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Whats the REAL true Redpill on this event?
The virus itself is the red pill. Take it and you might have the chance to meet your true maker.
They sensed that I was beginning to awaken, so they triggered a large scale distraction to throw me off.
It almost worked, but I saw through it
the virus itself was engineered, and hyped up to test mass control.
It was leaked from a lab in Wuhan. The vaccine(arguably a 6 month therapy) was safe and effective. The side effects of the vaccine were worse from the virus itself. Everything else is nonsense. It gradually mutated into less powerful variant's ending the pandemic. Simple as.
It'll keep being done and those who participated will participate even harder if you allow them to.
So, what wisdom do you have for us awakened one?
It came from a lab in Wuhan, all right.
It was research the US outsourced.
It was our Frankenstein's monster, not theirs.
That kind of research is illegal in the states.
I want more gain a function research until we get the zombie virus.
they want you dead and the brainwashed masses will help them do it
They want the ANTI-VACCINE people dead. Why would they kill all the law/mandate abiding people? They are the easiest to control no?
>They want the ANTI-VACCINE people dead.
In China some assholes sell bats to other assholes, even though species hopping viruses have happened at wet markets before, a plague happened, and humans being humans we found ways to make it much worse. In many ways we're still doing it.
Oh sure, pandemic is over. Welcome to the endemic after party.
Why would they kill all the law/mandate abiding people? They are the easiest to control no?
Youre asking questions, you're not proving anything
Its Easy to create a deadly virus and then release it. Then every anti-vaccine(anti-government) person will refuse the antidote. Then they die, Easiest culling ever........
>Its Easy to create a deadly virus and then release it. Then every anti-vaccine(anti-government) person will refuse the antidote. Then they die, Easiest culling ever........
Know yourself
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>the antidote
real medicine doesnt work that way.
>lets throw everyone in the woodchipper and we'll reassemble the piles of minced meat that are our pets with this magical and also practical antidote

What you're coiming up with is movie tier villainy.
The critical bits that hollywood plots always lack, is pragmatism and practicability.

