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Has anybody here ever successfully manifested an unfortunate event to happen to something or someone? this could be getting someone fired, getting someone killed, making them lose something or give something important. If so how did you feel when you did it? did you feel good did you feel bad? was it on purpose or on accident? how long were you manifesting or praying on it until it happened? do you consider it a coincidence or do you take full responsibility on it and have you ever done it again?
Once again, manifestation is ONLY possible once one obtains total enlightment and once one obtains that state; one realizes it does need anything from this material world nor influence over it.
I feel vaguely guilt after wishing OP was a faggot.
I believe manifestation is closer to the way Christian’s say that prayer should not be to get what you want, but to bring yourself into line with gods plan. Except since I don’t hold their beliefs I just believe you can get into the groove the universe wants you in you will be happy and content. Implying that you may not even be able to conceptualize of the things that would really fulfill you. So instead it’s better to just get on the right path and let the universe lay out your best route because it already exists. If you’re unhappy you just aren’t on it. Or on it fully.
Forgot to add: so instead of manifesting things. Manifest yourself into a person that is in the groove the universe wants you in and then just experience life with this as your focus and be open to life occurring and things changing.
>Has anybody here ever successfully manifested an unfortunate event to happen to something or someone?
Yes, to a coworker, it was great, I drew her crying with her leg broken, burned it and then i moved on, after 3 weeks she fell when in the sewers when a manhole flipped and broke her leg
Have you ever considered that the event was always going to happen. And that the events leading to you trying to manifest was the universe manifesting the event in you?
But does it matter if it is one or the other?
I would only feel guilt for those who don't deserve what they get ex. collateral damage.

And people debate back and forth about what constitutes "deserving" bad things but I'd say I know a piece of shit that's against me when I see one and they can get fucked.
I’ve had something very bad happen to others when I prayed for something like that to not happen.

On the opposite side I one time and first time I prayed for something bad to happen to a disgusting group of people it did. So I enjoyed that and prayed for more but those haven’t came to pass.
>the real manifestation was the enlightenment we learned along the way
What a fucking ripoff.
>Has anybody here ever successfully manifested an unfortunate event to happen to something or someone?

No, you can't do that
Yes, I accidentally caused a decent amount of non-permanent harm to someone I irrationally disliked back in middle school, with the events escalating in severity. I didn't kill or permanently maim anyone because I realized that I was causing it before that point. I did feel guilty for a while because an innocent got dragged in, but I also forgave myself because I really didn't know or understand until that point, and certainly didn't mean for anything real to happen. The first hurt took maybe 2-3 months and kept rolling after that until I stopped it. It wasn't a fully intentional, conscious decision.

I've only intended/allowed harm towards someone once since then and he honestly brought it on himself by repeatedly treating me very wrong first. He could have died, my higher self knew in the moment I'd come to regret it if he did, and while it's still too soon for me to regret the reflex, I know it's for my own good that he didn't die or get seriously injured (I would have been partially accountable).

It does shed light on manifestation for me, since my conscious/ego was fervently wishing harm when I realized the possibility and opportunity, but my superego/higher self/subconscious was reigning in my thoughts before I was fully aware of what was happening and certainly without "my" consent. Probably sounds schizo, but it's quite a schism to be witnessing my lowly, base wants conflicting with my tempered higher self and ideals in real time. Knowing how that higher form feels and acts does help tap into it though.
Practice Harmlessness.
The immortal soul is formless and the source of all magic.
It influences the intent of the practitioners quite a bit I’d say.
I made someone have a car accident.
I made someone almost get killed by an schizophrenic aunt.

After that I realized my potential, so I regretted.
"If I can cause such things, why not to use it for a good cause?"
Now I'm on it.
I do not recommend it to anyone, it's extremely dangerous and at the end you end up paying the price. I did pay the price for the things I did tho.
I sometimes wonder if I manifested my mom getting cancer. She abused me growing up and I would say a couple times a week to her in another language “I hope you get cancer”

10 years later, she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, doesn’t run in the family. In remission but, probably wouldn’t do something like this again

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