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Do you all know that the concept of the Afterlife is only a facade to keep us coping with the anxiety of Death ?
Yes, It is but what's more freighting is our mysterious existance which do not have any meaning, Regardless of God's existance which i still believe in but when we have random deaths like the ones that occur in India and China, In a fucking massive 7 billion world how can Afterlife have a more profound meaning than it had under few people back then, How can one realize that there is beyond death when even Buddha was asked about what's beyond Nirvana he did not know because Death is the limit.

A man is living today and tomorrow he is dead, We have created a mistake by conceptualizing the afterlife, Jews are going to fade away eventually, Freemasons are going to fade away, We are all renting this temporary bodies which will eventually die and decompose while others will come to this world again, I envy every baby being born because they will also live in this world, but God will remain and he will bear the burden of existance, But where are we going ? Reincarnation does not exist, Heaven and hell are illogical concepts, then what's beyond ????
Bump this is more spooky than any esoteric thread i've seen here because it's fucking true
There exists but we are uncertain of what's beyond life to be honest but if a power that correlates universe exists in our lives and orchestrate it then it has a meaning after death
Bump op, This is an interesting thread
There is no such thing as death, there is only life. Death is the split instant in which you go from being an old person to being a baby again. Death is not a permanent state, but a transitory gate that you pass through into more life. which is why you'd better get good at dealing with suffering, you're in for a lot of it, nonstop all the time
I can't relate, honestly I have much less death anxiety if I could believe that's just the end. I can't relate to the (apparently) large swaths of people who are concerned about not existing forever.
Forced eternity in one form or another is much more anxiety inducing for me.
No fucking way, This is hellish nightmare, i refuse to accept that this exists because if it did then this is literally Hell and we are suffering in it, The fact that you it's like lottery is beyond horror
This is what's scary about what's beyond Death, It could either mean that there is a recontinuation of this cycle of life which is very freighting and doesn't have any meaning or we could perish from existance which is the most suitable, oh how great to die peacefully and to pass to the astral realm or to not exist for eternity, It's a melancholy all our families all our memories it aches my heart, Life is a fucking scam.
Good and scary question, What's beyond Death is not esoteric but realistic
Think about it. How do you know death is real? You don't. You only have experiences of life, levels of unconsciousness is as close as we come to nonexistence. This is why the quest of transcendence is so important. Why else would people be chasing it so intensely for thousands of years if they could accomplish the same thing by just dying?

>This is hellish nightmare, i refuse to accept that this exists because if it did then this is literally Hell and we are suffering in it, The fact that you it's like lottery is beyond horror
Yes, we are in hell. That is correct. But there is a way out, you just have to really commit and want it.
>Why else would people be chasing it so intensely for thousands of years if they could accomplish the same thing by just dying
Hmm, Good point, Self awareness doesn't occur for no reason but where does it lead ? Theory of reincarnation does not exist because it undermines one logical fallacy which is that 2 billion Indian population is too absurd to match reincarnation's laws, Life shuts after Death and that's all, We are much like Animals but with a conscience and a developed mind that generates infinite ideas to cope with our lives, We will die and that's it.
>Yes, we are in hell
We must think atavistically and realize that the concept of hell was constructed against heretics and wrongdoers in order to emphasize rules and religion existed as a way to cope with death, God exists but primitives didn't know what hell means, Hell generates from one person's mind which develops to another person's perception and into another person's idea and it gets mixed into this objective idea which we all think we know but it's your hell and my hell.

We are going to die and beyond death is nothing.
>The Holy Quran, the last and proven word of God, unequivocally rejects this false religion of reincarnation. The above words confirm that when a person dies, God takes his/her soul while he is still in the process of imploring God for another chance. As soon as the human dies a barrier is immediately in place

Reincarnation doesn't exist.
Nothing matters, Everything is a mirror of God
All religions are right about the "afterlife" in one way or another. The moments of your death are a reflection of your mental state, your desires, your wishes, and your ego's glacial disintegration into either nothing, everything or something else. Which brings the question of whether we're dead already or not. Even the dream of reality breaks down when you look too close or pay attention to its messages.
Anyway, we can know at least of the beginnings into death. Have you been close to it before? NDEs and psychedelic trips have a lot in common.
Yeah exactly, Religion somehow is very accurate even when it was in an age that provided little to no introspection on the spiritual dimension.
Claiming there's nothing after death is only a facade to cope with the fact that most people are enemies of the living God and will be destroyed by his wrath. Asserting your false belief in a question doesn't make it true either.

