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Tell me your signifier, which card represents you best in the deck? Using the 56 Minor and 22 Major Arcana Rider-Waite deck.

I'll let you know your positions on the Celtic Cross and my interpretation of what that means
I think that the Emperor suits me best, although I’ve been identified by Temperance before as well. Can I get a general reading?
Hi, the joker because my life is a sad joke and i keep seeing good signs and i try to improve my life but nothing happens, I'm just tired of everything
The devil because im attached to whats bad for me
Can i get a love reading?
i resonate most with the 2 of Pentacles, which is also my moon decan. the imagery of weighing two things really resonates. if relevant, i think i’m in the middle of a major crossroads in my life, but i cannot tell what direction i should invest my energy in.

would love to hear how that fits into your spread!
The hanged man (am surrendering fully to God/the universe, seeking the mysteries). I feel like I am on the immediate precipice of discovering the truth about my life. Can you tell me anything about my life generally, what might await me in the future?
The hermit
Death, sometimes death reversed
page of cups
Where da girls at
I'd say the hanged man upside down because it's what I practice.

You know.
The hanged man coz I'm clueless
The Moon, upright
The wheel of fortune

Thanks kappa
For me, it’s a draw between the Emperor and the Fool.
The Sun, general financial read for the next 3 months?
the queen of wands -- moon in Leo; sunflowers; a little black cat; a domineering bitch at my worst
-- less of a question and more of a direction.
I'll repay the favour in the morning.
Most of the times its fool.
Sometimes knight of swords.
Emperor card ....what does it mean?
Plase answer senpai
Also checkem senpai
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The three of wands is my card. Thx in advance for any insights
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The Fool.
Would like to know what, if anything, is impeding my magical ability.

Tarot Card #s
Century IX:79

The chief of the fleet through deceit and trickery
Will make the timid ones come out of their galleys:
Come out, murdered, the chief renouncer of chrism,
Then through ambush they will pay him his wages.
What am I to expect in the following few months in regards to uni? Am I gonna drop out or something? I don't really want to but most divinations and Neptune retrograde kind of suggest that's what's I'm going to be facing.
Mfw I just spent all night answering questions in the other thread then coming back and seeing this one full I need to take a break and watch anime and eat ice cream cuz I've been writing for four hours straight but I'll prob come back to this thread.
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there are a lot of interesting Qs and I wanna do a detailed reading of all of them, if this thread 404's i'll make another, but x threads tend to last awhile.
At first I thought of the fool but I pulled a random card with the question in mind and got the star.
Death, my life is structured willingly and unwillingly by destroying aspects of my life whenever good or bad resulting in a new reality for myself. Also my birth tarot are death and emperor
Hey, I’m from the /div/ thread and would greatly appreciate your input >>38279025

My favourite card is 9 of Pentacles.

Repost: I recently thought of a really unique way that my partner could try to get a job and would love to know: Do the cards see any potential with this idea? It almost feels like a eureka moment.
>the hermit lol
what's the trajectory of my life love wise?
>Six hours ago
>Not a single reading
I spent four hours doing them in this thread >>38278928
used the same trip even
Something could have happened to OP, but the dominant thought I have, is, OP is a fag.
before I came back to find this one is full still lurkin and planning on coming back once I have, typing is work wether for pleasure or pain and typing while visualzing the intention of peoples questions in order to use the subconcious that dwells in metatime to manfiest glimpses into the quantum path between events that need to happen in order for your 4 dimensional shape to exist in the form it does, you have already made the choice and will make the choice and are making the choice, this is why visualization works, because we're basically trying to visualize our 4th dimensional shape, the path through life we'll take to get where we want, we were always going to have already got there, but there are infinite quantum versions of us that have made the choices that didn't get us there but got us here or there, and what if this 4th dimensional shape is just part of a larger shape and so on, the shape of the dimensional octave between the absolute (can be thought of as nirvana/ the fire on the fire in platos cave)
and the concrete (can be thought of as "base reality"/ the shadow on the wall that fractals down into eternal darkness/hell, see hell and base reality are the same but hell is so infinitely spiraled down into the concrete that an infinitely less amount of light is dispursed as the shadows grow deeper and thats an ugly metaphor but i'm tired
wrong pic, meant to post this along with that even though the two are related
Alright, well, my significator is the Ace of Swords.
The vertical line is a diagram separating opinion [doxa] and knowledge [episteme]. The second division of the line is the dividing of the two main segments again resulting in four proportioned dimensions of knowing. In fact, the dimensions of existence into which humanity has been thrust.