The fact is, that if you're a world spook and want to reduce the population, the most practical thing is first come first serve, and work their little minds into being frenzied to collect them all. That's real world
The goal inst to reduce population, The lack of reproduction will do that. Its to eliminate the 20ish% that will always fight against the government no-matter what. I bet there will be a deadlier virus coming to cull the rest. Be a good sheep to the Shepard Jesus and get vaccinated. The alien species who really control us all get vaxxed, perhaps learn from them.
>The goal inst to reduce population, The lack of reproduction will do that. Its to eliminate the 20ish% that will always fight against the government no-matter wha
That's horse shit. These people don't play favorites. They want the stupid and gullible dead first because they're the cleanest, easiest kills that just fade into the background noise. There's no fight, conflict, fuss. They just sign up for disease lottery and often win, the whole while with the medical industry's cock in their mouth.
You really need to snapo out of the romantic fantasy, and come to grips with- the pet favorite tactic is a fantasy.
IF they wanted people dead they would nuke the surface and live underground like our alien overlords do. WAKE UP. They want the most controllable population alive so they can advance humanity.
They do not play favourites. In the next pandemic it will be hell on earth. Only the rich will get vaccines for the disease they will release. Take the vaccine or die. That will be your choice.
Not to say DUMBs arent there but lol
thats still too Hollywood.
If you have 6billion and you want to murk 5.5B of them, what ar eyou gonna do? Play dumb games and fuck around with antidotes? No, you're gonna start with the easy kills, literally ANYONE who will sign up for it willingly because they're stupid are going to be the first round. The old people and already sick wefre the very first to get it- becuase their deaths wouldn't look in any way out of the ordinary- unless you chart the rates at which they happened which has been done, and the trend is still undeniable
>Take the vaccine or die. That will be your choice.
That will be their mantra, and what they present to you as your choice.
The reality is "take the vaccine and die"
You are rambling like a madman. Gather your thoughts and try again. Half of your words aren't even typed out correctly, I cant respond to this nonsense. What in gods name does Hollywood have to do with this? I think you have watched to many movies and have not read enough books.
Weird, awkwardly ironic reply, buy okay buddy.
So what would be left then? A bunch of anti government/science low IQ crazy people? YEAH THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT............... idiot.
>So what would be left then?
Harder targets, obviously.
What does Hollywood have to do with it? Simple question. Also you have 10+ spelling mistakes.. take your time to think out responses.
And why would "they" want that?
I don't use spellcheck as a show of good faith. Hollywood has to do with the ridiculously movie-like scenarios you're coming up with. Antidotes? Selective favorites from a cull? All of that is Hollywood tier shit. How is that so hard to understand? A few typographicals are that distracting to you? Come on, pal
Because harder targets are all that's left?
>at least the stupid morons are already dead by their own request and not consuming and polluting and being useless, while we move our focus to the progressively harder to kill people?"
It's pretty straight forward.
I am simply trying to make it understandable for a sub-human such as yourself. I will make it simple. They release a deadly virus and then produce a vaccine for it. Only those who trust the government take it. They survive the pandemic. The rest die. All that is left is people who trust and follow the government. THIS IS A WIN FOR THE GOVERNMENT YES? If you have more than 80 IQ you can understand this.
If the goal is to kill all people(Like you claim) Then Nukes will do the job perfectly.
Again, more hollywood tier shit. I'm not asking for brianlet takes. They don't care if you trust them or not, beyond making it easy to kill you and/or alter your germline permanently.
I can't stress it enough for you: THEY DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THEM
That's such a pathetic cope too, lolol
I would even argue that they HATE BLIND FOLLOWERS and revile them as the especially useless eaters. Unironically.
They do not care for anyone yes, I agree. HOWEVER if they wanted more control they would do it through a deadly virus not a deadly vaccine yes?
Implying they prefer active rebels? You are brain dead.
You are forgetting that they still need sheep to mine their ore and build their mega mansions.
>why they want the ppl who don’t take it alive and only the obedient die?
you fucking regards need to get the fuck off the board desu. you are actually too fucking stupid to understand. the only way you’re this retarded is if you’re a lost npc midwit or glownigger shill trying to deter. either way go back and fuck off and get boosted some more
it was an experiment, but not in the way you think
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Devolved into screaming and crying? Pathetic. Baby gonna pee himself? I know its hard to be apart of the 20% who will be culled?. Its okay baby, go softly into that goodnight.......
I got the 2 vaccines needed to protect myself from the initial the dangerous variants. However I am young and healthy so I did not get any boosters. WAKE UP BROTHER. I pray for your survival in the coming tribulations. DO NOT QUOTE the great priest Terry Davis without knowing his message first..........
>thinks vagueposting and esau faggotry is going to get anons who didn’t take their science juice to suddenly get up to date on the golem protocol
you retards need to try moar. how new are you? definitely not an og, but can tell you’re not a bot. I bet you have buck teeth and a long head vertically. can you go outside real quick. how many anons do you think are going to turn into a pure normalfag because you think ur midwife arguementa work? pro tip: it’s zer0
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>to protect
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"The pee pee poo poo blip blrop bling bling go swing wang to the bling blang in the swaggg..." That is basically equivalent to what you just typed. Watch Terry Davis's videos and accept god. Learn where the term glow nigger comes from.
I did not take the vax, but when I got sick in late 2022, I strongly felt like I had that specific illness. I felt like I was being watched, and seemed like I hada different phase or symptom every 6 hours.
For a whole week, people contacted me for business, and they would text me the same greetings and messages verbatim every single day. The messages and specific greetings were the same! I know they were mostly vaxxed because I live in l.a. and 99% of my business clients are lefties.

But the next week, when I was healed and felt better, the messages stopped, and business was normal, or slow again. It was as if for that week that I was in tune to a frequency for a brief time. I still will not do it for money.
Yeah I never got covid during those 2 years of protection. how you gonna cope with that regard? Nor did any of my family or friends. I lost nobody during the pandemic. wake up..........
I look like Jesus and am the second coming of Christ. I AM THE OG.
Same, except no needles.
I lost senpai, still losing them now- all vaxxed. Some up to 7!!! His pinealectomy is at the end of this month....
I'm about to go to bed fellas, itsthree in the fucking morning. If this thread is still up when I awake I will explain further.
The bottom line is that Covid was the very best bioweapon that our yellow cousins could concoct, and lockdown was the very best countermeasure that our esteemed leaders could implement. The scary thing here isn't being targeted by a biological weapon, it's being targeted by the incompetence of your leaders. I could get on my soapbox about how this is all because we started letting people without land vote, but I won't do that.

We know covid is a bioweapon for a couple of reasons. Besides the nature of the WIV it leaked from, and the fact that it can't be traced to any nonhuman precursor , which you always need for a zoonotic virus, there's the matter of the genome, which has fragments of HIV spliced in willy-nilly. Finally, there is the matter of its behavior in test animals. While in humans covid is a more or less useless pathogen, in laboratory rodents it has highly lethal variants, ad more importantly it has immunosuppressant properties. For reasons I'll get into in the morning, a symptomless immunosuppressant has the highest potential casualty rate at this point in history out of all forms of disease. Fortunately for us, whoever was cooking this thing up was a complete and utter fucking mongoloid. I won't get into just how, but suffice it t say they tried to make macaroni and cheese with fucking lasagna noodles and Brie in a saucepan, then served it half cooked, so to speak.
I wouldn't have used a virus. I would've used a fungus.
As for the lockdown and the vaccine, that was a combination of 10% malice, 40% pharmaceutical profiteering, and 50% good old fashioned incompetence. We can be very certain that while NATO has been planning for some kind of bioweapon response for a long time, this was only tangentially related to any NWO type schemes.

