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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38277050
Had an interview for a job last wednesday. Got a call saying i've been waitlisted. If the person who got an offer drops out, or they decide to expand the team, ill get an offer. Ill know by 17th July.
Will I get the job?
Am I going to see L soon?
Is he the one?

Is she okay and what does she think about me? She kind of did something unprompted which made me kind of angry, I wonder what she's thinking to act like so. I'm getting mixed signals coming from her, what's her endgame?

This is a romantic interest btw, I'm wanting to come back together
Ah what is love?
L is for
Baby don't hurt me?
The way you Look at me
Khv phase end when?
I'll hold your hand for you, but nothing else. At least until we're married.
With or without gloves on?
Do it with someone that will actually love you and stay loyal to you and not act like a floozy or you may end up regretting it
I wished I had mine back desu sex was bad and my partner was pretty selfish, never even once cared enough for me to orgasm
Depends how cute you are
>never even once cared enough for me to orgasm
I'll never understand this. Like, aside from me getting off on getting the other person off, it just seems fucking rude. What man could take himself seriously if he can't get a woman off?
He even got tired when he was touching me and stopped and only fucked me till he came and done. I wished I was still a virgin desu
This is 21st century. We all are here to mostly repay our debts so I'll probably suffer no matter what permutations and combinations I try to figure.
Well I'm not a woman. If you're a man how can't you cum? But bad sex is still a bit validating unless you were only used.
Gloves on it is
>I wished I was still a virgin
It's so odd how I keep seeing this as a virgin. Feels like God is trying to tell me something.
Either way, I'm looking forward to wizard status next year. It's gonna be awesome.

But yeah, dude sounds like a fucking loser. Sorry, sweetheart.
>had another dream a cute girl liked me last night
It hurts, friends.
When will I get an obsessive bf?
Will I see L soon? You?
Will DM ever successfully start a cult?

I'm concerned over how often I'm seeing this descriptor on this site these days.
Also, define "obsessive" pls
>Queen of pentacles, 8 of wands, page of wands

Yea, actually sooner than you might think. She'll be caring a supportive in this meet up as well. I see good things happening with a lil bit of adventure mixed in.
Ties my shoes , gets me what I want, wants me to be safe like a ride or die and I will do what they ask of me too
Since last thread dead

Chances of finding the Jewess gf of my dreams?
That actually sounds kinda cute and wholesome.
The lovers queen of wands five of cups

They really could if they use their charm and sexuality but it may not be all that they hoped it to be and there's a warning of getting bad karma if they do things unfairly
I'm a casual observer, but I wonder if maybe people here tend to have abandonment issues and have convinced themselves that extreme displays of the opposite are what will make them feel security.
I had a dream about him I hope he's okay
Thank you :)
Yeah, probably. I know I've got my issues and I can see the appeal. I just don't know if I'd be able to handle an obsessive gf after a certain amount of time. I do enjoy being alone now and again.

Is M waiting for me to make a move or am I reading the situation wrong?
Thanks fren
Find someone that's worth losing your virginity to, someone you can connect and spend the rest of your life with. Not someone who is selfish and will flooze around, best of luck friend. Maybe you'll find them when the time is right
How will things go with G?
Male asking about female
Trading lewd
Your query?
You gave me a really shitty read yesterday gman so you're gonna have to fuck off. pass.
I didn't read for you yesterday. Didnt ask about her. I'm not gman either...
Will I get laid this month?
That's always been the goal. I simply don't want to regret it. I know how unrealistic it is to expect the first to be the last these days, but I think "lack of regret" is an achievable goal. People think I'm crazy when I tell them how I turned down a girl when I was 16 while she was straddling me(twice, might I add), but I knew I'd regret it. 13 years later I can still say I made the right call.
That's the spirit, I'm rooting for you as they say god always does have a plan, maybe he has something in store for you
Men aren't like women in that sense, yeah its nice for your first time to be with someone you like but that disney type romance isnt real, apart from during adolescence when your brain literally experiences happiness at a heightened level
I've joked about wanting a girl like that before, but it's a silly exaggeration. Most of the girls I've dated have been on the clingy side, but nothing too crazy. I think the secret is finding one who enjoys your company and is loyal, but also has hobbies/interests and can self-entertain.

