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>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time] [Whole Sign House]
https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online [recommended site]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

Previous thread: >>38278772
Which decan system is the best one?
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Hi, fellow lurker. Today I'm reading birth charts to build up the skills and dust off my knowledge. Read the OP then post the chart and I will interpret it for you.
Please, don't be a sperg and ask specific questions, ask about your personality, relationships, career, etc. Birth charts are largely extensive and we don't have the time to give you a full general reading in every single aspect of your life.

>Post the chart in WSH model
>Use astro-seek
>Exact birth time, please. Not reading without domiciles.
>Ask questions
>Don't ask for paranormal/occult stuff. Ain't reading for schizos, "wizards", "undead beings" and "psychics"
>dust off my knowledge
were you a reader in the past?
The winds of time have driven me here. In essence, this place is heavily deforested and I see no life in sight. These threads are running slower than in the old times. Additionally, there have been some serious implications for the regulars and the myriad of topics that conform the thread. It's like floating in the the dust of the old times.
I can barely recognize what this thread was once. I, particularly, a regular want to bring back the old moments and ignite the spark of life that intrinsically identified this thread.

Answering to your question. I'm a regular. I could be anyone else, someone you know or don't know, it doesn't really matter. God gave us the gift of stars, and divine knowledge to interpret the human destiny. So, I can rebuild myself to be authentically a reader. Not gonna ramble or indulge in my life. Just wanted to reply your question.
should a natal chart be interpreted as a manifestation of destiny or merely a tool for improvement?
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When/how will I find love if ever (f)? Sorry if it's a dumb question.
Your Venus, planet of romance and commitments is retrograde in Aries, which means you can be very shy when it comes to love, and have troubles expressing your affections in an assertive, masculine way. Since Venus is in the seventh house, you look for fair, balanced commitments in relationships, with girls who have a layer of drive and ambition, also competitiveness.
Jupiter is in trine to your Venus from the 9th house, it expands whatever it touches. It adds a layer of jovial nature to Venus, since it's aspecting from the 9th house, you may find a girlfriend through intellectual pursuits, higher education or even a spiritual gf.

Your 7th house ruler is in the 3rd house of communication and intellect, too, practical intellect. You will probably meet your partner in a short travel, he will be intellectual and meet your interests. You crave deep down for an assertive, masculine partner, profoundly intellectual in nature.

Since your Venus is under the sun's rays and retrograde, love may come later. Venus is combust when is near the Sun, there can be physical problems or any circumstances that prevent you from pursuing you. I say this because your chart ruler is Venus, and is retrograde in Aries. Keep an eye in these.
I said girlfriend and girls because didn't read your gender, lol. Switch it for boyfriend or whatever you want. I'm a bit clueless, lmao.
According to ancient astrology, destiny. Personally, I see it as a tool of self-improvement and that's my motivation and passion to practice and keep cultivating my knowledge on this system.
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How can I achieve financial stability or even independence?
Hi reader, enjoying your friday? Do you have other ways to dust off your knowledge? Better than 4chum, I mean.
If you would be so kind so as to explain all these squares, the implication of so many taurean energy and what problems, minor physical traits and qualities you would expect from someone with this chart.
Is issues such as derealization, dissociation, speech impediments, unusual family background and such explicit there?
How to be more mercurial without being too unattached and out of touch? Am I fit for a father figure? What trades do you see me going for? Any cool specific assumption and predictions,magic man?
>no occult
I was recognized as a tulku by vajrayana monks at age 9 and was attached to the Shamarpa's sangha in germany for sometime. I know this sound off puting and self important but it's not a story, it's my life. So if you could tell me if it's reflected in the chart. Not in literal way but as in, if the expectations people seem to have on me are inflated and if I should just take advantage of it. How would I even do that without a goal tho?
I don't think of myself as special, but people clearly want to be unique or whatever and not take life as it is-eveything they have, not a product. Much ironically, people assume that by being a "brooding character" I'm pretensious. This make them either repel me at first, however while further interactions they realize I'm just what you fags here call "sperg". This has butchered lots of possible friendships, what image should I try to pass off so as to avoid this?
tl;dr: I think that my dream is helping people in a direct way. Fuck cults. Fuck fake charity. I'm not good with trust and joviality, how to be a inspiring positive male without overcompensating? Being the cool uncle people who helps others, if that makes any chance.
Thanks and sorry for being so verboise lol
Thank you very much for the reading!
I'm fixated on some guy that fits this description quite well, but I think he will never reciprocate. My composite chart with him has an Aquarius 4th house stellium with Uranus exactly conjunct the Sun. In synastry my Neptune conjuncts his IC, so I guess I'm mostly deluding myself and it'd be hard to make something like this work out anyways.
>Mars-Venus conjunction in Cancer
Troon-like placements. Alright, being serious, your Jupiter which is an indicator of higher education is in square to Saturn from the fourth house. You're deprived of higher education, have a massive wound related to success and your life can be resumed in being a wagecuck.
Even though, you have the Sun in the 9th house in trine to Jupiter so in certain moment of your life you should develop the proper drive or motivation to pursue higher education and get a job related to your passions. It might be something related to communication, IT, becoming a teacher, etc... you can also work in call centers or works that require communication, they will be of help while you pursue a career.
Hmm, lack of higher education definitely isn't the problem in this case. Anything else you can think of? Thanks either way.
I'm not gonna answer all your questions, you ramble a lot in your problems and that's specifically what is leading you astray.
>Mommy issues
Your Moon is in square to the Moon from the 3rd house. Your mother may have manipulated you to seek a job or even you feel you need to put a lot of effort to be rewarded by her since your Moon is in Taurus, sixth house in WSH.