Fuck, comment too long. Whatever. Will finish in morning if thread remains.
I've had vulnerable people take many boosters, with no side effects.(and never got covid) Its almost like it's safe and effective!?!?!??! unlike you I am not making shit up either.
he vaccine was safe and effective, cope and seethe libtard.
The goal was to lower the collective vibrations of humanity.
Baby's third eye can be ruined by a widdle needle? I feel sorry for you.
finally a real enlighten user. took long enough
A virus with a survival rate of 99.7% gave governments unlimited power to test how far they could control their citizens.
Human idiocy (including the toilet paper craze).
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>making shit up
Anon, I...
(The death rate of the 60+ age was 21% ) The government didn't have to pay retirement and got rid of MANY anti-government people. WIN-WIN.
Yes anon, you are making shit up. Love Terry Davis please.
>The government didn't have to pay retirement
Then they should of denied it's existence
???????????? The gov wants to keep social security running. Kill the older folks and maintain it for longer...............
>Kill the older folks and maintain it for longer...............
So cover up Covid so you can maximize the number of elderly killed by it while tax payers are allowed to go to work.
Luckily regards like you convince the older folks not to get treated. That then increased susceptibility. Easy win for the GOV. Tell me older ppl didn't die at great numbers
Careless depopulation measure, biological terrorist attack, conspiracy of fraud, embezzlement, etc. I'm not sure what number wake-up call this is.

The virus was the jingling keys to get people antsy and ready for whatever was offered.
The vaccine was the killshot, with a neat side of luciferian karmic absolution; the information that it was worthless at best, and reproductively harmful was already out there. Their system of guilt, such as it is, tells them that it's not on them if someone willingly believes a lie or doesn't investigate further. They are conmen, sociopaths, and psychopaths.

Also they're hedging their bets on a lot of automation, engineered slaveworker populations slash genelines, and a lot of other things that obviate the need for at least 80% of the population at present.
They fully intend to be the ruling caste, sitting and eating as effendi, while pseudo-humans serve them.
>The GLVs responsible for the smell of freshly cut grass play a role in plant communication and plant defence against herbivory, functioning as a distress signal warning other plants of imminent danger and, in some instances, as a way to attract predators of grass-eating insects.

Disease is a reaction of the body against environmental stressors, the body attempts to clear out whatever toxin that was picked up. At the same time the body also releases exosomes to warn others around you of the stressor, which causes them to preemptively try to clear the stressor in the same way.
Normalfaggots call those exosomes viruses and think they're the cause of the disease and not just a messenger
Viruses don't exist.
>To date, we have conducted over 90 cell culture control studies. These cultures contained NO SAMPLE, just the cell line, antibiotics and fetal bovine serum (FBS), and we saw the cytopathogenic effect (CPE – cell death that is supposed to denote the presence of a virus) in ALL cultures.
The same experiment was done that the viroliegists conduct. Only the sample from someone allegedly infected with a virus was left out.
>We sent these cultures to an independent accredited Contract Research Organization (CRO) to do transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on the control cultures and have positively identified “SARS-COV-2,” “HIV,” and “Measles”!!!!!!!!!
They found 3 "viruses" under the electron microscope. The objects had the exact same sizes and appearances as "measles", "HIV" and C19.
>The next stage of these control experiments, and where all the paths lead to, is genetics, PCR and full genome sequencing.
They want to continue with the mysterious "PCR" and mysterious "full genome sequencing"
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>Whats the REAL true Redpill on this event?
remember the massive protests in china against the social credit system? Remember the yellow vest protests and their guillotines?
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Alright fellas I'm back
You be silent
You're sweet, but hush.