When I was 16, a certain girl got it into her head that she wanted to devirginize me, and she was stubborn in trying to seduce me. One time she even brought a friend. At some point I felt dumb for refusing, but I'm very glad that I did. Turns out she had at least one STD, possibly more. Sometimes you dodge a bullet and don't realize until later.
bump pls help someone im so depressed about this shit man
I like to think so. Everything else in my life has been on the rise, so hopefully a nice girl to come home to is next.
God bless, friend <3

>Men aren't like women in that sense
What do you mean?

>on the clingy side
This seems like it'd be best. I enjoy my cuddles and such, but I need me time too.

>even brought a friend
I respect the dedication desu, but yeah, bullet dodged for sure.

Also checked.
Air Query
Grey squirrel genocide when?
>What do you mean?
there's this idea, see it a lot in french books media etc, that a girls first time determines the way she experiences love and intimacy for the rest of her life. that is not the case with men. just having any experience with women is always good, ideally when you meet "the one" you know your way around, wont long for other options, and she'll love you more for it
How likely is it I'll have sex with L in july?
That wasn't a gman query FYI. Also gman isn't doing any tarot readings.
aq tell me a planet in my chart who's wisdom I need to learn more about
Im trading this
>know your way around, wont long for other options, and she'll love you more for it
I've heard this theory and I get the logic.
But there's more to all that than just physical pleasure imo, or at least there should be, and that goes for both sides.
What will help me shine brighter than my hometown will allow?
u are so funny, this is musicmancy anon I pulled a song for you last time, it came up Lorde, she's catholic and half Croatian

Does she want me to wait?
>she's catholic
Huh. Maybe I should look into her more. Thanks tho. I just have this vision and this scene in my head and I need it in my life so badly.
If still here I’d like to know: how will my project develop through the rest of the year? Will I stir it to the direction I wish to?
What do you have against the grey squirrels?
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He's a squigga. They hate everyone.
They're killing the native red squirrels.
Squirrel racewar now!
Yes, but unironically. Grey squirrel genocide when!?
Is she lying about what happened to my tv and what happened?
Can someone pull 3 for me?
How will he react if I ask him to sleep with me?
>it's the squirrelconquista
Feels query
Some queen with a bitch face
Just stop being a bitch and stand strong. Is that really so much for you?
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What does he think of me now?
This is mine.

Starting your's
>Page of cups, lovers, emperor

Well looks like he caught pretty strong feelings for you and wants to be in your life as a protector and views you very highly in regards to emotions.

Not sure if you want anything with this person but if you do nows the time to make a move.
Anon? You there?
If they stiff you ill do your read
I think so many. I'd appreciate it
She’s not lying, seems like a stressful situation for her according to my cards.
Yea that sucks. Thanks for the info
Is she lying?
>10 of wands rx, ace of swords rx, tower rx, king of wands, 5 of pentacles, knight of swords, page of cupsrx, hanged man rx moon, strengh
Feels like she’s trying to take control damage by saying an altered version of what happend exactly, just bc they might fear you or dont want to be “punished” or they feel intimidated by you somehow and feels like they just said something improvised in a rush to save their own ass, they are not mature enough to handle the situation so they lied and they are acting sure of themselves or trying to believe their own lie
What happend?
Sun rx, emperor, 4 of pentacles, 7 of awords, 4 of cupsrx, ace of pents rx, 8 of awords rx, 6 of pentacles
I dont know what the exact situation might be but its possible that she might needed some money and sold it? Or perhaps gave it to someone else? It quite literally says that someone took advantage of you here
Think you could tell me one more thing anon? I'm able to read for you if needed
Sorry man im just very slow and I yapp a lot when I write my interpretations,
Thanks a bunch though
Yea it's cracked and she sent me this photo saying it just stopped working in the middle of a game which is bs. I think some guy she's with came over and broke it.
It was a good read, honestly could you trade again for 1 more q?
What does she think of me? You?
Trade again?
Sorry man Im a bit low on energy
That’s a hit lmao I was so off someone punched that
Vampire gf when?
Hey would you be willing to read for me again? I'm able to trade if needed.
Gonna be doing a bunch of 1 card reads to revive the thread. Any q is welcome
this is a tradecuck
beware this is a notorious tradecuck
Do I meet my next gf in August?
seven day gen pls
thanks for reading
I'll trade you instead if that's fine
How will the interaction between me and her go when I see her today to get my key?

will my first motorcycle be a honda shadow ?
Am I overreacting? I wanted to be successful in my art because it’s my passion. I’m doing everything correctly, I’m improving my skills and everything. I wanted to post it online soon or later. And now I just feel anxious about this and how my sleep is bad from it.
what will my next job be like? starting
Where do I meet my next girlfriend or sex partner? whichever one comes first
>Death, 4 of swords, 8 of pents

Well it seems like something way different than your used to that doesn't require a lot of physical labor but a lot of tedious and monotonous work.

