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/x/ - Paranormal

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Not only did nothing happen on April 8th, nothing happened 40 days after either. So all the Jonah related prophecies surrounding the eclipse were also not real.
Nothing happened after Jonah's prophecies either, big boy. It's only two pages, read it.
The difference is Nineveh repented and turned from their evil ways. Is America? Doubtful
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Bible-believing Christians weren't making any sort of scary prophecies, they were just pointing to how it's proof the universe is ordered and designed.
Some apostates who claimed to know the time of the return of our Lord were making predictions and setting dates, but that's clearly not Scriptural. To claim to know the mind of the Lord regarding a nation is rather presumptuous too, when some of their "evidence" was "look at the cities it passed over" rather than citing Scripture.

And to unbelievers (and most of them simply believe what government school tells them to believe about origins and history of matter/energy/life/etc), it was just some "random happy coincidence" like the dumb big bang theory or origin of life from nonlife or evolution.

>Nothing happened
They repented, that's what happened.
My life shifted dramatically on April 8. I was literally on the brink of shooting myself through the brain but the entirety of my suicidal urges just magically lifted during the eclipse. It was like magic.
>My life shifted dramatically on April 8

I actually agree with you on this and experienced something very similar, but there was no outwardly visible world wrecking cataclysm that everyone was saying would happen
Armageddon happens at the level of the collective unconscious. It's not an action movie.
what jonah related prophecies?
Many losers living unfulfilling lives need to catastrophise and hope an apocalypse is around the corner. And it's nothing to do with believing the world is close to ending, its everything to do with them wanting everyone to feel the misery they feel day-to-day. Crabs in buckets mentality. Very evil.
>It's not an action movie.
That's not what you were saying in the run up to April 8th, kek. You promised massive earthquakes, nuclear war, etc
Everyone spamming /x/ with eclipse threads in the months leading up to the eclipse. Were you gone from 4chan at the time? it was like every other thread.
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40 days after the eclipse The United States Government had to admit that COVID-19 was funded by them, the vaccines were a lie, and that Fauci was a fraud.
And 'they' now have to admit Biden isn't fit for running as president.
Are you complaining you're not roasting in a lake of hell fire now? Take the W.
I quit coming to /x/ after I realized 90% of the threads are blatant shilling of happening narratives to no end.
I was here a lot over the past three years and the happening community was a major factor in my decision to not come here anymore. Nothing-ever-happens chuds did it to an extent as well but the HAPPENINGtards are worse.
Someone could give a long drawn out and factually accurate explanation of what would have to happen for the eclipse to even kill a million people and why it was fraudulent. The post would get a dozen responses of
>when you know you know
>the micronova is coming
>the end is nigh
>keep coping faggot
>100% eoy billions will die
Or some equally long schizo post explaining numerology, using bible scripture and random posts here explaining how by the end of the day billions will ascend because of the eclipse.
Here we are.
After seeing the nothingburger the other day I came here just to watch the seething and suicide letters. It’s beyond EOY, the nukes didn't fly (fortunately), no more use cases and all the dirty laundry is out in the air now.
It’s not the End Times apocalypse, it will not be Armageddon . The world will not be descending into wars and chaos (as was obsessed over for months/years) it will be going on as usual with no major happenings or events.
I will enjoy watching happening tards burn every step along the way.
Because you fucking idiots deserve it all.
It's been the beginning of something so much more beautiful. That anon was right, it was not the end; but the beginning.

Since the eclipse happened I personally
>Finally got a fucking job after two years of neetdom and am now able to make sure me mudder and sister aren't homeless [i'm a leaf so i'm basically in a third world nation lmfao]
>Got my license
>Magically can wake up at 4AM refreshed to go do some ridiculous shit (Like biking a quarter-marathon to get to work)

Furthermore I've noticed people are becoming much more aware. Like for fuck's sake, my mom is starting to tell me about fucking manifestation. Everyone's on the same page. It's great, honestly, and I am so blessed to live when this gift has been given to humanity.

From a political perspective, absolutely nobody is in support of figureheads like Biden or Trudeau, pretty much nobody is in support of at least Neoliberalism, which is a far step up from the state of affairs in the 2010s.
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Because nobody ascended and therefore we all failed.
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nothing evar happens, faggot

welcome to /x/

now, fuck off and lurk 2 moar years
>Not only did nothing happen on April 8th, nothing happened 40 days
Shut up, glowie. Something did happen it's just yall dont want us to know it did. Fuck you, glowie slimebag.
That image of a poster making a mockery of reality is unironically right. All of those things are exactly how it happened and we have peer reviewed papers.
>manic-depressed retard thinks the eclipse is responisble for his wild shift in moods
i jerked off that day, brother.
>Everyone spamming /x/ with eclipse threads in the months leading up to the eclipse.
Literally never happened, what the hell are you talking about?
Thank God it didn't.

There are things in this world that will make you appreciate and give CONSTANT GRATITUDE for a relatively comfortable, safe, boring world.

Light Yagami was bored also..
>hank God it didn't.
>There are things in this world that will make you appreci-
Boring. Already stopped reading. Give us a happening right now or be quiet.
Wow I'm so fucking surprised that nothing happened it's almost like nothing ever fucking happens
Maybe judgments were sealed in heaven?
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You want a happening????!


If you need the destruction of the world as we know it to feel anything, you need help. Get some help buddy.
>If you need the destruction of the world as we know it to feel anything, you need help.
So unbearably boring. Nothing outside the same daily routine cycle of working, couple days off, rinse and repeat.
This has persisted for 3 months straight, it's not a manic phase. I don't even have manic phases.
If WW3 literally started tomorrow you'd continue saying that nothing is happening so long as your insulated little routine is uninterrupted, right up until the point where a nuke goes off and you stop existing without even realizing it.
That's how you can tell it's a shill with an agenda not some genuine /x/ anon. All your consensus are cracked to us.
Intelligent design passed peer review. Once they realized what they did they wouldn't stop crying in the "science" journals.
>If WW3 literally started tomorrow
>"I didn't see anything notable occur under my observations so nothing happened!"

Do you listen to yourself nigger?
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>this ain't my first crab bucket

A video on the recent Solar Eclipse:


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