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Is it true that intense silent mental recitation of the Jesus prayer causes one to see an ineffable light? What is it really? Hesychasts say it's the light that the apostles of Jesus saw during his transfiguration but is there like a phenomenological explanation? Do other religions report anything similar?
One who looks into the light becomes one with the light. What’s in a name? The name is salvation, so what’s the name? Think deeply and you’ll have your answer.
Not sure, but shortly before i became orthodox, i started seeing a flickering light in front of my eyes before bed, and sometimes during the day, kinda like this scene in enter the void by gaspar noe
But instead or black, it was white; I tried to look up whether something was wrong with my eyes, but there seems to be no such condition
>Is it true that intense silent mental recitation of the Jesus prayer causes one to see an ineffable light?
File deleted.
No but being a retard makes you blind.

If you see light when you pray then you don't understand the context.

Those that can see the light of the world are Jesus and the Lords people.

I can see the table I'm shitposting at. I can see the pattern of my cup and everything in my kitchen.

Because all of those that pretend to see, aren't God's people and are infiltrators.
What is the "Jesus Prayer"? I'm not familiar with it.
Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
wow...never heard the Our Father/Pater Nostra referred to as the Jesus prayer...your not praying to Jesus. But I get it.
Pater Noster ...brain fart
Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Wrong, that's the Lord's Prayer.
Nothing is wrong with it, I pray it every night.
>the Jesus prayer
See this anon's post.
Most people probably haven't heard of it because it's mostly used in Eastern Orthodoxy. I only know about it from researching Hesychasm.
It's some more Christcuck bullshit!
It's similar to the prayer of the publican from Luke 18:9-14
no more or less than you would get from meditating/contemplating without something that resembles a prayer or mantra, but yes
Jesus was a pedophile according to Mark 14:51 when he was caught with a boy wearing nothing but lingerie who then ran away butt naked as if something shameful was occurring.

Jesus was a Jewish supremacist when he called a Greek woman a dog for the sole reason of her race (she just finished worshiping him and asking him for a miracle) in Mark 7:24-30.

Jesus was a liar when he said “salvation comes from the Jews” in John 4:22.

Paul was a liar when he said race, gender, and class are all fake. (Galatians 3:28)

Please stop worshiping the volcano demon parasite known as Yahweh and the fake thought-form he created known as “Jesus.” (Real name Rabbi Yeshuah.)
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"Dear God, I'm sorry for existing. I'm such an evil sinner. I know I deserve to be thrown into hell and burned alive forever while being skull-fucked by demons for all eternity. Thanks for dying for me so that I might have the chance to go to heaven and suck your dick forever in the black cube as a human battery for Yahweh. I hate my ancestors. I hate being alive. I yearn for death.”
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"It says here that "nobody is good" (Mark 10:18) and even my most righteous and holy deeds are like women's menstrual rags before God (Isaiah 64:6). God also "hates all workers of sin" (Psalm 5:5) which includes the entire world according to Romans 3:23 which says all have sinned. So according to the Bible, God hates the entire world since everybody is a filthy wretched sinner. Wow, I need to worship this God!!!"
This happens at the beginning of every lsd trip, and for me it persisted on and off like a year after my last one. Look it up if you don't believe me.
demiurgic nonsense, enjoy reincarnating into this shithole
she called the greek a dog, she responded even dogs eat the scraps, he in turn told her that her daughter was cured and that her faith was bigger than the jews. You are a lying retard
>muh race
race ofc isnt real in the spiritual world, there is no matter
You really think that the mundane & metaphysical worlds aren't reflections of each other? That evolution occurs on the physical & mental level, but not the spiritual?
It's telling to witness the vigor with which people attempt to mock and shame Christ and Christianity in particular with slander bait and accusations

inb4 seething anti-Christian comes in to call me a "chistcuck" and posts some more bad faith surface level interpretations trying to convince other barely out of highschool posters how like, uncool it is maaan.
It's okay I'll pray for you anons. lol.
What does the flickering light mean?
so just to check, are you talking about the "lord jesus christ have mercy on me a sinner" prayer
and to our yiddish friend, i hope you have lots of fun with the literal billions of muslims you've surrounded yourself with
> Is it true that intense silent mental recitation of the Jesus prayer causes one to see an ineffable light? What is it really? Hesychasts say it's the light that the apostles of Jesus saw during his transfiguration but is there like a phenomenological explanation? Do other religions report anything similar?
> Do other religions report anything similar?
Mantra japa, or repetition of a mantra, as also practiced in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

There is a particular overlap of such claims made in Surat Shabd Yoga, a subset of the Indian Sant Mat tradition, where lights and sounds (experienced internally) are said to accompany the devoted repetition of the mantra, often done silently and mentally just as the Jesus Prayer often is.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on me a sinner.

I believe you are referring to seeing Gods energies. His light is unseeable… or better yet unfathomable based on apophatic theology. Hesychasm is a monastic practice that takes years of spiritual devotion to achieve and I would imagine is very difficult to achieve outside of somewhere like Athos due to the constant overstimulation of the modern world.

With that being said the Jesus prayer or the prayer of the heart is essential for laypeople in that it continually focuses one’s attention back to Christ. Strive to be like him in everything. Glory to God for your curiosity and please continue to search. Don’t let the negativity on these boards shut you down. I’ll pray for you anon.
>butt naked
Begone welp
You are talking about the Beacon of the Christ Light and you are right, no other religion has lit the fire yet. The Beacon represents the Christ Consciousness and shows those that are sensitive to it the way to go forward in the world without getting stuck in the endless apocalypse of the elohim.
Wow these guys are my favorite jewlarpers!
>is it true some ritual can force the omnipotent into reactions?
>is it true intense love and devotion will be reciprocated with by the omnipotent?

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