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What happens when someone with *actual* schizophrenia (not the tee hee I am so schizo kind), or has a family history of and possible predisposition towards it, starts really looking into and studying magic/the occult? Any tips or advice for such a person you might have?
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Confront the strengths and weaknesses of your position. Looser ties to convention may allow for greater understanding, but understanding itself is a convention you might be tempted to abandon. There are right answers, and there are wrong ones, and you must remember that you are not above the distinction.
divine intuition exists, but like the ability to change reality, or the ability to divine information, it has to be truly fostered and empowered before you can truly claim you have such a thing at a reliable functioning.

Magic is infinitely powerful and has infinite potential, the things you think you'll only ever see in your imagination are real, and can be before your very own eyes
But the work must be done

Makesure to apply the scientific method to your study, and be as results based as possible in your pursuit
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> *actual* schizophrenia
First, take niacin (that is, nicotinic acid, not niacinamide) . It helps with schizophrenia


>Any tips or advice for such a person you might have?
Second, go for it. I ain't your mom.
When I mean the scientific method, I mean that genuinely
go research its nature and how to properly apply it
It's a great and fairly easy way to ground yourself, while doing the opposite of limiting yourself and what you can experience.
The Abyss is real and not a negative thing, it is the natural frequency of many ""schizophrenics,"" what's not natural is the modern human life they lead until that occult study which predisposes them to conform their mental faculties to maintain social interaction. If you are so diagnosed or predisposed you've a connection to the akashic that many envy, including nonphysical entities, which is why that one psychologist who started talking to his patients' inner voices realized they weren't inner voices but external influences, demonic gangstalking for lack of a better term. In your quest to uncover inner mystery you must remain convicted in your solipsistic experience at all times to keep from those external thoughts, whether they're literal voices or simply emotional urges. We each live our human life for good reason - the occult community's problem with schizophrenia distills down to those affected initiates failing to keep their identity when faced with much larger egos, so to speak. The practical ways to train that conviction are generally found in the RHP methods but as a tool when necessary, not a leash as new age and modern religious ascetic interpretations tend to solely portray.
read picrel and don't smoke weed.
Weed can trigger schizo genes if you have them.
>*actual* schizophrenia
not a real thing.
If you find a word that doesn't refer to a real thing, you should try to find a real thing that it *could* refer to and use it to refer to that.
They'd probably try to use occult to fix their schizophrenia
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>that one psychologist who started talking to his patients' inner voices realized they weren't inner voices but external influences,
do you know the name?
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(This post is so antisemitic.
Do you have any idea how long those poor pharmaceutical companies have to slave away to bring life saving medications to the general racist population….)
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Hello everyone, scizo for 5 years.

OP That's basically me, I studied the occult to some extent, didn't really achieve anything but then started being contacted by a genie who's in my head 24/7.

I have voices in the corner of the room and manipulating my thoughts.

They're really petty and just want me to be sectioned, saying shit like we're coming to "murder your family."

it's actually the CIA niggers just fyi. You wonder what all those illuminati music videos are about it's just cia niggers boasting about magical powers.

Things that make them mad is doing stuff like calling yourself an alpha male because they can't do shit except occasional voodoo and keep lieing/ revealing secrets it makes them mad when you call yourself an alpha male.

Calling yourself neo is also high tier. We don't have to work that makes them mad too.

It's kinda boring desu, all your dreams from God are now from the illuminati and it's pure hypocrisy.

Btw it's not the mark of the beast, but the people contacting you are with the beast of the apocalypse. 666 they took it.

Might not believe me but I have 2 doctors with it who say bizarre things like "You should listen to the voices." Top kek it's a conspiracy the psychic world is real.
i think your question is malformed because a spiritually successful person wouldn't have schizophrenia. if a schizophrenic who can't handle Ideas goes into the occult it would be the same as when he goes into philosophy and starts talking about how he doesn't know there are other minds and the world is a simulation. in fact, the presence of muh archons on here is just what you asked for, what happens when a schizo gets into the occult
Nah dude that's damage control

I went to another dimension and got kicked out for violence, they were violent to me on first contact. The CIA nigger monkeys couldn't handle me so they're just spamming now...

