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>we still don't have an explanation for this
My bet is on technologically advanced US aircraft that they were testing on live Navy pilots without their knowledge.
If we did they wouldn't be called u.f.o.s? What's your point?
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>still trying to distract numbskull normie vax-cattle from the #Vaxocaust
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The answer was always in front of you the whole time
Take the meds.
This might be the most worthwhile thing I've seen yet made by AI.
Mark Summers YouTube
Looks like a bird. You can see the wings, head, and tailfeathers.
It's called a bird
Here comes the glowniggers
Nah lol, post some actually convincing evidence
Is such a thing even possible?
What is it then?
>AI generation becomes available
>Online forums now posting LE REAL IMAGES OF CRASHED SPACE SHIPS every other day
>retards eating it up
Not saying op pic related is AI
You mean the Unidentified Flying Object? NIGGA ITS UNIDENTIFIED
TTSA is a cia op with the goal of getting congress to legislate carte blanche eminent domain authority to scoop up any advanced R&D related to UFOs. A broad enough mandate to allow the CIA to scoop up Anything, really.
So why couldn't it just be a bird?
because it was flying faster than a jet maybe?
This is amazing
how do you know?
It's a transmedium vehicle that wasn't created by human beings. An alien craft in other words.
The thermal footage shows that it was colder than the ocean and emitting no heat.
These things were tracked at 80,000ft and then dropping to sea level in less than a second, with no sonic boom.

These things cannot be debunked or dismissed because they are very clearly advanced aircraft built buy something far more advanced than us that our military are powerless to.

If you still deny non-human intelligence you're pretty much a dumbfuck at this point
yeah you're right, a 40ft bird capable of hypersonic travel
isn't that just an illusion due to the camera being so zoomed in, locked to the object whilst being on a fighter jet?
my money is on the US knows exactly what it is (something physically small but mundane), but decided to release the footage to show off to Russia/China etc their superior tracking technology
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no, bear in mind the tic tac craft was actually observed by the pilots who chased it. it wasn't just captured on video
thing is, there were a fleet of them, we're only seeing one
>I don't know what it is, must be ayylmaos
you're the dumb one
I'll explain for you:

About one week before this hit the news a group of German journalists revealed yet another 13.4 million documents leaked from Appleby Offshore showing an unbelievable amount of corruption, tax avoidance and all kinds of unlawfull nastiness perpatrated by those in power. Including business leaders, politicians, celebrities.

This happens about once every two years. The minute one of these stories hits the mainstream media it's time to hit them with the "Welp we just discovered ALIENS you guys"

See also Pandora papers, Panama papers..
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this joins my only other AI made image I have saved
Doesn't look like anything to me.
the reality is it is far more than aliens from another planet. read the literature and research the topic thoroughly and you'll begin to understand
And yet nothing happens when those papers leak.

