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What the hell does any of this mean? Does ANYONE understand alchemy?
i'm not initiated into rosicrucian symbolism but here's my intermediate occult knowledge. the two figures are the personifications of the Pillars of Creation, yin and yang or Mercy and Severity, as seen on the Art Trump. their tools symbolize the Art of Masonry, i.e. the art of building thru the intellect. this is pythagorean. the star as lesser mercury is the Kether Crown, which is Pluto, taking its orbit from the Star. they are grounded in the solar system with the Sun and Moon, but the Star is the peak. the Star has Mercury within it, which goes with the ruler and compass, yet "There is interference in the path of lesser mercury." So it's Masonic, of the Enlightenment, using Reason to mold KOS-MOS, rather than the Mystical Art of Pythagoras.

They are standing on the dragon which means they are not on the wrong side of the River Styxx. i think this has something to do with REBIS but i'm not sure what it means. they are not doing evil as they do their Masonry.

then the dragon is on top of the earth, with a pythagorean triangle in it, which symbolizes how they change the earth thru the ruler and compass, deriving from the Lesser Mercury of the Star. the earth has wings making it the winged disk, meaning their alchemy is situated in yet above the Brahman, not reevaluating values or properties of God outside of what is permitted by the Wheel of Fortune; this goes along with them stomping on the dragon.

also the relation between dragon and earth could mean they are doing the alchemy with the ruler and compass because otherwise the dragon would be fucking with the Winged Disk.

in Babylon they follow the Dragon and do not follow the Winged Disk.

God doesn't like this he gave me the catpcha
This is a picture of how "power" is transferred into the world.
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Yes it’s about the process of refining your psyche and understanding I am
The egg they’re in is the mind
Rebis is the divine bride groom the unification of opposites
The planets and moon are the 7 keys of hades it’s about understanding the psyche through its archetypes which are potrayed as gods in mythos
The beast they stand on is reality itself which has been conquered through gnosis aka knowledge
The 4 square and 3 triangle which make up the 7 archetypes is a play on the divine trinity and reality
The golden snitch for lack of a better term is the refined pychopomp the union of chaos and order
As you can see in this image there is chaos below order above now on yours through the conquering of the beast through Divine union they become one
If you want to go further study the corpus hermetica and kaballah
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This image gives more understanding to the dual 7
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Anon your anti Masonic dogma that you probably got from 4chan nutjobs has twisted truths with lies to fulfill its egoic bias
The free masons are an extension of the pythagoreans
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All this stuff is really fascinating but if you don’t have the passion for it and time to dedicate studying all things without dogma (aka don’t try to force your duality into a unification of it) your better of just living a normal life and receiving good by doing good and being good with is much more wholesome and simple as the best things are
i don't have a bias against the masons. don't be daft. while Pythagoras might draw from Mercury in Kether, he would also draw from Greater Mercury, as his mathematics has a religious aspect, while the Freemasons use the ruler and compass, drawing from Lesser Mercury, taking the Pythagorean mysticism out of their mathematics
Anon the masons are just as mystical as the pythagoreans they’re literally an evolution of the same thing
Why all the cryptic surreal artwork and why the layers of symbology if underneath it all is just a very primitive take on psychology? Why go through the trouble of learning all these correspondences and making these silly little drawings if nothing is actually being accomplished that you couldn’t have done in a 90 minute psychotherapy session?
now it's at least a good argument. are the masons as mystical as pythagoras with their ruler and compass? to my mind Masonry as it currently operates comes from the Age of Enlightenment, which places Lesser Mercury in Kether. since Pythagoras acted prior to the AEon of the dying god, he would place Greater Mercury in Kether. what do you think of that?

i place Aquarius in Kether and speak the dream
What makes you think Pythagoras had anything to do with rabbinic Jewish cosmology?
Erebis known as Merlin. Stands between body and spirit above the burning dragon.

People who fall into holes in the ground at holograms.

