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Most of the echoes of Pisces, at least from perspective of modernity, are in retreat: religion, thirst of knowledge of the soul, theological struggles etc; being replaced by the coming Aquarian characteristics of dogmatic need to teach it's perspective steeped in wordly matters - hence rise of politics, ideologies etc. But for some reason this Piscean manifestation is holding out against the coming tide, why?

Is it because it was the last one to enter the stage, and thus will be the last one to leave? Or has it re-invented itself to take on Aquarian characteristics? I mean, most modern muslims are starting to become less religious and more "theology meets western politics" kind of thing, as in it's in the process of shedding it's mystical aspects that originally positioned it to seek knowledge within realms of abstract and unseen in favour of wordly matters.
Has to do with a secret at the heart of Islam, which is the power of the veiled goddess.
Because the second fish of pisces hasn't come by to unwork what the first one wrought. Read aion by carl jung, there will be great destruction to send off the age of pisces.
What exactly is there to destroy? Most of the dominant powers are taking on Aquarian characteristics, and have been for a while. The only place that makes sense to me is Middle East, maybe Africa and South America - but I don't see that happening.

>Russia, America, China, Europe
All of them carry Aquarian characteristics. It's a dominant narrative that war between them is inevitable, but it makes no sense for them to destroy each other when all of the Piscean values are currently stuck in "Brown World" of Africa, Middle East and India as well as South America.
Christianity is the Pisces religion you idiot.

1. christens have used the symbol of the fish
2. jesus was born as we entered the age of Pisces
3. “A man will meet you carrying an earthen pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he goes in” Luke 22:10
Islam is a product of Piscean age you uneducated fool, and thus it has piscean characteristics. The symbols are irrelevant before the tides of Stars and Heavens.
>what is there to destroy?
Think of pisces as the taoist yin yang symbol. Jesus was the white fish that brought christianity, and the black fish is the industry of science that grew from it. The black fish in this scenario could be called "antichrist," but I believe it is not just one person, but the egregore of everyone who is staunchly pro-science and anti-religion. What will likely be destroyed is spiritualism in totality, as we see sceince take on spiritual concepts discussed in occult philosphy in the form of things like the double slit experiment and discoveting that gravity is not tied to mass. Eventually science will come to every spiritual discovery christianity had and sterilize it, removing the spirit from the spiritual. It will be mainly targeted towards christianity, but as more discoveries are shared it will become obvious to any water bearer that science is steadily proving the existence of the spiritual world that it's so uncomfortable with.
i think you got it wrong bro. jung said the age of Aquarius would be about the unity of opposites, not destruction

>the approach of the next Platonic month, namely Aquarius, will constellate the problem of the union of opposites. It will then no longer be possible to write off evil as the mere privation of good; its real existence will have to be recognized

age of Pisces was the two brothers who fought, two fishes, age of Aquarius is about unity of opposites
The Aquarian Age elites will develop characteristics that won't allow it to happen. 1984, Brave New World kind of control, and that kind of control is Aquarian in nature. The current "secret"-and-entrenched Cabal in itself is also a manifestation of Aquarian Spirit, and Aquarian Spirit from their perspective will value the Gestalt Truth that does not challenge their power, hence the spiritual aspect will most likely be swept under rug or be presented in a fashion that will deny.

In essence, there will be Soviet/Russian-tier propaganda contraditions like: "the boat didn't sink, but rather had a 'negative ascent'." - only that they will also apply to fields of science. Hence I don't see spirituality surviving outside of secret socities. I do however see secret societies surviving because Aquarian Age is not equipped to deal with them, there is technology of course, but there are ways around it as well.

Jung perspectives are interesting, but I don't consider him an authority of Astrotheology. Aquarius's non-positive characteristics make that unity of opposites a thing of dread rather than something to look forward to. Check which planet governs the sign, and then read up on its negative characteristics - gotta filter out the online Zodiac-hoe explanations to find that however, if you get your info from them then yeah Aquarius is the light in the unseen, but they don't know shit.
the governments of the aquarian age will be overbearing but there will also be revolutionaries in the underground.

>The danger in Aquarius is the abuse
of knowledge and science, not of industry and trade.