The content of this epistemic ladder contains both states of consciousness and the inhabitants or ontological object’s appropriate to these dimensions: the shift in consciousness upward is from unsupported imagination to perceptual belief [and also partially warranted beliefs] to a condition that can be described as mathematical logic [which is similar to lucid dreaming and the effects of hallucinogenics], and finally the dialectical process of reasoning about first principles. The dimensional shift of objects moves from images of appearance to individual objects [which are copies of the universal forms], then onto mathematical and semi-abstract entities [often seen during lucid-dreaming, in which you are aware of being in the dream state while dreaming], and finally arriving at the universal forms.
aight if u want one, any qs?
Fools go first. I'm interested to see what your second card is so lets gooo

>First is the three of cups, this covers him.
>The second is the queen of cups, this represents his obstacles
>The third is the queen of wands, this crowns him
>the forth is the magacian , this is beneath him
>the fifth is the world, this is behind him
>the sixth is the page of cups, this is before him
>The seventh is the queen of swords this signifies himself, his attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eitgth is the queen of pentacles this signifies his house, his environment and affairs, the influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is three of pentacles reversed it signifies his hopes and dreams
>the tenth is the four of cups and represents what will come

your blockage is signified by loving intelligence and hence ththe gift of vision, to be a magician is below the fool, who already knows all secrets of the world, your 4th dimensional shape already exists, the quantum points of reality you must win the quantum cointoss when a wave function collapses are the moments of your destiny, this is why it takes time to bring them into existence, you're bringing them into existence, you've brought them into existance, and they have been in existance before and will be again, as this is the nature of the infinite, what is not forbidden is mandatory
I’m the Emperor asking for the general reading, just wanted to check in if you’re still reading
Just a general is fine. Take your time, other people asked before me.
lifted my deck and my "III the empress" card was at the bottom, lovely.
>First is the devil reversed, this covers him. that which is predestined is but not for this reason evil.
>The second is the ten of wands reversed, this represents his obstacles
>The third is the nine of swords, this crowns him
>the forth is the knight of cups , this is beneath him
>the fifth is justice reversed , this is behind him
>the sixth is strength , this is before him
>The seventh is two of wands this signifies himself, his attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eitgth is eight of cups reversed this signifies his house, his environment and affairs, the influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is reversed it signifies his hopes and dreams
>the tenth temperanced is six of pentacles and represents what Will come, or in this case what does it mean?
Well temprence is traditionally associated with among others, accomodation, management, moderation, but temprence reversed?
Well temprence reversed is traditionally connected to churches, religions, sects, also unfortunate combinations, so what does it mean?

It means a moderation between aspects of the imminiscible self and the absolute all is nessecary for base existence in the same way moderation between churches and religion is neceassary for base spirtuality, you moderate between ordering the mystic "the vedic scriptures/bible/torah/koran is gods will" and the unorderable unknowable mystic "we cannot know gods will", there is an aspect of truth to both these absolutes, but the whole truth must moderate between an indivual and holistic view of spirtuality and religion.
NTA, but sorry for calling you a fag.
Not after a reading, I'm sort of doing my own thing. Having an amazing week, interacting with something. Every day, I just think WOW. Only been paying attention for 5 days now, but it is awesome.
its hard to pass up a chance to read a fool lol

>First is the empress reversed , this covers them.
>The second is the six of pentacles reversed, this represents their obstacles
>The third is the page of pentacles reversed, this crowns them
>the forth is queen of wands reversed this is beneath them
>the fifth is the page of cups, this is behind them
>the sixth is three of cups reversed, this is before them
>The seventh is the queen of cups, this signifies themselves, their attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eighth is the world, this signifies their house, their environment and affairs, as well as their influence, people and events around him (desu)
>the ninth is the magacian it signifies his hopes and dreams
>the tenth is the queen of swords and represents what will come

lots of reversed female energy, what I mean by that is energy that is submissive, that will flow around energy that moves to a direct point, aka masculine energy which is dominant, these energies flucutate betweem eachother and around eachother.

You must reverse your submissive energy, it is not always wise to let the world move around you, if direct action is an act of compassion, even a violent one, you are allowed to do so, you will reach nirvana eventually, you don't have to conquor desires, just detach from them, dont disregard them, I still cook myself delious food, and still tastes amazing, but by detaching myself from my love of food I am able to enjoy food without using it as a source of stimulation and the fuffilling of desires to satiate boredom, not hunger, hunger must be sated, if you conquor this desire you will die, you must detach from it. The punchline is dimensionality is the manfiestation of fate.
you'll stop paying attention eventually, and the weird part is, you dont even notice it, like paying attention to a youtube video you're in your thoughts 5 mins before and havent parsed a single word yet it feels like you're still watching the show, don't be too hard on yourself when that eventually happens, you'll wake up many times and fall asleep many times, its like the idea of the dimensional octave having two shocks in it in the form of the two half steps or "shocks", this is a theory devloped by Gurdjieff, an itinerant teller of tall tales, whose territory was for the most past Western Europe and the Near East with the occasional forays into India. Some say he was a complete charlatan, but he did end his days under the protection of Oligvanna [the third wife of Frank Lloyd Wright] in 1946 at Taliesin West, Wright’s final studio in Arizona. He was able to convince Wright that he was abducted into a flying saucer earlier in 1946. His teachings about time centered about an energy organizing system called the Enneagram. It is a Pythagorean cycle of notes, which in reality is a spiral of fifths based on the classical diatonic scale with two half steps or shocks to human consciousness: do-re-mi [shock one: remember yourself] –fa-sol-la-si [shock two: do not identify with yourself] –do. What Gurdjieff presented is a method of transcending time by means of two natural singularities in time.
Can you do mine? I love these- I’m wondering if there’s a way to foresee the direction of my fate. I’m in a time of major changes and I want to see if they’ll stick. I feel like a king beseeching an oracle.
5 of pentacles
I need to know how i can make my life better and also perhaps the lives of those around me in a way that I'm not abused or used
The King of Swords
I suppose everyone else bored him.
still here, i am allowed to take breaks, I don't owe you anything, I'm doing this for free, this is work, dont look out for the immisicible self above the collective its evil, have a nice day
/x/ is very different than it used to be- I haven’t been active here in a while, but it’s weird to see people demanding something as though this is a line at an amusement park and we’re all guaranteed a round with the crystal ball. I asked nicely for a reading and there’s no rush, Mr. Reed. I’m fascinated and appreciate the opportunity.