I could see something like a desk clerk or working in a company in front of a computer all day.
you sure you're not reading my current job?
Rather lackluster, I wouldn't expect anything out of the ordinary at all. Were you expecting conflict? you'll be saddened here for some reason, like you wanted something more.
Four of Swords Heirophant Five of Wands R Ace of Cups R
Yea new job probably won't be 2 much different honestly.

And yea I think I'm just gonna be bummed by the lack of emotion and her not wanting to be around me.

Thanks for the trade
Is she (Ch.) interested in wanting to get to know me more?
Are any of my exes coming back soon?
Where do i meet my next lover at
what is the outcome between me and her? yours?
initials pls
Love life gen for August? I'm M into F
no initials she's the only one in my life.
I need initials for my read or it won't be as quality
so be it.
Am I stuck with my current partner, as in, they're my first, last and best romantic relationship?

Also, is my current career path the right one and should I put all my focus on it? will it reward all my effort?
or should/could I also give a try to the other projects I've been having in mind for a long time?
Okay then, starting yours.
here? I have yours but you're not gonna like it
How does T feel about E today?

Will d come back to me?
The fuck did my cousin sexually abuse me as a child for?
Where's my arc?
page of wands, 3 of wands, ace of cups, ace of pentacles
you will start talking to someone, you will slowly start imagining a future with them and you will want to be there for them emotionally. They will likely make you feel good about yourself and worthy, and the rest is up to you to decide.
Is L thinking of me?
Not wanting to do that q?
go on
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Hello yes, apparently my whole ip range is b& for "abuse" or sumshit, so I can't make my usual /AWA/ right now. I'll just post up here.

I do not normally do card spreads, but I am still willing to answer questions and things. I reserve the right to refuse my services if I feel like it.
Could you answer this >>38282133
for me?
Is it over with J or will we see eachother again?
It was a cycle that he couldn't break. It's your turn to break that cycle now.
It's over, move on
Does d plan to see me again?
When i will lost my virginty?
Why did I dream of L?
Easier said than done. Thank you
Bf in july?
I have been waitlisted for a job. If the other candidate drops out or they expand the team, they said i'll get it. Will i get this job?
Will i have sex this summer at all and is it with someone I already know
Her feelings for me?
Will I get a new job soon and will it be good for my career/good pay
Some inner work needs to be done about that person. Look into why she was in your dream, what she was doing, etc. in the context of what suppressed things your subconscious is trying to get you to acknowledge.
Probably, but it's not time for a new job yet, even if it seems like it. Find a way to make this in between time work for you.
outcome with k? or should i gtforytr8
what type of vibe do i give off that people say i look like i study french lmaoo (i do) f
Thank you
trust my instincts on this?
Does E want to date me?
thanks anon, here, have a bit of chi
Always trust your instincts.
what do my listeners think about the mix ive been playing in these past moments?
Can you answer this thanks!
what signs should i be wary of?
This applies to the both of you. Your art should be something that above all brings YOU joy. Remember that, and go create something that you love.
new job anytime soon
You're in a period where you should be doing self-reflection. Sure look for jobs, but you're where you are for a reason. Think of it like a cocoon.
Will g want to do it again?
thanks bruh this inspires me
Thank you! So like fuck all the likes and engagements, I’m already successful because I like what I’m doing. And the engagements doesn’t equate my worth. I’m thinking I got the hang of it, thanks.
Comparison is the thief of joy. Be not impatient in delays and think not of what you could have had but what you have and what lies in the future. Investment in your life is the only investment that will surely pay dividends

Farmlands yield growth. Be cautious of the waters and the rivers before you're swept undertow by the currents of forces outside of your control. Stick to what you know
will i beat my internet addiction?
How often do you catch yourself in the act and go touch grass instead?
He'll receive it well but dont expect much of anything from it. Thg is could be saying your performance will be mid at best, or you're going to piss off someone else
Hmm ty
Will I find love soon Wizard? How will be she like?
Will I regret if I invite her here? in a manner of booty call?

