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/x/ - Paranormal

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I'm bored af and between jobs rn so I'm just gonna start talking about weird shit that happens in my hometown.

When I was like 10 or 11 my dad went to buy a safe from a guy he met at a pawn shop. I didn’t have much to do that saturday so I tagged along to help him load it into his truck. The man he was buying the safe from lived on the other side of town, just about out in the sticks. And when we saw the house, my dad started getting second thoughts about this whole thing.

The place was a total dump, with a yard that hadn’t been mowed or water in ages and an old-ass muscle car left to rust in the front yard, and the porch was littered with plastic bins full of old toys and other shit. So we weaved through the narrow path through the mounds of water-damaged clutter to the door and gave the bell a ring. After hearing a muffled voice shout at someone, this big moon-faced kid answered the door. He looked to be in his late teens and I knew right away he wasn’t quite right. His eyes were far apart and he just stared at us for a second before the gears in his head started turning and he finally spoke.

“What’s up?”

My dad explained why we were here and the fat kid went back inside to get his dad; a tall, lanky guy in a faded Iron Maiden shirt and a thick pedo mustache. My dad talked with him for a bit and we were invited inside, and the interior of the house was even worse. If you’ve ever seen the show Hoarders, everywhere we looked, there were piles of old magazines and newspapers, hampers full of clothes, and those shitty appliances you see in those TV infomercials still in their boxes. We had to make our way through a narrow channel through all the junk, all the while trying not to let the everpresent stench of cigarette smoke and piss bother us. I heard a little dog bark at us but I never saw it.
When we reached the room with the safe, my dad was preoccupied enough for me to go exploring. Something about this place got my curiosity going, like a car crash. I went down the hall and into a room that looked like it might have belonged to a little kid once. There was an old pink crib full of old dolls in the corner and there was a little shelf full of kid’s books and old toys next to it. I was picking through some of the more interesting looking junk when I saw it. There was this little shoebox hidden in the very back of the top shelf, and being the curious little shit I was, I had to open it.

Inside was this little dried out husk wrapped in layer after layer of plastic. It took me a while to register what exactly I was looking at: It was a very young, mummified baby of all fucking things. It was tiny, probably premature, and curled up like it was sleeping. Its skin was leathery and brown and didn’t really stink as much as I’d have expected. Its little arms and legs were so thin and delicate I was afraid I was going to fuck up and break it. So for a while I just held the fucking thing in a state of shock, like my brain was trying its absolute hardest to convince me it was fake, just a doll or a prop or anything that wasn’t an actual dead baby in this disgusting house.

I put the thing back in the box and went back to my dad, we loaded the safe up in the back of his truck and we got the hell out of there. He and I talked for a bit about how nasty the place was when I realized something. While we were on the way out, I glanced in the mirror and I saw that fat kid who greeted us standing on the porch, glaring at me.

Did he know? I have never told my mad what I found.
So that's the hoarder story, I have a few more to tell.I have a UFO story, as well as an encounter while me and a friend were out camping.
Shit that's fucked. I wonder what possessed them to keep something like that.
Probablemente no me entiendas por el idioma, por eso usaré el Google traductor

Bro, I was sitting in my backyard, it's dark as fuck. And I come to 4Chan to hang out and read this, now I feel uncomfortably watched
>little dog barked but never saw it
kek reminds me of a time shortly after I graduated high school. a buddy of mine got a job helping some family move. I get roped in for some easy money.
>get there and there is trash literally everywhere
>2 or 3 feet deep
>they have paths between the trash
>have a Chihuahua
>it has dug tunnels through the garbage
>pops out, then in, appears on couch
>keeps jumpscaring us by leaping out of the trash
it was horrible. worst part was seeing the pristine new house and imagining how bad it would get.
That's pretty fucked up, I will never understand how people can let their homes get in such a state. Cleaning isn't that hard
>Shit that's fucked. I wonder what possessed them to keep something like that.

I had a cousin who seemed incapable of bringing a child to term. Her body would auto-abort the foetus long before it was developed enough to survive outside of her womb. Anyways, once one of her boyfriends knocked her up and, instead of flushing the thing down the toilet, she preserved it in a bottle alcohol and showed him "his baby". She wondered afterwards why he broke up with her and never spoke to her again. This was far from the most effed up thing she's done.
Anyway, here’s the UFO story. One summer when I was in high school, I was hanging out with my friend Dylan in his back yard listening to some bootleg CDs, mostly metal and alt rock. All of a sudden, he turns his stereo down and looks up.