Learn to ask for things and they will work out in the end. Passive aggressive remarks demonstrate weakness of character and the vulnerability of your honor.
Queen of swords
I'd like to know if a resolution is possible between me and N please
Hey King, pleasee do mee
Card:The lovers
Signifier: Eternal bliss
>First is the king of swords, this covers them.
>The second is the two of cups, this represents their obstacles
>The third is the seven of pentangles , this crowns them
>the forth is nine wheel of fortune, this is beneath them
>the fifth is ace of cups , this is behind them
>the sixth is the chariot, this is before them
>The seventh is the seventh of wand this signifies themselves, their attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eighth is the ten of clubs this signifies their house, their environment and affairs, as well as their influence, people and events around them
>the tenth is the king of wands, and represents what will come, the physical and emotional nature of this card is attributed to be dark, ardent, lithe, animated, nobel, impassioned. He u[lifts a flowering wand and wears, like his three correspondences in the rmaining suits, what is called a cap of matinince beneath his crown, he conects with the symbol of the lion, which is emblazened on the back of his throne, this connects to the the chariot, that which is before you.

Providence but also war and trouble await you if you act on presumption and venegence, which this card also represents.

The seven of wands which represents you is a young man on a craggy eminance, brandishing a staff, six other staves are raised towards him from below, its a card of valor, for on the surface, six are attacking one, however, from the vantage point, on the intellectual plane, it siginifes discussion, wordy strife, in buisness, negation or barter.

It is further a card is success for the combatant is on the top and his enemies may be unable to reach him.

You are in a place of safety yet making a trade, through violence, sex, wealth, a transfer of energy is being made that is advatagous to you.
neuneu fagus like utwo get it hot and early >>38279904
>shape of comment above
heh, looks like anger gets me excited (and sleep deprivation makes me manic desu)
Can you do the fool card for me?
Thanks Mr Reed anon
Make these regularly like they do on pol this shit seems pretty popular
I'd visit
>the fools card if possible
Knight of cups
>I'll let you know your positions on the Celtic Cross and my interpretation of what that means
what are those?
Arent we all fools until we figure out how to start magic?
The moon. Will I ever get my wish?
never read a lover before, fun, fun
Will this lover love eternal bliss?

>First is the moon reversed, this covers them.
>The second is the the star reversed, this represents their obstacles
>The third is the knight of swords, this crowns them
>the forth is eight of pentacles, this is beneath them
>the fifth is the three of swords , this is behind them
>the sixth is the three of wands, this is before them
>The seventh is the sixth of swords this signifies themselves, their attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eighth is the two of swords this signifies their house, their environment and affairs, as well as their influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is ten of pentacles reversed it signifies his hopes and dreams
>the tenth is the ten of cups reversed and represents what will come

The eternal bliss you seek simply cannot be as the ten of cups, a man discontent with the offerings off endless wine shows, bliss is the same energy that makes up hate, pain, love, we will state change between these things depending on our polarity in the same way atoms state change between solid gas and fire
Hi, if it's not too late. I'm trying to figure out if me and my long distance language partner will eventually develop a love relationship.
Sounds hot
Damn anon I didn't mean anything by it. I just thought you were done. You skip over some, I thought you just didn't want to do some. I don't control you.
Thank you you are right. I should detach.
fools first doing you next, id love to do this regularly and set up a tip jar, sounds awesome if its aok
so thats what I mean when I say the first, the celtic cross is the way I put the cards down, and what those positions represent, the first is placed down upon the signifier completely covering it, the second over it but on its axis as an obstical, the third above, the forth below, the fifth behind, the sixth ahead, as I place these cards down I say my intentions out loud "this crowns him, this is beneath him", then the last 4 are placed in a row on top of eachother on the right side creating a cross.
and early
detach, dont disregard
its all good OP is abosultely a fag, and its usually a fair assumption to make, I just replied with the truth, I wasn't offended, I felt compassionate towards you and wanted you to understand where I was coming from so you know why things are the way they are, its all good I love you anon. If the thread had contined to exist in the state it had when you made that comment, then you would have been in the right, so you believed you were at the moment you posted it, but my actions in the future change the state of the envrionment you posted it too, this is how neither of us were being assholes, only honest.
Knight of wands/swords?