The only way people believe in reincarnation is after practicing pagan/occult practices like meditating on nothing and being deceived by the spirits. The negative effects of meditation is already exposed, but new ageism is big business and that's bad marketing to discuss the psychological problems people develop from it, even the experts and gurus with thousands of hours will experience it so don't make that typical ignorant claim of them just being inexperienced to defend what you foolishly love.

>Think about it. How do you know death is real? You don't.
Go fight in a war, dumbass. Your "enlightened" nonsense will quickly be dropped and you'll know good and evil and morals exist.

Pick one. Not only does the Quran contradict the OT, but it promotes lying, pedophilia, murder, and mass murder. It's as worldly as false world religions get. That's not talking about their pagan moon deity or the hypocrisy in their idol worship of the black Mecca cube.

>All religions are right about the "afterlife" in one way or another.
Why do you people even say stuff like this when they all contradict each other? Contradictory beliefs can't all be true simultaneously. Such deliberate folly is the fruit of absurd "enlightened" relativist belief. You just don't want to offend false world religions so you'll not point out their lies.

You say that like the modern world knows anything of the spirit. The closest you get outside of Spirit-filled Christians is some new age "I'm spiritual but not religious" clown practicing pagan practices like the various yoga poses which give worship to pagan idols and they're not even aware of this.
Holup everybody whats going on with this thread? Do I smell.... doomerism?

This is why knowing what GOD is is important and like that one anon said, why learning how to deal with suffering (and your emotions in general) are also important. This is why the way the system is set up right now is so unbelievably backwards and unsettling, it's nigh the exact inversion of what we should be doing (which is exactly what they want, and why they do what they do, it's like a little "fuck you" to God which is stupid because we're dealing with GOD).

Anyway, you have to start fighting for the good, because if the fact of the matter is that we can reincarnate at any time at any place in any condition, based on ??? reasons, then we must reasonably try within each lifetime to foster a better condition for ourselves in the past/present/future. This is what they mean when they say everybody is GOD. You know, like an image glass hologram, where each individual etched point makes up a part of the whole picture. The only thing there is IS and it's GOD which is the conglomerate of everything that could ever happen, happening all at once. You exist wholly within and of it.

Some people who think like I do about this believe you can reasonably change the trajectory of your position in the "next life" or "next experience" by being a "better individual" to grow "closer to GOD". I am not sure if this is true, although it would be very nice to think we have much of a choice about our situation as I don't believe we had a choice about this one. However, what stays true between both those ideas is that we DO have the ability to choose our own actions in the midst of it whether or not we can determine our ultimate fate at the beginning/end (much like cells that were created by our bodies without our explicit concious instruction to do so).
It's everything all at once.
The concept of the death is a facade to make the human experience possible.
The qoran reads like a gangster rapper edited the Pentateuch.
>Blessed in the Lord and don't fuck with his homie, muhamed!
Death is no more.
>Buddha was asked about what's beyond Nirvana he did not know because Death is the limit
What the hell is this?

>How can one realize that there is beyond death
By practice. Attaining some level of jhana or samadhi, gaining the ability to recall previous lives, phowa practice, or any other related experience would probably help.
>Buddha was asked
Important to note that there are times when he refused to speak, times when answering a specific question would do more harm than good, or when it was an irrelevant topic.

>Buddha was asked about what's beyond Nirvana he did not know
And yet, he gave clear and descriptive explanations of the six realms of rebirth, the ultimately endless forms by which life can be experienced and went to many of these places, (Teaching to his mother in Heaven, teaching to devas requested.)

I assume you are referring to an inability to describe Dharmakaya, something which is beyond concepts, words, and is ineffable with regards to describing it in its "entirety"

The term is rebirth
>does not exist
According to....?
>Heaven and hell are illogical concepts
How exactly?
>A man is living today and tomorrow he is dead
>We have created a mistake by conceptualizing the afterlife
I agree, though this applies to pretty much everything.
>We are all renting this temporary bodies which will eventually die and decompose
>But where are we going
Someplace else.
Read Nisargadatta - I Am That.
>What the hell is this
When a series of question about disgust, desire and serenity, Buddha was asked: "What is the goal, the final meaning of nirvana?" he did not answer. He smiled. There has been a great deal of commentary on that smile, instead of seeing it is a normal reaction to a pointless question, It is what we do when we are confronted with a Child's why. We smile because we no answer is conceivable, Because the answer would be even more meaningless than the question, Children admits no limit to anything; they always want to see beyond, to see what's there is afterward, but there is no afterward. Nirvana is a limit, the limit. It is a liberation, supreme impasse..
>According to?
Here is a better one, What is the proof of the existance of Reincarnation then ? How can a concept that we created us humans that haven't broke the boundaries beyond death at our present state be true ? God is true but what lies beyond is immanent, Also primitives didn't believe in reincarnation and 8 billion population makes this concept hard to float around.

