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Courtesy of ChatGPT 4.

Summarized list of types of Immortality

Biological Immortality
-Regenerative Immortality
-Genetic Immortality

Spiritual Immortality
-Phylactery or Horcrux
-Ghost or Spirit

Technological Immortality
-Mind Uploading
-Cyborg or Robot Body

Magical Immortality
-Magical Artifacts
-Divine Immortality

Biological Immortality in Nature
-Biologically Immortal Species

What immortality would you prefer as a human? The point of this posts is to display the concept of immortality before it becomes a reality. Understanding of immortality before it comes to pass will prepare you for the Kingdom of God, The Kingdom of Heaven, or any Kingdom of the Future. Understanding immortality in all its forms will prepare one for a world where the supernatural and magical has empirical evidence available to the public.

Luke 18:27

Meta humans exist in the present.
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Why settle for one? Ideally I would combine as many are as available to me. I suppose if I had to start with 1 then I would pick spiritual immortality because it would give me plenty of room to make mistakes as well as multiple ways to abuse its mechanics if its how I think it works. I would just go about getting the rest through trial and error as bonuses to become super immortal.
You would settle for one because there is a limit to how much you can achieve (in terms of gaining immortality) in the span of a 75-120 year lifespan

I suppose if you could simply pick and choose at will and be granted immortality then the quest for it would already have a secure and tested path. Additionally, some of these forms of immortality couldn’t be tested without risking physical or mental harm. Even Gilgamesh was tricked.

Hopefully my engagement in my own thread doesn’t turn away anyone interested in the topic. There are some unsaid rules to make a popular thread.
Yeah logically I would have to pursue only 1 method diamond hand style to have any chance of achieving immortality. Fortunately once you get 1 you can just snowball from there with your only limits being your own ambition and ability to research/experiment. The biggest obstacle being time becoming irrelevant makes progress an assurance for the most part. There are road blocks though. With biological immortality your biggest weakness would be losing knowledge from brain damage effectively resetting you every time you receive any major brain damage. Artifacts may or may not stop working if lost which is another big issue. Robotic vessels could die if the system dies. The best one and most powerful method is spiritual immortality, that is, assuming it allows you to keep memories and store them in the spirit effectively making you immune to memory loss roadblocks. With spiritual immortality you can also get out of being trapped in an inescapable prison by simply dying and respawning, another weakness that the other methods don't really have a way to avoid outside of the technical one assuming you can download yourself into a new vessel. Lastly you can possibly use the spirit for reconnaissance in between deaths to gain info and strategize and you would most likely have access to the spiritual world beyond the physical for more options that physical beings are not privy to.

TL;DR Spiritual Immortality is OP
It’s rather tough for someone like me to respond to your entire post like this, but I will attempt one.

You seem to have already logically hashed this out, so well done. But I think it won’t be as much of a linear progression path as you think. For myself, biological immortality would be the best way to make an impact against supernatural enemies, undead ghouls, or murderer vampires. Anything that isn’t human (in terms of evil or unknown) must be captured or destroyed because humanity needs to research things like this so we can have evidence of the unknown and make it known. It’s our world to rule as a species. God promised to never destroy the world by flood again and that’s why we have a rainbow.

Spiritual Immortality seems like there would be drawbacks. There is only so much information about the spiritual world or after life or even other planes of spiritual life/existence. Once you leave your flesh body behind no one can help you except yourself (as far as I can understand). I think you would lose access to this world and you would have to conquest in the spiritual realm. There’s almost nothing to comment on about spiritual immortality because you would achieve it in this life. Maybe you could invent or solve something spiritual and be a benefactor in this life.

I think the difference in our explanations is that I would rather do things by force which is why spiritual immortality seems like a bad choice for myself. It’s interesting that you brought up brain damage for biological immortality. I never thought about that before.
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Its true that I could be locked out of this world but that's not really so much of a negative for me. I am not attached to this world by anything other than this vessel, trading it for a worthwhile power and a new environment filled with opportunity for growth would make the sacrifice worth it. Doing it alone is a none issue as well as I would prefer it, I am used to it and its easier for me to take care of myself without the extra burden. The help could be useful but eventually I would outgrow them and my ambitions would clash with their interests causing conflict that could possibly impede me. My goal is one of self interest, I merely seek to give myself as much freedom as possible through the accumulation of power and to journey further through existence to seek out interesting things. Regarding entities I am only really concerned with how they can benefit my purposes, I have no real reason to combat them outside of them getting in my way. I simply seek to usurp the powers of existence and sail through it to sate my curiosity of the unknown freely.
But as far as my information that I have researched and experienced, there are spiritual entities of great power that would be obstacles in your journey. We are their toys. It’s only through free will that we can choose to remain ignorant of their existence, and even then one can reveal themselves to you for any reason.