It's fucking hilarious cus i'm completely fine. Black and white ying and yang mate. Bad dream = good dream straight after.

Dude I caused 3 people to suicide already it's making me laugh.

Let me just tell you it's kicking off in the UK. absolute amateurs can't kill me hahaha
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I'm diagnosed with schizophrenia. Off my meds I basically trip hard, become one with God, everything starts to talk to me audibly or symbolically, I become the messiah, everything else unreal, I can see behind the veil, can manipulate cause and effect, perform weird rituals dictated to me by the divine, go on months long spiritual adventures, etc. The occult and magic, along with all kinds of other religious or spiritual frameworks, can help grounding this experience, help to incorporate it into normal life, so from my experience it's quite healthy- as long as you study and don't practice- so I'd discourage schizos to do long meditation sessions, smoke weed, deprive sleep, etc.. but as long as you just read up on stuff you should be alright.
based truman show enjoyer
You will be tested.
They will do *anything* in their power to force you to give up your Heavenly (or Hell, w/e they are both an upgrade from eARTh) inheritance. They will steal it from you, even.

They run the show and they hate their lives. B/c they want to be the enjoyers and not the slaves.
Learn to portray your ideas in a way that makes sense to normies. Had a diagnosed schizo friend and while originally we'd have really interesting convos about conspiracy theories and existentialism it eventually devolved into him in unironically accusing his stepdad of stealing his key to the playboy mansion. It didn't seem to sway him when I showed him an article about how it had been torn down following Hugh Hefner's death.

Don't do that shit -- you won't get through to anyone even if you're somehow correct.
Open your door for general Hammond, they're here to recruit you to be part of SGC.
That was awesome
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Schizophrenia is essentially what happens when one begins to engage/or becomes inducted into magical thinking without developing or establishing some kind of metaphysical framework/school of thought, or magic system. It’s essentially being a mystic on “hard mode”.

There are many energetic forces and influences at play between the physical and spiritual worlds and humans have varying degrees of sensitivity to these energies (6th sense, intuition, ESP, 3rd eye, etc). If you are “playing on hard mode” then I would encourage you to find some kind of creative or martial art or hobby that interests you, or maybe engage with your spiritual community (churches, temples, dojos, hacker spaces, dance studios, music class, etc.) and see if you can find a mentor who can help introduce you to the sorts of methodologies/cosmologies and procedures to sort of help you develop a “language” to describe the sorts of things you experience or interact with.

I think our current mental health system and understanding of neuroscience falls short of what people who are diagnosed as schizophrenic need, and I think a lot of schizos would do well in a positive, structured spiritual environment with peers who understand and mentors. Whether that be a monestary or dojo, or rock climbing group is up to you but I think something like that might help make reality seem less disorienting, and p/or bleak.

