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How do I cope on a spiritual level with being born ugly?
Beauty is only skin deep. You are more than that.
Damn I feel like a vain piece of shit now, thank you for the reminder
Accept that DOG in ya chief
post face
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If you are also a manlet I really suggest going dwarf mode.
I don't think it is vanity. You are right to question yourself when it seems all of the world judges each other on an aesthetic level. It shouldn't be like that, we have more to offer than our appearance.
There is no ugly person you are either fat or unhealthy
To be fair his face could be really ugly but if that is the case then he could embrace>>38293601
yes there are ugly people. you are retarded
Body and Soul are not seperate
Ugly inside = ugly outside
genetic lottery and soul are totally different. you're retarded. but yes there are ugly people, inside, and outside, and both.
your heiritage is not a lottery
You've got it backwards and even then yes it is
>Beauty is le good soul!
How do you explain people like Ted Bundy then?
The "as within so without" teaching always refers to the point of view of the one who is experiencing something. So If you see an ugly or a beautiful person, you can understand what you see as different aspects of YOUR inner self, while to infer something about the person you see based on his look would be doxa, opinion, belief, because you cannot have any experience of their inner self, only of yours. Better, of the part of the soul to which you partake in (to say the soul is in the body in fact it's not correct at all, if anything, the body is in the soul). However if you are convinced (even subconsciously) that an ugly person will be bad and a beautiful one will be good you are also likely to experience what you believe in (this should open up a lot of more interesting scenarios to you).
>someone being a degenerate faggot means you are!
I've had enough of your kike ways
physiognomy, learn the psychological traits associated with the physical traits you want. then gradually change your personality
Conceptions like ugly and beautiful don't exist. Do you have a birth defect? If not then you're literally just crafting an ugly face with your mind. Believe you are beautiful and do the things beautiful people would do and you will be beautiful.
This means grooming, styling, getting proper sun exposure, and keeping a neutral face that is happy looking.
Something more for our OP
Dear OP, if you understood what I said, you could do this. Do not look at yourself in mirrors for a month (ideally, isolate yourself as much as you can and as much your family related, job related, school related, anything else important related duties allow you to. But this is just extra, the mirror thing is more important). If you really have to look in a mirror (for instance, to shave) do NOT judge what you see, do NOT infer anything about what you see, do NOT think anything about what you see. Just do what you have to do, what you see it's not you, just an image in an object, a bunch of colors and forms. During this month you have to bring into your subconscious the firm certainty that you are beautiful and attractive. Be both generic and detailed. Use the means you prefer to achieve this, but you have to feel that certainty deeply in yourself. Also, during this month, train (gym, cardio, swimming, what you like the most) and take care of yourself (lookmaxxing basically) but not with the mindset to "improve yourself" but to preserve the beauty you already possess. This is very important. Third, surround yourself with beautiful things, think about beautiful things, try to see beauty in everything (I repeat, EVERYTHING. At least try), listen to beautiful music, read about beauty (Plato, Plotinus, Dante's theory of aesthetic would be good readings), dead beautiful poems. Stay in beautiful natural places when you can. Come back in a month and tell us what happened. Then you can look into mirrors again :)
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Everything is One
Very good
If you are short, start working and overcompensate by becoming rich as possible, if you are tall, get huge and lift weights, get physically intense jobs.
No he's right. Fat and unhealthy people are ugly. But outside of a defect most people just look average. The greatest magic you'll ever learn is the ability to see past "hot" people and the tricks they use to assume that role. Women especially. A hot woman is like 80% makeup. Just a layer of foundation to smooth out the complexion brings them up 2 points. Hair, accessories, clothes, posture. All of these things are little mental tricks that get you to go wow when you see a hot woman. But really examine her face. Try to picture her without the makeup, with a bald head, 10 pounds heavier, maybe frowning. She's probably just average looking but a lifetime of being told you're pretty gives you the positive outlook to remain pretty.
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Thelemite lyrics?
Talking about dumb shit like the generic lottery is what proves you have an ugly soul. The truth is you'd need to win the generic lottery to end up truly ugly with a defect. But even those people are more beautiful than you. Most humans are completely normal and the same. If they weren't you would be frightened by their difference.
Eye of the beholder and all. What famous mug do you look like?
In the spring, look at the birds. 40% of the males will not mate, because of things completely beyond their control. Usually stuff we would find retarded like a patch on their head being a weird color, or their song not being high enough pitch. This is true for all sexually dimorphic species. The courtship, the winners, the losers. All serves a purpose.
I'm not a thelemite tho
don't you know Metal Gear Solid? Genes shouldn't hold you back or determine who you are. your actions should.
Ugly people are spiritually lesser than beautiful people. You must work hard to build good karma this life.
OP you’re not ugly. Not to freak you out of anything but I know who you are. Don’t worry. Try focusing your attention to the present moment and being conscious of your surrounding and sounds. And you will realize that it wasn’t your physical form this whole time.
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Fix it or your life is ruined. If can't fix, make sure to be rich, or at least have a broad social network. Your face is your ticket to everything in life.

If you are inferior in that respect, you don't get to ride all the rides, or maybe if bad enough, none of them.
Focus on fixing your personality then, ya godlike trips getting faggot
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violence, preferably against Feds, cops, or Jewish elite

hope this helps
Well I guess that's one way to avoid the gay jokes.

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