You are attached to this world like all the rest of us. You are here on 4chan, it is a tool for us who are faceless to communicate and spread ideas and converse. It’s strange how the concept of freedom of speech is being destroyed through censorship and moderation. I’m getting off topic.

My goal to make the unknown known require cooperation. I am against censorship, hiding information, and secrecy. Unfortunately, I cannot enforce these values on anyone else. Biological immortality would allow me to physically fight back against those who continue to hide “the truth”, whatever that may be. Through personal experience I have found that many of my opinions were not welcome, even here. So the concept of free speech is important to my mission, compared to your goal of dominance in the spiritual realm.
Already have spiritual immortality, but one's not listed.

-Soul recombination.

Basically even if fragmented and shattered by whatever so long as there's even a tiny fragment of me left afterwards i will rebuild and recombine back into myself.

It's a neat mechanism i didn't get too much use out of in it's most extremes until much later in my existence. Good thing i enhanced regenerative properties in my soul's self-repairing mechanisms to the point of that. Otherwise i would've never reappeared with what i went through. Kek.

You only NEED spiritual immortality. Everything else, is just icing on the cake. Reason being is without the soul, which is the origin of the mind. You have no link to yourself thus having an immortal body would be useless to you without the soul behind it allowing "you" to actually meld with it.

So spiritual immortality is key, though total immortality is fiction. You can get damn close. As i have proven to those which kept records.

Anyway, that's my take. If i could choose? I would have the above and biological immortality: Regenerative/genetic. Those would cover my bases, for what i need.

As the spiritual immortality i possess is just divine immortality explained in the nuts and bolts of it. Kek. Only it's you applying the force rather than a external divine.
Nobody has any of the powers that I listed. You sound full of shit and you are full of shit. Even if you did have any of the powers you can’t prove nothing until you can take a bullet to the head and revive. You added nothing except, “oh, spiritual immortality, I have that already! This is why I can do things that (You) can’t!” The rest isn’t worth responding to because nobody has any of these powers. You will never be immortal.
>As I have proven to those which kept records
I just want to say that no one here will believe you with the way you brag about this. Anyways, I will believe you. Follow these instructions. Set up a tripod with your phone and hit record. Grab the nearest weapon and inflict a fatal wound on yourself on video. Then resurrect.
Oh, I forgot the most important part. You need to upload the video of you killing yourself then resurrecting to YouTube. You’ll be a God in 5 minutes.
>I recombined my soul like Transformers

Ah yes, nobody else can witness it, only you can feel it. Did you know that the only thing living things can see about the soul is your image? Yes, your soul totally got fractured after some crazy soul fight battle against the enemy and you totally felt it inside your little flesh body that can definitely feel your soul recombining like Optimus Prime. Kek bro so funny hahaha holy shit I’m so relatable look at me guys I’m definitely a genius or a revolutionary and it’s been recorded guys omg its been recorded by my close friends and family i swear everybody I promise on my momma I’m not lying!!!
i don't see how anyone who has actually thought about it would prefer immortality to non-existence
I think after what I experienced first hand I would prefer immortality over non existence because I would like to be glorious and I don’t have some self defeating attitude anymore. Those things are just depression and you end up killing your self over wah wah I don’t wanna exist life too painful wah wah nobody can help me wah wah no sex and nobody talk to me wahhhh
And just like that you proved you're a retard.

I literally said i DON'T have regenerative/genetic immortality. I do have the capacity to revive to a limited degree, but i have no clue how many times i could do it in one life. Only really done it once myself in this one so i don't know how many times this vessel can perform the act.

And those mechanisms is now known in science right NOW. It's called "zombie genes." Look it up, it's a whole mechanism certain human bloodlines possess in their genome that was unknown 20+ years ago when those mechanisms kicked in for me. If i hadn't had that in this body then i would've been unable to force it to revive due to the mechanisms underlying not existing to force into action and bolster via spirit. Which was the whole reason i chose this specific vessel, the traits it possesses.

I'm also not the only one that has elements of spiritual immortality. All humans do, any being possessing a soul in life. Or even a spirit, has potential to reach that. Due to the mechanics of how such things work. Kek. You obviously know very little if you are arguing with me on that when it's fucking obvious to anyone looking even at a surface level.