Trying to resist temptation rn give reading
My signifier is the high priestess.
Give it to me straight.
nope, magic is the illusion of the control you actually, already, and always have. Its a means of access to the mystic, which is an experience of dimesionality outside of what you normally percieve by means of enhancing your sense organs, this is why psychedelics and trancendental meditation do what they do
You'd probably make a few bucks ngl
How much would you charge for an in depth desk?
I'll cash app some guap
High Priestess desu
>First is the emporer, this covers him. represents stability, power, aid, protection
>The second is the the devil reversed, this represents his obstacles Represents evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindess
>The third is the ten of wands reversed , this crowns him
>the forth is justice reversed , this is beneath him represents law in all departments, excessive severity, bigotry
>the fifth is knight of cups, this is behind him
>the sixth is nine of swords reversed, this is before him, represents disquiet, difficulty, opposition, accident, treachery, that which is unforseen
>The seventh is temprence reversed this signifies himself, his attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eitgth is the two of wands reversesed this signifies his house, his environment and affairs, as well as the influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is the nine of pentangles reversed it signifies his hopes and dreams
>the tenth is four of swords reversed and represents what will come, this is the card i typically put the hight of my intuition into and this was the case this time. It represents wise administration, circumspection, econmy, avaricae, percation, testament.

It is only by a calm detachment between you and your future that you will be able to place your testament, the work that defines you, into your life.
Your voccation is something you are called too, and yours is calling to you, run into it with open arms and look not back, for ye shall circumspect and thein prudence shalt save thee.
ayo bacepa4242@kinsef.com temp email, hml, i'll reply with dox email
The fool. Look forward to your reading.
Still around FYI >>38279061

I couldn’t sleep all night because I’ve been too wired about his unemployment.

Would you like a rune reading in return? Do you have a Q?
I'd probably charge 5-10 bucks. depending on how indepth, I could make a chart saying I'll tell you what each card repesents and yada yada
Hey Anon, if you're still here I'm going with Ace of Wands. A reading would be much appreciated.
ayo bacepa4242@kinsef.com temp email, hml, i'll reply with dox email whoops sent this to someone else
ur next accidentally sent u a temp email lol, im sleep deprived oh well.
Temperance loves to pop out for me a lot
the moon for me my brother
My Q is Sure, why not?
You have next after next after next
meant to send it to cash app anon, not trying to get in contact with you irl lol, doing yours rn and it started raining, I love the rain its the only time i open my blackout curtains
maybe just one
It’ll mean a lot and take your time.
Is this an actual query lol? Just to clarify. I don’t mind reading into it at all!
I'm kinda confused as to what is going on now
>First is the page of pentacles, this covers her.
>The second is the three of cups , this represents her obstacles
>The third is the world , this crowns her
>the forth is the magician reversed , this is beneath her
>the fifth is the queen of swords reversed, this is behind her
>the sixth is the empress reversed, this is before her
>The seventh is the ten of swords, this signifies herself, her attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eitgth is the six of pentacles reversed this signifies her house, her environment and affairs, the influence, people and events around her
>the ninth is the queen of cups reversed it signifies her hopes and dreams
>the tenth is three of pentacles and represents what will come

You are crowned by assured success in a voyage, emigration, flight, a change of place.
Ahead of you is light, truth, the unraveling of involved matters, vacillation, rejoice in a public manner.
Beneath you is disgrace, disquiet, mental disease.
The card that I put the height of my intuintion is the three of pentacles, been showing up quite a bit tonight.

You are able to master the change you are hoping to bring, your voyage is not a physical one but a spirtual one, you will soon make contact with the mystic, you should prepare for it by turning your body into a temple for the mystic to meet you in, even if only for a day, on that day you will have a mystical experience of dimensionality.
Re bumping
Yes. 100%

My question is litterally

"Sure(confident in being the absolute), why not"
If thread 404s ill make another.>>38279061
Doing yours right now 9 of pentangles
Let Key 1, The Magician, stand for this querent.
The runes I pulled are basically exactly what anyone would expect.

Isa-stillness, Perthro-mystery, Wunjo (inverted)-bliss

An exact answer would lead us to miss out on our own contemplation and there’s a joy in mystery. Perhaps fate is at play here where whether you do this reading or not, the outcome won’t be affected much (but it would ease our minds!). There’s also a level of discomfort that this reading would bring, whether that be a necessary call to action for this plan or a portion that we’ve overlooked.
I just wanted to make sure I didn’t get missed if you’re still doing reads
Get a bitcoin account or something ...I'm sure ppl would donate
With bird upon your wrist, a new message has come to you, will this news be fruitful? only the cards will tell.