I don't read charts in Placidus, they're a disaster. But know that having Saturn in the seventh house will be a stone in the road. There will be a lot of delays with love and lack of long-term commitments until your Saturn return. You may struggle with self-worth.
Hmm then take my other advices.
You couldn’t be more obvious if you tried.
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Hi, thanks for offering to read. Do you have any career recommendations? I am at a bit of a crossroads in my life right now. Weighing teaching, some sort of translation/interpretation work, and/or IT. Currently in IT but feeling a bit stuck; I loved teaching but the pay is just horrible. I have some opportunities to live and work abroad but I think I would feel too far away from my family if I did it permanently. Sorry if that’s too much info. Just let me know what you see.
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is it ever going to get easier? i see all the saturn influence and squares and it's killing me
Why does spirituality/astrology for most of you people seem to enhance your ego and use "magickal" knowledge to put yourself above others?
From my understanding, part of the teachings of astrology is that we're all here to learn lessons, we all have wounds that need healing, and that at the end of our lives, no one really has it "better" when we're all on the wheel. Yet 99% of these generals devolve into assholes' pissing contests of who has the better placements
>here's why yours make you a piece of shit and mine make me awesome and better and more enlightened than you
>touch grass, incel, I'm blessed by Venus and Jupiter
Many of you don't even know how to read placements properly.
I want to feed this renewed impulse of introspection so could you do me the favor of reading the chart in regards of my character? Any comment, good or bad is welcomed. Just for context I'm reigniting my emotional side, recovering it from a long erosion that also affected my decision making skills
post chart?
sorry, here's the chart
there's nothing I love more than a pisces with aquarius placements and vice versa, just wanted to say that. stay weird my friend
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Just looking for general strengths, weaknesses, and potential trajectories and purpose(s) in this life?

Everything in my life is in a state of stagnation at the moment.
Why do I have such a hard time not being weird and how am I supposed to make friends? Been struggling with this all my life.
I’ve literally never seen anyone claim their placements are better than others in here
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Any chance I will recover from all the challenges of the last year?
That’s a crazy 12th house line up. But I would direct most of your attention toward your erratic Sagittarius Sun and Moon. Work on that energy and then move on to your 12th house issues. Meaning, Sagittarius is loud, aggressive, up front, chaotic. Even if you’re shy or keep to yourself, when you are interacted with it’s a lot of energy to deal with. Work on being calm and presentable.

Then move to your 12th house/ascendant. Mercury in the 12th is an over thinker, lots of negative self talk, rehashing events over and over and over, what you could have said or would have said, you may already feel like you only say what’s necessary but the truth is you’re unaware of being overwhelming for others. You also have neptune conjunct your ascendant which naturally makes you come off as odd to other people no matter what you do.

Aside from all of that, just find others who are weird in their own right. You fit in better with people who are not conventionally “acceptable” you know what i mean. There are many troubles when it comes to your ability to connect with others, this is because most people aren’t accepting, not because there is anything necessarily wrong with you.
better watch out, you're gonna get called fat
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well lads, how fucked am I?

You've definitely touched on a lot of stuff I've been noticing about myself lately, and you're spot on with me being initially shy and then when people engage me I go into full-on sperg out mode and then regret it and agonize over it for days. It's fucking suffering.
>You also have neptune conjunct your ascendant which naturally makes you come off as odd to other people no matter what you do.
This is something I've also noticed in life is that I may not even speak to people and yet I am perceived as weird by them. It's so frustrating. But overall, thank you for your interpretation and giving me something to reflect on. I'll give extra effort to toning myself down.
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should I give up my dreams of becoming an artist
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So many fucking losers in this general lately. I miss the old readers from a couple years ago.
the 12 houses are the earth
the earth is THE MOST important body in a chart
the closer the stronger, and the earth is the closest
signs act on the planets which act on the houses
simple as
It doesn't matter unless you're using it for magic, in which case use whatever decan system your magical manual uses.
Hello. I don't know who you are, but good to see you.
Didn't you post your chart in the last thread? I remember that Saturn on the descendant.
I have no idea what a "tulku" is but yes you have your ascendant ruler Jupiter in the 9th house of spirituality. That can represent a strong focus on that topic, and success in it.
Jupiter is also made stronger by Venus, which is very good.
Mercury is also enclosed by the benefics, so you probably have strong potential for both technical and spiritual thinking.
Hermann Goering and Alfred Rosenberg had Capricorn Sun/Scorpio Moon