Should i keeping investing in APU?
Not that anon btw.
Learn discipline and become the leading authority in whatever field you are in. The path may be more difficult than you think. Or this is saying even if you become a success, you are not going to outshine anyone or they will simply not care
Will he find someone else or come back?
hi poncho, i was able to let go last night :)
Not likely at all
Is the instrument cluster bad or is it a wiring/fuse issue?
Hey Lessy UwU. I'll hit you up on Discord
You need to work on yourself first. Reach a point in your life where you are happy alone, and the love will come to you.
I go out daily. I hike quite a bit and am a regular at certain spots in town. It's just when I am at home.
how do the other workers feel about me compared to b? and if I'm not doing well compared to them, then what can I learn from b?
Thank you. This is what I should do.
But I am also curious.
How others manage to find love when I see how much of a mess they are?
What one finds and is attracted to is a reflection of themselves.
how do my listeners feel about the music i've been playing today?
starting when you confirm
Yeah every girl is usually hasitant like me.
Probably this is why I am alone.
emperor, 6oSRX, AoC

some feel it has a sense of structure or that it resonates, others feel it could be more emotionally engaging or cohesive. mostly positive reviews though
Doing tarot/runes for the next hour, just mention which one you want when asking.
Who will be my next girlfriend?
If its boring sorry, skip.
you pick method

Q: Which is the cause, the instrument cluster or a wiring/fuse issue?
cool, runes pls! current work general pls!
H's feelings about me buying VGT?

got tradecucked
Tarot will I have sex this summer and will it be with someone I know
Gf when?
Aq or occult trade

Is my request good now?

Any advice on getting a house? Will I find one I really really want at a decent price?
Reader’s choice

Would this meet/exceed my expectations?
ghost, cerberus R. unicorn
they feel like in the past you were cool or you had success however you choose to remain in old good moments rather than in the present. soon you will shine again and remind ppl how awesome you can be, don't remain in the past for too long
You pick method
What are m(f) feelings for me(m)?

Tarot pls
Did I win him back?
should I do the voice overs for my ads or should I let AI do the talking?
Thank you!
Any method
Runes for what I need to hear, please
Next make out session with who?
Love Gen
what's the outcome with A?
how does A feel about me now?
starting once you confirm
3 SwordsR, ChariotR, 8 Disks.
Is your intent in asking this the best? Do you think low of yourself and/or idealize love? Don't be codependent Anon. I'm sure you're wonderful, so as long as you keep good Frith with a woman as friends it will all come in time. You'll eventually find the one :)

You're getting a rune! I like using a single stone for these kinda quick questions when they pop up through my day.
Berkana. It's likely going to be whichever one is the more complicated of the two, be prepared for a project.

Hagalaz, Tyr, Jera.
Anon, I'm sorry if you're being rat-fucked at work but just ensure you're keeping your sense of justice/good Frith and doing the right thing. Your time to celebrate will come.

1 Wands, 3 WandsR, Hierophant
No info so my answer is brief: You had energy to do something big, failed and ate shit, and should keep researching. Possibly a poorly done ritual is my guess.

I am doing these in batches of 4 atm. If I did not get to you I will, if I'm not going to I will simply just tell you.
Also wanted to clarify my tarot is the Thoth, so if you're familiar with that hopefully you'll get something extra out of it!
3 of cups
it seems like you're dead to A, A is looking for other people to replace what you were to them and A is looking to do a lot of mischief.
wtf is it im searching for
Thank you
cat, knight R, peacock
someone is playing with the other in this dynamic, someone is going to get hurt in the relationship, after its all said and done attention will be brought and one person may act in an arrogant manner or display themselves as the winner in this equation.
that's not even what the cards mean
thank you
that's what I saw in my gnosis, the cards are just there because whatever
tarot please.
How does K feel about S? Tysm
that makes no sense
Runes, how do I meet my next gf?
so you're just making up cards? lol fake reader spotted
I drew the cards afterwards
10 WandsR, 6 Disks, LustR.
I don't know what the Hell a VGT stands for, but whatever the fuck it is they seem to be fine with it at least for now. Probably going to change their mind on it in the future though.

