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It’s hard to find people these days whose brains aren’t full of degeneracy, man and woman purpose is to solely procreate, we need each other … and yet we have “incels” and “femcels” who’s origins are obviously someone’s agenda to make us go against each other, and it’s working, don’t even get me started on all that queer nonsenses.. our whole generation has been groomed into this sinful crap, look around and wake up
>Why do we have degenerates?
>Focuses entirely on sex, biological sex, sexuality

Bruh, focusing on sex, gender, sexuality, and the like is what causes degeneracy. The more you fixate, the more you degen. So stop fixating.
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hmm... you make a good point, I wonder who is responsible for such things?
People have always been degenerates and you're just seeing more of it because of the internet, get your pencil wet and stop crying.
Procreation is the most degenerate thing a person can do. You are making a clone of yourself to live your life for you rather than living your own life, it is the epitome of giving up on your own life while being as self masturbatory as possible about it
You have no goal, you just make clones who will further make clones of their own. There is nothing you wish to change or achieve, you are empty
My whole life, the only people who fixate on "degeneracy" and "queers" are themselves the biggest degenerates of them all. That's why any town I travel to, if you want to meet the true freaky fun people, go to church and make friends with someone there under 50, I promise they are wearing a butt plug or a harness under their clothes. Just last week I was getting emergency pantry food for a client and the woman asked me to come back in the storage room and get some stuff bagged up with her. Within 5 minutes shes leaning her big fat titties against my back "sorry this space is just too small uwu". Just look at all those GOP losers from 20 years ago talking about "defending marriage", only to get arrested soliciting someone in an airport bathroom. It'd be funny if these same self-hating degenerates weren't trying to pass laws and put a target on queer peoples backs for political points. of course they wrap up their rhetoric in the language of "protecting the innocent".

Personally, I think it's a conspiracy to push any well-meaning and thoughtful adult out of the lives of young people and into the hands of the church, who have always used and abused their patrons. Do yourself a favor and get over your insecurities, you'll be a lot happier (and smarter) in the long run. Learn who your real enemies are.
>anime watcher doesn't think other people are making good use of time
n...nani? Sempai-san, nan desu ka?

Stop Asking Women On Dates, stop texting them thinking you are interesting because you are not. The reason you are getting ghosted is because you text and try to be funny, try to make her laugh or sound interesting. If you do manage to go to the next step and are actually meeting up and then get ghosted, stop taking women on dates. That stuff doesn't work anymore in the current year.


Most importantly stop approaching women, at least for a while. They are already seething and this will only get worse and worse as they get less and less attention from men.
>man and woman purpose is to solely procreate
If you take this worldview to its logical conclusion we don't need to get along with women, we just need to enslave them like cattle and breed with them. Incels/femcels wouldn't exist anymore if we did that.
That's a visual novel u baka

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