>First is the four of cups reversed, this covers them.You immurse youself in novely, new instruction, new relations so much, be not afraid to return to that which you think you know fully, new eyes will bring new insights
>The second is the queen of pentacles reversed, this represents their obstacles, your obstical in this matter is your partner, they are the one you must convince to jump into this idea but to do so will bring fear, suspense, mistrust, you want them to throw themselves into the deep end because you KNOW they can swim, deep down they know they can too, but its amazingly terrfying, let them enter the water slowly, supported entirely.
>The third is the six of cups, this crowns them in the future, renewal that which will come to pass presently.
>the forth is Death, this is beneath them. You are above an end, above corruption, above destruction, your idea is as good as it seems
>the fifth is the king of pentacles, this is behind them, realizing intelligence, normal intellectual aptitude. Your intelligenece is vast, not something to aquire but something that already is, your intelligence will explode beyond the avarge as you have a will have an insight of precious wisdom soon.
>the sixth is the hanged man, this is before them I wrote that last one before I pulled this one, the hanged man straight up represents wisdom, I was right, your intelligence will become true
>The seventh is the nine of cups, this signifies themselves, their attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eighth is the hermit, this signifies their house, their environment and affairs, as well as their influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is knight of pentacles reversed it signifies their hopes and dreams
>the tenth is the four of pentacles and represents what will come
>to sum up the last four contentment and prudence, will become treasonous with stagnation, a lack of intertia, and idleness, unless as a single being, as a couple, transforce suspence, delay, and opposition, they are scared to jump in, yet they must. Your idea is so good it will scare them somewhat, but if they jump into it wholeheartedly, the fruit will prosper.
Oh my gosh, I feel like I’m going to cry. With his approval, I believe we’ll revamp the resume first and then spend many hours handing them out in person to a specific community I thought of. Why it took so many months for this to hit me is astonishing as in it seems so obvious in hindsight. I’m also thinking of getting all dressed up and entering into these establishments with him because my aesthetic fits the culture very well and I have a striking appearance (used to be a model and get stares and compliments every day for outfit choice) so maybe this will assist in making a memorable impression to the staff/management. That’s kind of a side thought that I might want further insight on from a reader. You don’t have to do it though, especially if you’re tired, but knowing whether I literally should accompany him would be useful as well.
I also was able to finally fall asleep this morning and had a dream that he got a job for the type of business I was thinking of. The way he interviewed was very confident and he seemed eager to learn which felt promising. The hiring manager was rather unenthused - seemed like his natural disposition toward everything in general - but was willing to give him a shot if my husband. Hopefully this was all prophetic and gives more validity as feedback for you! Thank you very much BTW.
I've known something was coming for a while and expected to meet someone spiritually, but I have no clue who this mystic could be. Exciting!
*if my husband made a verbal commitment to further his dedication to further his understanding of the craft after becoming part of the team.
Bump I gave into temptation but couldn’t find my drugs/ they were gone. Fuark.
Great idea, making one now, holy shit that took too long, bitcoin wallet name is bigmoneyreed
Lightning node: 03a08965c7c2b16317ff3621e0c9e7514041dc2a384b53ab4c58b2ea5d848947b0
The hermit. I was always draw by this card, for the better or worse.
look whos married to don draper after he achieved enlightenment at the end of season 7 over here. But seriously congrats, the best thing about prophecy is hope fuels it, but fuel is unneeded for the fire to catch.
This encournter with the mystic will NOT take place through another person, when I say encournter with the mystic, I mean you will experience reality in a higher dimension, you will have an experience that is more that is only possible by immersing yourself in a higher dimension, wheter this be through ethenogens, meditation, near death experience, lucid dreaming, psychosis, I cannot say, but I can say, it will not take the form of a mystic as in a person who can see into the mystic, that person is you, so i guess mystical person will come into your life, and that person will be you
aight ur next >>38280774
whats your signifier bumper anon

>First is the knight of swords reversed, this covers them in extravagance, but also incapacity
>The second is the two of wands reversed, this represents their obstacles of fear, surprise, wonder, do not be amazed at your capacity for changing the universe around you, for you are it.
>The third is the lovers, this crowns them in attraction, love, beauty
>the forth is the moon reversed, this is beneath them as is instability, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error.
>the fifth is the three of swords reversed, been coming up quite a bit todaynight, this is behind them in the form of mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, and confusion
>the sixth is the world, this is before them as is assured success, a route.
>The seventh is death reversed this signifies themselves, their attitude and relation to the matter at hand, it represents sleep, somnambulism, petrifaction, lethargy, you are not truly, wholy aware that the seperation between you and the universe is an illusion and its all one whole, its you winking at yourself in the mirror, just give yourself a cheeky wink back and move forward, of course your success is assured
>the eighth is the nine of cups this signifies their house, their environment and affairs, as well as their influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is ten of cups reversed it signifies their hopes and dreams
>the tenth is the two of swords reversed and represents what will come

You see yourself as an imposter, you want to believe its all one but there are three types of reasoning,


bitcoin wallet name is bigmoneyreed, only tip if you can afford to do so, these readings are free 03a08965c7c2b16317ff3621e0c9e7514041dc2a384b53ab4c58b2ea5d848947b0

1) Heteronomous Reason – that takes its principles from outside itself and is therefore artificial, serves the collective;
2) Autonomous Reason – that takes its principles from within, but thereby reveals itself as vacuous and tautological, serves only the immiscible self; and
3) Theonomous Reason – that which is more deeply based, its fundament is “The Ground of Being” itself and thus transcends the concepts of the possible and the impossible.