Always walk across pathway storm drains.
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lol anon I could go into great depth about why but I would be wasting my breath
Just do good be good receive good
If you dare to know why these things are the way they are I dare you to take the hero’s (heroic dose) journey and visit the underworld then you may begin to unfold why things are the way they are
you don't have a good enough heart to argue with me. sorry
Clearly there’s a disconnect between the claim it’s all just symbolism for personality archetypes, and the fact that alchemists spent their time building laboratories rather than meditating and doing shrooms. Clearly they were trying to do something beyond just introspecting.
but Rosicrucian alchemy really did become introspection as they believe the philosopher's stone is the transmutation of the soul-person into self-actualization. spiritual gold
It means...
Day Man!~ Ah ah aaah~
Fighter of the Night Man!~ Ah ah aaah~
Champion of The Sun!~ Ah ah aaah~
Master at Karate!~
And friendship for everyone!~
I’m not the guy you were arguing with, I was asking why in the world you would connect Pythagoras to an unrelated cosmological system developed a millennia later by Jewish rabbis. Pythagoras wouldn’t have placed anything in Kether, he’d have no idea what you’re talking about…
The compass and ruler are just tools of the polymath which pythagorous was
This business about a lesser and greater mercury is new to me as mercury is just the divine psychopomp of da”at the messenger and gatekeeper of the higher 3 (which lay outside off the planetary symbology) which unifies all 10 into 1
If you have some source material for the concept of a lesser and greater mercury I’d love to read it all though I find there to be much more smoke then fire when it comes to these things
you're equivocating over the concept of "would." in soviet russia when they tried to do IQ tests, they would say, "a bear collects 3 berries, how many berries..." and the Russian peasant would say, "a Bear wouldn't do that." that's you. that's not the question. the question is where Pythagoras WOULD place Kether. under the counter-factual statement, "if he were doing Kabbalah." that's just implied. it's amazing that you're so delusional of jewish oppression that you can't understand common language, or logic for that matter
>Which Shintō shrine do you think Muhammad WOULD have prayed at if he were doing Shintō?
That seems about as useful a thought experiment as yours. Unless you care to elaborate on some hidden connection between Pythagoras and Kabbalah?
I’d also like to add that I find most peoples placements of the planetary bodies within kaballah to be silly in my eyes mercury is da”at Saturn is gevura chokmah is Venus the tiferet is sol yesod Luna hod Jupiter and victory im spacing on the name is mars
Here is my reasoning https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/36600764
And the upper 3 of the “unconscious” realm are outside of all that
kabbalah is universalist so it's actually more like asking where would Muhammad place venus and the crescent moon on the Tree of Life.
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the compass and rulers are logocentric symbols of Enlightenment in the AEon of the dying god. the whole point of the ruler and compass is that all the alchemy used for building and thought-architecture is parsed by Reason. this essentially takes the mysticism out of 1+1=2, while Pythagoras made a cult out of the mystique of 1 = 1

Lesser Mercury is Hod and Greater Mercury is Binah. Binah can either be Greater Mercury or Saturn. I believe my source is The Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley.

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lol I make allot of Kabbalah threads and it’s funny how many people refuse to get this
But but muh evil Jewish black magic
Like no dude no it’s not a religion or magic wand it’s a cypher of all religions it’s a map of the psyche as all religions are just the psyche trying to understand itself
But all that gets you is crickets and more muh evil Jews nonsense
it's also our inheritance after WWII.
Oh dude Crowley was a terrible con man like el Ron Hubbard who was associates of his through Jack Parson and accomplished what Crowley couldn’t which made Crowley seethe and if you still think crowleys a good dude after reading the book of the law I don’t know what to tell you
Yah you just have a completely different map I don’t agree with whatsoever
The great work is all about 1=1
The ruler makes the square the compass is the circle the divine masculine the divine feminine them together is I am

Also Crowley was straight up kicked out of masonry and pushed down a flight of stairs for being a vile dude

All that aside you seem like a good dude so we may just have to agree to disagree
Now you’re just being silly. Kabbalah is nowhere near universal. It was a revival of the old emanationist cosmologies from the Bronze Age, rebranded as some “ancient wisdom” and rewritten in their medieval reconstructed Hebrew. No major religion today is emanationist outside of certain small sects of Hinduism and Hasidic Judaism. Mostly because that’s a silly belief given how often God has proven himself over the millennia to be a living person and not some unintelligible foreign concept.
i guess that is to say, i don't necessarily like it, but it's what we have in the Freemasonic New World Order. if Hitler had won, we'd have Satanism, instead of the Golden Dawn. not learning Kabbalah is like not learning to arm your god-given nuclear weapon
it's silly to think Kabbalah is universalist? whatever go away
yeah i'm a huge fan of Crowley, actually. sorry that you won't learn from him. the book of thoth is a masterwork of alchemy.

it basically seats the Antichrist by saying God is a Succession of Kings. that may not be your thing, but it's for me
Most likely Ise Jingu. He was influenced by Christians, who have a long history of solar symbolism. That is why he would probably make Amaterasu Oomikami the supreme God. You also have to keep in mind the influence of Zoroaster in his time and later.
also it's worth saying that Kabbalah is babylonian, as the jews can't invent anything, it didn't come from the jews, it is a monotheist interpretation of Babylonian initiation rituals. hence end times babylon will seat the Antichrist using Kabbalah, as he will embody the Sephiroth in the Third Temple, and Become YHVH, as God is a Succession of Kings, which brings us back to Crowley