As far as op goes, it's reverse engineered craft made by northrop or boeing (i forgot which one) from real alien crafts cause they been in the know for decades
>just read my fanfics and delusions nd youll understand in no time
>its le aylhiehns
back to the underage board with you.
>I know what it is, it's just a bird I'm so heckin clever and I frickin love soience
Nah you're the actual retard, but not only that you're an arrogant retard, the worst combination possible
They bust this shit out for distraction whenever some kike shit happens.
Government vehicles made with erased technology we got from the Fallen angels.
Theory goes is it's not aircraft but some weird plasma projection thing they installed on the carrier.
Its plasma phase shifting technology. The same thing Bigfoot uses to abduct hikers.
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it's going pretty fast
>it's going pretty fast
for you
i've taken all the meds i have and i still think it's ayy lmaos
Get a grip
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>i don't trust the government
>except when they say they saw aliens
When the glownigger sits in front of congress with a shit-eating grin and tells you the military has evidence of non-human technology, you know it's a fucking op.
this shit is so fucking fake
you just know some psyops officer was projecting the silhouette of a model ufo onto some boring aircraft footage and jiggled it around to make it look real
It's surprising there hasn't been an AI generated UFO image that's received as much traction as OP yet. It's probably because AI trys to add unnecessary details and UFO pics rely on blurry images that lack detail.
we still don't have an explanation for this
Memory holed. Tom DeLonge also stopped talking about it - probably after the CIA sent a picture of his head in a crosshair or something.
>Stop talking about aliens
>Because they public will start talking
>And then what?
>Uuhhhmmmm THEY JUST WILL OK?!
It's a gorilla
What do you think downed the hypersonic missiles Iran fired at Tel Aviv everyone just watched live and thought was normal?
I think that's what it is. I saw a very similar bright object zipping around in the sky and moving at incredible speeds, then it just took off from zero to mach 5 and was gone. This was on a highway in the middle of the desert in Southern California. I looked up the area on google maps and I was only like several miles away from a Navy air base. Very thunk provoking. Someone on /k/ actually posted articles about what the project's called and the technology it uses. I think it was called NEMESIS or something like that.
He literally went all over promoting that he knew shit, actually it makes more sense that he went quiet after it all came out because the shit he claimed to know was nothing so he had fuck all to talk about.
>unidentified object
Digits confirm it was a demon.
Dell be stopped talking about it because he found out it’s demons. He says it in that horrific movie he made.
nigger can't even say pentagon right.
I think it was confirmed to be bird or balloon or somethjing. Don't remember anymore
what you see is the exhausts of another jet shot with an infrared flir camera. the rotation you see is the camera itself rotating. the results are completely reproducible. it's been solved
When is David Grusch going to release irrefutable proof of aliens?
>the military hasnt told the public what it is, and if you dont immediately assume that means aliens youre a retard
Sound logic.
If you get people riled up enough, things can happen. That Area 51 thing was a joke, but it shows people will mobilize if they think they have a reason to and they haven't been fully buck broken yet. Plus, with aliens specifically, there is the risk that if they know humans widely know of them, they might make themselves known.
makes sense to me
They calculated the trajectory and simply shot the missiles down. Moving "hypersonic" doesn't mean shit when you have computers that can instantly do trigonometry. The missiles were moving too fast to do any sort of evasive maneuvers without breaking up.
He's just going to milk it for all it's worth, there's a reason why Ancient Aliens is still a thing...
On sept 10th. 2001 McDonalds court trial for a monopoly game scandal started. One day before the 9/11 attacks

That film was SHIT and I say that as a huge Tom stan.
>technologically advanced US aircraft
every fucking time. Government hiding that kind of technology is unironically more improbable and a bigger story than ayylmaos
the simplest schizo script
>something newsworthy happens
>red deer STILL hasn't happened
must be a hard time for contrarians

crazy how AI can generate near perfect guy fieri and bourdain but can't even place a fan on the celing
There's a lot wrong in that image. Their food for one. Then the people's faces in the background. AI is shit.
The most advanced tech the government has is derivatives of the TR-3B black triangle and that shit cannot do what the UFOs do.
>can travel interstellar distances
>crashes in the desert
Yeah UFO's sound badass.
The Manhattan Project did not have a single leak. A journalist pieced it together because a ton of nuclear physicists suddenly changed their address to the desert, but no one leaked it. The SR-71 didn't have a single leak. The B2 didn't have a single leak. The B2 is great because no one even knew what it looked like while it was being used. Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising novel, for a concrete example. The B2 was in service at the time of him writing it, but he still was not able to get an accurate description and invented a new plane in the F-series to use. No one's leaked the JFK photos that the Dallas PD took despite the fact that they've been at the center of several court battles between the federal and state government. A big counter-argument against aliens is along your lines of 'they couldn't hide a conspiracy this big,' but history has shown us time and again that they absolutely can.
>can travel to the moon
>blows up in the atmosphere because of a single loose O-ring
Shit happens sometimes.
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I wonder how much footage out there has been labeled as fake but is actually genuine
i think i worded it badly. I meant that what ufos are doing on those videos is so ahead of current scientific knowledge that the government having that kind of technology and not sharing it is a bigger story than ufos being ayylmaos

