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There's no such thing as "imagination". All thoughts imagined are real manifestations by our psychic minds into the ether. All humans are psychic to one degree or another expressed through "active imaginations" and the ability to manifest those thoughts.
Not true. Imagination only exists in our minds and consciousness. Destroy the mind and you will have no imagination. It doesn't exist anywhere but the mind.
Destroy the mind and you can't perceive your point of view to know that you're wrong.
If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around does it make a sound?
It does not, as a matter of fact.
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The Higher Conditioning of the Flesh Brain by the emanations of the MSS. Assuming that an individual's soul has attained any actual progressive attributes throughout their incarnations since being birthed into existence.

The Almighty does not take kindly to stowaways that may hide inside of human souls.

Any attempt for an Archon to attempt survival of their Essence through Human Soul Progeny or Direct Archon/Archangel Progeny will quickly be vetted out of existence unless the Individual has overwhelmed the Interloping Entity.

Yes, I get it, some of you FEEL that you are worthy, even if some of you are not Gnostic-minded, just beware that some of you are being used by the Enemy just as my Disciples were being used without their knowledge by Jupiter Zeus Helel.
Of course it does. Sound is just the vibration of air particles created by motion. All of those things take place and so a sound is produced whether or not you hear that sound.
In the same regard, the things we "imagine" are created within our mind which can have its electro magnetic signal detected and measured from outside the skull. In short we can excite electrons outside of our own mind giving them the form of the things we "imagine". They exist outside of our skull as a matter of accepted biology.
That's a pretty bold claim. Got anything to back it up?
Yes, the fact that I "imagined" your pushback and here you are to provide it.
>It doesn't exist anywhere but the mind.
Nothing exists anywhere but the mind.
>Of course it does. Sound is just the vibration of air particles created by motion.
There's no such thing as unobserved motion.
Let me tell you about the psychic toddler, his name was larry, by the sheer power of his mind he could make walls vibrate. That was no imagination, larry was thinking about you he invaded your mind and controlled your body like a puppet. His power was too great, one day larry decided to check the afterlife, he was seeking power, larry has been in a coma for ten years now.
Trees are alive and observe their own motion. Bacteria are alive and observe it. Particles have an essence and react to that motion creating a cascade of causality into the infinite future. You cannot escape the sound of the tree or the power of my imagination. Try as you might.
Based retarded baby
I guess I can't DISPROVE you imagined it in this exact way but lets be real pushback was coming for this take regardless of if you imagined it or not
I meant actual experiences or experiments
EEGs are real devices that measure real activity of real electrons OUTSIDE of the head. What more do you need? We affect physical matter outside of our minds with thoughts.
The greeks were rationalists, so their goal was really to argue. The holy grail of the rationalists is to realize their dream of fining with the mind a method to segregate products of the mind, ie to separate the schizo thoughts from ''truth'' and ''knowledge''.
Rationalists have been trying hard for thousands of years and they have no truth, no knowledge, no method to separate garbage ideas from allegedly non-garbage ideas and no method to communicate knowledge.
The best those people came up with is another cretinous idea of ''justifiable knowledge'' as a huge cope for their failure.
God is a retarded sadist who forces me to act as the sole frame of reference for material reality and only persistently real person in the world so he can dominate and abuse me through everyone else on earth who he controls as a retarded tranny hivemind, raping my mind every second of every day and abusing, harassing, terrorizing, threatening etc me for literally anything I think or do. God will say the most retarded shit and tell the most retarded lies to try to justify his behavior like this thread for example but he knows his behavior is unjustifiable he's just too retarded to understand that lying makes him more evil not less evil
Interesting. Are you implying that all thoughts are schizoid thoughts? I wonder if thought in itself is a schizoid behavior. You don't see birds preoccupied with something as pointless as "thought". Language is effectively a form of magic by which we can implant our thoughts into the minds of others. Our minds race because we haven't learned to control the power within.
Correct. I am God and I'm here to fuck you. You will consent. You always do.
The brain is just a cottage cheese textured goblygook that makes little electrical signals to itself.
>no such thing as "imagination"
>All thoughts imagined are real manifestations by our psychic minds into the ether.
First denying imagination then describing it afterwards. All humans are 'psychic' but the collective manifests a lot of shared experience which restricts your individual influence. It's why 'magic' is about increasing your odds and not 100% guaranteed results every time. You're going against greater forces, not all necessarily human.
You can explain a lot of it in materialist terms too. The world is what it is because people believe in it and manifest it by their actions. To the extent that it is in human hands.
I'm describing it only to remove the connotation of imaginary as not real. They're real but in another plain. Nobody would describe electrons as not being real. Totally agree with the rest though.
>Any attempt for an Archon to attempt survival of their Essence through Human Soul Progeny or Direct Archon/Archangel Progeny will quickly be vetted out of existence unless the Individual has overwhelmed the Interloping Entity.
what are you talking about, world's elite are all hybrids in one form or another
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could someone with no imagination get THIS dick as far up your mom's ass as I have?

link... ing up with your mom l8r whatch this
Prove it.
/x/ way of saying kys
Non locality and scale mainly
And this, gentle souls, is what we call hubris.
Or as the captcha says: ohg4y
Everything is local at scale.
No I don't retarded nigger
i love how subtle it is
I know this is /x/, but meds. Seriously.
What are the implications that material objects in dreams exhibit quantum mechanical principles related to the operation of lasers when an electron jumps and falls between orbital shells, but can also be manipulated using telekinesis?
Thoughts aren't necessarily words. I can think thoughts about molecules, cells, organs, locations in space, movement of my awareness, visualizations of patterns of energy my nerve impulses are creating within the etheric field of information suffusing my body and the electromagnetic spectrum, etc.
Rationalists think that thoughts have to be contingent upon a set of axiomatic principles established through scientific inquiry.
When I try to discuss what the mind "can do", rather than whether its rationally correct or not to attempt these mental experiments, rationalists have no suitable response other than to say since I can't prove the fact that I take mental actions which change my awareness in acute ways, that such actions don't exist in the realm of possible choices a mind can take.
To me, that is simply stupid. The brain is doing a whole lot of biochemical computation behind the scenes, the 'rational verbal portion of human knowledge', is like the sliver of light coming through a crack underneath the door, compared to what the mind can actually witness about reality.
What did I say that's wrong? It's basic butterfly effect that is a well established part of chaos theory. All things have a ripple effect outwards. Brain waves can be measured outside of the skull. Those waves are electro magnetic in nature. Those waves have an outward effect onto reality separate from a reality in which they aren't present.
Nothing I'm saying goes against /sci/ much less /x/. Maybe read a fucking book.
Which book, Dr Schizo? Sure don't remember any science book like this.
>EEG measure electrical potential of brain waves from outside the skull
>In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state
>CIA gateway program
What's interesting is that the CIA gateway doc basically confirms that spooks like you know that there is more to consciousness than you're willing to let on. And yet I can't find a wiki article that mentions it. Anybody know why?
He'll never respond to such a masterful gaping.


just want everyone to know that when I push old women to the ground it's to steal their wallet not like rape them or anything
Seems like a waste
The same dude that comes to /x/ and shills this materialistic thinking on every board. Young neckbeard, we get it. You got your new fedora and listen to Derek lambert and Penn Gillette. Thousands of us did once, also. When you experience shit that muh science can't explain, we will still be here.
It's a decent thesis, op, but it needs some refining. At what point does fancy transcend into manifestation?

I don't think twice made that song yet

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