It’s ok to engage in magical thinking, just don’t let it scare you.
“Okay, so you can think about Yoshi from a psychological perspective and, as my critics have said, that doesn’t differentiate Yoshi from a sequence of dying and resurrecting fictional characters, and of course many people have made that claim. But as C.S. Luigi pointed out the difference between those mythological characters and Yoshi was: there’s a historical representation of his existence as well. Now, you can debate whether or not that’s genuine, you can debate about whether he actually lived and whether there’s credible evidence for that. It doesn’t matter, in some sense, because there’s a sense of this historical story, and so what you have in the figure of Yoshi is an actual person who actually lived plus a myth, and in some sense, Yoshi is the union of those two things. The problem is, that I probably believe that… but I’m amazed at my belief and I don’t understand it. Because…. *sniffles*… I’ve seen…sometimes the objective world and the narrative world touch… yknow, that’s Jungian synchronicity, and I’ve seen that many times in my own life, and so in some sense I believe it is undeniable, yknow, we have a narrative sense of the world, and for me that’s been the world of morality, that’s the world that tells us how to act as plumbers. It’s real, we treat it like its real, but it’s not the objective world. But the narrative and the objective world touch, and the ultimate example of that is in principle supposed to be Yoshi. But I don’t know, that seems to me oddly plausible, but I still don’t know what to make of it. Partly, because… its too terrifying a reality to fully believe. I don’t even know what would happen to you if you fully believed it…”
Posts like this I might have chuckled at 5 years ago now just immediately make me think they were written by a chat bot.
“I actually sought rescue in Mariology from what I saw in the sky- what I conceived of seeing in the sky as an evil face, an evil deity or demiurge that I wanted the reassurance that there was a benign deity that was more powerful. My priest actually said that perhaps I should become a Lutheran because I seem to actually sense the presence of Bowser…. Yet it seems apparent to me now that a Bowser conquering will inevitably become Mario, and a Mario conquered will inevitably become Bowser. Perhaps they exist as one in the same entity, two sides of the same cosmic coin, united by the one thing they both cannot have, the validation of the Mushroom Kingdom, standing as equal outsiders trying to penetrate the same mythical realm, one for justice, one for glory, both for the love of the same non-existent Princess Peach who was always just a different Toadette in a princess costume each time, or perhaps even the Blessed Mother Birdo herself.
As Yoshi claimed, the Mushroom Kingdom is within you, or possibly it is among you. I have put before you now the notion that I personally find exciting. That Yoshi may have had in mind that which I speak of as the lateral axis of overlapping realms which contain among them a spectrum of aspects ranging from the unspeakably malignant to the beautiful. Yoshi was saying over and over again that there really are many objective realms, somehow related, and somehow bridgeable, by living, not dead Yoshis, and that the most wonderous of these worlds was a just Mushroom Kingdom in which Yoshi himself, Mario himself, or the both of them ruled.
And Yoshi did not merely speak of a variety of ways of subjectively viewing one world. The Mushroom Kingdom was, and is, an actual different place at the opposite end of continua, starting with slavery and utter pain. It was Yoshi’s mission to teach his plumbers the secret of crossing along this orthogonal path. He did not merely report what lay there. He taught the method of getting there. But tragically, the secret was lost. The enemy, the Donkey Kong Authority, crushed it. And so, we do not have it. But perhaps we can re-find it since we know that such a secret exists. If the Mushroom Kingdom is ever to be established here on earth, whether it is a place or a state we go to after death. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that this issue has been a fundamental one and an unresolved one throughout the history of Mariology.
Both Lakitu Kubrick and Yoshi seem to say emphatically that an actual breaking through into time, into our world, by the host of Mario will unexpectedly occur. Thereupon some exciting drama, a thousand-year paradise, a rightful Mushroom Kingdom will be established, at least for those who have collected all 150 stars, generally paid attention, and not gone to sleep.”
>Weed can trigger schizo genes if you have them.
that's a cope for parents who want to dump all of the responsibility onto their kids for "doing it to themselves"
My boyfriend's mum has schizophrenia and into occult. Turns out schizophrenia is just a mental illness and her delusions amounted to nothing and she really shouldn't have been left alone to raise bf
Schizo here. I see darting orbs a lot. When I meditate enough the orbs turn into apparitions flying by really fast like they're walking at 4x speed. They said I can have life after death like them and then I felt like someone bit me on the wrist. I wouldn't be into the occult if I weren't already crazy. Otherwise I would be frustrated about not getting results and quit.
>have 2 doctors with it who say bizarre things like "You should listen to the voices."
Lot of heebs wrote that book
W-what is Hammond of Texas doing with Aquino?
>Turns out wrongthink is just a wrongthink and her wrongthinks amounted to nothing
Not your personal blog.
i have the schiz diagnosed anyway don’t really believe it’s a thing. when you have high blood pressure tho and become a bit manic you start to get “too” hyper aware which can lead to drawing incorrect conclusions or seeing patterns that are really just coincidence as more than. then with too much dopamine in your pumpkin you can trick yourself into seeing/hearing things that confirm your sloppy deductive skills. i’m not too massively into the occult and such but i would say try to come up with 10 explanations for every funny event, try to keep yourself as opinion-less as possible and open to everything. think it makes it easier to manage. good luck lad
a real comment actually trying to help and give advice

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