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Free will is impossible. God being all knowing means he already knows every single decision we will ever make. Him being the operative power of the universe means he is also the only one who could have determined them.
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The choice is always yours. You reap what you sow.
... but if you're actually a fragment of god then you are the operative power of the universe, and what you will is fate itself
He knows what you will do, but you do what you do because it is your choice.
you're missing out on the divine power of the mind to forge reality but okay
All decisions and actions are made simultaneously in mirrored parallel universe. Will works in a quantum state where every action is performed at all times in every direction at the same exact time.
Many mistake the "path of least resistance" with lack of free will
He can know everything we are going to do and not be the one that made us do it. They are not dependent.
Exactly lol. This is such a midwit thinking point.
This is the hidden redpill of living in same universe as an omnipotent and omniscient being. By virtue of such a being existing, you cannot be truly free.
He will always know you and he will always know what you will do before you do it. He will be infinite steps ahead of you in whatever course you take and will know what you did, why you did it, and how you did it with the intimacy and empathy even one's own self lacks.
Free will and choice is thus an illusion. When God causes it to rain he knows he also caused your father to meet your mother when he offers her a spot under his umbrella. Moreover, just from that knowledge he knows the entire course of your life from birth to death.
If he did know such things, he would not be omniscient. Since we know that is not the case it can be inferred that everything that ever happened has been cosigned by God, the hidden hand behind all things. Setting all things into motion, setting all parameters of this reality, determining the nature of not only us but our environment, and all the while having perfect understanding down to the atom of what will happen with each word he speaks, each action he takes.
That's God. There is no defiance possible, even your defiance is part of his script.
>abrahmanics are 100% right about their god
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If he is omnipotent he can create logics that govern temporal flux which do not conform to limited understanding. Paradox is not unresolvable easily to a being that can create new rules for anything.

I am not going to go into detail, about how even mankind can see the supposed paradox is resolvable, just figure it out from that.
Your objections are well-intentioned, but the truth is well beyond whatever your enemies say.
True. Free Will is impossible, and only God knows everything. Meaning you will never know your true path until its done

find the way.
>you will never know your true path
>find the way

Let's get it together before we give advice...
u just don't understand.

anon is talking freewill, which is impossible and you wont find what god wants. so stop trying

so find your personal way.
"choices forge circumstance"
Itt neanderthal lvl psychology disguised as theology by larping fags full of cope, bout to pivot on their conditioning, know it and already in pregrief
If God knows all then free will does not exist?

The choice to focus on a historical moment exists for an omnipotent being, this means that choice can affect moments that are not focussed on in times related to it.
There is no real reason for a being that would want to find new situations and knowledge for learning and entertainment not to let go of absolute certainty for periods defined by itself in order to achieve this level of intricate potential divergence.

The assumption it is black and white is the folly of the young, and most are very young.

The plausibility that history can be navigated externally and changed at any given point when dealing with temporal flux is not so complex. In fact, the judgement of a person requires the removal of that person from the timeline to establish if the world is more advanced because of him or less advanced because of him.
Is this a joke post? It is logically impossible to "find a personal way" if there is no free will.
Think the usual excuse for this is that God grants souls by blinding himself to their will, so while he could know everything you're going to do, he basically chooses not to. Why he does this boils down to the usual unknowable mysterious ways thing, but let's face it, an omniscient being is going to be pretty alien, which is why he gave us Jesus, or something.
He literally doesn't give a damn what you do unless it's not a large scale mass murder or killing your own self when you have so much potential (yeah he'll let you kys if you don't)
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How do you know God isn't just a guy, the universe is his simulation, and the computer is what keeps the data and knows everything and he nterfaces with it?
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To explain if you are having difficulty with this argument:

If omnipotence focusses on 2024, then all outcomes within 2024 are known but outcomes beyond that are unknown because quantum probability changes in accordance with the butterfly effect and the individual consciousnesses outside of 2024 are altered because of that and the choices they make in critical moments of a coin flip of will in mind based situations that do not rely on environmental input to create avenues of least resistance, in accordance with quanta based reality without this environmental systematic definition of future clarity of progression. The nature of free will variability and free will momentary totality is not disturbed by lesser arguments.
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How exactly the moment affects the past or not is outside of my current understanding, it could be that focus on 2024 results in past freedom of individual consciousnesses to alter the past and diverge into a new timeline which either overrides or splits off from the current one, it could be that the rules are set so that the past is unaffected or it could even be that variable strength of focus across time allocates a systematic stability that is altered at an individuality level when singular zones of focus are eased off, meaning the singular lifetime of one person could change whilst time absorbs the effect and maintains a relatively unaffected flow that remains overall the same. This would likely result in mental divergence that appeared to be unique because the world responds to situations that are no longer in the same temporal allocation of flux as the individual in question.
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To clarify:
If the butterfly effect changes everything it is likely it changes less at spatial distance and event relation diminishing concern, the magnitude of a local event dictates the temporal spatial effect within the flow of already set and hard to alter flux factors.
Any additions or corrections to my assertions anyone?
Predetermination has already been proven because the Bible’s prophecies have or will occur. Free will exists, but ultimately Christ knows what you will do before you act.

