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Been doing meditation for a while and seen minimal results; super stressed all the time and anxious. Randomly stumbled upon a video on the Horse Stance meditation, and gave it ago.

So far, noticed small practical "gains" in the sense that I'm more level-headed, less stressed in the moment at places like work, and I'm able to actually function at a higher "tempo" so to speak. Started combining it with "Animal Flow" (There was some other name for it, can't remember off the top of my head) and I'm really starting to get more in tune with my body.

So, that begs my question, Has everything I've learned so far about meditation been nothing but "woo woo"? That sitting and just trying not to think without any stressors to quiet the mind and help develop focus is rather pointless, or at lest the "long" way around? I understand that gaining a greater awareness and presence of oneself and the world is a lifelong process but, I've never achieved such results by normal meditation.

I genuinely feel "better" in ways I can't explain and my thoughts have drifted more towards "life oriented" goals rather than just moping and being sad about my lot in life.

Meditation bros, have I been doing it wrong this whole time?
Whatever gets you the best results is your best method for meditation. Some people stare at a wall for an hour and it works for them. Some people walk in circles and it's good for them.
Your method will get you sick gains mentally and physically. Personal experience is better than any thing you read.
>Been doing meditation for a while and seen minimal results
I'm not surprised if you think your pic is what meditation is about.
>So far, noticed small practical "gains" in the sense that I'm more level-headed, less stressed in the moment at places like work, and I'm able to actually function at a higher "tempo" so to speak.
So you've become a better and more willing slave to the world? Again, I'm not surprised. If one believes meditation is about the body or that anything physical is required then one is binding themself deeper into the material illusion.

>That sitting and just trying not to think without any stressors to quiet the mind and help develop focus is rather pointless
I don't think these methods of just quieting the mind and focusing on nothing are good enough, because all that does is cause the true self to sit still. I don't know about you but my goal isn't to stew in the same ignorance I already dwell in, but to remove that ignorance of higher truths. And it will only be found by seeking.

In my book meditation is not a stillness, it is an inward active seeking of the truth of what you are.
Anything more than that I can offer is only advice. And my advice is to begin by observing pure consciousness. Disconnect the consciousness you observe from the mental/material narratives. What do you know about having a "body" other than the pure sensations/experiences that you observe?
That is your true knowledge (gnosis) and the idea of a "body" is merely an inference from that knowledge. So where does consciousness arise? Seek the source.
How long have you been attempting meditation?

Horse stance works faster since it's a physical exercise as well as a mental exercise, therefore the results are faster and more readily felt.

If you do meditation for long enough you'd see the gains; I personally feel the gains within a day.
You can't separate the mind from the body, at least not until you're almost transcended. Most yogis and olden spiritual paths used a bottom to top type of approach, where the body is refined and through it, slowly you get access to refining the mind. Our impatience and hubris made us look for the most advanced techniques and transforming most of the current paths into top to bottom paths which rarely work. Good for you, you discovered something that a lot of people go their whole life without finding.
Nah, the problem is that modern western civilization puts such an emphasis on "intellect" and "science" that the physical path to enlightenment gets overlooked.

Stretching and isometric holds for 5+ hours a day? A very quick path to bliss and wisdoms.
Chi stance is best for energy.
>Meditation bros, have I been doing it wrong this whole time?

Exercise and breathwork should be the basis of everyone (also journaling/shadow work/psychoanalysis in my opinion).

Then you can get into deeper meditative states.
For once op is not a fag
>fag notices he's calmer after physical exercise
someone get this man his own biographer
You need to build your castle on a rock or it will fall at the first wind blow.
I've opened the 7th chakra because I was looking to find a way to ascend consciousness and tasted the nirvana, but it didn't lasted long and was hard to maintain that state of mind. Now I need to start again from the bottom.
If you read any novels or manwha that talks about immortals, they talk always how foundation are important.

The inside must be as the outside. (as above, so below)
Your diet and your way of life must be to create balance in your body and in your mind, because this is the natural law of universe.
The path to full enlightenment is : Balance, justice and harmony.
Immortals or Enlightened is about to be synchronized or one with the energy field of the cosmos.
When everything is in harmony everything will be one or infinite.
The Body is condensed Spirit.
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Thunderbolt stance
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Don't forget the naked foot on grass under the sun too.
>Naked food : Earth prana.
>Sun bathing : solar prana.
>Breathing : Air prana.
I can’t remember the exact details but horse stance has a piezoelectric effect on the collagen in the thighs (?) which is why you get energy from it.
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he doesn't even see how retarded this statement is
now is the only thing thats real
> he doesn't even see how retarded this statement is
This is because you think, don't think.

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