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/x/ - Paranormal

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Ive been mulling over ever saying this to anyone but, is your intuition supposed to be accurate at predicting things?

So like.. past year or so Ive been experimenting and questioning my own intuition on things, mundane crap like "Will work be good today" "Will I have lost weight today" or "How will this relationship go?"
And ive been noticing that nearly every time I get an answer under certain sensations it unfolds like the reply said.

Example, my grandfather lost his wallet and we couldnt find it for days and I kept asking my intuition "Is it gone? Will we ever find it?" and it replies the same thing over and over "Yeah its fine its in the house don't stress out" and then it just turns up in a loose pair of pants in the corner of his room when grandpa and I assumed it was lost in a trashcan.

This is something that has always been with me but never in a like... usable manner?

IDK if im just going crazy but it feels like a predictable phenomenon. Is this something that others can experience?
Let me throw out another example... back in 2020 during the Trump-Biden debates I kept telling myself trump would win that election but every time I did that intuition would snap and interject with Biden right when i was thinking trump. And it did this a bunch of times. Whenever i was telling myself that donald was gonna win. It was after that I started taking this intuition stuff a lot more seriously
Yeah, I do this all the time. Like, I asked "how will I feel after the debates" and got back a emotional sensation of amused interest when I was consciously sure they would be a stage managed farce put on by CNN. That led me to watch the debate I was going to skip and get my emotional charge of bemused interest.
I believe our intuition is inherently connected to the divine. The stronger the connection, the more accurate at predicting things your intution will be.

Also, NPCs don't have intuition for obvious reasons.
my mom had a similar experiance when i first told her about my intuition stuff. She tried it herself while trying to find my grandmother's medication in a panic and it kept just deescalating her stress even though she needed it right there and then. And she just... found it simply without any problems.

A week ago i had a very serious depressive episode thinking about death and losing those i love and worse being alone because of it. And Ive asked it repeatedly what comes after death and it keeps replying that "The afterlife isnt as bad as you think it is" it certianly... helps calm me down having a second opinion
When i was a lot younger it wasnt a voice or feeling replying to me or even being asked questions. It was just like.... thoughts of specific random things?

I remember driving through mainstreet in my town as a youngster and I just got this thought and said aloud that "A car crash is going to happen here" and the next day there was a 3 car wreck. I just had this... thought that went from brain to voice
... does this mean that events are fixed? if the future can be predicted does that mean that it cant be changed?
Who does your intuition say will be the next President?
Is there a way to train/strengthen intuition?

As a child I was taught to ignore it in many situations. Now it warns me of danger but not much elseā€¦
>is your intuition supposed to be accurate at predicting things?
yes, it is a highly efficient tool that is fine tuned and adapted. Animals survive entirely on it.

You should always listen to it - first. Then check it with your rational mind. Learning the proper balance is your job
no, intuition is just a different kind of process like when you would normally sit down and try to predict an outcome. it has different strengths and weaknessess and is superior when dealing with things that we have ancestrial experience with.
rationally thinking about something opens up room for a lot of confusion and self sabotage from various viral thoughtforms and daemons we have accumulated and so few people are able to harness it in a way that gives astonishing accuracy and clarity over complex things (though theoretically it would be the superior sense if someone has entirely cleaned their mind, it would still take a lot longer than just following intuition though)

Dont worry too much about it. Its just a different part of your mental process with access to different resources and different senses you didnt know you had before. Its no less mundane than your ability to do math, people knew about for a very long time and then the enlightenment caused people to doubt everything.
what you train is the ability to be aware of it, which just takes trying so far as i can tell. Its like learning to isolate a muscle
You can consider pretty much anything with it, turn your other layers of cognition off then listen, then try to note what it says before the noise returns.

Remember to remember so you can verify after the fact, positive verification probably reinforce the automatic integration of it into your experience of reality.
>Let me throw out another example... back in 2020 during the Trump-Biden debates
Not paranormal.

Mods, move this thread to >>>/pol/ or prune it immediately
same, like it just appears in your mind i had the same happen to me. I had premonitions more often, it was the same thing i just see it through my eyes, nothing cool though just daily life.
Sorry anons I had a long shift
.. its hard to tell, whatever reply it gives it doesnt feel commited. I try not to ask it stuff like that

Here is exactly what I do anon and for the rest of the anons here. I thought stop everything, clear my head and ask a question and i feel a reply or a sensation in my mind. Its hard to explain but its either a voice without a voice or a sensation within my mind palace
i was only using that as an example, not to start political debate
Was it ever vivid or merely just feelings and vague implications?
It feels like whenever I ask it and its actual words it feels like a voice without a voice. Like... the words flow forth but its not my own internal monologue saying it. And it always has this... bite(?) to it.

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