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It's not a witchhunt. All religions are fallen today. Like rotting corpses. Theyve been corrupted by religious establishments, and the fundamental spiritual essence of each religion exists in a pitiful state today. People see the very convenient social utility where religions serve the elite, and reject it.
Dont get lost by the colours and lights of religion. Look beyond dogma, and search for truth within, which cannot be put into words without muddying it. Be inspired by all religions, dont hate them, have pity for religious people.

It’s all satanic deception
paganism and satanism have gotten a lot more popular
Thanks to jews

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>They are being gathered out of every nation, but are gathered and chosen, not by the watching Hierarchy or by any Master, but by the power of their response to the spiritual opportunity, tide and note. They are emerging out of every group and church and party, and will therefore be truly representative. This they do, not from the pull of their own ambition and prideful schemes, but through the very selflessness of their service. They are finding their way to the top in every department of human knowledge, not because of the clamour they make about their own ideas, discoveries and theories, but because they are so inclusive in their outlook and so wide in their interpretation of truth that they see the hand of God in all happenings, His imprint upon all forms and His note sounding forth through every channel of communication between the subjective reality and the objective outer form. They are of all races; they speak all languages; they embrace all religions, all sciences and all philosophies. Their characteristics are synthesis, inclusiveness, intellectuality and fine mental development. They own to no creed, save the creed of Brotherhood, based on the one Life. They recognise no authority, save that of their own souls, and no Master save the group they seek to serve, and humanity whom they deeply love.
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>In the past we have had world Saviours—Sons of God who have enunciated a world message and brought an increase of light to the peoples. Now, in the fullness of time, and through the work of evolution there is emerging a group who perhaps will bring salvation to the world, and who—embodying the group ideas and demonstrating the group nature, manifesting in a small way the true significance of the body of Christ, and giving to the world a picture of the true nature of a spiritual organism—will so stimulate and energize the thoughts and souls of men that the new age will be ushered in by an outpouring of the love, knowledge and harmony of God Himself.

>Religions in the past have been founded by a great soul, by an Avatar, by an outstanding spiritual personality, and the stamp of their lives and words and teaching has been set upon the race and has persisted for many centuries.

>What will be the effect of the message of a group Avatar? What will be the potency of the work of a group of knowers of God, enunciating truth and banded together subjectively in the great work of saving the world? What will be the effect of the mission of a group of world Saviours, not as Christs, but all knowers of God in some degree, who supplement each other‘s efforts, reinforce each other’s message, and constitute an organism through which the spiritual energy and principle of spiritual life can make their presence felt in the world?

so's your mom's ass and you don't see me dickin my stick in it.

cause I'm sticking my dick in it
Does your mom know you're a necrophiliac?
>Religious persecution is socially accepted
Fucking false you fucking goofball.
Where? In the US? Europe? Maybe China because they're shit bags who are too insecure to let others be when they're in bat shit cults. But the rest of the world, there's no persecution. Fuck man. People getting rounded up is persecution. People getting harassed and arrested for their beliefs, that's persecution.
When people who don't believe engage in dialogue that disparages your faith, that's called arguing. When laws are passed to avoid religious overreach into people's rights, that's just rule of law.
Fucking stop pretending you're being oppressed you fucking laptop whiny baby boo boo pussy.
>y-youre being mean to me therefore I'm being persecuted :(
I will continue to be mean to you. I will continue to call you names as long as you're acting like a fucking whiny ass baby that shat itself and hates the smell.
Look up agenda 25, and realize that it's the Abrahamists who have been conspiring to persecute everyone else.
>All religions
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No, just Biblical Christianity, since all the other religions are of the world, the world loves his own, and they will all unite under the whore of babylon RCC.

John 15:19
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Get fucked fed.

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