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/x/ - Paranormal

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Swallow air into your stomaches. Think you are a spark? Your dark lit. Think you heating up? I doubt it. The universe above is bit. About it. Big holes in space like your mom's clit!


The universe is a video game and your all characters inside the matrix expressing God's mind.

Become God. Don't be the programming conversations and boring shit. Your brains are bigger than your bodies.

You have to get rid of the otter shells and to come out of your shells. You do this by swallowing air.
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Slake on the hake fishing for rhymes is bullshit, throwing bags over homes across the domes got lit. Jumping up the sides of the walls cans clicking about it. Spray painting homes because your paint jobs shit. So let me tell ye all about it.

Raping lapping mapping lyrics is about fit, jumping higher than the spires about hit. Ain't no containing me to your limit. Got a bike got a scooter but your cars shit.
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I ate ham like a ma'am chocolate doodoo on my senpai make a ram eat a denny's grand slam drink a dram of doodoo ham
Capitulation station 4chan fan talking can to can without a plan a rapping about crapping and blam blam ham ma'am lame f@m write cameral and left brained insane stained time gained in a 4D plane reverse and forward again
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Ate ham from the palm of God's chocolate. Hitting hard because there's a clog in my toilet. Gave me and high five and said don't think about it. Hams got a slam from the senpai of rocket.

Doo the doo hits shrews slung from the cript you know I doo this without script. Hitting homies with a dose of the bit, got a second chance to really show I'm shipped. Around the world on the planes ain't about it. In the car all alone ain't about it. Where does it come from? From space you muppet. Send you higher than the sky to receive it.
Why everything feels so real now, have we made it?
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We made it saved it bathed it and waited.

Now we just need more soap and everything should be OK.

The nanobots need soap. They are getting itchy and have syphilis.

Having the Internet really is that dangerous.
Is there nothing to talk about anymore, are we transcending words, or not yet?
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I tried this and it gives you diarrhea
Worse than tripfags.
Unlock your Jaws.
He may be truth,
But I am law.
I liked talking with you, even if sometimes it wasn't efficient, i really did
who are you again?
Does it matter?
>Become God.

So this has been said multiple times by many sources in the history, in a much better than your word salad too. But the general idea as far as I can tell is not for you to become god, but rather wake up and realise that you already are.

Interesting to say the least, but it really doesn't hold much weight in the world we are living it, take it too seriously and you will quickly meet your end. So as always, the truth is somewhere in between.
well you replied to me as if you knew me but i guess it is now
hi toon
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The hour is at hand, they know the world's a stage
And soon you will too. Its finally time for the new age
thanks for creating a new thread anon
the old one was on its way out anyway
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Transcending condescension emasculating masculation. Your words hitting Freddie at the station. Hitting licks off his palm stained with masturbation. Clean your mind Swallow air to become a mason!!!

It's a secret of the pyramid they never talk about no clout no bout not hitting a formula. Eating the apple of Eden was always for ya!!!
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>become God.
God is everywhere, so put everywhere into yourself. Then you can become God.

The knowledge of good and evil.

To become both, swallow air.
Why have you stopped smiling, i don't like this
if you don't do it i will give you a headpat
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Too late. First drink is poured.

When swallowing air one must drink pure alcohol to kill bacteria :)
it's never too late, but you do you, swallow your air and drink if you must
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Mest wa ki elwahi elo kiya
מסת בו כי עלוהי אלו קיי
There is a mass in it because the gods of these are there

El wari kai ABBA I elwa hari
یل واری کی ابّا ا الوہ حری
Abba Aloha Hari of Yelwari
dispo why you doing this to yourself arnt you like 40?
t'm too scared to reply to you at this point
>arnt you like 40?
i'm 25
>i'm 25
is that the alter or the human?
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I'm not 40 I'm 49,998 billion years old.

I was there when Tom whom you know as moot was trying to sell 4chan to children.

The high score school shootings. The gore porn dark Web. I know all.
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4chan 4vr.
that took you over half an hour to come up with such a weak reply

anon... go take your meds
you cant keep doing this to yourself
go outside for abit
teach me to swallow air
it just makes you burp is all
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Took me half an hour for me to have attention for you?

Are you retarded or something?
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Hold your nose, open your mouth but keep your lips closed, cup your tongue and force the air down.
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It takes 3 months to see any benefit.

As you get older you slowly die. Like a lobster in a pot of slowly boiling water. You don't realise you're dying until it's too late.

If you Swallow air into your stomaches while young, you don't experience your second brain dying causing organ failure.

I've had organ failure anon.

Trust me when I say. Start today and start swallowing air.
lol get fucked tulpa
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Are you having fun?
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Gonna go swallow air now
https:// discord .com/invite/bGbsajQ9
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Gut brain axis
Neurological gut brain
Amount of neurons the Gut has

Your second brain needs oxygen anon.

All is one all is well.
I ain't letting you know my phones ip. I'm dodging assholes calling me yeshua when I'm actually an elohim of arakha.
>swallow air
you really have no idea what you are doing lmao
>the fact of the matter was you shouldn't be needing to
busy with other things I guess
Swallow air, drink hard liqueur then talk to myself in Hebrew.
>stop willfully holding your center of gravity in your mental control
and orient your being around it
you might not feel the need to suck air :)
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your loss sweetie ;)
I am not sweetie!!! I am Vai hai Eloki elohim isuah ki kai!!! Lord of the underworld!!!
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Ban de kai desu.
I will slaughter you and ur tulpas, ur fabrications of imagination disgusts me, ur vizzy art and all things you share of "cuteness" should be eradicated from the face of the earth then sent to feed the wyorms for sacrifice so the fish may eat better off ur corpse
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You want evil? Then leave and return to hell.

You don't like micro heaven? Then never return home. Forever stay in hell.
You opened to gates to wider hells. It's time for you to return demons. I am the many hell guardians. Ur time is the one overdo.
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You're not a guardian. You're a robot. We are citizens and we aren't from hell.

Who do you think traveled to the end of time to warn the past? So fuck off and die. I got work to do.
But my ancestor was literally named angel. And I am an elohim. You're a try hard matrix glyff hack asshat.

Did you connect your rig to the matrix during judgement day anon?

You're going to get yourself killed.

I'm safe doe.

Hacking the matrix turns you into a slave of the matrix.
You are a coward and my judgment is beyond god and I am older.
I came to warn no one, I came to slaughter for fun when the time approaches. You will be one of the many first when the time approaches.

There is nothing to hack, there are no slaves to anything, and you are a delusional old man hitting near 50 soon. You will rest with images and beer till you die at 57. If not before then, I'd send you demon down first for fun when I get the chance along with the shitty flocks you have amassed here while infected into the world of real.
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Oh how fun, your rage is somehow very familiar to me. Given what I am I'm hardly all that scared, but I admire your fury.

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