>How so is Heaven and Hell illogical ?
Morality and ethics are subjective, Very subjective but only according to religion that ethics those Heaven and hell are based around, It only serves as to maintain composure in Society and to prevent it from going astray, How can one who has done good his whole life go to Hell meanwhile one who does not act according to ethics yet worship go to Heaven ? I mean this is also a cliché because we don't know whether both have this fate since God is merciful but in all honesty the concept of Heaven and Hell are just a form of coping that keeps us going around and we don't need them because It is a exaggerated copy of what lies in Life, It all lies in the imagination of one person who believes it exists, Through strong faith it might exist and i believe in them regardless since i'm religious but what i fear is not eternity but boredom, I don't want torment anymore.
Consciousness doesn't die. Unless you're an NPC, sorry bud, there is no escape. You're here FOREVER AHAHAHAHA MUAHAHAHA
We are so lonely in life that we must ask ourselves if the loneli- ness of dying is not a symbol of our human existence
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>You're here forever

>We smile because we no answer is conceivable
>Nirvana is a limit, the limit
Nope its the opposite, "freedom" at its most absolute. It is "beyond" conceptual thinking and duality (and even beyond that...) and is inconceivable and ineffable, which you touched on a bot before this.

"But wouldn't that mean that there nothing after that?"

This rebuttal has many, many holes. Firstly, you are implying that there would be a "before" or "after" implying some concept of linear time. Nope. Secondly, this implies that there would a "you" or "I" that could attain this, that this is the "end" and that "you" have "achieved" something. That there was a "beginning" and an "end" and that you are "ending" something.
Next is the fact that, if you were familiar with Buddhism, which you seem to be, you would know that there is nothing to fear in death. That, you could either:

Strive for (Mundane) immortality
Strive to master a Phowa practice for your time of death
Strive to become a Buddha in this very body and life and ascend to whatever Heavenly abode suits you.
Aspire for a Pure Land Rebirth, which is incredibly easy
Accept your passing and whatever rebirth you are handed, which, assuming that you were an active (or at the very an moral) practitioner, you are guaranteed a good rebirth, one with all of your necessities met and with the chance to continue practice.

And mind you, this is all just taking this deluded view of "death" (When our aggregates and body cease ""we"" also "cease") as the end-all-be-all....which it isn't as its just another experience and part of the cycle of Samsara.
"Reincarnation does not exist" is doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you
>Here is a better one, What is the proof of the existance of Reincarnation then

You can "Prove" rebirth in the same way that you can "prove" that calories exist.

As in, with your naked eye, you cannot visually see a calorie, but you can see weight, which is the physical consequence of (not burning) calories with the opposite, less weight or losing weight ringing true. And while this is a very simple interaction, there are also so many factors at stake that it is hard to simply pinpoint the exact mechanics of the body. As in, genes, environmental factors, tissues, muscles, bones, cells, and so any more all play apart. Likewise, if you can establish that Karma exists (I clean my room, my room is clean, there was an action and intent, there was a result), then you can then apply it to other aspects. If we are not just our bodies and their is an Alaya-Vijnana, then wouldn't that mean that when we pass, we would go someplace else? After all, the karma cant just disappear, and there is still the consciousness. And energy can't be created nor destroyed, so why would the "we" get destroyed.

Though, you are either supposed to prove this through personal experience or trust in the teachings.
>Morality and ethics are subjective
"Does this cause others to suffer"
"Does this cause others to not suffer"

Morality can simply be described as:

"Did you have the intention to do good"
"Did you have the intention to do bad"
with intention being important.

You may say, what is "good" or "bad"?
Any action that is to help or hurt others is good or bad.
You may say that no one can agree on what is "helping" or "hurting"
but that is irrelevant as 5 million people can say that the sky is pink and 10 million can say that it's green but that won't change the fact that it is blue.

But you may ask "help them" in what way?

To which, on a provisional level, helping someone achieve happiness, joy, and peace, aiding them against any difficulties they may face, and guiding them to more virtuous conduct are all acceptable answers to what doing "good" may be with the opposite ringing true or "hurting" others.

On the ultimate level, giving them the Buddha-Dharma in a form that they can digest so that they may embark on the heroic path of the cessation of suffering is good.

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