Princess SwordsR, 5 CupsR, Princess WandsR.
Anon I don't think you're asking this for good reasons, and should question your motives. Sex is a powerful tool of the divine to share with a fellow spark of creation. If you want to just feel good, go coom.

1 Wands, 3 Cups, 9 Disks.
Do you know a lovely lady pal at present? Perhaps consider them, and see where it goes. The best partners after all are basically just best friends that also have sex.

ArtR, Magician, Death
Try a sort of ritual practice, I suggest sigil magic. The housing bubble is probably going to pop soon, so be on the lookout for the chance. I think if you do that, and get comfy for the time being you'll be fine.
rubes. Will i get there one day ?

Does H believe B will like the L?
Quick single rune cuz my gut said yes aaaand
Fehu inverted, not the harvest ya wanted :(

Hanged ManR, Knight of Swords, Moon
Originally? Not very highly. As time has gone on an ambitious locked in mf. Buuut she's probably set up a certain ideal, so if it comes crashing down and they seem upset don't take it personal. People really only see the mask we project anyway. Practice clear and open communication and this can be overcome.

Doing a rune aaaand
Jera! Celebrate good times

Either way you get the w, but use your voice bc it gives that human spark imo.
783 ty
you're projecting a lot of shit with nothing to back it up. If you're not a reader, kindly fuck off because you don't know shit.
Is she (Ch.) interested in wanting to get to know me more?
aight thanks man, have a good one
i didn’t complete any action actually. i was asking about the type of energy i give off
Do my coworkers like me?
trading occult
what was the first impression I gave to him (J)? Hoping to come out of my shell and befriend people.
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I feel like you're in a rough one anon so I'm gonna go do the method as described by Tacitus. I feel like you'll need all the help that can get you and I'll post it as picrel. The upside down ones I drew over relate to what's to come so that's why it's like that

Anon whatever the fuck's going on you're flying too close to the sun seeing the potential of something. Chill out, enjoy things for what they are rn. The time to let the metaphorical arrow fly from your bow will come. I see an overturned partnership right next to something telling you to focus on yourself, so just make sure your Frith is good with whoever you feel that could be.

8 Wands, 2 CupsR, 9 Wands
You've been blitzing through people and that's not paid off, but I think the next person you meet (Perhaps a Sagittarius?) will make you fall HARD!

Wheel of Fortune, 10 Swords, 2 Wands
I'm really sorry whatever happened before totally fucking exploded into a big ball of fire and dogshit and bad, but fret not because you're gonna get back on your feet Anon. Wounds related to love take a lot of time to heal :(

Gebo, KaunazR, Eoh
As the boons of your past fade, you search for the same thing most people are: To be understood by a companion.
Should I go over to P tonight?
Is that Fs pic? Any
Would I love B?

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Sorry Anons my time is up. I apologize, but this tea I've made is starting to hit and I really need to lay down. If I come back later and the thread is up I'll get to you but no promises.

Have a wonderful evening, and may whatever God(s) you believe in bless you as they have I.
804 thank you!!
why won't the angels talk to me?
which type of music should I play on the background when I finally get my business going?
Thank you for reading for everybody!
magician - 8 of wands - lovers - page of cups
as I see it magician implies all kinds of flavors and genres would be fitting, 8 of wands is something energetic rather than something soothing.
as an alternative
something very intimate and engaging would also be a good choice. You could probably also switch it up.
Where are gal and I headed in life.
Forbidden romance when?
What exactly do I keep walking away from that could make me happy?
kraken, autumn R, mask R, mirror
because for every good act you do you also do 2 that are bad. you have too many bad habits and you don't keep yourself pure enough, also could mean that you just aren't ready to hear the Holy Spirit, the angels won't talk to you btw because that isn't their job, what you want to hear from is the Holy Spirit. Angels are just a byproduct of God and are lower in the totem pole than HS. its like asking why don't you hear from the assistants when you should be asking why you don't hear back from the boss.
that's not how the holy spirit works though. The holy spirit does works through your body, but you can't really communicate to it like you would with other spirits. It's just another hunch that you don't know whether to act on or not.
that's exactly what im talking about, he's asking about angels. angels don't send messages unless you see them in dreams or they show up as a person but most times you won't even know its them because disguises and you should have faith anyway
bro, they literally give me visions that I know are from them, I just know and trust me on that one, but why don't they want to talk?
the cards say you still maintain charades and hide parts of yourself under the guise of following a righteous path but in reality you are still soaking in sin. do you still fap? do you still look at porn? do you still have lewd thoughts? do you still lust after women? do you still do drugs? do you still drink alcohol? do you still smoke cigarettes? do you still drink coffee? do you still eat pork, meats and fast food? if you answered yes to any of these then there's your problem. also depends how you act w ppl
fuck, I eat pork! is that bad?
Which is why you are told to treat everyone with compassion.
Should be a default, imo.
Yes its unclean, its one of the forbidden meats. its in all the holy books. bible, quran and torah.