there was a nice pasta that nailed it nicely. Someone has it?
But they are sharing it. They're certainly not sharing the actual alien shit - they're reverse engineering it until they can make something using resources available on earth (resources including alloys and precision machining, not just raw materials) and then releasing the tech. I've never really looked into this one so I can't give you more details, but that's a common theory on how the microchip was 'invented,' for example.
Why does it seem like 90% of UFO/alien sightings happen in america?
you know the blink 182 guys "team" released that. i think they found out he knew more about military tech than he should and spun him this UFO yarn to neutralize him
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They don't, it's just a bigger part of culture in America thanks to Roswell
You know what? I'm gonna go play XCom. I never beat it or did the DLC. Should I do Long War or just the regular game?
Considering all the alien related things coming out from government drones recently, there’s no way something isn’t happening. Psy-op against the populace because of the declining social and economic status of the west? Or maybe against China in fear of an imminent war? Or maybe it’s a charade to facilitate some behind-the-scenes power grab that will blow over and be forgotten without the average citizen ever knowing what really happened? You have multiple American presidents saying they can’t make any open statements about extra-terrestrials. No matter how you look at it, there’s definitely a coordinated effort towards some shadowy goal, even if it’s mundane and just old fashioned politicking. But still, I want to believe.
Faster than Light travel is not possible. Let alone the effects of time dilation anything remotely close would have
That's retarded. Not feasible given our current understand of technology sure, but to say you just can't go faster than a certain speed is pure retardation. What happens if you're going near light speed and then turn on a flashlight? Does the beam of light just stand still?
what happens if you're running and holding a flashlight? does the beam of light go the speed of light + running speed?
This is real and has been around for ages. The original video is longer has people screaming and panicking in the background. I can't find it again anywhere. The only time I ever see this footage now is in this .gif format
Look at this brainlet and laugh. Even your gay Hollyjew moviee lampshade the midwit take.of relativity with the pencilnin the paper meme.
>Faster than Light travel is not possible

It is, but they don't travel linearly
Yes. Why wouldn't it?
It was a glitch in the instruments.
That utterly embarassing UFO hearing recently should have demonstarted beyond reasonable doubt that its just attention whoring grifters from the government and military.
>the simplest wronghinker script
fixed you.
You do remember that this was supposed to be Trump's re-election year, right? Keep your eyes on the prize.
It's over...
Nothing will change. You faggots are completely delusional at this point. You cant vote your way out of this shit
Man, it's gonna be crazy when they assassinate Trump in a couple months. Do you think the righties will actually do anything about it or will they just spam "trump didn't kill himself" memes?
You tell me, what are you glowsticks gonna do?
its a piece of trash on the lenses that gives the illusion of a flying object
I think what’s more interesting are the crafts they can see in every type of vision but still can’t lock onto the target for some reason. There also UFOs that every nation fires on because they think it has a payload vs some crafts they leave entirely alone
If trump got assassinated expect massive civil unrest but if that transitions into anything that could change our country, it would be all based on the circumstances. If he got killed where only special people have access then yeah expect everything to burn.
Nobody is going to war for Trump. He's not the Christ figure you want him to be
If you are standing on a train going 30 kph and you throw a base ball 30 kph in the direction you are traveling it is moving 60 kph to anyone in front of it not on the train yes. If you throw it the opposite direction of travel it will be going 0 kph to anyone standing behind it not on the train. Believe it or not lots of people don't understand this.
What's curious about light is that this doesn't happen. It goes the speed of light, it doesn't matter if you're flying mach 3 and turn on a floodlight, the distance the light travels is always the same, its a constant. That's why we think it's the universal speed limit.
It's why it's studied so much.
Yeah, if you ignore all the explanations that were all made in the meantime.
What about with radio and similar signals? For example, a satellite beaming a TV show down from orbit. Or a radio-truck driving around. Will the people the truck is driving towards get the signal sooner than the people it's driving away from?
To add the this, a beam of light traveling Mach 3 on the rear of the airplane will take the same amount of time to travel as a light sitting still even though you'd think it would be C - mach3.
Again light doesn't behave this way that's why it's so interesting and studied.
None of that is going FTL.
Fuck sakes. The state of American education
Jesus Christ, that's not what I asked. I am asking because I am curious if the explanation is that waves simply get momentum imparted onto them in different ways than physical objects. Get over yourself, you fucking faggot.
Explain why gravity travels at the speed of light then
Explain gravity first.
lol the cia has had access to ai technology for decades before normie
Thing attracts other thing which is also attracting the first thing.
>and thought was normal
Shooting down missiles IS normal.
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Even if faster than light travel is possible, I doubt the human race will live long enough to meet them or atleast what we know as human. Also I doubt the world elite and secret agencies have the power or are competent enough to hide beings capable of faster than light travel for such a long time.
Radio waves travel the speed of light in a vacuum anon. Just barely slower in our atmosphere. Light however doesn't slow down. Again it's the reason it's studied and considered the max speed of the universe
What part of FASTER than light do you not understand?
But it's not faster than light
>American cries out as he attacks you
Thats what I said here >>38266507
Read nigga, read
Why are you trying to take the spotlight away from retarded Biden with le epic ufo newz? For FREE!?

