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The more I read the Bible the more sad I get
>noah getting angry and cursing his son cause he was sleeping naked and his son just covered him with a blanket
>noah has a family who survived the flood and then it says his sons got married but it never states where these women came from
Did they survive the flood too?
>never does it state that the serpent who tricked eve was Satan to begin with
most of peoples depiction of the devil is from paradise lost
>if you don’t cut off your foreskin you are not apart of gods covenant
It honestly sounds like it was written by a schizophrenic
Two of every animal, I firmly believe only Whites are considered in the Bible, they had a nigger and nigress on board, an asian male and female, an aboriginal male and female, a Finnish male and female and a Japanese Ainu male and female, oh and melanesians I guess, I think that covers all races, probably some degree of incest too to keep the progeny as White as possible
maybe written by some schizophrenics but mostly a bunch of clinically depressed guys
tho the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ did happen
Noah wasn't a good man. He was saved because it was only him whose faith and blood was pure. He was uncorrupted by Nephilim during that time. Be it by a series of coincidences or by Noah's choice, he never partook in the wickedness of the time before the Flood. Even if that means he could still be an alcoholic and a dick to his kids.
>Did they survive the flood too?
Gensis 7:13 - In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;

yes the wives of his sons lived.
I get what you’re trying to get at but why fill in speculations with uncertainty? If the Bible doesn’t say that then it’s just a missing link with no description
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This is all the Bible has to say about the serpent. So why are priests saying that it was Satan who tricked eve. Why are they reiterating a made up book “paradise lost” with the idea that it was all satans plan to trick Adam and Eve
You're missing some context.
>Is Satan the serpent of Genesis?
Yes. The serpent of Genesis is a dragon before God curses it.
>Genesis 3:14 - "So the LORD God said to the serpent, 'Because you have done this, cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.'"
The serpent wasn't crawling on its belly before deceiving eve, it had legs and walked like a dragon would.
We can then reference Revelation where Satan is referenced.
>Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
>Revelation 20:2 - And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
God also knew exactly who Eve was talking to the moment she mentioned the Serpent. He wasn't surprised.
I’m only in genesis 20. Ill take this stuff into consideration and hopefully more clarity will come to me
>if you don’t cut off your foreskin you are not apart of gods covenant
Paul explicitly tells people this isn't the case. I don't know why retards keep bringing it up.
Shit the circuncision things seems like some pact with a demon.
>his son just covered him with a blanket
Not what happened. Please re-read the story.
>Did they survive the flood too?
See Genesis 18:16-19.
Why? You know it’s not real the bible is simply the world’s first comic book
>>never does it state that the serpent who tricked eve was Satan to begin with
what is the word "satan" means anyway adversary right? the thing is satan is a title not an entity their is multiple satan appeared in the bible and for all we know God might BE the first satan
I recommend the work of the late Dr. Michael S. Heiser for better biblical understanding.
So you're claiming that the women who leave everything to get big dick today didn't try to get some nephilism dick?
This is why so many biblical scholars argue against a literal interpretation. After all, the Old Testament is actually a bunch of Jewish stories the early Christians ran with, but the Jewish faith lacks a Satan. So how could the Old Testament shoehorn him in after the fact when the original authors didn't? Then there's the whole incestuous origin story for humanity being spawned from two people, compounded by Noah and his sons and their wives being the only humans after the flood.

I really was never much into the whole Adam and Eve story anyway, though. God literally bakes two retards out of clay (one out of a clay rib), gets them out of his Easy Bake oven, and lets them play. Sure he warns them not to eat the apple, but, again, they're literally retards. They have no conception of good or bad until they partake of the Apple of Knowledge, which is whey they realize, oh shit, we're naked and that's shameful. If they cannot fathom that easy concept how the hell does God expect them to understand it's bad not to listen to their creator? He deliberately crafted something that didn't know any better, then got pissed at it and kicked it out of his fancy garden. What an absolute asshole.
I don't get people who Read this book. Read a physics textbook or something instead.
>noah getting angry and cursing his son cause he was sleeping naked and his son just covered him with a blanket
No. His son either was peeping on him or molested him based on your interpretation. "Seeing nakedness" is a euphemism for sex.

>noah has a family who survived the flood and then it says his sons got married but it never states where these women came from
IIRC, Noah's sons already had wives. Regardless, many scholars consider the flood to be a massive flood that wiped out most of human civilization, not a global event. Hypothetically, uncivilized people could survive in such a scenario.

>never does it state that the serpent who tricked eve was Satan to begin with
Fun fact: some Biblical scholars consider "Satan" to be a catch-all term for "enemy." That's why Satan is playing lots with God in Job.
Regardless, I want to say that there is some evidence the serpent is a literal Devil, but I could be wrong.

>if you don’t cut off your foreskin you are not apart of gods covenant
It symbolized a blood covenant between Abraham and God. Abraham's children were offering an unclean part of their body as a show of devotion i.e. "I'm giving up my sinful side."

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