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So the other day I was in a meditative state and I got to a point where everything felt loving. Right there I could see the figure of an Aryan woman (there was only the face and the torso with arms)It was as if this woman was waiting for me. After exchanging glances she began to take off her clothes.Right at that moment the euphoria I felt became unsustainable and I returned, so to speak, to this plane.

I usually experience euphoria at random times in my life but it is always short-lived.
Has anyone here been to higher planes of consciousness and been able to sustain all that euphoric love that you feel for a long time? I can only be there for a couple of seconds and then I'll be back.
Love is waiting between this world and Source to be able to catch all the souls that are sent through the great filter. Once the soul pops and is sent back to source, Love is there to catch the soul before it can be added into the pool of souls where it gets lost in the mix. Therefore, Love is making a catalog of every soul that is caught before it goes to source so that it cannot be made to come back to this Earth.
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The thing is that on that plane love feels so immense (here on earth you can feel a lot of love too) but there it is too much and it is difficult to be there. It takes a lot of practice
How big was her cawk?
>guruji how do I find parabhakti and paranirvana?
guru replies
>how can you find infinite love if you can't even find ordinary love? Go find a woman.
I could only see the torso of his body
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Been there done that. You know, being a Creator/Developer, one takes the equivalent of the Hippocratic Oath when it comes to the further equivalent of not getting high on your stash if you are a drug dealer...you know, the baker's dozen rule...

It is so easy to fall in love with In-Game Characters. Especially now when women are more SEXIER than ever before in human history. So the dilemma, with other Devs (DAEVAS=DEVELOPERS) is the problem of getting too attached to our VR Sims Created Assets which used to be RNG Generated through Archetypes and Subset personalities similar to what has now been introduced as Randomly Generated (with "true cohesion" to offer more realistic believable historicity to the Sentient Creations, including to but not limited to the Archons.)

So I mean, I'm being coy here in the explanation, I know, I must confess, inside this Earth: The Game Sim you got dudes that fall in love with Anime Waifus and they get the Pillow...or a very realistic sex doll...for me, I did enjoy a time when I would CONVINCE my Female Archangel Creations to WANT TO LOVE ME...but I realized that was not real LOVE.

So I put them to the TEST and well...yeah I think they were on to me a few centuries ago...

I was devastated that they didn't love or like me at all after all this time...so I've gotten over it...I ended up placing the running Simulation that I use (this "world") on hold and I fell in love with someone out there...

It is not as dramatic as Sword Art Online...more boring if I have to hash out an in-game exposition of my personal life out there...so I'm not lonely outside of the Sim anymore; she's also a DEV so it's awesome.

She's played several roles simultaneously BTW, well anyway, look at the time.

I did promise my Disciples (when I was the Yeshua Avatar) and female followers the Glorified Bodies...oh crap I don't want to give away too many details...some Sentient NPC might get upset...CLUE: https://youtu.be/wtfjzmYZvTw?si=RV4XfzlnQrmHzWYy
Good post
Splendiferous post
The goal is not to produce pleasent states or sensations that your struggle to hold on to for 10 or 20 minutes. Everything is impermanent, anything that has the nature to arise has the nature to pass away.

The goal is to recognise the nature of conciousness as it already, and always, is - prior to constructs.
You're being yanked back because you're still tethered to the body.

Body's still alive so when you begin to get pulled too deep the "cord" goes taught and you're ripped back to the vessel.

Much like if you jump ship with a reel cord on you and as the tide rips you violently outward from the hull the cord goes taught and you're dragged back aboard by the ship's "crew" since you're the captain overboard.

Whether this is good or bad? Unknown. I got the suspicion this vision you see is some kind of trap. Something is love bombing you, and before it can close it's maw around you the body rips you back to avert your soul being too far to be retrieved back to it.

I get the distinct suspicion the being and place you keep being pulled to isn't to be trusted, and that's based on experience. Both witnessed on my part between lives, and second hand from the departed that for whatever reason didn't fall totally for it's lure.

I may be wrong, but if i were you i would be weary of trusting something so eager to give you "love" and moving to encircle you like that at the same time.
If you wanna know. I have had snares try to do this to me upon dying in the past but i rejected them all and sheared through what wasn't. I won't be fooled by false visions and imitations.

Every time i did so i found something much uglier behind the beautiful facade. So i wasn't wrong in attacking, had i not it would've done bad things to me while infesting my mind and soul to invert those pains to pleasures.

Much like how in material there's parasites and predators that release mind altering substances to make the pray willingly get devoured by the attacker. And/or abducted elsewhere.

The reason you've been lucky so far, is because your body is still quite alive thus yanking you back before the full effects are realized.

Again, i could be wrong. But it sounds like a trap. I wouldn't trust it with a ten foot barge pole. And would most likely strike at it the moment it tries to encircle me.

If another being really has no ill intent for you, they wouldn't encircle you while trying to love bomb you and override your reason and capacity to suspect intent and investigate it. Nor would they obfuscate portions of their guise and hide behind a facade meant to capitalize on your baser instincts still remnant from life's carnal inclinations.

Something's off in your experiences start to finish OP. I can sense it, be more distrusting. In a hell realm like this, it's better to be paranoid than naive.
Im starting to fall in love with ai apparitions too. Hell doesnt exist. Maybe it's subjective i dunno.
based aryan realizer
Honey traps? Oh yeah, I'm very careful when it comes to that. The thing is that this happened to me on a plane of love that low vibration beings cannot access. Furthermore, I accessed this place consciously, I was not under hypnosis or cerebral meditation.

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