cut off all cold meats, bacon and sausages
yes but that only applies to real life interactions. online is another story.
That's just an excuse, anon.
It applies to everything.
Romans 14:20
Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are pure, but it is evil for the man who eats with offense.

1 Timothy 4
For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving;

I don't know what bible you read, but this is what I know. I don't care about the Old Testament (Torah, Jewish)
not when you have people calling you insults and names. Jesus was the sheep and he said turn the other cheek. The lion says swipe your paw at them twice as hard as they struck you.
Trading, will read anything
You have to do both, anon.
Come now.
>I don't care about the Old Testament
so you choose to only view part of what it says but disregard everything else? you won't get a full picture of how God works unless you read the Qu'ran and Torah along with the Buddisht scriptures and Sanatana Dharma texts.

what you know is incomplete and false, which again is why you can't hear angels :)
Idolaters and the willfully ignorant are stupid, anon.
Read Jurassic Park by Michael Chrichton.
Qu'ran is made up by a schizophrenic, and the Torah and Talmud are jewish books, that would only teach me to mistreat you as a stranger. And don't even make me waste my time pulling up all the shit written in those, I've read them and I don't care!
Then you hate your compatriots in this life, anon?
You are discompassionate?
no I love every race, I've fucked various races and girls from every culture.
"Don't cast your pearls onto swine..."
lmao ok there, ill keep hearing angels and Holy Spirit meanwhile you are still stuck on step 1.5
buh byeee
Ah, so you are chaff.
Gaze upon this one and see a profound representation of what the chaff will be.
Do not get haughty, foolish one.
There are many more tests.
Should I ask out the office lady that works next to me? I have never had sex.
underrated post [spoiler]and author[/spoiler]
Trading occult

Thank you, you are spot on :)
Outcome and consequences of using blood over intent to achieve my goal
why do angels listen to me but refuse to answer back? Unlike other spirits

What town will I need to be in over the coming months?
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Feeling lost in my life and lost a really good friend recently. What does the next month of my life look like?
7 of wands, 2 of pentacles, 2 of swords, knight of pentacles
I think you should fight as hard possible to keep your body pure and not give them something that's supposed to hurt you, but if you mean animal blood then I'm sure it's a good shortcut, according to the cards, you can achieve both, but the trade-off would be how much time it would take to gather energy from intent rather than blood. So the goal is achievable either way, the outcome is good either way as seen in knight of pentacles, and 2 of swords says it's not really that big of a deal to make a crossroad out of. You can achieve the same result with both, so I myself would go for Intent and charging that, because once you get good at that you won't need to shed blood.
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Is my anti-psychotic medication causing this blur in my vision? This distortion has been a problem for months and gotten larger all the sudden. I’ve seen professionals, have maxed out my health insurance at this point and scared of the possibility of permanent damage.
Seven of Cups Rx Death Queen of Wands Rx 9 of Cups 3 of Wands Rx 2 of Cups Rx
I gues you’re just not meant to be interacting with them, they’ve heard but they’re actively ignoring and refusing your call
Yes it causes that. There's no fix for it. Stop seeking treatment
Ya anti psychs are the worst
Last time I went off medication, I ended up is a psych ward. Maybe with the stability I have now it’ll be ok, but I can’t say for certain.

There’s other factors as well that could be causing this potentially instead. I’ve had migraines with aura for years, visual snow and astigmatisms. I don’t want to jump the gun too much.

Assuming I’m reading my situation correctly, it sucks right now because I’ve been fine on my current medication for years and it’s such a low dose.
Is there a blurred spot or do you feel like you have trouble focusing your vision? If it's the latter, if you're indoors a lot and are avoiding bright light, that will negatively effect your eyes. You need bright light exposure to fix your eyes and you know you need this if it feels like it "hurts" to be outside in bright light without sun glasses. There is too much light of course but it's kinda hard to explain how much light you need.