As to me "proving it" to you, let's say i DO have total Deadpool powers and can regenerate any part of this body like my soul can and has done before. And i did just what you wanted, then you would claim it's CGI or some other nonsense. Thus making it a pointless act even if i could do it.

As to harming myself to "prove it" to dip shits like yourself. Why would i prove anything? No matter WHAT i prove to you on anything, you will claim i didn't. Move goal posts and pretend like you "fooled me" or "exposed me" despite never actually doing so. Only fools and the idiots would believe your utter stupidity on display.

I have been VERY direct and concise every time i have spoken on such matters, too bad you simply can't "get" it. Get gud, pleb.
I'm not obligated to explain my entire history from origins to now. To you.

I have engaged with those on this site out of curiosity and the desire to take part in discussions. You and those like you decided to focus on attacking me. Rather than potentially learning something you may not have known.

And now you never will. Insulting me doesn't show you to be of higher level, it shows your inferiority. But no matter, keep churning in the mud like a simpleton. Those like me will keep doing our own thing and making shit happen.

The elites laugh at you harder than me, BTW. They much as i despise them get this shit totally on a level you never will at your current idiocy. It's humans like you, that prove their claim you're chattel.

Goodbye, faggot. Enjoy running around on this thread alone. I hope you get something happen to you which actually forces you to evolve, the state you're in now speaks volumes to your inferiority and inadequacy to compete with the real shakers and movers out here.
Anyone with a reading comprehension can see that you only talk about yourself. You put yourself in a position where anons have to believe you to engage with you, therefore your point is rendered useless to anyone who can actually debate in real life and not online where anything can be made up and pulled out the ass.

I simply gave you a rather easy way to prove your “spiritual immortality and “soul recombining” but you decided to use reversal and shift the burden of proof back onto me. That is your error. I simply don’t need to believe you and we both go our ways. However, you decided to engage the thread by talking about what you already have done instead of what you can do. Seems like a subtle way to brag about being better in not only a human aspect but a metaphysical and spiritual aspect as well. It’s fallen on deaf ears, no one believes you. You also resort to anger instead of remaining cold and calculated. You didn’t learn anything from having spiritual immortality and you clearly have nothing to share of any value. Get gud? Oh yes, the spiritual immortal plays video games everybody, he loves wrecking those 17 year olds on COD. Eat shit fuck face, two can play. Some other retard can take ur bait and engage with your nonsense.
Then don’t engage the thread and stay silent. I will continue to attack false information coming from those like you. I have no problem doing so.

Anyways, get lost. You can cry about it that no one believes you.
They haven't thought about it. They don't think.
I would think Regenerative/Genetic Immortality would be best if I understand its meaning.

To become an organism that doesn't die from age, illness or mortal wounds sounds like it could give you the most time to enjoy a mortal life without needing to become something inorganic like a machine. If you want to transcend human limitations, then you can alter your own genetics, hopefully even grow your brainmass and density to have a more powerful mind that can still feel biological human emotions but think at a superhuman level.

After all the soul is already eternal, isn't it? But your time in this dimention is limited, and the interactions inside it are precious, so more of them sounds better. And still being able to die adds to the experience maybe.
I didn’t want to reveal my hand but you forced me to stoop down to your fictional level. Let’s see who can make shit up better fuck tard!

How does it feel that you will never touch God even with your “spiritual immortality”? Does it make you jealous there are humans who simply communicate to God with no expectation of anything in return? The Christian God simply provides out of love. Simply talking to God for them is enough. Does it make you jealous that I, a human, achieved immortality on a level that makes yours look like child’s play? You don’t need to answer because it’s a deal between myself and whatever entity I witnessed on that day. It’s people like you who cheapen the effect with grandeur claims, saying that you and your kind are the ones who “make shit happen” while the rest of us simply are too foolish to even grasp the concept. I consider you to be my enemy, as any immortal would want to exterminate other immortals. I will come for you and you will regret using my own culture against me. Consider it a threat to your life.
Spiritual immortality as we'd perceive it but it could be said to be a shedding of the body to a state of pure mind and spirit.
Hopefully as this shedding occurs the mind and spirit gradually gains further and further access to higher dimensions allowing a kind of spectator access to all time and all space, including those spaces we couldn't access as a body such as outer space or alternate realities.
A sort of never-ending dream that starts familiar and gets progressively weirder as our spirit forms evolve, perhaps with more "deaths" or changes to form.
All the other forms of immortality would be a kind of pausing of the natural process, an eternal adolescence of the spirit-form.

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