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And not being able to overcome fears?
Some of you should not have access to this board for the straight up retarded questions you ask. This site has become a glorified magic 8 ball, and you not being able to answer for yourself is why we will all face the hellish realities that you think can be solved by some other anon spoon feeding you your spiritual breakfast.
Rational fears aren't supposed to be overcome by an individual in their natural state. When someone is cowardly they're not always cowardly, what's important is they're cowardly when it matters, and it matters when facing rational fears.

Self preservation > delusional narratives and expectations.
Ego needs a quick tailspin, take psychedelics

Glowies hate it
Fuck off and deal with it, supposed practitioner
nta but retards like you plaguing this board should just use chatgpt, if you're not gonna think for yourself at least have the respect of not putting the responsibility on others and just ask the fucking robot.
Prepare for whatever situation you're facing and you won't have a reason to be fearful. However, it's impossible to prepare for everything that happens, so get used to dealing with unforeseen consequences. Weigh risks and rewards carefully.
Touch grass
It's always retards with vitamin D deficiency telling others to touch grass for no reason.
fpbp, OP is an underage faggot
I highly recommend you try divination. Experiment with a few different methods and use whichever ones work the best for you.
Stop trying to overcome them, try to love them. Make friends with them, get them to work for you rather than against you. Spirituality isn't a zero sum paradigm.
No one asked
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It means you'll burn.

"the fearful" a.k.a. cowardly:
>Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
as for the reverse, boldness:
>Acts 4:29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word,
>Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.
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>Stop trying to overcome them, try to love them. Make friends with them
Get better friends than the spirit of fear.
>Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
The condition for "the second death" or what christians call "hell" is regret. So murdering, lying, fearing...etc don't amount to shit if the person doesn't regret them.
God is in everything. Love God.
>Fuck off and deal with it
That's the phrase that backed you into your miserable corner of despair.
You say this to serious people to infiltrate their 'secret space', but do jackshit to actually understand anything and just shit up all discussion with folly.
Then after you've reduced the place a toilet for all your fellow groids to shit in, you wonder why all the reasons you once liked lurking this place has vanished.
>source: my ass
>"“If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the Lord's commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible."
Ignorance of the law doesn't work in man's courts, why do you think it will work in God's court?
>God is in everything.
God created everything. Pantheism isn't true.
>Love God.
Exodus 20:6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
>The condition for "the second death" or what christians call "hell" is regret.
Anyways according to Swedenborg, hell is determined by whenever your dominant loves were for God and neighbor, or for self and the world.

So you being a selfish, wrathful, prideful, envious, scamming asshole, means that you get placed with people who are similar to you, and by your own mutual shittyness, you create a terrible place to inhabit\\\\
Where your own emotions of malice are felt as actual pain by others, whereas in the physical realm they are concealed. And so each spirit burns in the passion of its own vices
>Ignorance of the law doesn't work in man's courts, why do you think it will work in God's court?

>This murderer said he doesn't regret it. Guess we have to let it go.
>This guy raped a woman, but said that he enjoyed it, so we can't punish him.
>This rich guy stole millions from the poor, but can't be punished, because he believes the poor should be exploited
>Pantheism isn't true.
Good luck to you.
Source, a synthesis of my studies, as valid as sourcing the Bible for metaphysical purposes, maybe even more.
Ignorance has nothing to do with it, if you harm someone you are aware of said harm and you develop regret or you don't based on your moral/philosophical framework.
Some conflated mental gymnastics trying to fit in the exoteric frame of common christianity.
You are the very reason why threads written by literal non-human intelligences, get trashed within an hour, yet here we are, having to put a bib on you and feed you answers in your baby chair, that flood up this once esoteric oasis. Anon, you sound like your spiritual diet are AI generated youtube shorts, and traces of christian, jewish, pagan dogmas with general African & European mysticism all threaded together. Please think before you type
I cant take any risk tho, beside bare minimum

Pretty sure it makes demons seek you out and torment you, ghosts also will try and scare you because your reactions confirm their existence.