>Will you put a Successor on the Earth who sheds blood?
indeed i know what you do not!
How is any of this word thumping ape speak different than a Christian zealot yelling about sacrifice
Ok, prove that it doesn't have concepts that can be applied to other religions.
the difference is that Muhammad's thought is a contradiction to shinto while Pythagoras' thought is not a contradiction to Hermetic Kabbalah. also Hermetics connects Pythagoras to contemporary Kabbalah
Outer vs Inner Teachings pretty much. The strawman you're talking about is purely outer teachings with no inner.
Shinto isn't "required" to be polytheistic. It can be focused on one kami alone. To the exclusion of others in terms of genuine worship. Japan doesn't fit the mold of other countries except for some that might show a universal concept at work.
Yeah, and it infinitely diminishes any serious study on the systems that preceded Kabbalah, like Pythagoreanism, or Platonism, which had no concept of a “tree of life” because they were NOT emanationist systems. Pythagoras taught the mathematical unity of the created order, Plato taught the means by which order propagates as an attempt toward an unrealizable ideal. Neither taught the series of devolutions from infinite to finite, the series of occultations from God to the world, which is central to Kabbalah. That idea came from the old, pre-Pythagorean, paganism of the Phoenicians. You get the most out of studying Pythagorean philosophy on its own merit, not by trying to conflate it into a contradictory cosmology unrelated to it that developed more than a millennia after Pythagoras died.

You bought into the rabbi’s scam if you believed that what they’re selling you is “universal.” No more universal than any other variety of primitive tribal folk paganism.
Why does it matter what I am on the inside
If I go home and VICIOUSLY masturbate to rape porn but I just got done feeding the less fortunate
Why does it matter which one I do
Why is it bad or good to do both?
Have you read the principia discordia I’d highly recommend it
Although some fools take it seriously even though it tells you quiet blatantly not to which is quiet funny but in its silliness comes great understanding how people like Hubbard and Crowley operate and the power in such operations

And all that aside it’s just a fun audiobook to listen to and ponder especially while intoxicated
Inner teachings are the ones that are kept for a select few or initiates. Outer teachings are what the general public is told about the religion's beliefs. This is a pattern found all over the world's religions and esoteric ideologies. It is also important to note that the people who have destroyed the West have been so called Protestant cults. They have pushed an ideology that allows for no personal accountability and no drive to pursue spirituality. I blame them for why you failed to understand, but it could also be your own fault. We have too many idiots on /x/ and I find it very demoralizing.
So you DO know the answer as to why but you won't tell me
i'm pretty well-versed in kabbalah and i think you are not as you dismiss the occult Establishment after WWII as "too Jewish," and i never heard of "emamanationist." look up adam kademon and tell me how this fares with your emanationist theory.

i'm just showing where pythagoras' philosophy fits on the tree of life. that's a completely normal occult practice, for anyone with any level of experience in the esoteric, and you're wrong and biased for objecting to it.

kether isn't even necessary to get what i'm saying, the distinction is between Greater and Lesser Mercury. Greater Mercury is what Pythagoras did when he derived a mysticism from the mathematics. Lesser Mercury is analytic at best and logocentric at worst, connecting to Christ thru the Devil.

my point is that Pythagorean math is Greater Mercury, while Masonic Math, given the ruler and compass, is Lesser Mercury. that doesn't really require Kabbalah to get off the ground, and your objection would (see i'm using the no-no word again!) come down to, in a certain setting, "but pythagoras didn't know about the planets!"
If someone is masturbating to rape porn then they have a problem that goes deeper than just masturbating. They have a sickness in the head that is all their own fault. You can lose those disgusting fetishes. If you feed them then you are in the wrong 100%. Doing wrong is just wrong no matter what else you do that is close to right.
maybe i'll check it out tonight, thanks
You're skipping a huge part of that equation
It's bad to masturbate to rape porn because you are feeding a desire that can lead to you doing actual evil to someone. That's pretty simple. Feeding the hungry is good because you are doing something for people who most likely can't repay you. That is selfless and is about higher principle. You can do good in this life and sometimes that doesn't get you an immediate benefit. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do good. One should do good and do more than that because it is the best way to live.
Now that you've caught up to my sentence post I made 30 minutes ago
Would you like to answer the question
Oh man fucking clowns lol
You masturbating to rape porn is a terrible act against yourself. You can't balance that out by feeding the homeless because that has nothing to do with the horrible act you committed. If you had starved people to death, then it would. Or if you had been stingy with food or other resources then it would help.
Karma is a lie. The act of penance doesn’t itself absolve the crime. All it does is show your resolve in changing your ways. By doing good to others, you give God a reason to forgive you for your earlier wrongdoings. But the act itself doesn’t earn your salvation, it’s still up to Him.
Well you're an idiot and I kind of knew that.

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