“Dude, do you see that?!” I looked where he was pointing, and there was this big green light in the sky. It floated sort of lazily through the sky; and there was this weird smell in the air. It was kind of like burnt hair, mixed with old pennies. As we watched it, we realized it wasn’t far away from us, weaving in between the trees before changing direction and doing the same in the other direction. From the distance, we figured it was about the size of a basketball. Then, Dylan’s little fox terrier came out and just went apeshit barking at the thing. The dog ran up to the fence and nearly climbed to the top barking and snarling, and for a second I was afraid it was going to go over the fence and get loose.

So we just watched for a couple awfully tense minutes as the light bobbed and fluttered around before finally leaving, with the dog calming down after it was gone.
as soon as you're born , "they" make you feeL •
by giving you no-time instead of • •
• so fucking crazy you can't follow their
> January 2031 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B35N4sj4QyM a working class hero is NOTHING to be
chew if you're clever-clever
. . . meta girl named Blue Jean • police bike
. of January 2031 to de-orbit ISS using deorbit module and direct remnants into remote area of South Pacific Ocean known as spacecraft cemetery. NASA awarded SpaceX to build Deorbit Vehicle.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnvFbE9OgYw • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Space_Station#End_of_mission • Pet Sematary • Zero Zero UFO
Great stories, anon. Please post more. For some reason creepy things happening in small cities creep me out the most.

stfu nigger. You're posting this shit everywhere and littering in good threads

Thanks. I'm going to be posting regularly in this thread. I'm going to type up the camping story later today, but to keep things going until then here's a quick little oddity:

One time I was riding my bike and I saw this pink jacket up in a tree. It was a small child's size and it was just within reach. Out of curiosity, I took the jacket and went through the pockets. All I found was a couple coins and a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers written on it. I showed it to my parents and they thought it was a phone number, but when they called it, it had been disconnected.
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tldr join my panic at the disco

ruck up in this 7-11 before it's...

oh right... slow boards...

this will be up 4oooourever


okay so i think i learned enough to know that stussy bussy didn't get a sand-witch.

let me try me new 4 chan speak. apparently people shorten 4 chan to fag here so we call the street slang newfag speak. there's a science to it or so someone in all caps tried to write.

>slow boards
> hard dick in your mom's a$$
Good thread
>I'm bored af and between jobs rn so I'm just gonna start talking about weird shit that happens in my hometown
>posts Gummo image
You're not stuck here too are you?

Thankfully not, I moved for job-related purposes years ago.
So about the camping story…

When I was 16, me and my cousin Cody went camping. Our parents were okay with us being alone for the night because we weren’t going that far out, we were just a short drive from his house and we convinced them it’d be a good ‘character building’ experience. We had a great time out there for the most part, we shot old cans with his dad’s .22 revolver and found an old cow skull that had been turned yellow by the sun. At dinner, we made a little fire and cooked bratwurst and s’mores. When night fell, we settled into our tents and things were pretty cozy until the forest around us went dead fucking silent.

If you’re an outdoorsy type at all, you know that if that happens things are about to get fucking weird. At the time, I’d heard rumors about shit happening out in the woods around town but I wasn’t a believer until that night. Out of the silence, we heard something rustling around in the tree line. I thought it was just a raccoon at first until I heard it again, and it was getting closer. It sounded like it belonged to a bigger animal, or a person. The two of us laid in our tents listening to whatever was closing in on our campsite. Then we heard it humming. In what sounded like a woman’s voice, the intruder was humming this song we didn’t recognize. Whatever or whoever it was had gotten so close, I heard it brush right against my tent as it wandered around our campsite humming.

Me and Cody just laid there in total petrified silence, both of us scared out of our minds. I could hear my heart beating like a drum in my chest so loud I thought I was going to be sick. Then we heard that thing speak.

“Lucy? Are you there, sweetie? Mommy’s here!” At first I was thinking ‘who the hell is Lucy?’ but when the thing kept calling for her, I noticed that there was something up with her voice. It’s hard to describe, but it was kind of like someone doing an almost but not quite solid impression of another person’s voice. The wrong emphasis was on the wrong syllables, and it took these dry, rattling breaths between calls.

It moved in front of my tent, and out of either curiosity or stupidity, I turned my flashlight on and pointed the beam at it. The light picked up the faint outline of something human in shape but really tall and thin, like a scarecrow. A second later, the smart part of my brain took over and I shut the light off before it could see me.