It's important not to be a coward in life. That's wht Christianity teaches It's followers to be at peace with things outside of our control. Be alert but calm in the face of evil.
Trauma. Spirit damage anon
Blessed are the meek.
Dude, I am coward at life. Massive one, I am afraid of shit tones of things
Dude, most people are lowkey traumatized
Bingo - most fears are rooted in past traumas. It's the shadow work required to dig through and process them that is painful. Possible, but painful, sometimes quite a lot. Some people have been through almost unimaginable stuff, sadly.
Idk, but in my case it my anxiety, overthinking etc
You have to learn that people are more scared of you than you are of them, I used to never want to leave my room but after my neetdom reached its end and I was forced out of my shell (or else to the street) I found that most people are anxious messes too and fold at the slightest confidence
Also don't listen to the dickheads/shills in this thread, they are losers with no advice to give anyway.
>Captcha: JOYWIP
you can halt the (bad) ego's shenanigans without psychedelics if you know how the (bad) ego works
This world and the people in it are mostly garbage. They'll ruin your life and try to take your peace at the slightest opportunity.

You are right to be cautious.

The people saying you should be stupid and carefree are NPCs who rely on your ignorance to perpetuate their abuse systems
BOO! bwahahahahaha
*npc noises*

you're not human. kill yourself
Speaking symbolically the substance of the astral plane is animated by three types of divine force, which, when brought together, produce the great Illusion. These are:

First, the force of selfish desire. This involutionary energy plays a big part in bringing about evolution, for selfishness is the nursery of infant souls. Hence the aspirant refuses to be held by it.

Second, the force of fear. This is the product of ignorance, and in its initial stages it is not the product of wrong thinking. It is basically instinctual and is found dominating in the non-mental animal kingdom as well as in the human kingdom. But in the human, its power is increased potently through the powers of the mind, and through memory of past pain and grievance and through anticipation of those we foresee, the power of fear is enormously aggravated by the thought-form we ourselves have built of our own individual fears and phobias. This thought form grows in power as we pay attention to it, for “energy follows thought” till we become dominated by it. Second ray people are peculiarly a prey to this. For the majority of them it constitutes the “dweller on the threshold”, just as ambition and love of power, backed by frantic desire and unscrupulousness form the “Dweller” for the first ray types. The crystallized thought form of intellectual achievement for selfish ends, and the use of knowledge for personality objectives stand before the portal of the path in the case of the third ray person, and unless broken up and destroyed will dominate him and turn him into a black magician.
Fear is the main obstacle frequently to a very vital step forward which could be taken in this life, but may have to be delayed to another if due opportunity is not taken and the will nature powerfully excited.

The first ray aspirant who fails to overcome his Dweller may become a “destroyer of souls”, as it is called, and be condemned (until he learns his lesson) to work in the forces of matter, and with the forms which hold all souls in prison. This is the occult significance of the misunderstood words, death and destruction. Of this type, the Devil is the great prototype.
Aspirants must learn that they are working with, and in, forces, and that right and wrong activity on the physical plane is due simply to a right or wrong direction of the force currents and not to anything inherently wrong or right in the energies themselves.

Fear is one of the most usual of the manifestations of astral energy, and is put first because it constitutes, for the vast majority, the Dweller on the Threshold and also in the last analysis is the basic astral evil. Every human being knows fear and the range of the fear vibrations extends from the instinctual fears of the savage man based on his ignorance of the laws and forces of nature, and on his terror of the dark and the unknown, to the fears so prevalent today of loss of friends and loved ones, of health, of money, of popularity and on to the final fears of the aspirant—the fear of failure, the fear which has its roots in doubt, the fear of ultimate negation or of annihilation, the fear of death (which he shares equally with all humanity) the fear of the great illusion of the astral plane, of the phantasmagoria of life itself, and also fear of loneliness on the Path, even to the very fear of Fear itself. This list could be largely extended but suffices to indicate the prevalence of fears of all kinds. They dominate most situations and darken many happy moments. They reduce man to a timid and frightened atom of sentient life, standing afraid before the stupendousness of the problems of existence, aware of his insufficiency as a man to cope with all situations and unable to leave his fears and questionings behind and step into his heritage of freedom and of life. Often he is so ridden by fear that he becomes afraid of his very reason. The picture cannot be too blackly coloured, for fear is the dominant astral energy at this time and sensitive humanity succumbs all too easily to it.


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