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Has anyone ever made the connection that there are three major Christian branches just like the three parts of the holy trinity? Could this mean something?
no Allah set the Christians at enmity with one another for corrupting the Book and he also says desist from saying "three"

>And from those who say, "We are Christians" We took their covenant; but they forgot a portion of that of which they were reminded. So We caused among them animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. And Allah is going to inform them about what they used to do.
>And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allāh is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.
Pisslam is split too
>And if two factions among the believers should fight, then make settlement between the two. But if one of them oppresses the other, then fight against the one that oppresses until it returns to the ordinance of Allāh. And if it returns, then make settlement between them in justice and act justly.
The two branches of Islam are much more violent towards each other than the branches of Christianity are to each other lol
Currently, yes. Catholics and Protestants used to kill each other a lot but they have chilled out in recent times. All Christians get along pretty well now.
There are way more than three. And any institution that accepts the First Council of Nicaea is not really Christian, regardless.
my point is that Christianity has branches as a punishment, not as a symbolic gesture to the Trinity
The what is your explanation for Islam having two branches?
The Protestant "Church" is a whole network of cults. I figured this out a while ago. There is no reason to believe that you are justified by faith alone or that the Bible (the 66 books most people know, which is a chunk of the real thing) is the only source of inspiration. None of what you hear in any of those cults is real. They are totally manipulative and the Christian world has been forever destroyed by them. Look at the Communist revolutions and the date The Communist Manifesto was written. Same thing happened with Martin Luther's Reformation Revolution.
my quotation suggests Allah foresaw the problem and gave a solution, to fight against the oppressors
Problem is both sides think each other are the oppressors.
So called Sunni and Shia are not branches of Islam. So called Sunni are misnamed because they don't follow Sunnah or prophetic tradition. They try and imitate Muhammad by using a smattering of Hadith, which is not the sum of Sunnah. Sunnah includes all the prophets from Adam to Muhammad. The truth of the matter is that the so called Shia are closer to Al Haqq. They show love for Ali, who was the first real follower of Muhammad. He spoke up for him when no one else would and that is why Muhammad made him known as important. It would be wrong to ignore this and so called Sunni have to cope endlessly because of it.
yeah i don't speak for Allah (only sometimes)

i just think prophetic honesty with the Abrahamic faiths entails the belief that Koran is Scripture and Muhammad (PBUH) was a prophet
Christ is King, Muhammed was a pedo warlord
then what is the inheritance of Ishmael?
There are reasons to believe that he didn't have sex with Aisha when she was nine. I know it sounds crazy to hear that, since your favorite based Youtuber said it and it must be true. Yet there is evidence to the contrary.
Arabs at the time were a warlike people. So were the Hebrews. Dealing with people like that isn't like dealing with people now. Your arguments aren't that great, but I know them well. I've put them out there as a way to provoke thought. Apparently people like you just want to provoke.
Islam really hinges on the idea that the gospels were corrupted. That's it.
Jesus didn't marry 9 year olds or go to war with anyone
Neither did Muhammad. If anyone wants to have a good faith argument about this, I'd be willing to show proof.
i wonder how far a cultural relativist argument could go, saying simply that being a warlord and marrying young girls was part of the cultural fabric of Arabia in a certain time and place in which Muhammad (PBUH) happened to live and prophesize
To be fair, that was very command back then. Sorry everyone, people married young girls back then. We didn't live that long. The main argument against Islam is that it hinges on the gospels being corrupted while also drawing stories from it at the same time.
Yet it wasn't common to marry 9 year olds. They used to bury baby girls alive if you trust the sources. I personally don't trust them because they clearly were written to demonize the polytheistic past. About Aisha, she was probably closer to 18 than 9. They had a different way of counting years in terms of age back then, which many people don't take into account.
I mean, people used to marry 12 year olds in the United States but everyone wants to forget about that. We also don't crucify people for their crimes anymore but that used to be seen as just punishment
Gnostic Christianity exists too though
They still do all of that in the Middle East so it's not really a matter of progress but leaving behind this insane desert demons
There’s only one Christian Church. Rome tried to co-opt it into a neo-pagan political entity. Then some Greeks or Russians or whatever decided it wasn’t neo-pagan or political enough, so they split off and doubled down on stuff like kissing skulls or whatever. Then eventually Guttenburg invented the printing press, folks everywhere were able to read the Bible for the first time, and a LOT of them realized,
>wait we’ve been doing everything wrong this entire time?? Oh crap
So they “re-formed” the Church, literally, reviving the true Christianity which had been suppressed for centuries.
>desert demons
Stop thinking that calling Levantine gods this means they're not real. They are. For a brief while I thought this way, but I realized that it was wrongheaded of me. You have to find nuance in your opinion and outlook.
Kinda similar way I have wondered about the 3 Abrahamic faiths
>Judaism (the Father obv)
>Christianity (the Son obv)
>Islam (the Holy Spirit is left)
>desert demons
it's the dismissal of abraham
Protestantism stayed on the level of individual rights, rather than actual individual development. In other words, the same level as Judaism.

The other two stayed at the level of creating a spiritual culture, rather than spiritual individuals. Collectivism over individualism, the same level as Islamism.

True Christianity should seek individual spiritual development. A culture that lost it's spirituality has, in some ways, even more power to create truly spiritual individuals, becouse these individuals must overcome everything that is outisde of themselves to develop their spirituality. That's why Christ came to Earth in a region affected by the Roman Empire, the first precursor to Globohomo, instead of appearing in Eastern countries which still had more spiritual cultures at that time.
You’d probably love the writings of John Wesley
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How funny that there are three major factions in Islam as well. Did Allah split you apart as well?
Interesting that you Muslims kill each other a hell of a lot more. I'm not a Christian and think Abrahamism is altogether a shit show of brainwashing and abuse, but want to point out that you Muslims are a fuck of a lot more feral.
Has it occured to you that suicide bombing is not settling between the faithful? Has it occured to you that you and the rest of the Abrahamists are just cultists supporting oppressive systems for the benefit of your religious elite?

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