It was another agonizing few minutes of hiding in our tents waiting for whatever the fuck was out there to leave while it called out for Lucy in between raspy breaths. It felt like hours but it eventually left us alone and we listened at it shuffling back into the words where it came from. When morning came, we packed up our shit and got the fuck out of there as fast as we could. We stopped at a McDonald’s for breakfast before going back home, and neither of us could work up the nerve to talk about what happened.
>When I was 16, me and my cousin Cody went camping. Our parents were okay with us being alone for the night because we weren’t going that far out, we were just a short drive from his house and we convinced them it’d be a good ‘character building’ experience
statements like this really make me realize how much I grew up as feral bush creature
Great thread OP. Where the fuck do you live where all this /x/ shit happens? I assume the US but what region? For some reason out West and Appalachia seem to be the hotspots. Nothing spooky happens here in FL
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>It was a very young, mummified baby of all fucking things. It was tiny, probably premature, and curled up like it was sleeping. Its skin was leathery and brown and didn’t really stink as much as I’d have expected

South Carolina, it's close enough to the appalachians for the weirdness to leak over.

I've actually been fascinated with that part of the US for a while now. So many people disappear while hiking the Appalachian trail.

If any part of the US is haunted, it's gotta be that one.
My mom buys me cherry shampoo
fukn gary
>it's haunted
no. it's bears.
haunted/wendigos/bigfoot/feral people/whatever the fuck else, I've read so many stories about the wilderness and what could be out there and I just give up and have to admit to myself I have zero idea what could be out in this world where people rarely go
I saw a green plasma ball too floating I am sure it was something weird. I asked the old Vietnam vet next to me if he saw anything and he just smiled and said "no I didn't anything".

But I mean I saw it. So I believe you and that smell is like an electric smell. I can't recall that smell from the incident but I know that smell
Ever heard of ball lightning?
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what is this image?
boy dressed like a woman showing thighs
reverse search
>film from a movie
>early life
>movie by a jew
Zoomers. >>38273325

Jewish people are fine and decent.
Go check out Gummo, watch it like a real movie that's art.
Korine is one of the based ones.
That said if we had to get rid of him to cleanse the earth...
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whites are complicit to jews. whites are jewish cousins. stop pretending you hate each other and that one of you is the "good guys". you're both pieces of shit that inflict nonstop narcissistic atrocities and every degeneracy on earth

both need to be removed for the world to be free
Melanated but fair post
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eat shit nigger, you savages were shown what civility was and you can't handle it, which is why you seethe about the White man. You do nothing but commit atrocities to yourselves, and when Whitey comes along and tells you to cut it the fuck out, you seethe and cry about being oppressed. Your literally nothing without Whites.
>blah blah

>judeowhite propaganda to justify their atrocities and war crimes

nobody asked you to be in africa you pasty faggot

don't get it twisted. you kikeywhites are the parasites, not the other way around.

you can't even pick your own cotton. every luxury and innovation you have were made possible from the stolen resources and labor of minorities

sit down timmy
boohoo another snowroach trying to pretend like they weren't wading kneedeep in shit and mud until the 1700s
Wash you hands ranjeesh yoir post reekd
OP here. This next story happened when I was younger, like around 7 years old so I'm mostly going off my parents' recollection.

One day we were at home when this total stranger called our house.

"Is Andrew there?"

My dad told him he dialed the wrong number but the guy was annoyingly persistent, asking over and over if Andrew (whoever the fuck that was) was there, insisting he needed to talk to Andrew and so on. His voice was uneasy and anxious so my dad though he was some crazy person who dialed the wrong number. Eventually Dad's patience ran out and he hang up, only for the same guy to call back after half an hour, this time asking if he could come over and wait for Andrew at our place. This pissed my parents off right proper so he slammed the phone down and cut him off. Even with that, the crazy bastard kept at it for another hour blowing our landline up until we finally blocked the number. A couple days later, my mom was talking about this incident with her friends to discover the same guy had called them too, asking about the same Andrew. This kept going straight for a couple months under the same pattern; a nervous male voice asking about an Andrew, then trying to get the person on the other end to let him come over to their place. I don't know when exactly this ended, it just sort of stopped all together one day.
>I will never understand how people can let their homes get in such a state.
Demonic possession
OP here.

I'm going to talk to some old friends to get some more stories. Until then, I'm open to answering questions as long as they're not too unreasonable.

Let me thank you guys for the positive reception. It's been fun sharing these with you guys.
Good thread, OP. Reminds me of old /x/ and creepypastas
Man, I do miss old /x/

I used to love sitting up all night and reading creepypastas that showed up on here.

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