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/x/ - Paranormal

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Smoked a bong after a while of not smoking weed and got really high really quickly. The paranoia kicked in and I started to compulsively wash dishes. Whilst I was doing that I began to hear a voice in my head and I started thinking about death and hell. The voice said 'heat' and my body started simulating the feeling of intense burning around my body without the pain, if that makes sense. Even since I've been extremely fearful of the wrath of God. I am scared to go to hell. I don't want to go to hell when I die bros. I'm scared.
You don't have to go to hell! You have all the power to prevent that. Pray Lord's prayer, read Bible on your own time and ask Jesus Christ to know you. Every person needs to make a conscious choice as not to go to hell. This positively that this is yours.

I was in same spot as you just little while ago myself, living to myself only and scared to go to hell. Until I made a choice to seek Heaven and God instead. There were few things that helped me.

Praying, reading Bible, and seeking company of christians who were practicing, more "advanced" than me, and could tell me more about salvation and knowing Christ, was really helping me out!

Do not be scared! You will not go to hell, but receive eternal life instead, if you truly wish to be saved and remain sincere.

Do not be scared of sin, if you sin despite your best efforts, but always seek sincere forgiveness through prayer. Forget personal relationship with God and Jesus. Let Christ be your teacher, your brother, your King. God knows our hearts, and there is no sin that cannot be forgiven by Christ, if you truly wish to be removed from it. Pray and allow Christ and Holy Spirit to work in you.

Stay blessed and be strong, my brother! You are destined for Heaven, not hell!
If you're scared of hell just make it not exist anymore?
You most likely have someone that greatly disapproves of your marijuana use. They are manifesting your paranoia. I only get paranoid when smoking where I really shouldn’t.
You're just associating the "bad feelings" on the come up with bad things. If you understand that that's just the feeling of weed doing what it's supposed to do, you can work through it. I mean, they call it "getting high" for a reason! It's an activity that some believe directly affects your vibrations, as in making you vibrate on a higher level (see?). Others believe that when the weed wants you to stop, it causes you to get anxious to stop. I thought that's what I was experiencing a month ago until I realized the anxiety was just me misunderstanding that changing or calibration of my vibrations.
>Smoked a bong
You smoke out of a bong, bro. You did it completely wrong, kiddo.
next time that happens you need to smoke 8 whole potweed bongs
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I used to have psychosis like that, I'd get the mirage "boiling" effect in my eyes (visual hallucination)
Worse body hallucination would be the time I did robotussin and got the opposite of a hot flash,. It was like I fell into a bath of liquid nitrogen. Like some drugs work on very primitive aspects of the human nervous system (midbrain, low brain).
Satan can interfere with our relationship with Christ by creating unhealthy fear, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit, HATE SIN, LOVE RIGHTEOUSNESS! Accept chastisement and seek the word of God, Meditate and ask for Jesus to reveal himself in supernatural ways. >CHRIST IS KING Anon you are the apple of his eye, he loves you so much and does not want ANYONE to perish. These are the end times, where anyone WHO CALLS UPON THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED HALLELUYAH HALLELUYAH
Also any smoking is instant sin to the temple so IF YOU INSIST on doing THC again Eat some Edibles but God will make it not fun anymore trust from experience >Christ is King
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nice pic i post name off now

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