You never be immortal.
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>Bible’s prophecies have or will occur
>You never be immortal.

One of the prophecies is immortality.

But your argument is flawed in other ways.
The bibles prophecies are deemed semi-metaphorical and as such they are deemed accurate periodically and inaccurate when a better fit comes about in time. On a long enough timeline, limited human intellects see patterns that fit in a vast sea of patterns that do not. Bias.

Immortality? It is guaranteed, but the average sheepherder cannot explain it adequately without metaphor or literal interpretation of revelations that generally focus on the mundane when filtered through people less than hundreds of years old: Thus virtually everyone except those who thought for thousands of hours about each question, including variables not available to most.
Nice try, the guy. You're just afraid of us as we are of you.
>Free will exists, but ultimately Christ knows what you will do before you act.

These things contradict each other.
Your path is already determined no matter which path you choose because God created a massive algorithm of everything.
You're a being outside of time talking about a being outside of time from the perspective of your manifestation in time, saying you don't have free will because He can see what decision you're making before your manifestation does. It's like seeing a toddler convince himself his dad controls the people in the TV because he says what they're going to do before they do it, when the dad's just seen the movie before and is having fun letting him have his imagination.

You're adorable anon. Never change.
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>free will, dude!
>he doesn't realize that the very subject of free will implies that there isn't one
>if there had been actual free will, it wouldn't even have been discussed, as the people would behave so erratically and different from eachother, that they'd never, by any chance, decide to talk about the same subject or have the same thoughts
>there's actually a political way to predict people's thoughts and behaviors, successfully
>there's entire fields of study dedicated to predicting how humans behave in a free market, also successfully
>but I'm supposed to think that we're so different and special that we could do anything in the entire world
>if we wanted to
>but we don't want to
>because of reasons, and stuff
he knows all the possible choices you can make but which one you make is up to you

when God saw that man has become irredeemable he flooded the earth and started over
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It sounds like you're trying to write a compatibilist hypothesis but using reddit terminology about butterfly effects and diverging timelines. It's just a logical problem.

A being outside of time is, from the perspective within time, stretched across all time simultaneously. Any alteration done outside of time applies within all of time simultaneously, a hypostatic event that influences time would be concrete and static in immaterium but active and dynamic in materium. Every individual instance God changes something, linear causality is retroactively and proactively altered to facilitate the chain of contingency back to a grounding necessity, God himself.

Hope this clears it up. Unless that wasn't what you were doing, in which case I have no idea what you're talking about.
>God being all knowing means he already knows every single decision we will ever make.
No, not even God can measure both the position and the momentum of a particle with arbitrary precision.
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>if there had been actual free will, it wouldn't even have been discussed
"if free will was real it would determine you to never think about X" is dumb
>there's actually a political way to predict people's thoughts and behaviors, successfully
no, there's a way to generate averages of aggregate data of human decision making and use confirmation bias to make you think you're a mind reader
>there's entire fields of study dedicated to predicting how humans behave in a free market, also successfully
causing multiple global recessions just to generate two points of alpha over the s&p 500 isn't success, if billions of dollars could predict the future bailouts wouldn't exist
>but I'm supposed to think that we're so different and special that we could do anything in the entire world
not everyone is a cynical hylic
Then, do you suppose God has free will?

you are made in the image what is in it is in you.
Let's say I was wrong. 7 billion people in the world, consider the possibilities that exist for living different lives, the majority of them spend their times doing more or less the exact same thing, one of them being using a smartphone or a computer to access the internet, saying predictable things, doing predictable things, having predictable opinions on a variety of subjects. This entire subject is retarded, because if you actually look at how the majority of people live, you'd realize that the very concept of freedom only extends to a very specific line, and that the thought of freedom beyond that, isn't actually explored. The concept is there, but how do you explain entire cities composed of millions of people that for the most part behave almost completely alike? Also, when I referred to fields of study that are dedicated to observing and trying to predict human behavior, it's not only just about an entire country's economy, viral marketing, for example, is completely based on trying to force people in a massive way to consume one's product, and it actually works for the most part.
God willed life into existence
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Anon, there being a bunch of people and them having daily routines and smartphones isn't an argument for natural determinism. All you've said is that people are common and boring, as if 7 billion total free wills in 410 thousand billion billion billion cubic light years of space isn't more rare than gold and more unpredictable than orbiting rocks.
>God is omniscient but he didnt quite figure snek until 2022.
Let me tell you about the "god" you worship.
When he created you, your peak ability was to hurl excrements at each other, right. Then yours truly (Alien, Serpent, scholar), came and gave you self will, self awareness, and a consciousness.
What do you do with them? Worship the guy who made you an animal, of course.
I'm not sure why you'd make an enemy of me, you must hate having your own persona. And no, I'm not Satan, Satan fell shortly after, sure, but this "fallen" mankind thang is strictly alien business.

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