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>essence of god defeated by the fauci ouchie

wow is god weak or something lol. all it take is some puny quantity of chemicals

so if god shows up and someone throws him a bottle of vaccine does he die?
Your problem is that you're accepting a completely idiotic premise, that you can shut down your soul by inhibiting a gene.
Whenever someone sends you proof in form of a video essay instead of an article or something in written form, you can 95% of the time disregard it as hokum
You can, because it was placed there with that gene by the so-called rebel angel. Technically that OP doesn't lie, human ascension is physiologically anomalous. Most cultures have a story about its addition for better or worse. So why is a removal fetched so far?

Embarrassingly bad post.
For anyone it may concern.

If picrel is real, then I vote for the total destruction of life on Earth before the point of no return.
Not total but it's still on the table.
What constitutes a soul changes from spiritual tradition to spiritual tradition. However, historically, they all have the following in common:
A spirit is that which wills action.
A soul is a spirit's qualities, giving life to flesh, acting with humility, even a name is commonly seen as part of ones soul.

The existential threat of losing your soul is not new. Demons have always had that power. Demons are spirits that act without conscious awareness (which is why we call alcohol spirits and automatic scripts daemons). Give in to unconscious actions and our spirit cannot act, thus it loses all character and the soul is no more.

There is no need to make up stuff about genes.
God is all powerful, all knowing, all encompacing and you think Trump and Bill Gates' stupid flu shot will bar you from repentence and love? From God? Are you being for real right now anon?

The fucker has a yaldobaoth image, which means hes a shitty satanist himself. Please don't believe everything you hear and dont be fearmongered.
Strawman argument. Nice try.

No one's talking about what a soul is.

We're talking about what allows it to be in a human instead of any other biological lifeform on this planet. What happens if that allowance is most tragically withheld?
>instead of any other biological lifeform on this planet.
See, without knowing what a soul is you work from false premises. It's important to research things before trying to figure them out. Since all nature acts, and all actions are willed by spirit, all things in nature have qualities that relate to those actions, ie soul(s).

When people lose their souls they become husks of their former selves, acting on base impulse, arguing online for no reason, or eating uncontrollably. You get the idea.
They're using CERN to create infinite artificial timelines and keeping the righteous ones as hostage, putting God in an all-or-nothing position (maintain the clown world or kill everything, including the righteous ones).
God is so much more than that anon. He's also a promise. There's a reason Jesus said he was within you as well. No matter what timeline you're in, you can do the impossible. So have a little faith will ya?
I know full well what it is and most humans have what occultists call a spark, a potential to discover and develop their soul which is what OP refers to when he says we can follow Christ / access the pineal oil that allows us to go to heaven. When people lose their soul they become normal baseline humans who do nothing but eat shit sleep and work, when they die they reincarnate. At that point they have spirits, very weak ones, but to call it a soul is laughable as they literally cannot leave this plane of existence. Most humans already live that way even with the spark, they squander it. What OP talks about is the thieving in the night'ing of that divine sentience to redirect it back towards the rest of us who actually do use and rely upon its eternal connection.
Yeah I'll try to walk with Christ even if it's fucking tiresome in this world.
In other words, OP is talking about bunk.
All that can evolve has the divine spark. Bare witness to the truth of this world. Life is divine and cannot be squandered, only abandoned for a time.

You do not need these fairy-tales to appreciate what you have, and if you indulge too much you will lose it.
the vaccine is fine and you've all been deceived by lies and misinformation. sadly all of you are too retarded to realize this.
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This is atheism/Satanism ie God is a gene or a chemical that can be suppressed/destroyed in disguise.
God is beyond time and space, there's not a pill or a shot that you can take to disconnect yourself from God.
Personally I believe this is evident from God's nature as an omniscient being. Being omniscient means knowing everything, including your perspective. It's ultimate empathy, in short, God is in a sense, you or at least functionally identical to you. He's also a conglomeration of all consciousness. Since vaccinated individuals still have perspective they still must thereby exist as a part of the whole that is God.
Now if you believe in NPCs you could argue that NPCs are not part of God since they have no true perspective, but in my experience people that believe in NPCs just lack the intellectual rigor to contemplate all points of view. This includes the POVs of very simple people and very shallow people, which, you are more likely to be if you think certain people can't think or feel due to outward expression and different thinking.
Just my 10,000 IQ take.
>he thinks a mere chemical can separate him from the love of Christ...Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword. I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
>God is all powerful, all knowing, all encompacing

>gets cucked from his creation by a talking snake

What did abrahamics mean by this
>a talking snake
More like a withering parasite. Tiamat-pill.
My friend who is vaxxed just became a Christian
So tiamat is a parasite? Good to know lmao
No OP is talking about exactly what I just talked about. What's bunk is your love light kindness while the majority of our species is being or has been spiritually sterilized.

Most Christians also reincarnate eternally despite their love and faith.
Exactly. They are sent back to help. It's not heaven if everyone isn't there of course!
I am CHRIST!!!! Swallow air into your stomaches to awaken Jesus!!!

Fucking assholes!!! Swallow air into your stomaches with your mouth.

Gut brain axis
Neurological gut brain
Amount of neurons the gut has
Does my gut have a brain

You need oxygen in your stomach to fight against the covid 19
Right, bunk, just like your assessment of my beliefs. To be a stranger to the cruelty of this world it must be hidden from you.

I never mentioned love, light, or kindness. It seems you associate my perspective with people who care strongly about those things, and who may even be blind to darker truths - but those are again fairy-tales that distract us from what really exists and should be appreciated. Awareness bound turns flesh to prison.
So the Zen dudes focusing on the hara (below navel) had a point?
That's just mental connection between the brain and gut brain.

But of you Swallow air the little guy wakes up. You get psychosis until he figures out what reality you're actually in then chills after a year but he's a little alcoholic.
Shiva likes alchohol I heard
Like Cannabis, it's a tool to be used responsibly in yoga. Shiva represents universal consciousness after all.
Yes. Bring the Pink Gin with strawberries and lemonade so I can fight the disease in my butthole, brain!!!!
Yes butt monster!!!

My guts name is easuah :) son of glo, son of Solomon, son of David, grandson of Charlemagne.

My ancestor was actually called Pippin and his ancestor was called ansegiel.

I'm the grandson of an gi el (angel).

He was one of the first vampires actually :)
An overactive crown leads to messianic delusions. Touch grass.
Nope. I'm getting more gin.
no you silly little faggot
Complete nonsense about God gene and the vaccines. Neither is true because I know people that have gotten multiple vaccines and still hear God, etc with no change before and after.
Rudolf Steiner wrote something akin to OP picrel you know?
Wait just a minute anon.
My pp skin on my massive white cock has been trimmed perfectly to a point where there is more then enough skin, but no folds for smegma or aids to gather and incubate.

Are you telling me this has severed my connection to god?
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No. The mark of the beast is Satan's counterfeit of God's sign between him and his people.
>Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Clearly the above verse isn't about bodily hurt, as almost all of the disciples were martyred and many millions of other Christians for having the testimony of Jesus and some still today in certain places of the world.

If you want to do something, you could fast and pray and immerse yourself in the inspired words of God, divinely preserved through the centuries, and faithfully translated into the King James Bible. God promised to keep his words, and we have them.

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