The part where that's not possible even in theory as far as we understand. All the "theory" suggests that C is the maximum velocity of any known particle.
Inb4 it's a wave... is it?
You're just gonna have to accept that you are the retard here.
You assumed an anon thought radio waves were ftl when the post made no such implication. You just sperged for some reason about Americans.
the bigger and more insidious problem would be the notion of the ruling powers openly not giving a fuck anymore and having that seep into every level of society. essentially, the problem is the country turning into the same kind of "not my problem" shithole that russia, brazil, china etc. have already become. you can't really build an efficient society out of people who don't give a fuck about each other, and you need some social cohesion to make people return their shopping carts. otherwise it just becomes a dysfunctional mess where people spend more energy trying to get one over each other than try to work together to make shit work
if yall think those skunkworks niggas arent already time travelling teleporting cloning and dimension hopping by now then just retire familia
Are you completely retarded or just pretending?
I would say western countries are already in the "Not my problem" phase of societal decay
Doesn't light slow down in water? Isn't that light refraction? Or do I have that wrong?
Different mediums have different speeds light can travel at
definitely getting there, younger generations especially. they see no one giving a fuck about them so they respond by not giving a fuck back.

i think boomers and gen x are still pretty strong in societal cohesion, they just voted in policies that systematically make everyone less so
I don't really know, but I think they found that light gets bent by black holes but it still gets to the same point at the same time even though it's taking a detour (longer path) which is why we start thinking time must be slowing down or speeding up because that makes no logical sense. Welcome to particle physics, it's confusing as fuck.
I dont agree. Boomers (Actual baby boomers) are the progenitor of "I got mine. Not my problem"
if i am going mach 3 and turn on a flashlight directed up my ass, does it get trapped there in my black hole and will it keep traveling at the same speed that i am?
>cat leaning into the frame from the right
goofy little guy haha
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who remembers reporting of a UFO sighting when BLM first happened. One could also say it was fabricated to see what Twitter thinks was more worthy of attention, the riot or a fucking UFO. One got memory holed.
boomers are a bit of a conundrum to me since i think most of them still kinda believe society requires people to work together, they just have lead-warped ideas of how to actually achieve that. like they genuinely believe the firm handshake and bootstraps shit, and that they're just reaping the rewards of their life of hard work. so it's not as much of an issue of societal entropy in their head as it is just that they're propagandized to be retarded. the greatest generation etc. lived in harsher times but were taught to idealize legacy and leaving stuff to their kids.

