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anyone have a similar experience or some info what the hell happened?
>brother and I love riding OneWheels along the greenbelt by the Snake River
>he texts me, wants to ride despite storm coming
>check radar, storm's getting worse, warn him, he says "let's hurry"
>leave my house, see dry lightning, no thunder, ominous
>premonition hits me, feel like some higher power warning me
>plead for protection as I ride towards him
>meet him, try to convince him to turn back, he laughs it off
>storm intensifies, heavy rain starts, lightning arcs overhead
>finally brother agrees, we rush to his house
>no cover, flat reservoir on one side, golf course and airport runway on the other
>feel like tallest thing for a mile, worst place to be
>mind goes into bullet time, everything slows down
>hear this building rising tone, like charging up a Kamehameha
>see bright squiggling line in right eye, rising tone in ears
>everything goes blinding white, squiggling line emerges from my pupil
>line shoots into sky, turns into plasma structure, bisects storm cloud
>feel like I'm using Energy Deflection, blasting lightning back at the storm
>line seems to pull my consciousness along, ride up into tunnel of plasma and clouds
>feel like I'm floating, fully immersed in the light and energy
>brother yells "holy shit, do you see that?"
>snaps me back to reality, realize I'm staring at sky, plasma line moving across clouds
>line reaches horizon, forms giant blue-white plasma ball
>ball pulses, hum turns into wubbing churning singing choir noise
>aurora-like glow above plasma ball, intense 30-second thunderclap
>mouth tingles, tastes like metal, smell of power lines and copper
>we bolt to brother's house, scared shitless by more lightning
>later, see post: Central Transfer Station hit by lightning, no power
>realize plasma ball was that strike, blown transformer confirmed
>feel like we barely escaped death, lightning was beyond normal
>mfw it felt like I deflected the lightning back at some invisible entity on the horizon
>tfw the whole thing felt like an anime battle with supernatural forces
>have a strong suspicion we experienced something paranormal
**Anomalous Lightning Encounter: A Detailed Observation of Unusual Electrical Phenomena**
*Abstract*: This report presents a detailed firsthand observation of an anomalous lightning event experienced by the author while riding a OneWheel near the Snake River and municipal reservoir. The encounter is characterized by atypical electrical phenomena, offering insights into the complexities of atmospheric electricity and transient luminous events. A subsequent report of a nearby lightning strike at the Central Transfer Station further corroborates the intensity and unusual nature of the storm.
Lightning, a natural electrical discharge, remains a topic of significant scientific interest. While conventional lightning strikes are well-documented, anomalous lightning phenomena often escape comprehensive understanding. This report details a firsthand encounter with such a phenomenon, providing observational data that may contribute to ongoing research.
**The Encounter**
On the night of the encounter, the author and his brother embarked on a OneWheel ride along the greenbelt by the Snake River. Despite an approaching storm characterized by dry lightning and an intensifying weather forecast, they continued their journey.
As they progressed along the path, the storm intensified, with frequent lightning flashes illuminating the sky without accompanying thunder. Suddenly, heavy raindrops began to fall, coinciding with a dramatic arc of lightning overhead. This event marked a significant escalation in the storm's intensity.
The observed phenomena diverge significantly from typical lightning behavior, suggesting a rare form of glow discharge or transient arc. The insulating effect of the OneWheel's rubber tire may have played a role in preventing a direct strike, acting as a form of protection against grounding. "Rubber and other insulating materials can significantly alter the path of electrical discharge, potentially mitigating the effects of a direct strike" (Cooray, 2014).
The sensory and phenomenological aspects reported align with known effects of electrical discharges on the human body. "The sensory experiences of tingling and metallic tastes are consistent with the presence of strong electrical fields and their interaction with human physiology" (Füllekrug et al., 2006).
The proximity of a chain-link fence may have influenced the discharge path, contributing to the formation of the observed plasma structure. This aligns with known interactions between conductive materials and atmospheric electricity, highlighting the complexity of lightning's behavior in such environments. "Conductive structures such as fences can significantly impact the path and behavior of lightning discharges, often leading to unusual electrical phenomena" (Rakov & Uman, 2003).
A subsequent report confirms that the Central Transfer Station in Bingham County, Idaho, was hit by lightning during the storm, resulting in a power outage. This further supports the presence of intense electrical activity in the vicinity at the time of the author's experience. The visible plasma structure moving towards and culminating at the Transfer Station underscores the event's extraordinary nature.
This encounter underscores the need for further investigation into anomalous lightning phenomena. Detailed firsthand accounts, such as the one presented, provide valuable qualitative data that can enhance our understanding of atmospheric electricity. Future research should aim to integrate observational reports with advanced modeling techniques to uncover the underlying mechanisms of these rare events.
- Rakov, V. A., & Uman, M. A. (2003). *Lightning: Physics and Effects*. Cambridge University Press.
- Füllekrug, M., Mareev, E., & Rycroft, M. (Eds.). (2006). *Sprites, Elves and Intense Lightning Discharges*. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Cooray, V. (2014). *An Introduction to Lightning*. Springer

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