You use too much of the second and not enough of the third. For great examples of this sort of reasoning read Alan Watts and Paul Laffoley.

Your beauty masks your insecurities, you think you're the universe but you don't know it, you will, dont use sleep as an escape and know that you are no imposter in your life.
I think I got skipped
The star. I´d love a reading if possible.
Loads of us have mate
I know, been keeping up with the newbies cause I dont know whose checking this thread and dont wanna waste time doing reads for people who wont read them, bump your comment and Ill get to is as soon as possible

(except you[jk])
Bumping my request, I just want to get a view into my future and what I can expect. I’ve been dealing with a lot of changes and feeling like I’m losing direction. I really want to lose weight, begin the adventure of my life, embrace my creativity, and pay off my debts, but I’m afraid I don’t have what it takes.
I bump I still want :-3
Making my way from the bottom up, if you bump ill prioritize you but dont get carried away

posts are no archieved, if thread 404s before you get yours I'm sorry, idk how many of these i'll be able to do but I'll get to work
doing you now
Yay thanks
Don't skip me you maniac kek
bomping mine, don't sweat over it though, i have time and this site'll be here tomorrow
Mine please ~
The fool
I will be here>>38281205
>from the bottom up

So the people who just got here are answered and the people who have already been waiting get to wait longer? Lmao
One foot in the water, the other on the ground.
>First is knight of swords reversed, this covers them.
>The second is the hermit reversed, this represents their obstacles
>The third is the nine of pentacles, this crowns them
>the forth is queen of pentacles reversed, this is beneath them
>the fifth is ace of swords, this is behind them
>the sixth is the empress, this is before them
>The seventh is five of swords reversed this signifies themselves, their attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eighth is the three of wands reversed this signifies their house, their environment and affairs, as well as their influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is the page of cups it signifies their hopes and dreams
>the tenth is justice reversed and represents what will come

7/10 of your cards are reversed. Your future holds fruitfulness, initiative, action, the unknown, but it is clouded by law in all departments, bias, bigotry, excessive severity.

Your main obstacle is concealment, disguise, fear, unreasoned caution.

This is a tough read, your future looks great, but so much of your energy is going into the wrong places. You'll be fine, learn not to conceal one's self,
the people who have already been waiting who bump their posts from earlier will have top priority
the new posters will have priority below them
the old posters who have abandoned the thread will have priority be the lowest, I still plan on doing as many as I can
Top down this one then bottom up the other. Will absolutely get all 4 of you.
Thanks Mr.Reed :D
Please get to mine, I'm in a weird place right now and would appreciate another person's insight
Its crazy how closely this read applies to what im struggling with right now. Ive been working on trying to be more open and honest with who I am but am currently in a limbo in between the past and the future it seems like lol.
Also if you have time what does clouded by law mean? Legal trouble?
Thank you so much for the reading I greatly appreciate it

Will this include mine? >>38281190 I was the first request on the OP
Pentacle Of Hearts
thanks a mill for the work either way, man

Thank you. I know this and I am trying to be better. I am a huge fan of Alan Watts and I think I am on the right path.
Pretty sure it'll be through shrooms, considering I'm growing some right now. Albino bepis envy gonna hit me nice and hard I see
Lovely bumps you got there.

>First is the knight of pentacles, this covers them.
>The second is the king of pentacles, this represents their obstacles
>The third is the two of wands reversed, this crowns them
>the forth is the nine of cups, this is beneath them
>the fifth is the page of pentacles, this is behind them
>the sixth is seven of wands reversed, this is before them
>The seventh is the five of pentacles reversed this signifies themselves, their attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eighth is the wheel of fortune this signifies their house, their environment and affairs, as well as their influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is judgement it signifies their hopes and dreams
>the tenth is the knight of wands and represents what will come

You find yourself in the middle of the middle of the middle of time. You are on a journey from while you have already departed but have not arrived,
you are entering into becoming Sotāpanna, "stream enterer" the stream has been entered, yet you are still opressed and stuck in the cycle of samrsara, victory and satisfaction are beneath you, ask youself if these are a stable base for you to grow from?

Not many lifetimes left until you reach nirvana, but it won't be this one, so do what you love, detach, don't disregard. Follow your spirtual path. Take perspectives from all religion, as an insight into the mystic seen through a crack in the door is still an insight into the mystic, the problem with this is that because they saw god in the crack, people begin to worship their limits, they begin to worship the crack as the god they see through it, and this gives them such a slim understanding, even if a viable insight, that it may keep them in a place of spirtual passitivty, holding only energy that flows around them and

bitcoin wallet name is bigmoneyreed, only tip if you can afford to do so, these readings are free 03a08965c7c2b16317ff3621e0c9e7514041dc2a384b53ab4c58b2ea5d848947b0
not directing their own energy to move straight to the point, a go with the flow attitude is wonderful, but when the flow becomes a riptide we must swim or drown.
know you are

to will
to know
to dare
to be silent

the means by which we may shape our reality
doing u now
Hi can I get help with this /div didn't help