imo actual "not my problem" as a systemic issue is when you empathetically know it's all a free for all zero sum game where everyone is just racing to skim the most off the top, and you figure if it's gonna be someone then it might as well be you.
it's demons
y r demons flying around the ocean
hassling the navy
Mick West got absolutely clapped on Twitter by some guys who actually knew what they were talking about for this specific video. I mean dude got smashed so hard he is still bitter a year later. I see him still grasping. He wanted to say it was a distant plane but got out-mathed and fact checked.
Specifically the nuclear power/possible weapons on the carriers/nuclear powered subs in the carrier group.
Whale watching.
They are actually the ones communicating with aliens, it's why they don't really harm humans, they know we're about to be exterminated by the aliens and they pity us.
#whales are the chosen ones
demons are also powered by all the gay butt sex that happens on navy ships and obviously by the close ties to israel
the more you dig into it, the more crazy it becomes.

eventually you're kinda dealing with a bunch of strange lifeforms. technology that is indistinguishable from magic and beings that are indistinguishable from genies.

I'll just believe we're in a simulation and these are the mods/admins.

I'd just give up and wait till the slop is served up to us.
I still thibk we are at that ohase. GEN X and boomers are desperate to maintain high asset prices so that they can continue their climb. Its why they pushed back so hard against rising interest rates. Millenials have started reaching the ages where they are finding out what little scarps are left are being fought over by corporations. Zoomers dont even have a reason to care because they can see its a rat race. Thats why they mimick and fall for all these influencers who are just scam artists. The social fabric has fallen. Avarice is everywhere and nobody can even piunt to the central cause anymore because it is multifaceted.
There is literally a report of a sighting of one then when they checked the sub they reported a pod of whales.
Truth quads
yep, a navy EW program
Which of you got anal probed by the aliens?
Russell Case
i think it can get so much worse. we still have people going "man it sucks out here eh guys" and fraternize with each other how they're being systemically disenfranchised together. like, millenial/zoomer service workers still tend to be very nice to other millenials/zoomers because it's a shared struggle. but eventually there's going to be a point where your peers, then your friends, then your family are all going to be viewed with the same distrust, indifference and contempt as people view the ruling powers. that's when you start seeing some real soviet union shit
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Bob Lazar explained what it is. The object in the video moves just the way he said they move. It flips on it's side to travel long-distance. Lazar talked about it in the late 80s. He laughed when he saw the video and confirmed that is a similar craft to the one he worked on.
attention /x/: do not respond to this thread
reason: it was originally posted on /tv/ and moved here. and as every true /x/ native knows, we do NOT tolerate anything to do with /tv/

carry on as usual
*shoves you back*
Yea we were just leaving buddy.....
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>electromagnetic gravitic propulsion
>zero-point energy
>levitation and astral projection consciousness physics
>synthetic telepathy communication systems
Yes we do. Technical malfunction misinterpreted.
None of these videos are any good, even if they came from a solid source.
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Bob Lazar
Pic related is an """Alien ship""" supposed recovered from Roswell. In reality it is most likely a Nazi ship recovered from Germany or whatever and shipped to the USA and it got leaked by GI Retard. Note the front looks like the Northrop Low Altitude Penetrator

Flying saucers are human. Many US made. Look up lenticular aircraft, look up Project 1794 (even has the """Portholes""")
look buyddy just because you cant figure it out, dont mean its no good
Exactly. And that is why the audio captures one of the pilots remarking that there is an entire fleet of them. Typical description of birds.
Disclosure to foreign and domestic adversaries. It's 25 year old tech btw. (Technically 24 years 10 months)
Pray to jrssus so he kills the Jews and gives us disclose
magical mutt wunderwaffle...
Soviet equivalent
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You are right Anon, just like always!
I know that the Tic Tac craft is a USN drone.
>where's the proof?
If you go back and watch the videos of the pilot's statements, it was disclosed that on the day before they encountered the TicTac the pilots were told "Tomorrow you are all going up unarmed".
That NEVER happens!
There is never a USN jet fighter in the air that is flying protection for a USN battle group that is unarmed.
Why would they do that?
Because the USN pilots would have shot down the USN drone if they had ammo, that's why.
The Tic Tac encounter was a USN scheduled drill.
Because if a bird flew that fast, the wind resistance would rip it apart.
Yup. More pics of early saucer tech:

magical mongol wunderwaffle...
Yes this is correct!
Could be Lockheed.
The USN has the drone version.
Captain Randy Cramer says he flew the single pilot USMC Special Section space craft version.
*spits on you*
This unironically

