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Were you raised atheist and then, after reading some ancient texts/interacting with the tarot/praying, realised there is more to this world than meets the eye? Or did you have a need for a moral centre that revolves around the spiritual world and not materialism? Especially given the materialists's broken promises in the last decade..
I did. I was born into a very a-religious household. My parents never really talked about religion/spirituality or anything like that. But now I have a developed sense of spirituality and practice that works for me.

>after reading some ancient texts/interacting with the tarot/praying, realised there is more to this world than meets the eye?
It really started to click for me after reading the Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell. It allowed me to finally understand the concept of something being transcendent of human experience while also directly affecting human experience. The fact that the myths and gods are independently self-replicating across time and space, means that they are in some sense real despite not coming from a human source, but an outside source.
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I was raised atheist (not explicitly by my parents, but definitely in regards to the attitude of the time) and stayed that way until I was about 21 years old. Then one day when I was sitting on the toilet, I started contemplating the atheistic concept of death. I started having regular panic attacks after that.

My attempts to recover my mental health lead me to meditation, which lead me to Buddhism. Buddhism is very appealing to atheists because it presents itself as not requiring faith, even though it does. But you don't need that faith for most of the surface level practices, and I benefited a lot from them at the time. I was Buddhist for about 7 years. Then there came a stage where I decided I was going to study other religions and philosophies to give me more perspective on Buddhism, thinking I would find them to all be inferior, and that it would reinforce my waning faith in Buddhism.

I went through Stoicism and Taoism first. Stoicism was inspiring, Taoism was... okay. Unremarkable. I'd already been exposed to the Zen flavor of Buddhism and this was just more of that. Then I remembered Gnosticism, so I read through all of the Nag Hammadi texts. The Gospel of Mary and The Gospel of Thomas really caught my attention as a Buddhist, and ended up serving as a bridge to Christianity proper for me. I realized I'd felt drawn to Jesus for a long time, and that I had no logical or emotional reason left not to choose Him over everything else. It's been a few months since, now, and I'm the happiest I've been in a long time.
>becomes religious because he’s scared of death
A tale as old as time.
I wasn't specifically "raised atheist" we just never talked about religion at all, and I was never told what to believe.
Most of my life was all about science, and even obtained several degrees.

The key that unlocked spirituality for me was basically just the simple concept of "consciousness". Being into science I always heard it was just an illusion or whatever.
But to make a long story short, I became very depressed and couldn't stop thinking about things like consciousness. Eventually I came to the conclusion that it's a real thing, not an illusion, and not something that emerges from matter. But something truly fundamental.