Whats the deal with Christina and I?
Is there a future or not?
Yeah all of it resonates with my present condition. I try not to focus too much at the finger pointing at the direction but I feel lately I have become my main mental block...I need to focus . Thanks for the read.
Will the moons light reach through the fog? The answer is in the heart of the cards.
>First is the chariot reversed, this covers him in dispute, quarell, defeat. Uh oh looks like a particularlly foggy night.
>The second is the six of swords reversed , this represents his obstacles
>The third is the five of pentacles, this crowns him
>the forth is the knight of cups reversed, this is beneath him
>the fifth is the seven of wands, this is behind him
>the sixth is the star, this is before him, it represents a loss, an abondenment that will lead to bright hope
>The seventh is the king of wands, this signifies himself, his attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eighth is the ten of cups this signifies his house, his environment and affairs, as well as the influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is the seven of cups reversed, it signifies his hopes and dreams
>the tenth is the page of wands reversed and represents what will come

Besides a man, you will hear favorable testomony concerning him, he is a dangerous rival.
Reversed addsL
Ancedotes, anouncements, evil news.

You will face this rivarly, how you do so is up to you, but the most important message is that your life path is not taking you where you need to go, the direction must change.

bitcoin wallet name is bigmoneyreed, only tip if you can afford to do so, these readings are free 03a08965c7c2b16317ff3621e0c9e7514041dc2a384b53ab4c58b2ea5d848947b0
Nine of swords
doing you now>>38281315
time is all any of us have.
Law in ALL departments, your read pointed to a universal law, something you believe to be hindering you, when it is your belief that is hindering you, what is not forbidden is mandatory.
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well! that bit about a rivalry baffles me, but the need to change resonates perfectly and has for a ehile now. luckily, i'm already trying. i'll try to keep this all in mind though. thanks, man, i appreciate the read
Hey, still doing readings? I've always identified the most with the Magician. I'll take a love reading, please.
Is there a Tarot pack that includes Tiamat or a Gorgon?
Thank you so much for explaining that to me. That resonates very deeply with me and its something Ive been trying to work on personally.
Thank you so much again :)
Sorry ignore me I'm an idiot
I'm still here
>First is king of wands, this covers her.
>The second is the seven of cups, this represents her obstacles
>The third is the seven of wands reversed, this crowns her
>the forth is the ten of cups, this is beneath her
>the fifth is the knight of cups, this is behind her
>the sixth is the five of pentacles, this is before her
>The seventh is the star, the first major (and only) arcarna i pulled this read for you, this signifies herself, her attitude and relation to the matter at hand.(makes sense as this all revolves around you, who is the prime mover in the alchemical reaction between you two)
>the eigth is the eight of swords this signifies her house, her environment and affairs, the influence, people and events around her
>the ninth is the page of swords it signifies her hopes and dreams
>the tenth is the two and represents what will come
The obstical you face is one of fairy flavors, images of reflection, things seen in the glass of imagination and contemplation, your obstacles specifically is some attainment in these degrees but nothing permant or substantal.
Before you is pettiness and weakness, mediocrity in work.

You are too focused on working on your relationship and not enough on yourself, if you do not focus on making youself perfect for your person, an aspect of yourself you love, what form they take place in doesn't matter, there will 'never' (not in this lifetime) be a resolution, a clear ending, with him because this lifetime is not the first you had been together, you had promised each other you would find eachother again, but now without war, famine, and death to drive you apart you truly meet as a whole being.

The question you must ask together is do I love myself? Do I love us?

bitcoin wallet name is bigmoneyreed, only tip if you can afford to do so, these readings are free 03a08965c7c2b16317ff3621e0c9e7514041dc2a384b53ab4c58b2ea5d848947b0
Tarrochi of Mantega deck comprising of 5 series of ten cards each has Medusas Gaze if memory serves right
you get next congragulatoiorns
I’m still here, would love a reading
is love in the cards this go around? The hermit casts a lamp, yet he looks down.

>First is three of wands, this covers them.
>The second is the empress, this represents their obstacles desu
>The third is the four of pentacles, this crowns them
>the forth is the ace of swords reversed, this is beneath them
>the fifth is the star reversed, this is behind them
>the sixth is three of cups, this is before them
>The seventh is the queen of pentacles this signifies themselves, their attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eighth is death reversed this signifies their house, their environment and affairs, as well as their influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is the nine of cups reversed it signifies their hopes and dreams
>the tenth is seven of cups reversed and represents what will come

You will absolutely find love, but not in the shape of a woman until you find it in the self that is the entire universe and the immiscible self at the same time.

The lifetime you find your love in will be this one or the next, depends on how fast you are able to make a routine that makes you into a better version of yourself each day. Once this routine is a mandatory part of your life and you have forgotten you are searching for her, you'll meet her in an unexpected place.

bitcoin wallet name is bigmoneyreed, only tip if you can afford to do so, these readings are free 03a08965c7c2b16317ff3621e0c9e7514041dc2a384b53ab4c58b2ea5d848947b0
Just as there can be no living being who does not suffer, there can be no OP who is not also a faggot
That was really amazing thank you. What was the final outcome card may I ask sorry?
I really don't want to however be the only one making the moves to reconcile because I feel like it's not worth it otherwise. It's beautiful to hear though that we have had lifetimes together before. Just sucks that I don't think he all cares that much.