Ok. As for the lockdowns, we can know those were a genuine attempt at biological self defense, AT LEAST AT FIRST, by how various insider systems reacted vs how they would've reacted to a totally fictive plague or other artifice exclusively designed to assist them in consolidating power. For example, the quarantine was comprehensive and uniform. Now sure, you had politicians and three letter agents blatantly ignoring those laws, but no more egregiously than they do any other laws. Now, once it became abundantly clear that coronavirus was a nothing-burger the insiders basically stopped taking it seriously, but to start with they were complying just like everyone else.of course, the memes which kept everyone else complying kept on running after their purpose was exhausted, and of course there were influential economic interests which kept the lockdowns politically viable, and of course once they had that power they didn't want to abandon it, but the bottom line is that at least at first the lockdowns represented everyone in power taking covid seriously and doing the very best they could to control it. We can address the vaccine and everything in a minute but first
How actually effective was our Best™ Response™? The answer, as I'm sure you're aware, is pitifully ineffective. The media blitz was astounding to be fair. Our leaders organically controlled the narrative seamlessly through their network of bots, AI news sites, and system media personell they efficiently made lockdowns seem popular, trendy even. That being said, what were the actual policies they put into place? There was social distancing, an idiotic policy completely ineffective against an airbkrne viral agent, not to mention impossible in most cities and at many jobs. There were recommendations against skin-to-skin contact with strangers, more reasonable but still wholly insufficient.
There were of course the physical "don't leave your house" quarantine laws which, while moderately effective needed proper protection while out of the house to be actually worth anything, and there were of course the masks. The masks started as a recommendation, a safety blanket for people who watched too many Asian movies, but then they got big. The masks, you see, are VERY profitable. Take diapers. 1% of the population uses them, yet they're a multimillion dollar industry. Imagine if you could make 50% of the population do that. Every day, multiple times per day. Mask mandates were just too lucrative to pass up and Pfizer dollars flowed into politician pockets faster than you can say "face diaper". Then they upped the ante even further with the much more expensive N-95 respirator masks. Let's get something straight. The standard surgical masks you see Japs wearing in films are surgical masks designed to keep blood and viscera out of your mouth, completely useless against infected droplets and free viri. They're to keep surgeons from killing a man because they lean over to retch after getting some blood in their mouths, not to prevet anyone from getting infected wjth anythung. The n95 masks meanwhile are construction equipment. They are designed to keep particulate from filling the lungs such as concrete/brick dust or sawdust. They do provide some short-term protection from viri but once they become saturated with moisture from your breath capillary action distributes any viri that Landon then throughout the cloth, creating a nasty biohazard. And then of course there was the "vaccine". I'll get into that later, but suffice it to say it didn't work at all. That was our biowarfare response. That was the best we had. How would an actual half-decent response to an airborne bioweapon look? For a country like china it would look exactly like it did, welded on doors and drone controls and what have you. As for us?
It would start before the virus was dropped.
We would start by distributing full protective outfits to everyone. That means a washable one-piece pullover suit with triple ankle elastic bands, a years supply of gloves, and a powered respirator with a years supply of filters. When an actual incident occurred there wusl be three core elements to the initial response: protective gear mandatory while outside, sealed treatment tents for the infected, and mandatory quarantine for positively confirmed contact. No foolishness with masks or social distancing. And, of course, an open-source all hands on deck vaccine development effort. Once that was done we would begin expanding the meaning of "inside" by integrating apartment buildings and gated communities, setting up walls around non-gated communities, and putting decontam chambers at the access points. Of course the first policy we would implement before all of this would be total border closure. Not only would these policies actually stop the weapon, they would give our leaders even more power than the actual policies did. Instead our leaders were so corrupt and incompetent they couldn't even maximize power for themselves.
Fuck I have to go do something
I'll finish later
It was gain-of-function research, funded by the CDC on behalf of the United States, where Chinese laws and lax regulations made a perfect plan for the Wuhan Virology Institute. After it broke containment, the CIA tried to cover it up by paying off the investigators they sent to research it (there was a Congressional hearing on this back in 2020).
Also, some fishy stuff was going on between Israel and China at the time, which is why Israeli Pfizer was one of the first companies out with a "vaccine" (even though they didn't test to see if it stops the virus, only if it reduces the severity of the symptoms, so it's barely a vaccine at all). Finally, the ethnic groups that got hit the least (because the virus interacts with certain genes that are specific to certain Y-chromosome haplogroups, which is the basis for the modern scientific view on the separate races) are East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews (this is confirmed with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s statement back in 2023 of July).
>yellow vest protests
Mental how long that's been going on and it literally never gets any mention in the (((media))). Pure coincidence is my guess.
Looking forward to Le Pen gunning all of those Africans down in the street after the election however.
It was a timeline bait. If you fell for the nothingburger psyop, you'd enter a reality that (((they))) were trying to project. If you didn't, then you made it to the good timeline where it turned out to be, indeed, a nothingburger.
The goal was to create inflation.
are you, John Nobody '21?
So what's the deal with the vaccine? You left off at the important part.
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Ever since I caught that damn spike protein the evil experiment the feds did on my head finally started to work. My brain is developing new features.

If you are one of the gate kids and shit got strange after the head fog, this is it man...
that it was white genocide to pave the way for han colonization of north america
nobody human cares
A lot of Doctors lost their medical licence. Nobody with sanity or balls is left in the industry.
Sheep society didn't wash their hands and stand 2m apart.......................

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