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I don't want to believe in Christianity. The only other real option is believing (not converting) in Judaism, right now. What do you think? Gnosticism is weird. Other religions are not good either. I am out of options. What can I do? Should I turn my face to the Lord?
The truth is just panentheism/holotheism. You don’t have to religify it if you don’t feel so inclined.
Do you believe in things because you "want to", or do you believe in things because you've become compelled or convinced that they are true regardless of what you feel? Is your interest in faiths really just based on some aesthetics (ie. it being "weird")?
I think you should ask yourself that
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What is the message of this picture?
You have to be 18 to post here.
Eww they all look like dirty hippies.
I have two answers and both are hilarious.
Why are other religions not good?
Why is Gnosticism being weird bad?
And why don’t you want to believe in Christianity/Judaism?
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Then tell us what they are please.>>38269517
Long story. But I'm getting closer to Christianity currently after I made the thread.
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Why is this specific mythology the only choice?
Then don't restrict your options - it's not 'Either/Or'! You're not out of options! If you have already made up your mind before you posted, then why did you make it??
How would you religify or practice this if you wanted to?
Why should it matter what you WANT? All that matters is what is true and Christianity isn't
well, christianity is partially true, but still, jehovah is an evil god. go ahead. implement the bible in total. i fucking dare you
>I have dictated the terms of reality, but I do not believe my own terms
There's nothing to believe in. Dogma won't get you anywhere.
I'll share why I believe in Christ.
>BTFO's Jewish scribes with understand of scriptures ("Why does David say the Lord said to my Lord?"
>Teaches how Jews were given special rules because of their tough heart ("Moses allowed you to divorce because of your tough heart, in the beginning it wasn't so"
>His timing is perfect, he came exactly when humanity, specially Romans were incredibly interested in recording history, when philosophy in the west was stuck and peaked, and when Jews were expecting the Messiah to come. Hence, we get a proven historical figure from multiple sources and a bast sweep of gentiles who loved the truth due to philosophy. It is a fact Jesus died on the cross and his disciples scattered.
>We have proof of his disciples deads for him. A person only dies for what he believes in. 11 of them died believing Jesus was the messiah even seeing him crucified years before.
>Catholic church built Europe, can't deny great achievements such as the Reconquista. It all starts with a virgin apparition to the spanish folks and they booted the muslims. This shaped the way of the world and we would ve muslims if not for them.
>Most importantly, I have felt him. He has protected me and my family with the help of the virgin. Once you really analyze your life you must realize certain random coincidences are not possible without providence.
Faith is a leap of faith, but it is one God allows us to do in full liberty. He has already shown us his love for us, his impact in a civilization that loves him, and the infinite wisdom of his word.
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Knowledge is everything anon, i hope u find what youre looking for.
I changed my mind.
greek orthodox.
You realize you can just make up your own beliefs, right
You don't have to follow anyone else
You're retarded by a long mile. If only you knew how bad things are you would understand why belief is stupid. You want the surety of knowing. And a contract.
Jesus is amazing, no clue why you'd want anyone else
"This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no other than this: That a man lays down his life for his friends... You are My friends if you do what I command you. I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me, even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father.” “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Why does religion need to be indoctrinated if they claim it is apparent?

I struggled with the same question and came to the conclusion that you should just grasp reality and truth.

Don't gaslight yourself just to fit it some desert tales. Does this god fulfill his promises? Does this god answer prayers? Does reality align with what he says?