The conspiracy minders are overthinking these peoples competence especially current day
It's a furry convention innawoods. It happens.
It was just a bug on the screen
Just an anomaly
>bleeding edge experimental drone
The nigger that runs the CIA, that's his wife, she was miss israel 8 years in a row, until she turned 9 and was age disqualified.
> Light however doesn't slow down.
It does
humans have advanced tech anon. the reason ufo talk is vague is because they want it vague. if you are not poor buy gen 3 night vision. pvs 7 is what I bought. an anon told me I would see ufos if I bought one. he was right. i saw about 200 ufos with my naked eyes and then bought the pvs 7 though. we got lied to about everything. NWO slaves we are.
>Nah lol, post some actually convincing evidence
glow niggers in the gov posted that video. anon you should grab the nearest gun and blow your fucking jew brains away.
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When all the criminals in the government who are preventing him from putting real solid proof before the Citizens, are all arrested for crimes they committed, so it won't be much longer.
>The government is bad but the military intelligence officer is trustworthy
Give me a hint anon
yeah it's something like this. the slave masters have and idea or already know / have the tech that modern slaves would call "ahead". it's a big deception play that has went on in a loop for a while. I've seen enough ufos where its like you said. hard to call it magic but it's def something. just advanced tech the slaves do not get their hands on. mods admins only. or dare I call them rich nwo jews.
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The TR-3B is a cargo van for hauling unimportant cargo, like canon fodder.
It is not an advanced space craft.
The TR-3B is low level tech.
Zoomed in and enhanced.

It's either an insect or a shape-shifting demon from the 4th dimensions of hell
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So many people are sick with stupid health issues, stupider than before. They wish they could go back to the simpler days when all they really got was the permashits and cancer 15yrs down the roat from the vaccines. Now it's turbo-stupidcancers and lifer medications
Oh, plus excess deaths through the roof.
It’s been conclusively determined that the “rubber duck” UFO filmed by a CPB spy plane at the southern US border for nearly an hour could not be a drone.
Its flight characteristics, speed, and thermal readings make that physically impossible for any extant propulsion system.

And as for the Navy’s reported objects, many of those can’t be drones either because they were too far out at sea and sustained flight for too long.
Also if it’s US tech they absolutely do not test secret projects in pilot training zones
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Secret Russian or Chinese tech being shown off to the US government. Kind of how the Russian nuclear sub that we lost detection of right off the coastline being used to scare the military. Same tactics. Tech like the Kinzhal just scratches the surface of the iceberg as to what advanced tech adversarial militaries have.
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Idk. Been looking into this crap since I was a preteen and still have no idea
>we still don't have an explanation for this

Looks to be some kind of motion picture recording from one of those aeroplanes
Full house

He's a big guy
For you
Radio waves ARE light dumbass, just not "visible light" to humans. All are photons with different wavelengths. Radio, gamma, X-ray, all are "light" they are all the exact same electromagnetic particle with different wavelengths dumbass
That's the version available to the public, you do realize there are paid ones 100x more powerful right? You've seen pictures and thought they real, because that's the point. Art fags are btfo, human creativity isn't needed anymore, cope.
explanation: aliums
>It's called a bird
Good try Superman. Everyone saw you pooping, next time you gonna tell us that was a plane.
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UAPsisters... not like this...
We ain't seeing shit.

>One image of gimbal lock
>"Nuh uh bro, that's not a normal gimbal lock shadow! There's a fleet of them!"
>Just not on the video...
>Why wouldn't you get video of a while fucking fleet?

This is fake and gay.
nor do we know about the two objects shot over Alaska

That was completely swept under the rug, something shot down in USA airspace with basically zero evidence of what it was.

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