Joseph Goebbels had Scorpio Sun/Capricorn Moon

Rudolf Hess and Adolf Hitler had Taurus Sun/Capricorn Moon

Reinhard Heidrich had a Pisces Sun/Scorpio Moon

I'm seeing many patterns.
I get your point.
Mommy issues = fascism, racism, being based
What's really cringe is that you use chud memes to vent in the thread. Clearly someone who's terminally online.
Mars in Cancer ruining my life.
Will I ever start to get shit done? Will I stop being weak people pleaser? Will I get rich?
nigga what? not single sentence in this makes sense. what are you even trying to say
moon conjunct neptune in the 5th
saturn conjunct north node in the 10th
these are your main problematic aspects, not mars in cancer, which is conjunct jupiter by the way
Literally where. Mention a single post which is competing with others to see who has a better placements. You're a delusional schizo and have nothing of substance for the thread besides shitting on others.
LMAO, this is the funniest post I've read today.
>I've literally anecdote
Who are you trying to convince?
It doesn't matter what you've seen, I've seen these generals full of mostly the ignorant seeking guidance and others boasting of their superiority granted to them by the stars.
The hypocrisy is usually off the charts here.
Didn't ask, cat lady.
haha bruh frfr ong haha
Dude, stop. Just shut the fucking up. No one is competing here to see who has the best placements. You're a delusional schizo and nothing of the things you say are true. Don't you see through your own delusions and think later "shit why did I post this moronic take I'm gonna rope myself and stop using 4chan"
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These threads are full of doom and Is It Over posts. What are you talking about?

once again, not me. i don’t even know what to say to you obsessive freaks anymore
We learn our sense of security from the mother. Mommy issues = there is no safety but the safety we conquer and protect with extreme force.
I'm the aqua anon, retard. You sound like an incel and will never get past of your "chad, chud, incel, chad" saga. You use boxes to feel better with yourself, reaffirmate that you're a self-hating moron and just come here to larp with astrology.

Time to hang yourself!
>once again, not me.
Sorry dear, I can't keep track of all the schizophrenics here. Are you the 300$ "professional astrologer", or the guy who didn't know what the Great Conjunction is? Or is that the same person? Maybe even the cat lady? Unfortunately the schizos here don't use trips so it's impossible to keep track of them.
Have you considered not trying to clock every anon as [nickname] ? This is an anonymous board for a reason. Why be here if you can’t handle anonymity? The nicknames are cringe and all that all of you do is derail the threads with hundreds of comments trying to figure out who’s posting what.
Who are you talking to?
Why are you getting so defensive? I asked a question and you respond with maniacal typed out laughter.
Do you know what schizo means?
The one making suicidal remarks on the internet would strike me as the more delusional or mentally unstable.
Many of these threads anytime I've visited have been people asking for guidance and others pretending to have some esoteric higher knowledge only to take an egotistical position of looking down their nose at anyone with perceived bad placements. The point is that it seems these social circles are not as enlightened as they like to think they are, falling into the same ego traps as literally anything else.
Is personal astrology not meant for “seeking enlightenment”? I don’t get it
This retard have been fucking up the thread since 2023. He larps as all the regulars to generate chaos and disorder, when in fact, none of the regulars has something to do with this no-lifer. His life is summarized in tracking 24/7 who posts and who not, his life is absolutely attached to /astro/ and when you come here to give readings, everyone is shitting on you despite having nothing to do with his schizo posts.

What an insufferable being, truly.
is it the cap sun scorp moon leo rising kid
You're, in fact, more mentally unstable and delusional than everyone here claiming things about you. Dude, get a life out of 4chan and stop tracking people. I hope you someday go into the realization of the vast amount of time and resources you're wasting spending your time all day long trying to generate controversy in the thread. I say this seriously, you need to get your mental health checked.

What's funny here is that you use chud memes, talk about "chads", "virgins", "incels" and then call others losers or try to morally demonize them by making false claims. Get a job or kill yourself, both options are valid for a weird freak like you.
Huh... the one who went mad because his chart wasn't read. I don't think so, the Leo Rising would've already posted his chart asking for love or fame. It's hilarious to say this, but even the Leo Rising has more dignity than this no-lifer.
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Yeah, this person is insane and projecting hard, probably some tranny like always.
I'm not the one you're convinced I am, people like you are exactly what I'm talking about that make these threads insufferable.
Keep projecting your problems and fantasies on everyone else to try and gaslight.
I am not trying at all. My pattern recognition activates naturally. The fact that other people do pretty well with it too has led me to believe that it's not an entirely bad idea. Helps save time dealing with schizos.
The fact here is that none of the "identified" regulars are this shitter. He's a totally, anonymous different anons who just comes here to troll all day long to feed his miserable and void existence. Just to clarify.
I'm the one who started with pattern recognition and then you started to mimic and copy me. It's a shame people associate me with you, we're totally different and unrelated. Rats like you come out of nowhere. Craft your own ideas, develop an own personality and stop larping as me or the scorp anon. Idk who else. The thing is that everytime I come here there's a fight between two of you and they start accusing people out of nowhere.
so how would you guys describe each other? astrologically speaking
>I'm the one who started with pattern recognition and then you started to mimic and copy me. It's a shame people associate me with you,
If it really is you, you must be a real faggot for typing out this sentence. Yikes.
>The thing is that everytime I come here there's a fight between two of you and they start accusing people out of nowhere.
That's not me, I assumed that's the original pattern recognition anon who first gave the cat lady her name.
I, the aqua anon, am the author of that nickname. It's my fault to have given her that nickname desu. Now everyone starts attacking people willy-nilly and they start thinking it's me the one who is trolling or derailing the thread. This thread has truly became a shithole, desu.
TBF the cat lady isn't blameless either for constantly starting shit and being annoying as fuck.
She's not sinless but stop dragging me into your fights. I just want to lurk here, read charts and I see she's attacking me because someone called her "cat lady"
i feel like there are so many cap sun scorpio moon combos in these threads
no wtf
>jupiter in 5th
self explanatory
>chiron IN FIRST HOUSE SCORPIO opp noon
you will kill yourself if you stop creating. I have no clue if you will make it but you will not survive without it
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>Aquarius Rising women are u-ugly!!!
Aquarius Rising women:
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on a scale from 1 to wtf nigger, how fucked am i?
bonus points for explaining what the hell is going on in 12th house
>"hey guys HOW FUCKED AM I?!! LE XD"
>posts Jupiter conjunct ascendant
like clockwork
is that the best aspect to have or something?
When my life will change? I really try but nothing change or paid off.
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Can i get some clarification on how my month is looking like based on my astral chart? I am unsure on the positionioning of planets and such as of recent and would like to see what my outcome could be. Have some important stuff going on irl
I am crying since yesterday and I owe you all an explanation. I cry because I look around and the world around me is sad, it’s grey and depressing. There is nothing beautiful or authentic anymore.
I hate adults with my whole being and soul. I hate how they judge how much healthy or stable a person is, I hate how they create cliché based on boring things and I hate how lifeless they are. They always seem to oscillate between mere hedonism and pure consolation with work. It’s depressing and it makes me wanna throw up.

