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just a few questions about luck,
first, should i belive in luck?
second, if yes, can i affect it?
and third, just overall information about luck

i am just curious about it and this place seemed like the best place to ask

thanks for any anwsers
Appears to be word that came from the old dutch word for small penis
really? thought it came from a word for hapiness and good fortune, but thanks for the corection, ill be using fortune from now on
well Fortune is providence which doesn't have the stochastic sense of "luck"
than probability? i am running out of words
luck retains itself as a good Notion aside from chance or Fortune. if it's luck it's not chance/probability, you have a virtue called luck that gets Fortune to make things go your way. the luck stat is like a buffer against bad Fortune

as far as increasing your luck goes, check out my post on staking here:
You can't have good luck unless you stop sabotaging yourself.
the problem is with conceptual analysis. analytic philosophers do things like say, "this is true belief but not justified true belief," and then use a common-sense notion of justification to discuss what that means. this is called conceptual analysis, the application of "logic" to common-sense concepts.

but the problem you and they run into (though you realize it and they do not) is that these common-sense words may not be accurate ways of parsing Reality, or carving nature at its joints.

so for luck you have to rely on the notion that some primitive society that came up with the term was doing some real religious mythological work that makes the term reflect the way nature actually works.

whereas "what do we mean by justification" may not have an answer, as 'justification' may just be a way of white men doing trade for economic purposes, or something.

what i'm saying is maybe Fortune and Luck are in KOS-MOS, but justification is not.

One way to see the relation between Luck and Fortune is Kabbalistically. They could be two terms for the same Trump, which connects Jupiter to Venus, where Fortune is more Grecco-Roman, and Luck is more Anglo-Saxon.

Just two ways of interpreting the same force of Nature thru a culture's mythology and symbolism.

So on this view there really isn't such a thing called "Luck" or "Fortune," this is sort of kantian kabbalah, because you can't know the forces of nature as they are in themselves, only as interpreted thru some MYTH-OS, the operating system of Yesod (Known as Art).
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>should i believe in luck?
If we define "luck" as a manifestation of abstract and unknowable forces of providence, then it would be wise to believe in luck. To disbelieve this form of luck would be the equivalent of disbelieving in phenomena unknown to you that impact your life, which is a practically absurd position.

>second, if yes, can i affect it?
Borrowing the previous definition, we could say that our conscious mind, as an interpreter of the unknown forces around us, is a primary tool for affecting your relationship towards luck. As a result, you may want to affect luck through interacting with the world around you in ways that align with your own personal perspectives on luck. For example, if you find a particular charm to be lucky, then it probably is, for you anyway.

>and third, just overall information about luck
Luck can be thought of as the most abstracted form of the concepts relating the observer to the observed with respect to the equally abstract concept of "the good". Luck is not a god, luck is not even necessarily a force, and luck follows no systemic pattern that can be known. Luck merely describes the imperfect knowledge we may refer to regarding our relationship to "the good": observations, data points, heuristics of action and form. It has many names and analogues in Eastern, Persian, western, and Indian philosophical histories, which form a superstructure for understanding how little we know about ourselves and our environment.

May good luck accompany the reader of these words.
Luck is real, it's just reality and probability manipulation. For a long time I thought I was just born with a max luck stat or something but now I know I was just unconsciously manipulating probability in my favor. Now I've been training to do so with intention so my incredibly good luck can kick in at-will as opposed to just when I really need good luck.

See, things will always go my way in the end, but I can't force my luck to like say win the lottery or something - but when someone gave me a lottery ticket on my birthday right when I found out my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer - BAM - I suddenly win $20,000 dollars and gave my dad all remaining $12,000 after taxes. When I "need" something my subconscious makes probability work things out in my favor, but I can't force it to get whatever I want - or at least not yet. I must say that being lucky rocks.
but just as Luck or Fortune are an Art there is an alchemical Art of transmuting them for your purposes. this is the alchemy of the Art Trump of the Thoth Deck, known to Nietzsche as the Gay Science of reevaluating values
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“The nobody carries this logo on his left hand but his right hand is clean apparently.”
My thought process goes like this
You're gambling and win and everyone says you're really lucky as like a friendly insult that since you won the bet you must have a small penis as like a compensation
They are trying to claim that God is left handed. God uses both hands.

He cleans one hand and washes the other.

Strange Attractors:


They say that this stat is impossible to train.

I guess it's truly luck of the draw.
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God can clean the worst mess, if you believe in him and stand under what he wants for you and others.
Not a shill or Larp, but I watched this frequency video for a few hours and literally the next day I received 2000 dollars randomly plus received a 50k grant a week later

If this is possible, then luck related videos should do the same
It's funny right? You always say good luck to people. But really you're saying have a small dick and you'll win.
I thought you'd appreciate that.
Luck is fruitful circumstances. This means luck is limited by awareness and brought about by action. In modern usage we refer to those actions as being beyond our control, and this comes from how the word was initially adopted into English as a gambling term. In reality though, there are many internal and external actions that can bring about more fruitful circumstances more often.
yes,yes, generally a "random event" is an event of the cause is not know or at least not known entirely. The more you the more knowledge you have, the more knowledge you have the more power you have. If you have enough power you have change the outcome of events.
Set that all aside, even npc's can train this by rolling the dice enough times and trying to force the intended number.
woah is that the 4chan symbol in real life?
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We create our own luck based on our beliefs
Consider reading the book Conscious Luck by Gay Hendricks and Carol Kline. You will need to make a conscious commitment to being lucky, and do the work to rewire your brain. You must believe you are lucky and worthy of being lucky.
Also consider the Silva Mind Control Method by Jose Silva, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peele, and Contesting: The Name It And Claim It Game by Helene Hadsell. The last book is written by a woman who have over 500 contests in her life because she visualized winning them, the feeling of having the prize, what she would do with the prize, etc. She read the other two books I mentioned and applied them to her life in her pursuit of winning contests.

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