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Hating gurus he became a guru himself. Hating philosophy he started his own philosophy.
All because the philosophy he learned was of no use to him and he had no guru to guide him so his experience of enlightenment traumatized him or so he says. And most hindu texts highlight the importance of gurus to guide the whole process .
He is just another caricature of a confused and scared child coping by being angry
>coomer talks about spirituality
The irony of LHP is any successful adherent merely makes a new RHP for others to follow.
lhp turns people into black holes
black holes have gravity
Everything has gravity.
and everything can overcome inertia
most things won't
>and everything can overcome inertia
No, nothing can overcome inertia without action from an outside force.
Now you are messing up the science as well as not being deep.
You’re a faggot.
Principle of nature shit
I reject your opinion of me.
what does that even mean?
the only thing that comes to mind is to allege that it's all mental gymnastics and placebo
which is like saying alcohol is placebo

or that it's real but bad, which is like saying life should be a zealous death fest of suffering
or rather, torturous rat race

>you dont understand, it's the rat race that will actually bring you the benefits that enlightenment promises
Actually nothing we know of has gravity. Some things have mass and gravity effects them, but not the gluon, the photon, or the graviton.
Suffering can bring about spiritual loss as well. It is not suffering that brings enlightenment, but how that suffering is transcended. Suffering makes enlightenment easier in appropriate measure and more difficult with too little or too much. Yet, even without any suffering, the path to enlightenment is still found with awareness.

For all this — if what happened to U.G. was more or less authentic, just as he claimed it, he’s still an amazing case record of the potential for human spiritual evolution. His insights and statements are Zen-like and piercing. The experience he describes as the “calamity”, the energy coursing through his body (even painfully and uncomfortably so), and the mystical visions and clairvoyant faculties gained or awakened at least temporarily (the appearance of siddhis), it all sounds exactly like a standard kundalini awakening, with kundalini coursing through his body and activating the chakras or supposed psycho-physical subtle wheels of energy correlated to the human nervous system and perhaps lymphatic system.

This is even DESPITE whatever he has to say about it, or whatever objection he’d have to comparing it anything else, any other spiritual system. Perhaps that was a valid thing for him to say and repeat, so as to focus on the uniqueness of his case, how it may not exactly similarly apply to you or anyone else, and so that you could hear insights from him that you usually can’t hear put in that exact same way anywhere else.

For all of U.G.’s criticisms, even Jiddu Krishnamurti is also a fascinating and closely similar source to listen to and learn from (despite the similar criticisms that can be made of J. Krishnamurti also falling into this hypocrisy — anti-guruism while himself being like a guru). J. Krishnamurti, fascinatingly enough, had similar private personal experiences like U.G.’s “calamity” in his own life (periods of ecstatic altered states of consciousness and heightened awareness coming upon him, which sometimes had the physical side-effects of leaving him bedridden, and which others close around him could even feel at times, too), which he didn’t openly speak of publicly, but he wrote of them in his notebooks and sometimes spoke of them to personal acquaintances and friends in his private life.
To be a guru one must reject being a guru.
A beacon has no use when it shines upon itself as then no one can follow its light.
He called it variously “the benediction”, “the other”, “the immensity”, “the vastness”, etc.

I think these cases can be likened to what Sri Aurobindo, the 20th-century Indian philosopher, called the supramentalization of the human species, or the spiritual process of the “supramental ascent and descent” (starting with RISING out of the ordinary human level into the level of the “supramental”, beyond the mind, and then DESCENDING back with this supramental force into the ordinary human body, mind, and ego, bringing this supramental force to bear upon the very cells and atoms of the human body). Which Aurobindo also likened to the very evolution of mankind, or creation of a new race out of the former race of humanity, except this time consciously done and with the aid of a higher force.

I believe both Krishnamurti’s were like (unknowing) signposts of this; and, in their development, came to realize that many of the old, fossilized, accretive, stale religious, philosophical, and spiritual dogmas could work AGAINST this possible development of the human being at least as much as they could aid it or could have formerly aided it.

Sat Prem’s “The Mind of the Cells”, written by a French student of Aurobindo and ‘The Mother’ (as she, Mirra Alfassa, was called, Aurobindo’s wife in a celibate relationship with him) also has some fascinating thoughts on this and accounts of it taken from the life and writings of Alfassa. The quest for spiritual development, or the alteration or transcendence of ordinary consciousness, can be associated with powerful, unique, even bizarre psycho-physical phenomena that come attendant upon this journey. And they can be like U.G.’s “calamity” experience, or Jiddu Krishnamurti’s personal experiences of “the benediction.”

I reject your rejection, faggot proceeds

cope and seethe OP
Aurobindo said that the spiritual development/evolution will happen two ways. Human will rising and the supramental force descending. I guess you got confused a bit there. You don't rise out and then come down.
Anywayshe also said that the force will judge the evolution of man and if he is ready or not otherwise the force will betray its own true nature.

