

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There is a very high chance that all religion, mainly christianity, was created by aliens. The very first encounter with God, witnessed by Moses, could have been an alien with alien technology. There was a flash of lightning, a massive roar, and god spoke to Moses to create the 10 commandments. The timeline from there is hazy - did aliens help create all the Biblical catastrophes and miracles? How much did they guide modern men after that first interaction? I believe everything that came after the first encounter is fiction tied with real history.
This lines up with every civilization before us having UFO markings and impossible structures. We were just the next step that they decided to assist.
Are there any books that detail every known interaction throughout history that could have been influenced by 'the powers that be' aka 'older civilizations that were here before us' aka 'aliens that were much more common back then but moved to the darkest corners of the planet to evade us'
Were we really made in alien labs after the first pole shift? Did some aliens survive in the antarctic and that's why we do so much research up there? It used to be a sprawling jungle, and the rest of the planet was the frozen wasteland. There is plenty of evidence for this. When are we due for another pole shift?
Aliens = Demons/Spirits/Egregores
Not carnal physical beings in the normal sense of “physical”
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>flash of lightning
it's like telepathic AIs or something
i saw a flash of lightning too
they did a powerful hallucination of a flash of lightning
it reminds me of the smokeless fire and the djinn, i saw some of those too, they were just blue holograms of elves or whatever, looks like more AI generated scripted events
it could just be 3D aliens and their UFOs and telepathic AIs and reality domination systems
maybe it's interdimensional beings or interdimensional AIs
i've heard this is a simulation, and i've seen as much
there is certainly something going on
There's plenty of evidence to suggest aliens exist on this planet, and didn't come from outer space. the CIA has spent trillions covering them up since the 1900s, where they revealed themselves after nukes were invented. They show up during times of strife to stop us from destroying the planet they inhabit, and prevent us from using big nukes. I don't believe in spirits and ghosts or paranormal, physical aliens makes much more sense. And they've been here since even before the ancient egyptians. The great cataclysm could have been caused by them, or they were the survivors of it.
Every single aspect of "spiritual" religion, skygods, afterlife, comes from alien lies made to keep humans docile, and it snowballed out of control over 2000 years.
They are real but at the same time arent in the sense of how a dog is real. They appear by the mind, this doesnt mean they arent real. Cases of mass “hallucinations” caused by a collective mind stress are common

If 100% of the world experience a hallucination, is it still a hallucination?
Supposedly the first ufo that the US government got ahold of was gifted by the Vatican in 1933. Coincidentally enough that was the same year that the banking emergency act was signed and our gold was taken away by Rothschild.
its a yes and no question.

they are called extra diamentional.
and no i will not explain.
If you can imagine so much from simple markings imagine what later civilizations would think of our times. Just the simple cosplayer shit would come off as some supernatural stuff
this could have been a ufo battle
Extra dimensional is simply the mental/conscious world. And no mind isn't in the brain.
Yes. It absolutely fucking is. Its a hallucination on a grand fucking scale. Still a hallucination no matter how Big or small. Only way to not be a hallucination. Well it's easy. Don't be a fucking hallucination
How can you prove its a hallucination if everyone is seeing the same thing?
The older I get, the more I believe this shit. Fascinating stuff.
It’s ancient aliens chariots of the gods stuff yeah like one of them speculates that the trumpets that brought down the walls of Jericho were like sonic weapons
Yeah sure, its a possibility. Among many others and there is nothing really pointing at it 100%... where are the aliens now? Don't they care anymore? Then why did they bother in the first place? Or are we good enough to be left alone (clearly not)? Convienently they only visted US when it couldn't be documented.

And why mix pole shifts and antarctica into this, you conspiracy nuts always have to throw some extra, just makes you look more mad than you already are.
God is not an alien. He's from a different plane of existence that lives with humans. He's from heavens heaven.

He is Allah ka -> code name: Stalker is Taitan Allah Ka he is

>There is a very high chance that all religion, mainly christianity, was created by aliens.

John 17:16 - They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.
Cool dude, that doesn't solve the mystery though
crust is kang thread. ignore retards like this.
this could have been a UFO
Yeah, instances like this. Would it be theoretically possible to catalogue "all" of these and compile their locations and timeline and maybe triangulate a potential alien location? The most popular one being the bermuda triangle where they shoot down ships that get too close to their underwater bases
Yes God is an alien , Omni present all powerful, shape shifter .
alien schizophrenia is the famous judeo narcissism: people exposed to judaism deeply believe they are snowflakes in the universe and aliens cross billions of light years just to lurk from the shadows and observe the mighty jews and gentiles which required centuries of analysis to understand lol
I think similarly. They're not from space. They're from somewhere else, but not here exactly.
No that's stupid

Bruh the CIA was founded in 1947 tf kinda crack are you smoking fuck outta here
>banking emergency act

Mf that was because of the great depression
Y'all alternative history cooks are really fucking something
the first nuke on the planet was used in ww2
the aliens showed up around that time to negotiate with us to prevent further destruction, they knew the danger. Either that or we discovered forbidden tech we were not supposed to and they did not like that.
and yes 1947 is in the 1900s dumbass
The first nuke was used before the CIA was even founded, thanks for confirming that. So how is that even connected you fucking chud lmaooooo
Turn in your /x/ card. You don't know nearly enough about the timeline of world governments, secret societies, and aliens to be in here.
Ironic coming from the person just blatantly making shit up and not even making sure the years and dates line up so they can correlate some bullshit with unrelated bullshit
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Purrrhaps OP. Purrrhaps
There are no aliens because we're too early in the history of the universe for any intelligent life to have evolved before us.

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