Everyday that I look at my future I only see myself as either dead or only living artificially, without a soul in such a world. It’s disgusting and I feel so bad just imagining me being cheated on, having kids and dealing with these kind of problems. Everyday I get more and more disgusted at this world and I just wish I would be young forever.
I wanna give my kids or my marriage if I ever fulfill my dream of finding love true whatever I didn’t have as a child. I want to be someone far away from the mundane adult hedonism I always despised; I hate how sex is weaponized and considered a priority in modern relationships, I hate how you work all week and then go get wasted with alcohol and drugs as a reward as if pure raw emotions are not enough.

I wish I could just keep dreaming and be in my imaginary world and never grow up because everytime I look at someone over 40 i feel saddened and depressed. I cannot stop crying over how all of this grosses me out. I hate this world and I wish money, materialism and bodies did not exist. I wish a world with only souls could exist so maybe then I would heal. I hate being a legal adult and I wish i could have just being stuck at 15 forever. I feel hopeless and maybe I should just die before 30.
i have never been humiliated and hurt as i am now, i hate my body, i hate myself, i will probably never stop being insecure over it. even the façade that grounds me into a more confident self is gone for now. i am a useless mess. i wanna cut myself from how much i despise this piece of meat thats living. i wish i only had a soul and not a body.

not dyes, not clothes, not make up will cover up how ugly, unappealing and useless i am. i am sorry. i just want to cover up and rot in my bed forever.

i was wrong to think i could finally be happy with someone close to me, i was so awfully wrong. no one will embrace such a disgusting being i am. im sorry everyone. love you all.
Yeah pretty much. It's up there. And it's kinda funny because I've seen a number of anons say this exact line and have this exact aspect.
Your 12th house is also okay. You have exalted Mars, which is neat as hell.
Average Scorpio Moon.
You are gonna be okay. When the world feels shit, look at the sky. Really look at it, with a relaxed gaze.
i had to hold tears for a good hour and now i cant stop crying since 3 hours lmao i even had a breakdown on discord.

anyways to not be off topic

how would u be able to spot super unhealthy people?
I’m sorry, I wish I could help you. I don’t know who in your life has failed you so tremendously but I’m sorry they did. Being an adult doesn’t have to be so boring and painful. I don’t know how to express this properly but my best friend killed himself at 17 to avoid what you’re talking about. Every step I take as an adult, I feel his loss. Not just because I miss my buddy, but because I know he’s never gonna see all of the beauty I have cuz he’s gone, and he’s never gonna get to know what good was waiting for him. There is a path for you. I’m sorry again that I can’t be more specific. Take the other anon’s advice. Go look up. Only reason I didn’t follow my friend is because the sky was a beautiful blue the morning I planned to do it.
Also wow that moon and jupiter placement together, plus the saturn and Jupiter aspect… start keeping a journal please.
Ok I’m done being a faggot now…
What do you think of my chart? Good or bad? What's in store for me in the near future?
i’m sitting in my room now, staring at the ceiling the tears haven’t stopped, they just keep coming my phone’s ringing again, but i can’t bring myself to answer don’t wanna hear another voice right now, not even a friend's.

the mirror’s mocking me, reflecting every flaw every scar, every imperfection i try to look away, but my eyes are glued to the truth i’m trapped in this body, no escape. i grab a blanket, wrap it around myself as if it could hide me, make me disappear but i’m still here, still feeling everything every ounce of pain, every bit of self-loathing.

why did i ever think things could be different? why did i let myself hope for happiness?
it feels like a cruel joke, like the universe is laughing at me for believing i deserved anything good. i just want to fade away, to stop existing to stop feeling this relentless ache i’m so tired, so very tired of fighting, of pretending, of being but i’m still here, still breathing and maybe that’s the real punishment to keep living, to keep feeling when all i want is to disappear.