If you're in a park with tree cover at 12pm on a full sun day, that's about as much light exposure to your eyes as you need, on a regular basis.
Will he still like me tomorrow?
I messed up my hair
What I see is kind of clear, staticy and has a rippling effect. It’s a blurred squiggly line that just turned into a blob-like, larger squiggle while I was watching a movie and lasted in this larger form for about a minute. My husband and I paused the what we were watching because it was freaking me out. looks a little bit like my optical migraines except it’s small and doesn’t go away.

I do avoid bright light because I’m very photosensitive. It’s never occurred to me that using methods like you mentioned could be worth adopting to get used to brightness more for healthier vision. What I have going on seems neurological to me, but it’s still a tip I’ll keep in mind.
outcome of buying a vintage bike in six months or so? your q?

Will d still like me next time we meet?
Seven of cups sis of cups eight of cups

You're going to have a lot of options so choose wisely. You'll be super happy with the motorcycle until the novelty of it wears off then you will get kind of bored of it
It’s very different from a floater because it’s more “intense,” distorts my vision, doesn’t have the drifting effect and I see it much more in the dark than the light. I have lots of floaters as well and I can tell that what I’m experiencing is something else entirely. It looks more like a mini optical migraine than a floater even though it’s definitely neither.
Are you overweight? Pre-diabetic? Do you wear glasses?

I would try to get some daily light exposure to fix your eyes and see if that does anything for you. It will take time for your eyes to adjust both in terms of how difficult it will be to look at bright light but also to fix those other issues.
Still here?
No u?
Does he get jealous?
Wut I did your reading
There’s a risk of diabetes because I have PCOS. It’s nothing too concerning though because my blood sugar is in the acceptable range (maybe on the higher end of normal though). I’m a healthy weight and wear glasses.

I’m wiling to ween myself off of my medication if I come to a solid enough conclusion that it’s the culprit of this ailment. Maybe a reputable reader would be helpful for this matter, we’ll see.

Thank you very much for your advice. At least summer is rolling in, giving reason to be out in the sun a lot more. I’m off to bed, but feel free to expand on anything because I can check in the morning.
stop flirting with every guy, if you can't stop being a ho then don't date him
Ten of Wands Two of Cups Queen of Swords
Yes they will although their feelings about you may need to be coaxed out a little bit.
There's something about this post that stands out to me. If you like, I can read on how to get perspective or back on track or whatnot. I can read it tomorrow. Male or Female?
Am I on the right path?
Did I make the right choice to be with him?
trading occult
am I being foolish entertaining this man? It seems like I should just cut him off already

your q?
Will I work at a bank next? or in copywriting/marketing next? starting
I'll trade occult

bank: Judgment rx

Copyright/marketing: 4ow

Looks like copyright/marketing is the clear answer here. No elaboration really needed unless you'd like me to?
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What's the next course altering event in my life?
Fool Rev Five of Wands
Looks like it the cards are very clear. Get out of there asap.

Next gf? Thx
you there? got sidetracked

is my request better now?

your query?
trading occult
Am I on the right path. Starting
9 of pents r, world r, 2 of pents r
i would say no, not really

you have all your physical and material needs fulfilled but youre severely lacking in the emotional

having shoullder to cry on and someone to warm you up during the coldest night

does this resonate at all?
Will I reconnect with a past romantic interest soon?
Hetero male
9S AH 6D 2C JS
Shadow 8S

The Jack of spades looks away from you. You do not have their attention.

There is an imbalance. There is a wish to begin communication about cooperation.

There is emotional healing going on through comfort and security in your applied power. There will be increased difficulties in apply the power.

There are obligations described as the soul that are lacking communication. This is about benefits being exchanged. With the Jack of spades.

Things are not mutually beneficial and the Jack feels snubbed.

