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Nearly half the world believes in abrahamic god

Any explanation as to why it's so pervasive and end goal ?
They spread by being evil, kill and covert As their blood god commands.
Just people don't like extermination, so we have unfortunately let them fester.
the worst is when someone you love believes in this god so much, and all you can hope is that they're not let down. I think there is some Tool and Puscifer songs that maynard wrote about his mom that captures what I mean in a better way.
>it's not like you killed someone....
It is just sad seeing them cling to it because they have nothing else. I hope they find something , it would suck if it was all for nothing.
>Any explanation as to why it's so pervasive
They get paid by the donations of well meaning Christians in rich countries, then they come to my country and turn ngubu oogabooga to John oogabooga.
New convert John may not know what a jesus or mary is, nor does he knows what Christianity is, and he still believes in his tribal god nignogoo. He might have an IQ of 60 and he sold the bibul book given to him by the missionaries to the local scrap dealer for drink money, but you can bet your ass, the missionaries will count him as another succesful conversion and demand money for their service
if jews are extremely oppressed currently and throughout history, then how come they're disproportionately successful? shouldn't we expect to see similarities between them and black people? most black people are poor, so what gives?
Due to religious restrictions on money lending Jews essentially got their foot in the door of banking before Christians could and banking is a very lucrative industry in our modern world. Obviously those restrictions have since been lifted and you now have Christian banks competing with Jewish ones but fighting against old money is always an uphill battle.
Either fear of death in this life or in the next. It's religion based on fear.
yep, I've even hoped countless times that I'm the one who's wrong and they're right. In the end I know not what I believe and at least they're able to believe in something. If anyone deserves to be right it's them, not me.
>end goal
Consider that it's built up by well meaning cultists, and ill intentioned molesters/money grubbing preachers. The goal is to maximize money for pastors, population for the ruling class (higher uneducated population means reduced wages) and to provide sex for men who are too shitty to otherwise be able to be loved because of who they are. It's a well known tactic among shit bag men to just pretend to be Christian to prey on families whose only marriage criteria is that they profess the same faith.
So the goal is slavery of women, the vulnerable, and the poor.
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I don't think a group of religious people who outnumber them and dislike usury would be okay with that. Considering they were a minority and kept to themselves, i think it becomes pretty obvious why they were "persecuted". What fucking retard believes they just let them charge interest?
>people who hate interest exist
>Jew minority exist
>majority can't do banking (USURY, specifically)
>Jews do banking
>one day they notice they're being charged high interest rates
>hey what gives?
>jew says it's not against they're religion
>majority says they need to stop because it's their society
>Jews continue charging interest and keeping to themselves and also NOT CHARGING EACH OTHER INTEREST
>majority tells them to fuck off
>jews don't
>majority starts attacking them for being assholes
>jews cry that they're being oppressed
this seems more likely.

even if they did let them, they would be pissed once they found out they were fucking them over. they fuck around and found out and cry like they're these innocent victims. all they had to do was not be assholes. the audacity to play the victim. if there's problems wherever you go, you're the problem.
It's another tool for control. Simple as.
A human couldn't have come up with the concept of marriage back then, not when instinct was screaming to reproduce with as many as possible.
Nor most of the other ten commandments. This was guided, intentional. We were being bred like wolves to pugs.

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