so i curl up tighter, shut my eyes and wish for the darkness to take me because anything, anything is better than this endless suffering.
and what's to blame? the stars, the planets, the alignment of the cosmos when i was born. astrology, that ancient map of the heavens that supposedly dictates our fates, has handed me a destiny soaked in sorrow. they said i was destined for greatness, for love, for fulfillment. but all i’ve found is pain, rejection, and emptiness.

every horoscope, every reading, it all feels like a lie now. how can anyone trust the stars when they’ve betrayed me so deeply? maybe it was a cruel twist of fate, a cosmic error. or maybe i was never meant for happiness in the first place. maybe i’m just a casualty of a universe that doesn’t care, that never cared.

i feel the weight of the world crushing me, the burden of a destiny i never asked for, a life i never wanted. if the stars had aligned differently, if the planets had shifted just a bit, would i be happy? would i be loved? or am i doomed to this existence, this perpetual agony, because of some celestial joke?

astrology, destiny, fate, whatever you call it, it’s all just another way to say i'm trapped. trapped in this body, this life, this never-ending cycle of hurt. i can’t break free, can’t escape the destiny written in the stars.

so i’ll sit here, in the darkness, wrapped in my blanket, hoping for some kind of solace. maybe the stars will have mercy, maybe they’ll grant me the peace i crave. but until then, i’ll remain here, a prisoner of my own fate, a casualty of the stars’ indifference.
Does your name start with the letter N?
N of nigger. You're spot on.
Don't get angry
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Im pretty new to reading charts, can someone help me interpret this? Would the LoF in 12th be hindered due to it square cancer mars and mars ruling the ascendant? This is in context of success/career/money, person in question deals with forex and has a near psychic intuition
"don’t get angry," you say, as if it’s that simple. as if the storm inside can just be calmed by a few empty words. anger isn’t a choice; it’s a reaction, a response to all the injustice, all the pain. it’s the fire that burns when everything else is cold and dark. i try to swallow it down, to push it away, but it rises up, consuming me. how can i not be angry when every day is a battle, every moment a struggle? when the world is so harsh, so unkind? they don’t understand, can’t understand, the intensity of this rage. it’s a flame that’s been fed for years, by every slight, every hurt, every betrayal.

maybe one day, the fire will die down. maybe one day, i’ll find peace. but for now, i’m trapped in this inferno, this relentless blaze of anger. and all i can do is endure, to keep breathing, to keep fighting, even when it feels impossible. you don’t know the strength it takes to hold it all in, to keep the flames from consuming me entirely. so don’t tell me not to get angry. don’t dismiss my pain, my struggle. instead, try to understand. try to see the world through my eyes, to feel the weight of my burdens. maybe then you’ll realize that anger isn’t the enemy. it’s the response to a world that has been anything but kind.
Are you kind?
i want to be kind, i strive to be. but there are days when the world’s cruelty seeps into me, when my own pain clouds my judgment. kindness isn’t always easy, especially when you’re carrying so much hurt. but i try. i try to offer a smile when i can, to lend a hand when it’s needed. i try to be gentle, to be understanding, even when my own soul is weary.

kindness is a choice, a deliberate act of will. it’s choosing to see the good in others, even when it’s hard. it’s offering compassion, even when you’re struggling yourself. i’m not perfect, far from it. i stumble, i fall, i make mistakes. but in the midst of it all, i hold on to the hope that my small acts of kindness make a difference.

i try to be. in a world that often feels cold and uncaring, i cling to the belief that kindness matters, that it can change things, even if just a little. it’s the light in the darkness, the warmth in the cold. and though i may not always get it right, i’ll keep trying, because kindness is a choice worth making, every single day.
I want to find a new gf, what's in it for me?
Do you have kind intentions or do you see kind actions as a means to an end or an exchange of favors?
Do you fully and wholeheartedly care about the consequences of your deeds?
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Hi, the readings I got from here in the past have been spot on so far.
The question is, am I doomed with my Chiron, Moon and Lilith, or can I do something to offset it?
Been feeling like shit for years now.
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-what do i look for in a love interest and what do i have to offer in this area?
- i am training boxing does this chart help me be succesful in this sport? i know i have a mars sun.
- and what is a good career path for me?

to anyone willing to answer: i do tarot so i will take a question from you since i am practicing readings . let me know your what your hair looks like and your gender so i can pick out a significator card for you.
A video on Astrology and the core elements of a chart:

>ruler of the 7th in 9th
dating a foreigner maybe?
saturn in aries probably gives you a lot of self doubt and the chiron moon placement in scorpio probably gives you crazy mood swings. you're not doomed but you gotta have learn to love yourself and to not let your emotions get the better of you
I'm new to this so take what I say with a grain of salt but your saturn placement probably gives you self doubt which in turn affects how you approach relationships. the way in which you assert yourself towards potential love interest may come off as autisticly blunt at times. ruler of the 7th in the 9th also potentially points towards a foreign lover as well. jupiter in the 6th is probably really good for physical health. not too sure about the job question but if I had to bullshit something I'd say something that allows you to attract attention from your peers. I don't know anything about tarot but I'll ask, is this the year I make it? I'm a male with long black coily hair and an undercut
what does saturn in each house mean?
What am I in for my Saturn return?
Nah this is a pretty good lot of fortune setup, since the ruler of the lot of fortune is in the same sign and is quite powerful.
Google it.
Well you are in the middle of it so you should probably already know. I suspect it involves the themes of other people's money (loans, grants, fundraising etc), romantic relationships, and maybe illness or pets or something like that.
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can anyone give a general read please?