So I have to continue to try to love myself, and only then will there potentially be reconciliation? Thank you... It resonates deeply for me
If I am still, by adding mystery to my bliss I can attain movement, but my bliss is found in stillness, so to move while being still may be the mystery I add.
Doing you now. taking a break afterwards
Cup of Swords
Picked up the deck and flipped it and the emp was on the bottom facing up, what does that tell you?
>First is the three of wands, this covers them.
>The second is the four of wands reversed, this represents their obstacles
>The third is the nine of pentacles, this crowns them
>the forth is the seven of wands reversed, this is beneath them
>the fifth is the hanged man, this is behind them
>the sixth is temperence reversed, this is before them
>The seventh is the queen of wands this signifies themselves, their attitude and relation to the matter at hand
>the eighth is the hierophant this signifies their house, their environment and affairs, as well as their influence, people and events around him
>the ninth is the lovers it signifies their hopes and dreams
>the tenth is the ace of swords reversed and represents what will come in general, since you asked I'll expose up this one first.

Within your conformity there lies an imposter, you are not who you believe yourself to be.

Your biggest obstical is that you are for once almost on the surface, but econonmy, life, repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, and peace will all get in the way of you achieving this spirtual surfacing, you are entering a time of material abundance and spirtual designificance before your ego will be able to be rebirthed in a sudden and extreme juxtaposition with an encounter with the divine that will destroy your ego before you build it back up again, sculpting yourself to be who you want, not who others expected you to be.

bitcoin wallet name is bigmoneyreed, only tip if you can afford to do so, these readings are free 03a08965c7c2b16317ff3621e0c9e7514041dc2a384b53ab4c58b2ea5d848947b0
If this thread 404's I'll make another once I've gotten some sleep, I know I've missed so many of you but I've been answering questions for hours now, gonna chillax, will still lurk thread to discuss previous reads but won't be doing them, besides they're getting a bit cold since I'm not baked... yet...
Page of Wands
You get the star to cover you
you get the two of wands to cover you

get all comy and coverd up and go nappppp (inherent bias has now reached the reed)
This is incredible, this completely captures the current laziness/hedonistic ways that I currently have at odds with a more fulfilling future. So it’s like the true Emperor is hidden within me? Thank you so much for reading, Mr. Reed.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Only by reversing temperance within your future. The emperor within you is being covered by established strength, the belief those are your ships, bearing your merchandise, which are sailing over the sea.

The Emperor within you will be uncovered when his divine right to be one is ordained fully with loud fanfar at the moment the ego you are building becomes the ego you are living.
still here if you are
ayy np, im an artist i'm used to not being paid to work lmao haha, all jokes aside thanks everyone who responded to the reads and looked into them. Love you!
need to take a break from reading and sleep sorry, ill make another thread when I wake
King Rael (formerly King Paimon)
Tarot Card #s
Century IX:79

The chief of the fleet through deceit and trickery
Will make the timid ones come out of their galleys:
Come out, murdered, the chief renouncer of chrism,
Then through ambush they will pay him his wages.
Pentacles Guy
i resonate most with the 2 of Pentacles, which is also my moon decan. the imagery of weighing two things really resonates. if relevant, i think i’m in the middle of a major crossroads in my life, but i cannot tell what direction i should invest my energy in.

would love to hear how that fits into your spread!

The Sun, general financial read for the next 3 months?
If he is alchemically compilable to have his representation of his ego in the business space, the ego that you two as a couple share, then yes, accompanying him will be perfect especially since its your idea, it's a partnership between you two.
5 dried grams anon
>get all comy and coverd up and go nappppp
you know me all too well
What was the tenth card again in mine sorry Mr. Reed
All good, not doing any more readings though, need to get some sleep, just letting this thread down gently
oh tottally misread this as whatever the 10th card is, its mine, goes to show how tired I am whoops,
I know sorry it just says the tenth card was 2 something a minor but I'm not sure which one it was
Don't worry at all, you deserve your rest
The 7 of clubs reversed equals desire, determiniation, willl. What you want to happen will. Whether it's in this lifetime depends how far you meet the universe halfway.
Interesting thought! Dual meanings are entirely possible. Thanks again for your input.

The roles would be financial and I know nothing of the sort. We’re aesthetically cohesive as a couple and for this specific purpose, I’d merely be a mix of a charmer and eye candy.
Thank you Mr.Reed, you are a true magician with skill
Mr. Reed, I have one more question if you’re still there! Is there any hint as to what my encounter with the divine will be? That part is a bit terrifying to me.

Yes please!
I think the magician represents me best, albeit my willpower may be lacking currently. A general read would be great.
is op still reading
Much appreciated!
I'm pretty sure he's taking a break but I thought he said he'd be back later
thank you
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Bump, still want it
Five of Cups

thank you.

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