After that it's surprising how close my views became to those of various religions and spiritual philosophies just because of that 1 shift in thinking.
There really is just a thin line separating science and religion.
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Materialists view things from a fear and insecurity mindset. Like op pic, the guy still feels guilty but he is trying to pretend he is not. In reality he fears his idea of "god", death, and the judgement of his interpersonal family. Fedora tippers along with bible thumpers share the same insecurities but express and repress in different ways. I'm more of a Gnostic type of person as I always had a spiritual side to me, but I used too have a guilt complex for jacking off. Once I stop caring about it, all that shame guilt mind control went away. You have to to jack off, we are hard wired to be sexual. Human woman can breed all year around until their 40s. Our economy and society is built around sex, just writing this post the music I'm hearing is about sex and I can find porn in a flick of the mouse. The world revolves in a never ending cycle of fucking, devouring, and defecation.
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I did.
My father raised me as a christian, then I rebelled at 14yo to be an atheist after realizing religion sounded like fairy tales.
Now nearing 30yo I'm more open to spirituality, trying to learn and making sense of it in my own way. Still largely consider it as an undefined problem making very little assumptions, mostly being open to the notion of souls, afterlife, reincarnation and higher planes that contain this physical reality of ours.
I got into the occult from being raised as a Pentecostal, which is a very over the top church
>Born as a Muslim
>Parents are kinda atheist
>See Islamophobic content on yt
>Try to verify it
>Finds refutation of it
>Posts refutation for every Islamophobic comments
>Find out atheists are retarded and ignorant
>My imaan(faith) raises
>Read the quran
>Becomes a devout Muslim
>parents were Wiccan larpers
>have shit lives
>I loved magic but realized you have a shit life if you half ass it like my parents
>become serious practitioner of the dark arts
Not exactly raised atheist, but the way I was raised really had no other logical outcome than atheism.
I learned a little about neopaganism in my teen years, but never did anything about it. I remember having sympathies with it. I would sometimes defend Wicca from its detractors for some reason I didn’t really understand, despite me saying I could never believe something so silly, and thinking it was infantile. I did hang out with some people who hated Wiccans though, so I don’t know how much that says about what I thought about Wicca, since I would sometimes defend it from them.
More recently, I don’t know why or how it happened, but I just kind of realized that Wicca was true, and I realized it like you do when you learn something that makes your whole life and all of reality make sense suddenly all at once. I realized that I must have kind of secretly believed it was true, and that I was disgracing the gods by pretending to be an atheist, so I built an alter immediately, and have been praying to them, ever since. I received almost immediate responses from them too.
I wonder if this sudden realization that something in like this is true is what the Christians call revelation?
I’ve been devouring books on it recently. I’ve got really strong convert zeal too. I feel (and maybe fear a little) that I’m going to be some Wiccan version of Saint Paul or something.
I’m also wanting, nay feeling a deep seated need, like this is what my life’s calling is, to be a licensed clergy member now(!) despite having been an atheist for most of my adult life. I literally feel like an entirely different person!
Now I’m waiting for a lineaged Alexandrian coven to open up, so I can be among my peers.
Here let me tell you just how bad the convert zeal is.
As an atheist, I used to love science, still do. The thing is, I now honest to the gods believe there are only five elements now(!) Like the five classical elements. My response if confronted about this? Our inability to make scientific sense of the world in terms of these elements doesn’t mean everything in the world isn’t made of mixtures of earth, fire, water, air, and spirit.
I also believe in religious nationalism for all neopagan faiths now. As in the promotion of our faiths as respective nations, and even having society founded on our moral values.
It’s like I became a fundamentalist over night. I hated religious fundamentalists!
>tfw no wiccan gf to larp with and impregnate so our son can grow to become more powerful than either of us
By the way I forgot to mention that like most Wiccans I believe in magic, and think it must work like how the Aristotelians thought it worked during the Middle Ages. Yes the Middle Ages. None of this modern energy stuff. Energy means what Aristotle said it meant. Sympathies, antipathies, etc. I stop just short of thinking it can cure all ailments, like cancer, but I’m sure it’s effective in improving the condition of most things.
See if you were a person who knew me in real life and I told you all of this you’d think I’d lost my mind, and you probably think that now, but this is what I’ve changed into almost overnight after some vague experience just made me KNOW that all of this was real and true.
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lmao, these fags are just a bunch of insufferable cumstains eaten up by their vainglorious ego all are "atheists" only because mommy objected to their weebshit and will scrounge for any and every Internet article no matter the source that disproves the existence of "sky daddy" because they're a slave to the dopamine hit that's given after their 1,000+ upvotes for posting a link to an article about "Christianity/Islam bad and hates women, minorities, nature, animals, green energy, science, etc" from Patheos, which was written by a self-proclaimed "4th wave feminist otherkin wiccan who's AKSHUALLY a dragon trapped in a (200+ lb) human body that astrally projects her vagina into the spirit world and kill God".

What a bunch of fags leddit is.
i got born into the abrahamic cancer faith so i chose to stray apart cause i found it retarded by a young age i first started having doubts at 10 and until 12 i was a full fledged atheist until a friend of mine who was a satanist teached me the occult and similar stuff like that so i got in deep and until today i review myself as an occultist but i refuse to acknowledge any abrahamic faith into my practice for the sole reason that those faiths are spiritual death, oppressing and centered around a giant tyrannical baby so yes i feel more free than ever before
Not atheism but I was agnostic for awhile after growing up in a strict religious household, seeing how people behave that call themselves “Christian” and becoming disillusioned.

I was like that for years. Weed and pleasure almost destroyed me. I came back to God because he personally intervened in my life. He saved me from darkness itself over and over again.

Now when I see pics like this I feel sad for this person. You don’t want earth to be the highest heaven you ever know guys.
Masturbation is fornication. It’s still a sexual act outside of marriage. I know we were all taught that it’s normal but we were taught that because the world is evil.