But I will agree with the previous reply that it is similar to kundalini . And it follows the experience of gopi krishna in his book on kundalini awakening wherein he describes that a mistake in channeling energies caused him terrible pains until his brother in law suggested a remedy . Whci is why I said that gurus as essential at least adequate guidance is.
And jiddu's disillusionment seems to be more borne out of a philosophical disagreement in contrast to U.G who seems to bear too much of a strong emotion towards the traditional routes yet himself being one of the prime examples of what the tradition claims both a prodigy and a failure.
I reject your rejection of my rejection in perpetuity
Thank you for the explanation, I need to get more into the source texts of Aurobindo’s teachings of Integral Yoga themselves. I garbled it from reading a book of Sat Prem’s about it a long time ago (although he was also a close disciple of theirs).
this guy is a real one
You have to be completely disillusioned. With everything. If they give you enlightenment then trow it away. You probably don't want it. Learning won't get you anywhere.
https://youtu.be/RPZV7l40r5I?si=SCjTFjHfGDmhvmVo after minute 1:20 it gets very nonedual.
enlightenment is real. the only problem is to make it last. You would have to follow a series of rituals and if you dont get it sticked. then you would have to become brave enough to do it hard. and yeah, knowing too much might ruin the recipe but the problem is you might fucking die if you dont know the recipe
Completely incorrect. Gravity does not "effect" mass. Mass curves spacetime which causes gravity.
That's just a theory. If mass can affect gravity at all then it would on the scale of planets which doesn't explain how we are currently here.
Enlightenment is knowledge of self and its divine essence. Attainment is the ability to assimilate into God consciousness. You sound like edgy 12 yr old, OP. Only God is real.
>And most hindu texts highlight the importance of gurus to guide the whole process .
The importance of gurus can be wholly ignored in the kaliyuga because there are hardly any people of worth in these times, much less any actually genuine gurus or teachers. The one good thing is that since there are no gurus, you can try anything you want to see if it works or not

Hindus are so bad at meditation it's embarrassing. Learn the jhanas to stop all this mental proliferation.
Integral yoga is a bit too confusing on top of it. You need some time to ruminate and go back to it once in a while to see what you understand is right or wrong and then learn more.

Sure. But don't cry when something horribly wrong. And if you're such a believer in kali yuga so no guiru why not just do jaap kirtan since that's what is effective in kali yuga.
If no guru then correct guidance is essential. I mean you sometimes need a technician to help you working a machine even if you have a whole 200 page book explaining that and you claim you can just guess your way through working your b and mind which are a billion times more complicated?
It's not like i have a guru on every topic or we agree on everything but I understand the necessity.
Bullshit. There is a difference between accepting a duty and feeling entitled and privileged from a position.
वाचो वेगं मनसः क्रोधवेगं जिह्वावेगमुदरोपस्थवेगम् ।
एतान्वेगान्यो विषहेत धीरः सर्वामपीमां पृथिवीं स शिष्यात् ॥ १ ॥
>A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind’s demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.
>If mass can affect gravity at all
We have several observations that show mass CAUSES gravity.
Please dont tell me you are stupid enough to use the phrase "just a theory" like you have no education on what that word means.
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And you only focus on one method of liberation. Buddha was a great at marketing his sterile system. Shiva has hundreds of methods of liberation through Yoga. Just like life itself. You can keep your escapist and sterile meditation.
Buddhists treat meditation like Christians treat devotion.
>you can only do it this way, with this mentality, for this result
It is a state of consciousness, there are many different states of consciousness ranging from unconscious all the way to divinity.
Dunno about that with all the conflicting views and different Buddhist traditions
And there is a single monolithic Christianity?
All those buddhist traditions still say meditation means sitting quietly to clear the mind, and ignore every other style of meditation or reason to meditate.
No not really, Dzogchen, vipassana, noting, deity yoga do not clear the mind
>Method of Meditating
>To avoid distraction from sensory cognition, we meditate in total darkness and total silence with three immovables (mi-g.yo-ba gsum)
I dont feel any need to go further.
If you want to, go ahead and present where these practices say you DONT sit quietly to meditate.
Oh I thought you were talking about silencing the mind. If you want something where you don't sit silent there are: mantra meditation, prostration, walking meditation, trul khor, vajra dance

What meditation are you talking about that Buddhism ignores anyway
>Oh I thought you were talking about silencing the mind
I am talking about both. The process that was the first hit on the style you said didnt recommend it, for the result that doubtless is mentioned and in every other style you mentioned.

Meditation is deliberate focus of awareness. That is it. It can be done many ways, for many reasons.
I'm glad you want to pretend Buddhism doesnt spend all its time here and elsewhere presenting one way, for one reason, but even in your list the first example was clearly presenting exactly this.
You let thoughts arise in Dzogchen though, so there is no forcing silence. What exactly are you looking for?
Now you seem to be dishonestrly presenting Buddhism to pretend that this isnt what buddhism presents, and all other forms I have ever seen written about or advocated for.
"Sitting silently" has never been about completely removing thoughts. It means
>Immovable mind – not actively thinking, with no thoughts of the past or future, and with no analysis. We just rest in the present moment of awareness, fresh and uncontrived, without being self-conscious about what we are doing. In other words, even if a thought arises, we do not follow it out.
It is the exact same
>one way, for one purpose
that I was talking about.
I'm genuine though so I might just be dumb and autistic, and my Buddhist knowledge and brain power is insufficient for debate so I will no longer continue this, but yes, it's all for Nirvana, which varies between traditions too. Theravada seems more sterile, no more passion arises even bodily responses, from what I've heard in their talks while Vajrayana is more discovering a big insight where even a drunkard, drug addict can be called enlightened and more levels on becoming a Buddha with magic and shit but that's another thing
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Here is my impression of Alan Watts
>gets day-drunk
>elaborates excessively
I think he may have embraced a new spiritual path for humanity
Exactly, this. Another less famous esoterist, Massimo Scaligero (friend of Julius Evola), expressed himself in similar ways. The spiritual constitution of the modern Man requires an inverse kundalini: while the ancient yogis and magi tried in various ways to detach themselves from the experience of individuality in order to reach wholeness, the modern Man is called to bring wholeness into individuality
Theravada buddhism*
Bruhhhhhhhh bruhhhh yo yo yo ain't dat sum shit

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