I find most christians operate like narcissistic abuse victims constantly blaming themselves for the failures of their god.
The original Christian’s were gnostics. They all got slaughtered though. The fake Christians like Catholics actually worship the antichrist.
>The original Christian’s were gnostics
Why did Peter and Paul seem to speak against them though.
They all hate the gnostics because gnostics don’t require churches or any of that material nonsense. You really think Jesus has anything to do with the Catholic Church and the way it hordes material items? No one can profit from gnostics
so jesus came along and told everyone that they are divine powerful beings and that as long as they try to be their best selves the right path will be clear to them naturally. All sins are forgiven in that, everyone is free to experience god in their own fashion.
Who's gonna pay taxes now?
You just clearly explained why he was so powerful and made the elites of the day absolutely terrified of their slave system being demolished.
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Not Judaism. You need to understand Hinduism is about having a second you whom is the kundalini called vaisuki also known as vai isu ki.
The fake Christians "won" because they stayed on the good side of the archons and earthly powers. They basically stapled the Logoi of Jesus onto a copy of Legends of the Demiurge (Old Testament) and pretended the resulting mixed message of unconditional love and tyrannical despotism came from the same deity. Then they allied themselves to state power in order to genocide anyone teaching Christ consciousness and obliterate any scriptures that defy their absurd Faustian compromise. True Christianity will not triumph until all the churches fall.
Hermeticism, Tantra, Hinduism, Thelma, Wicca, synthesizing them based on perennial principles like Crowley did.
>I don't want to believe in Christianity. The only other real option is believing (not converting) in Judaism, right now. What do you think?
Then you'd just be a sinner with no savior and no way to atone for your sins. Unless you're knowingly getting into the abomination of the Babylonian Talmud or Zohar, which isn't the faith of the OT or of Moses or the prophets.

John 5:39
>Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:46
>For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.
I don’t understand. Judaism is about strictly following biblical philosophy to prevent yourself from making life-destroying decisions. Christianity is about realizing just how hard it is to follow that biblical philosophy and then claims to somehow double down on it. The truth of the matter is you’ll never be perfect, which is the claim of Christianity, that someday God will make you perfect. That’s not at all how God works. Gods not going to do shit for you, in fact, the very existence of God implies that your life is going to be much harder than you could imagine. Why? Because God is a woman who does whatever she wants and believes she is the main character of the universe.
religions are bad
I love this and am going to copy this and post it later when I have a mind to.
Thank you anon.
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Good post.

OP, start with Gnosticism if you want. It's likely it'll lead you to Christianity proper eventually, anyway. In particular I recommend the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Thomas.
I love those. However I have found that paganism is the truth. Gnosticism is too complicated to be true and Christianity too strict.
islam is the only way
Read the Bible. Christ had the ability to manipulate down to the atomic level. He wasn’t even the first meta human.
Is this the part where I ask what you believe and why, and then you never respond? I am curious to hear what people think the appeal of paganism in the modern era is.
No. I will explain. Paganism isn't just the worship of gods and nature. It's animistic too. But I don't worship gods. I only worship the divine spirit, who is a soul. The soul is auspicious and I can literally see souls of people like in this third eye imaginative eye. So, but the animism. Like being a shaman. Holding nature to be sacred. Worshipping a Spirit that is the Lord of Nature specifically. We are part of nature. I'm not talking about creator. Who knows who created the world.. I don't or how it was created. But I know the supreme spirit and supreme soul is auspicious just like my own soul and therefore I pray to the divine spirit.
But I am not a shaman more like a monk.
Thanks for replying. How did you get to know this divine spirit? What are they like?
It's not two spirits.. it's one spirit who is a soul primarily, but manifests in spirit as a spirit. He can be called both. I think due to meditation my third eye is opening and thus I can see divine realities. The divine spirit appeared to me in a dream, it was basically a form of dark black with a dark blue aura, and in the dream it was like green but that's just my dream. Looking at it's presence induces pure bliss unexplainable by the five sense data. This bliss is what I'm trying to achieve permanently it was like a super drug but much better something deep inside the soul.
You should submit to the Lord despite what you "want"

"The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9
Celsus, a Greek philosopher said about the early christians that they fought among each other a lot.. you christians can't be united with each other, why should I unite to any one of your denominations?
You indecisivebfuck. Just pick a god and start praying
It's mean nothing it was made by a soulless machine
I already pray to the supreme spirit/God but I want answers about religion. It was mainly just genuine curiosity about what you guys think of my ideas with some bait.
They universe doesn't have answers to the question you wanna ask. Just believe is want you wish pray to who answers. Religious are madey men to feel together, if that's what you want then join one or start your own
I don't need to join a religion since I'm very lonesome in life and celibate so not starting a family in the future. But spiritually I'm pagan and animistic. I feel it how I feel in nature so auspicious and I believe in the pagan conception of God.

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