I of course heavily recommend Christianity, or following Jesus and the Bible. It’s truly the only path.

>You have to to jack off, we are hard wired to be sexual.

Your post is great evidence for Christianity being true.
Its telling how no one in this thread who was born in a non-religious household converted to any of the abrahamic religions. If any christcucks are going through this thread right now, how do you justify this?
I was raised by atheists and followed in their foot steps into my 20’s. I ended up being a drug addict/alcoholic and went to A.A. to fix that problem. I didn’t like the whole higher power thing but I didn’t feel like I had much of an option so I ended up giving it a try and I have reaped the benefits since. It gives me peace of mind and a sense of purpose in life. I don’t prescribe to any religion in particular but I regularly pray/mediate/do service work. Some people really don’t like A.A. and are turned off by it being a “cult” which is fine with me. There are no dues or fees, I can leave whenever I want, I can participate however much I want, and it is the only way I’ve been able to quit drinking and getting high. It is higher power based but it allows any god I want which makes it open to everyone who is willing to believe in something. It turned me from an atheist to a believer of something and that has been the greatest gift I’ve been given in my life.
I was raised Christian
Became a fedora tipper
Did meditation
Saw the illusion
Found my own Divinity
Learned the ropes
At this point I'm not sure wether to summon demons or something else entirely
Some rich fuck is sperging on ruining my post attainment life
He seems to think it works like abrahamic religion

So some modicum of sorcery may be required.
strict christian household

have religious trauma

stopped practicing around my teens but held onto christian morality

hit a low point in my life and turned to god again really dedicated myself

after too many failed promises and feeling like narcissistic abuse I've scaled back in my devotion

god exists but he doesn't love humanity. he's a deranged schizo trying to stroke his ego. you keep praying but do you ever ask who put you in those shitty situations in the first place? just accept jesus to cover your ass then move on.
Islam is bullshit but yes atheists being retards seems to be a big bridge for many into spirituality
I was atheist for most of my life. Last 8 years or so went from curious to full on non duality. Doesn’t the bible say something like God gives people over to a reprobate mind so they can sin like the OP is saying. So it’s almost like a gift or mercy he gives to be a sinner. I just can’t stomach it any more. I try to respect the divine feminine these days and not sexualize women at all. It’s pretty low vibrational shit.
I hate to judge people because I feel like Christianity was a phase I needed to go through. One you really look into it though it’s all lies. Christ isn’t coming back as 1 person it will be 144,000
They fall away, paying attention to doctrines of demons and by means of hypocrisy they sear their own conscience as with a branding iron. For going on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth leaves no longer a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries. They are as wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
>Christ paid for your sins, past, present and future. Be at peace at God's perfect provision. He will surely cleanse you of your sins if you humbly come to him.


>This isn't a contradiction! Keep groveling!

Abrahamics trying to do pilpul because people felt comfortable
getting into /x/ stuff i wound up meditating a bit and getting into psychology a bit and the occult a bit and this unlocked the ability to be more aware of my senses and experiences and understand what the things going on inside my mind really meant. I realized that actually i always felt god but i was just tricked by modern liberal materialism into thinking all the other senses we have are fake.

i feel christianity is suspect the more i learn about the first few centuries of it. While i appreciate some of the greek metaphysics that were injected into it some of its theology has always just felt evil to me and its very clear that it is very subsceptable to idolatry, a thing made clear when comparing jewish and islamic views on idolatry to christian justifications. Its as if christians redefine idolatry to pretend they dont do it when the jews and muslims are sensible and understand the human psychology involved that draws us towards idols. Given the entire point of abrahamism is to smash idol and venerate only the god beyond conception christianity is very sketchy. at least it brought some basic morality to the west.

this is another thing, i spent most of my life believing humans could just have some humanist morals. I did not realize untill i came to understand the link between religion and culture that i realized the only way secular humanism is possible is if it borrows the residue of religious morality in a society. Essentially 'secular-religious' people just following their religion with out knowing it while pretending to be atheists.
Really atheists are cringe for not realizing this. They literally arent even atheist, it is impossible to be atheist, they are just badly behaving religious people.

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