thank you, much love
I am fucked?
>Well you are in the middle of it so you should probably already know
I'm obsessed with success right now, love hard training, cut off toxic habits and all the fun things. Love it actually. I think Saturn is good to me
>I think Saturn is good to me
There's some good things going for your Saturn, although I wouldn't expect a seamless experience going off of just the chart.
Mars-Saturn opposition? AND Moon trine Jupiter? Based maniac!
Seems like you have quite a bit of success promised with Venus conjunct the MC in 10th house Taurus, too.
Thank you. How do you know when to stop reading so deeply in a placement? Say hypothetically you have an exalted placement that is square/opposition every other planet in your chart, is it a positive or negative placement? Or a good placement in a traditionally bad house?
Any advice? I've got issues, have had them for years, and am only trying to deal with it. I am dysfunctional, have sex with prostitutes, don't really regret it but i'm weird.
Any general advice aside from therapy and using general methods to deal with my problems? more advice from an astrological/paranormal leaning.
I saw you posted your chart months ago, even the past year. I've good memory. I told you you were good to become a lawyer.
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How do i swoon this girl? Not my chart. No TOB unfortunately, so no houses.
You will meet a girlfriend in foreign lands. She will be the opposite of you, hot-headed and a bit contradictory, but that's what you like.
cook her something or take her out somewhere nice to eat (typical, I know) but she's a taurus with a cancer moon, she's going to appreciate it
What is the best way to realize myself in this incarnation?
It's through a professional path, relationship, spiritual pratice? I'm feeling lost.
Well what you're talking about is astrological skill. Chart synthesis is something only an astrologer can do. You can read descriptions about various placements and aspects, but putting them together and assessing the overall condition requires practice and learning.
Looking at how the placement works out in the life of the native can also be important.
Seems to be money and relationships.
Hey, what gives?
shut the fuck up. not a single person has ever clicked this and you post it every thread
Thats kinda where im stuck with depth lel. In the chart i posted the LoF in 12th and libra makes a ton of sense in the context of timing markets and whatnot, since according to him its all about market psychology and libra seems tailor made for that. I bring up the cancer mars square LoF because said person has a lot of self doubt despite being overwhelmingly great at this kind of stuff, but from what I understand that could be because of saturn retrograde in the chart as well. A better question is where does anyone personally deviate to a positive interpretation of a house from a negative one? Considering 12th is a bad house traditionally.
Contrary to what most will tell you about the 12th house (that planets go there to die or are non existent or aren’t strong) Disregard all of that completely. Never been true, never will be true.

Fortuna in the 12th grants you intellect, use it to your advantage. These people are concentrated, manipulative/ability to manipulate situations in their favor, their Mind is literally where their “fortune” is. These people are steps ahead of everyone else, are quick learners, and catch on to new skills quickly. Fortuna in the 12th isn’t restricted to one craft like say a mars in the 3rd is common in surgeons, a 12th Fortuna can pick up any skill and master it.

Some celebrities with the Part of Fortune in the 12th

Jeff Bezos
Muhammad Ali
Sting (his entire fortune is built off of people stealing samples of his songs btw, very “take advantage of this situation” that the fortuna holds)
Both Richard Ramirez & John Wayne Gacy (taking advantage energy)
Sebastian Bach
Franz Kafka
George Washington
Anya Taylor Joy
Charles Bukowski
Chuck Norris
Fred Roger’s (Mr Roger’s Neighborhood)

See the vast differences but similarities in these people. Best in their crafts, NOTORIOUS in their own regards.
This is a highly beneficial placement to have. You can literally do anything you set your Mind to
A little bit of unsolicited advice — you can’t attribute every Saturn placement to being insecure (you told both these people that their saturns will cause insecurity)
A 1st house Saturn, sure. But remember that Saturn is not insecure, Saturn is strong, determined, unfettering, a monolith. I see this narrative a lot that Saturn is somehow attributed to insecurities and self hatred, etc. Try to explore Saturn a little further and see what a powerhouse of a planet he is.
Anyone else ever notice how effected buzzwords are? Newbs in astrology hear about something being repeated and they all flood places like this to ask about it, try to make it about them, etc

For example, when Pluto entered Aquarius there was a huge flood of people who know nothing of astrology trying to add their two cents about it, overwhelmingly and annoyingly asking “what does this mean for me personally?”