>In the Age of Aquarius, religion will be humanistic love of fairness and justice. While feeding the people with Libran platitudes, the Scorpionic rulers will work tirelessly toward the realization of their goal – absolute power over others, as Leo is seen in position on the 7th house. The will of the people will be towards freedom of expression (Aquarius), and they will be encouraged to do their own thing so that they keep their minds off what their rulers do.
How will revolutionaries even form the underground when technocratic technology control is right around the corner? They'll eventually meme all the guillable fools to take on some microship into benis, vagina or brain, and then how is one to resist? I suppose that will be the first sign of a revolution.
You are saying what I was alluding to, hust because opposites unify doesn't mean things won't be destroyed in the process
This is the one thing I don't understand about Astrotheology. You'd think that West and East - who are currently turning Aquarian - would be balls to the wall with total destruction of Piscean Brown World, but outside of Israel they're making war to each other. If anything, only the current genocide of Palestians makes sense to me from that perspective - I'm not interested in discussion of morals and ethics regarding the current thing however.

Or Israel just an early starter, and the bigger guns will join later?
the New Order will seek to perfect the Machiavellian political philosophy that “tis better to be feared than loved if one cannot be both”

The Novus Ordo Saeculorum, the New
Order of the Ages, will rule through the
power of life and death (Scorpio, which
is on the 10th), through behaviour modification, cloning, genetic engineering,
mind control and the occult. Might makes
right in this New Age. If the preceding Age
produced metaphysical materialists, who
duped the people through the opiate of
religion, the New Age will produce materialist metaphysicians who will make the
preceding political power elites look like
inept apprentices.

Knowledge will be valued only insofar
as it leads to the ability to wage war
and destroy, because Aries is on the 3rd
house. In fact, the cultivation of knowledge as a source of military power will
eventually lead to a secret means of
altering and controlling such things as
earthquakes and the Earth itself, even
the core. This knowledge will be held by
secret societies and eventually leads to a
new socio-political system far more earthbound than the Capricornian Age after
the year 4320.

As the Aquarian dream of humanistic
science and universal brotherhood is a
vision of the world to come in Pisces, and
realized in Aquarius, so too, the Aquarian
avant-garde will look forward to an Aquarian Golden Age on the one hand, while
the Aquarian technocrats will look for a
world corporation to fossilize society into
a rigid caste system run technologically.
Elements are already working for this,
but, while it may be realized to some
degree in Aquarius, the Age being essentially rebellious will deny it and present
innumerable obstacles to its completion
until the Age of Capricorn.
wtf does islam have to do with pisces or aquarius
What do you base your contention on?
Ages are thousands of years long, you’re not going to see significant change in a decade.

Your approximations of events are off.
To be honest, even though it's fiction, read about shadowrun's lore. It covers the topic of this thread very well as the main story of the shadowrun games is the changing of ages and the new wonders and horrors that it will bring. I imagine our future looks very much like the events in shadowrun, minus the overt magic unless we get yellowstone erupting after the us throws natives into concentration camps.
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Fish just get eaten. They are not in charge.
>not losing ground to Aquarian encroachment?
You sure about that?
Islam was created later into the Piscean age than Christianity. Saudis are giving more and more rights to women, Iran had feminist revolts (cut off by Covid lmao)...
The war trauma gets the upper hand at the moment, but feminism rises from these ashes and from Westernization following the return of millions and millions of muslims jews kicked into Europe.

Islamic areas would have been westernized at a faster pace, but USA and USSR worked for jewish interests and prevented it with wars and coups.
>there will be great destruction to send off the age of pisces.
What do you think the two world wars were? From the French revolution, a great destruction was unleashed into this world.
Those are nothing compared to the potential of ww3. It was not the first two world wars, as they were used to create the modern myth we live in under the auspice of the black fish. As long as that foundational myth continues to be the backbone of modern society, the black fish is still in charge.
A scentless fart is enough to wipe this trash world out. It should knock down a few egos harder than any war they want to manifest.
Because that’s a false new age theory. There are no Piscean religions. There is true religion (Christianity) and there are false religions (all others). You either serve God or your serve Satan. There’s no middle ground, no neutrality.
It's not war, they're following revelations and the judiac alocalypse books in order to force their messiah, the antichrist, to manifest. However, something they and I also believe jungs gets wrong is that the antichrist is not or will not be a person. I think that the antichrist is a gestalt or ergregore of anti-religious anf pro science sentiment. After all, the best opposite of the one is many.
Christianity is a piscean religion, jesus was literally born under the star that declared the age of pisces. The magi that wrnt to see him in the manger even say as much.

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