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do you also come from the timeline were Sydney was the capital of Australia and not Canberra?
how did they get to this timeline? And when?
also I remember Australia being more green.
no, nobody is lmao
what the fuck happened to south australia? it looks way thinner now, i don't remember 'the great australian bight'
sounds like you just didn't know what the capitol was. sydney would be everyone's first guess
Why does Australia exist?
Have you ever taken the time to think about that?
Why do Australians exist?
Is this some type of joke god is playing on us?
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That is timeline 2. Things have been mashed up as the realities which contain this contained world move through the center of the wheel.
You shall enjoy this if you be stood under certain principals.
yup, sydney was the capital.
Yeah there are some countries where cultural central isn't the capital. Like Canada(Toronto-Ottowa), Turkey(Istanbul-Ankara), USA(California-Washington), Australia is one of those
>also I remember Australia being more green.
If anything, I was kinda surprised straya isn't just desert.

As someone born and raised here, it's always been Canberra, in fact it's been drilled into my head because of how much homework and tests included listing the states and capitals.
You would rather believe in alternate timelines than admit to yourself that you got a minor fact about a foreign country wrong.

The Bight has also always existed, and I know because I always used to think it was called the 'bite' as a kid, because it looked like someone had taken a 'bite' out of it.
I had a close Australian online friend who moved to Melbourne from Sydney before covid and I'll never forget him telling me how sick of "The capital" he was. It's the first thing that hit me when I heard about Canberra. OP ain't wrong.

The entire shape is off, the horns are more exaggerated just like South America shifted right into Southeast America.
I remember it being Victoria. You’d guess Sydney and be wrong only for the person to say “nope it’s Victoria! Haha you’re so dumb lolzzzz”
I remember Australia being way down south instead of hugging Southeast Asia
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>I remember Australia being way down south
One of the hottest places on earth you remember being more green and sydney the capital Kek you are just low IQ with the memory of a goldfish
I saw a documentary from the old timeline once. There were these guys who drove around the Outback looking for gas. They would cut the ass out of their pants and wear goalie masks. Apparently they played hockey in Austria in the old timeline. People in Austria were muslims. They had a leader who was called Lord Humongous, and he was also called the Ayatollah of Rock n' Rollah.
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>The entire shape is off
It's also weird that this video grame screenshot of the map of the world that has that weird island at the left of Australia also has the original shape of Australia that I remember.
The "horns" were on the right like this so they weren't as prominent.
Tasmanian Devils used to spin around really fast like tornados. Now they walk like regular animals.
As someone that was born in australia it's Canberra and you are just trying to convince yourself you're not wrong about an irrelevant fact that most people don't care about

A thread died for this
>I had a close Australian online friend who moved to Melbourne from Sydney before covid and I'll never forget him telling me how sick of "The capital" he was. It's the first thing that hit me when I heard about Canberra. OP ain't wrong.

He was talking about the capital of the state you fucking idiot.

Sydney is the capital of New South Wales, Melbourne the capital of Victoria.

Its always been canberra you just dont know geography.
No you fucking idiot shill, it wasn't mentioned in passing there were multiple conversations about Sydney as THE capital. I took 3 semesters of geography in university and can't count how many shitty maps I had to draw in with Sydney as the only star on the continent so get FUCKED.
finally some sane person.
dude I remember having an english dictionary that had an atlas in the last few pages. it had a map alongside a grid of every single country flag with information about their population, capital, currency etc...
and I remember Australia's capital was literally Sydney. no one can convince me otherwise.
this is not another "istanbul-ankara or newyork-washingtonDC" case. I was always aware of those. but SYDNEY WAS THE CAPITAL OF AUSTRALIA WTF. I HAVE READ, SEEN, AND HEARD THIS COUNTLESS TIMES THROUGHOUT MY LIFE.
You probably think New York City is the capital of the US
Was that the same timeline that had Alaska be a blue state?
Wait what the fuck, yeah it was, the entire thing about Australia is how fucking remote it was from the rest of the world and how the natives must've gotten there hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Seriously though, anyone else remember Alaska being a blue state, only to look it up and oh holy shit no they've been red for a LONG time in this timeline
I have witnessed the effect before so this could be true also. Very possible. I also remember vaguely that it was Sydney.
I love echo-chamber threads like these. Mental gymnastics at its finest.
I remember the first Mandela effect I had was with the song move them n***ers north by Johnny rebel. The lyrics were originally, mixing up the race, etc. staying in their place. Now it's mixing up the races, etc. staying in their places. I swear on my mom's grave that happened within one minute after I listened to the original timeline song so there is total clarity. I heard the truth what I heard was real.
You and those other people come from a timeline where that was possible. I also do remember it being sydney aswell. But i doubt anyone remembers denmark being inbetween sweden and norway there was no gap between those countries.
>the entire thing about Australia is how fucking remote it was
Exactly, that's the whole point of it being the "land down under", because it is (was) so far south and away from everything.
People like you should be permanently banned from /x/.
I live in Australia you dumb cunt you're just shitty at geography. Canberra is 3 hours from Sydney in its own capital teritory which is where you're confusion comes from. You're just wrong dude
Can the mods delete this shit thread pls? Wtf is this. Retard schizos mixing their stupidity for something paranormal. Fuck off.
Canberra didn't even fucking exist a few years ago, maybe you are from this timeline, not all of us are.
Sydney was the unofficial capital between 1788 and 1901 (when Australia was several different colonies and not one country), but it was never the capital of post-Federation Australia. Melbourne was for the first few years before they finished building Canberra, though.
Sydney is the most populous city (by a fair margin) and more or less the cultural centre of the country (in the last, say, two decades Melbourne and Brisbane have been challenging that, though).
The Bight has always been there. The French had a sailing around it in 1802-03. Even gave all the little inlets and rivers and stuff French names.
It’s not that far south of Indonesia - the Indonesians has a (very limited) seasonal trade network with some of the far northern Aboriginal “nations”. Some of the Dreamtime (Aboriginal religion/folklore) stories from up top have Islamic undertones. If you’re into strategy games, Europa Universalis IV lets you simulate this.
It looks different because the map is “curved” to simulate the globe shape - look at North America! The “weird island” is probably meant to be Lemuria - at least, that’s what it equates to. Now there is a REAL /x/ geography story.

okay fed, you glow
>you dumb cunt
>you're confusion
Wait what? Sydney's not the capital..?

Well shit.
I remember my first one, I was sitting on the bus, Queen's We are the champions was playing, this was rare because it had good music, usually we have bad music in spanish, that we call "vernacular", ugh.
Anyway, so the song cuts short into a commercial break, and I found it odd, because I had no idea they made a shorter version for the radio.
Years later people were claiming it didn't have "Of the world" at the end, and I knew this wasn't the case, I had bought the original Greatest Hits CD that had it and it had it at the end, the complete version.
I had ripped it from the CD into digital format and listened to it. The same version I had listened to for decades.
Except it also had the "Off the world" part at the end removed, and it hit me, that it was identical to the one I listened to in the bus.
And then I watched George Clooney and his crew being shocked by it, and I was convinced something was amiss.

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