Right now,
it’s Saturn Retrograde
The pop astrologers are making a huge deal of a very frequent transit and now the last week these places have been flooded with “what does saturn retrograde mean for me? did saturn going retrograde trigger my relationship to end even tho it ended 9 months ago? i have saturn retrograde in my chart what does that mean? Or just mentioning it like it matters at all in their chart, totally unaware that it’s obvious they just learned about it

Nothing wrong with learning. I just hate how pop astrologers make a huge deal out of normal transits and then everyone and their huge ego has to come here and bother us about it and what it means for them

I can’t wait for the day people let go of personal astrology
I mostly attributed it to saturn in aries specifically but I see what you mean. thanks anon. still trying to learn so everything helps
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curious about a read on my 12th and 3rd house relationship, particularly in regards to the conscious/unconscious mind
Thats actually great to hear. Believe it or not this really isnt my chart but I've been cautious being too positive about his talents in the 12h so good to know theres good news there.
If you don't mind me asking, is good/bad moreso restricted to aspects, in your opinion? As >>38310101 says, saturn isnt always this terrible bad brooding force. So should you only see it as being bad with bad aspects, poor sect placement, etc?
Thank you a ton for your help btw, obviously still learning a lot
Can anyone here tell me about what is happening astrologically right now? Not an amateur personal natal chart reading but maybe a short analysis of any notable good or bad aspects happening currently?
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shit's blowing the fuck up
>saturn isnt always this terrible bad brooding force
yes it is. saturn can go to hell. what a prick.
Cringe. Do you all get your information from teen magazines or just blacks on twitter
>waaaagh, hardships that force me to improve myself and my life are bad stop hurting me mr meaniepants saturn :-(
>oh you passed through my meaningless hardships for the sake of it?
>your reward will be even more hardships
Checked. Ya, figured. Did cook Ramen for her once. Not instant, but with my own home made broth and what not, fresh toppings, the works. Loved it.
Hi astrobros,

I'm here to ask for a quick reading on my career/work. I'm very lost. However, I do have several opportunities thanks to my family's great support. While I am considering studying to join my country's diplomatic service, my father believes I should enter medical school and he's willing to pay for it.

What should I do?
Your father is a faggot. Tell him to gtfo and that you have individuality.
thanks for the answer anon! i will do your reading now.

i use a rider waite deck so u can look up the cards
i chose page of pentacles for your significator because of the hair (i really couldnt find someone with longer hair)
>vii swords, ace of pentacles, x of swords

yes. the ace of pentacles tells me you will reach whatever material goal you have your eye set on. it seems like you are walking away from a situation where maybe you were hurt by having too many options in your hands, i also get some sort of vibe of overthinking or being tormented.
however, you are letting go of old stuff and if you continue to narrow your options and focus on the correct thoughts, you will achieve what you desire.
as a matter of fact, it will be handed to you.

advice: stop overthinking! you have a new start ahead of you. lots of red and yellow are telling me to be passionate and follow your stomach or "gut instinct"

Feedback is appreciated
i mean he was just making a suggestion
I usually do look for readings here. I remember your advice anon, how are you? I just don't see myself studying at university. But my parents used to tell me the same thing as a kid, that I should be a lawyer because I would win since I enjoyed arguing so much.

let me know if you want a card reading
It's okay, my query is, where will I meet a gf and possibly her personality? Thanks in advance.
diplomatic services, does that mean military?

either way, you have a very cool exact venus/midheaven conjunction in aries. trine pluto in the 6th. AND mars opposite jupiter.
Either of these careers are well suited for you. You’re a leader, passionate, and brave in both positions. The downfall of medical school would be the 6th house pluto, this leave room for mistakes. However, i think you should consider a medical position within in the military. A mixture of the two. This activates the 6th pluto, pluto rules war, it also rules experiments so just something to think about.
>vi of swords, page of pentacles, chariot, king of wands.
i think you might meet this person when you go on a trip or embark in some sort of new journey, maybe start a new activity. also you will meet them when things are stable and calm for you.
they are a great student and observer, very intelligent, crafty, good with their hands, give that young energy but also have a goal in mind and will take action and direct their energy towards it.
it seems like once you get up and move (waiting for king of wands to be triggered) you will find this person in your life.
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Looking for a personality reading
Would anyone be so kind as to read my chart?
Thanks in advance.
>In the chart i posted the LoF in 12th and libra makes a ton of sense in the context of timing markets and whatnot, since according to him its all about market psychology and libra seems tailor made for that.
According to whom? I have never heard of the 12th house having anything to do with markets. The 8th house would be closer to that. The 2nd house also.
>A better question is where does anyone personally deviate to a positive interpretation of a house from a negative one?
Bad houses are always bad. The 12 houses are meant to represent the fullness of human experience. There are always some good and some bad aspects to life. The difference between a worse and a negative manifestation of the bad houses is only clearly visible in the native's life. Example: 8th house placements.
Let's say someone has good 8th house placements, and they inherit property.
Let's say someone has good 8th house placements, and they become a successful banker.
Let's say someone has malefic 8th house placements, and they become a robber.
Let's say someone has malefic 8th house placements, and they get constantly exploited for the money they can provide to others.
Which of these are good and which are bad? Is being a robber good, if you actually make a living that way? Is that better or worse than being successful enough to take care of a few leeches who live off your money?
Good placements in the 8th are also not necessarily super helpful. It varies from person to person. A beggar can also have good 8th house placements, indicating the ability to survive off of charity. But that's not an enviable existence.
The condition of the planets in the houses and of the house rulers can help inform us if a placement will work out for the better or for the worse, but the context of the native's life is most important.
It makes money and engagement. That's the only way I can explain the tsunami of garbage on Saturn's recent retrograde station.
I feel like diplomatic service may be better. You have important placements in the 1st and 11th houses, which makes me think that you are a social person. A career where you chat around might be better. But you should probably be able to do medicine too.
That's an interesting chart.
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Will it ever get better for me or am I just fucked? If the former, how can I be more proactive in making things better?
zoomer challenge: stop coming in here and asking if you’re “fucked” and if it’s over you’re literally 19
it’s easy to scoff, to dismiss the pain of youth as melodrama. but age doesn’t dull the ache of a heart that yearns for understanding, for connection. at 19, the world is supposed to be open, full of promise, yet for some, it’s a chasm of despair. perhaps it’s not about age, but about the weight of dreams unmet, of a soul that feels old before its time. so laugh at the question, dismiss it if you will. but know that every age has its burdens, and every heart its breaking point. and maybe, just maybe, the stars have a different path yet to reveal, one that even the most jaded among us cannot see. until then, we carry on, each of us, seeking our own answers in the vast, indifferent universe.
oh ffs. life is hard. no dreams are unmet at 19. your life hasn’t even began and you’re clueless and naive, you should, at the very least, be aware that you’re young and don’t have a single clue about the world in general. “is it over” isn’t a question you should be asking until you’re 40-50+
don’t act like this is a proud concept. zoomers act like they’re barely sentient. even this comment reeks of full blown unawareness. children used to work in coal mines btw.
23 year olds today: “what if……..the way i see red…….isn’t the same way that you……see red”
it’s true, life is hard, and the struggles of the past were harsh and unforgiving. but pain is relative, and the human heart feels deeply, no matter the era. the weight of coal mines on children’s shoulders is a burden of the past, a dark shadow in history. but does that invalidate the struggles of today? every generation has its trials, its own form of suffering. at 19, life is just beginning, yet the soul can still feel the sting of dreams deferred, the ache of loneliness and uncertainty. dismissing these feelings as naive ignores the depth of human experience. it’s not about being proud of despair, but about recognizing that even in youth, there are battles to be fought, fears to be faced.