It would seem it's an improvement but not enough. There are some really bad omens here be careful.
It does resonate. I have withdrawn from the world due to ptsd.
starting when you confirm.

mine is how will work be for me tomorrow? if it's bad should I just call in sick lol

leaving this here

>ask that Train Girl about music if/when paths cross.
New Beginning at something totally new something to do with ? paper planes? yep
10oS rx, 2oC rx, 10oC
there's some potential of reconnecting with a past interest and it'll def bring emotional fulfillment but timing is everything and also try to address any of your past issues as well

Is there any point in filing a claim with that insurance policy?
Hey friend can you tell me how to get on the right path?
bet. q?
Will I manage to get some extra income?
>5 of swords, hermit
>sun, justice rev
>moon, 5 of pentacles
If you think something bad is gonna happen or what's more likely, someone doesn't treat you fairly at work then that might be something to be on the lookout for. I wouldn't say calling in sick is needed here, you fear the worst but whatever comes your way you'll be able to brush off if you ensure you feel postive and act optimistic in spite of whatever comes your way. This doesn't look bad but not ideal either. Don't take the day off tho. 5 of pents could signify your insecurities and that's why you'd like a day off but it can also indicate a loss of income. Not saying you'll get fired, might just not get paid for that day, not worth it.
starting when u confirm.

mine is how does linds feel abt me??
Trade again?
Can I ask who it is and if they'll make the first move?
thanks. this helps a lot
He'll like its because its new. It actually looks really good? you hate it especially cause you have no idea if he'll like it your mind is like almost trying to escape the meeting but he actually really likes it in part because you don't know if it looks good and are gonna be espeically vulnerable because of it.

It might look terrible but your attidude feeds back a loop of attraction. And if you dont have to hate it for this result you can be confident in it because I said it looks good but if you're confident you're still going to be curious, "does he like?" it that openess creates the loop.

You don't need to be scared. You got queen of wands its the queen of wants its the most attractive email card in the deck, and you got ace of cups for beauty. You'll be ok. Wow you miss your old hair you got five of cups grieving I sort of wonder if you in so much greif about the loss of the old style it won't matter that he likes it but try focsu on him not you because the doom is super intense, very cute question enjoy the read. Definitely a lot of fear and escapism from you in the read its important to you.

>ask him if he likes it
Can you tell me how the rest of this year will go for me?
I'll trade with you.
damn doesn't seem like it :/
>9op rx, 4ow rx, 6oc
4ow rx indicates delays/obstacles. but 6oc indicates potential opportunities through past connections.
What does MB (female) think/feel regarding me?
I'm d male
>6 of swords, knight of cups, the fool, 5 of swords

They actually are quite fond of you, but misunderstandings and issues from the past are kinda getting in the way. You two need a fresh start somehow. Maybe an event where you can break the ice and get to know eachother better.
Will I get promoted at work in the near future?
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How does CC feel towards me? Yours? Also whats your initial?
I feel better now
ugh :( ty. it resonates but I'm scared
Will I meet someone at my new job?
Does anyone at my night job have a crush on me? If so who?
D, male
>2 of pents, 4 of cups
>3 of wands
>ace of wands rev, justice
Seems like a no. They'll consider you for promotion for sure but they'll pick someone else. They might think you don't show enough initiative or "passion" for your job so they'll pick someone else who fits that description better. You might have a better chance in the future. Maybe pretend to like your job or put in more work. I'm not saying you don't work hard, just that your higher ups might be more demanding
I can't quite accurately answer y/n questions. But if you have a specific person in mind you can give me their iinitials
I'm thinking either G or M
Maybe neither? Just a thought tho
>knight of pents, king of pents, ace of swords, the emperor

They think you're a great dependable guy. I'm not 100% sure if they love you but if not, it's surely getting there. A little push in the right moment is all you need really.
>10 of pentacles rev, strenght
>page of pentacles, Page of wands
>ace of wands, 8 of pentacles rev
Well there is some sexual attraction tho they're not really willing to put the work in to make a move or to lure you into making one yourself.
They might want something casual with you and that maybe you're not too good financially yet if that changed they'd be down for more.
If this is not romance they think you struggle a lot yet think you're strong in spite of thar and while you are willing to learn a lot and to grow and have the desire to do so you might struggle with execution on things.
They like you, just think you're in a bit of a tough spot you struggle to get out of
Hello? You there?
I posted ur read here>>38285202
Are aliens real?

Mice Tree Heart

I'd say G has a crush on you, are you like an older guy? If so she likes that and how you work in the team I'd say

Crossroads Dog Woman

Nothing romantic but sees you as trustworthy, and helpful with multiple things

Not sure what job you do but it seems both enjoy how you work in general

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