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Can Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen be used as a prove that Jews don't hold "God's chosen people" title anymore?
I mean I guess you can also just read the New Testament and get to the part where Jesus extends Gods formerly exclusive grace to the gentiles, and then the seething Pharisees have him killed over it. Among other things.
Certainly. Why would you ever doubt that
God sees everything.
Jesus is a dead jew who rotted away 2,000 years ago. He isn’t returning. The Son of God on the the hand is a very powerful egregore, but it’s not YHWH and thus cannot speak on His behalf.
Either Jesus is dead or lives on as an egregore,
Make up your mind.
Obviously Jesus isn't YHVH. He is the son of YHVH, which is still pretty high position for one to have
He’s not the son of YHWH at all. The man is dead, the idea of Jesus is alive, but that doesn’t make them the same, unless you’re telling me that Christians worship a Jewish space ghost.
Space Ghost? What are you talking about?
Yes but not to evangelicals and other normalfag "christians"
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(True, we could also talk about the most classic scene in the temple where the only time Jesus got mad and flipped the money changers tables over cause they were stealing temple goers real honest money(gold and silver) and giving the people worthless pieces of paper in return. The pharisees are still doing that to everyone to this day, it’s why rome2.0(weimerica) is the way it is now. For me, that scene of Jesus kicking the money changers tables over was because Jesus understood what was going to happen to his people as they were robbed but his knowing wasn’t just localized to his time and that place, i think he knew what it would snowball into over the next few thousand years and it’s why he did go into a blind rage against the fiction bankers of his day in that temple. The level of needless human suffering the money changers have caused over the last few thousand years cause they can’t give up their Babylonian black money magic, it’s mind boggling and so very heart breaking, and sad.)
The Essene do but not the Bolshevik
Yes. All throughout the Bible but mainly New Testament it tells the truth about the ungodly jews. Remember there is no such thing as a jew or gentile for we are all one in Christ Jesus.
The god of this world is Satan.
Jews are still god's chosen people.
They hold every position of affluence and influence in this filthy physical prison.
Idk man all that shit is made up anyway so who cares
>They hold every position of affluence and influence
Is this an admission?

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