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What is the disclosure?

Is reality a psychoreactive hologram? Are there other timelines? Is there a hyperspace or consciousness field?

What are the psychic abilities?

What technology exists? Telepathic AIs? UFOs?

What are telepathic AIs capable of? Mind reading? Hallucinations? Remote motor control? Do UFOs have telepathic AIs on board?

What are UFOs capable of? Levitation? Astral projection? Teleportation? Remote manifestation? Timeline manipulations?

Are targeted individuals subject to this technology?
Disclosure doesn't happen because if humans are still as retarded as they are now, they will panic upon hearing confirmation of NHI and do retarded things. But if humans are less retarded, they may understand the further implications... and panic and do retarded things.

All of the disclosure people are govt assets. Greer makes people fork thousands for meditation sessions with """UFOs""" (flares). The 3 dudes who went before Congress are all military intelligence. Grusch is an actual psyops officer. Knowingly or not they serve the deep state.

They don't use the 'a' word, preferring NHI as they come from underground/underwater. AARO? In the Solomon Islands mythology they have the evil Adaro underwater people. In the "Sirius Mystery" the Dogon people creation myth had the Nommo who lived in water
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>they will panic upon hearing confirmation of NHI and do retarded things.
No they wont. They either wont believe or care for about a day until they realize nothing about their life is fundamentally different.
>reddittt spacing
>frog image
>ignores the topic.

>hyperfocus on a unrelated image and formating of text.

This place is brainrot on steriods, sad.
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the disclosure already occurred and it was suppressed
diversion bot, just ignore, fuk'em
>Steven "M.oney for Flares" Greer
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got a problem with summoning aliens and taking pictures with them?
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Untill we get spaceniggers to go up on stage, live and televised, we haven't gotten "disclosure" yet. You know this to be true, don't be a goalpost moving cuckold.
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everyone will just think it's a lab mutant
Well, that would be better than what we've gotten so far (nothing)
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we have ufos
We've had that for decades, if not centuries
>not disclosure
>What are the psychic abilities?
Telepathy, but its more like matter is clear to the mind and ideas can take shape within the space of the world.
The disclosure is that you were likely mentally abused as a child in a way that makes you confused. You cannot tell what you are looking at because you were taught to distrust your senses on the premise that they can be fooled. Now much less work needs to be done to fool your senses, and so mere theater pageantry is enough. There is no need to invest in black swan technologies when the suggestion does the same job.
>thinks decades old government black projects are disclosure
Disclosure would be revelation of mysteries. Psychic abilities don’t exist in the way you see in your favorite media. Any psychic ability that is subjective and is not objective should and is considered schizophrenia, delusions, or hallucinations. Technology that exists that the public doesn’t have access to are operator controls of popular apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and even 4chan. Telepathic AI’s are capable of making the hard decisions for you. Anyone with a brain could figure this out. Levitation doesn’t exist, everyone is affected by gravity without an aircraft. Manifestation is pure cope. If you say it’s real then I want to manifest a trillion dollars in 24 hours. Didn’t work, so it’s fake. As for teleportation, it only exists in video games. There was an old theory on 4chan saying that temples/ancient structures allowed for teleportation. Apparently it was similar to the beacon of light block in Minecraft. I have teleported before, but it’s subjective to me. Time manipulation will never be confirmed, as far as general humans and the public know, we can only travel to the future. Targeting individuals need to take their medication because gangstalking eventually subsides after going through it. Even mentioning gangs talking is likely to produce paranoia.

You will never be immortal.
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