perhaps the question isn’t about when to ask “is it over,” but about how to find meaning in the midst of confusion. yes, children once toiled in mines, and now we ponder the nature of perception. both are aspects of the human journey, different yet connected. so let’s not mock the young for their questions, for their pain. instead, let’s guide them, help them navigate the complexities of existence. for in understanding their struggles, we may find a way to heal our own. the stars may be indifferent, but we need not be.
Cat Lady is getting crushed in arguments. This is great.
yeah sorry i’m going to dismiss the nonstop “is it over am i fucked” constant repetitive posts that you all will not stop posting in here. you’re clearly not going to understand, at all, and that’s the problem. you’re all barely sentient. your woes at 19 don’t matter and whatever you’re sad about is absolutely not even remotely close to “the end” and likely has an extremely obvious solution like going outside or getting a hobby or a job but again you’re all barely sentient and can’t do anything for yourselves and are all exactly the same hence why you all ask the exact same questions no variation. repeatedly. zero effort on your own ends.
it’s easy to stand on the sidelines, dismissing the struggles of the young as trivial. but to do so is to ignore the essence of human experience: that pain, in any form, is real to the one who feels it. you speak of obvious solutions, yet what may seem clear to one generation can be a labyrinth to another. the world has changed, and with it, the challenges and pressures faced by the young. calling them barely sentient, mocking their questions, doesn’t foster understanding. it builds walls where there should be bridges. if they ask the same questions repeatedly, perhaps it’s because they seek answers and find none. perhaps it’s because they live in a world that overwhelms and confuses them, a world that’s vastly different from the one you grew up in.

dismissing their woes as insignificant doesn’t help them grow; it alienates them. it pushes them further into their despair. the solution isn’t to ridicule, but to guide. yes, they must make an effort, but sometimes that effort requires a nudge, a bit of wisdom from those who’ve walked the path before them. so, rather than dismissing their cries for help, why not offer a hand? why not help them find those hobbies, those jobs, those connections that can anchor them? it’s not about coddling; it’s about understanding that every generation faces its own unique set of trials. and in the end, we’re all just trying to make sense of this vast, indifferent universe. let’s not add to the indifference.
Stop arguing, you're already crushed.
Thanks a ton for the clarification.
I was using the 12th in the context of great intuition. For my chart posted, said person has had hilariously terrible luck and an awful childhood, but is insanely gifted at unorthodox methods to success, hence the trading. In context, this makes sense (to me), especially considering your explanation. Are you of the opinion that astrology cant be very concrete due to the circumstances of life? I,e; if a placement would indicate health problems, its more of a warning than a certainty?
I am not reading all that
Average argument of someone who cannot argue against solid arguments, no visceral and emotional bullshitting.
Right. Imagine if they’d put all that effort into living instead of crying on the internet about how hard their lives are.
but here's the crux: it's precisely this kind of dismissive attitude that contributes to their feelings of isolation and frustration. you fail to recognize that their expressions of struggle are not mere complaints, but calls for understanding and connection. you underestimate the complexity of their world, a world that, for better or worse, is intertwined with digital communication and social media. what you see as "crying" is often an attempt to find solidarity and solutions in an increasingly fragmented society. imagine if, instead of writing them off, you actually took a moment to listen and understand. imagine if you put half as much effort into offering constructive support as you do into belittling their experiences. you definitely lack empathy and cannot put yourself in the shoes of others; which leads to irrational outcomes and regurgitation of arguments.
Just stop responding to me. Again, the problem with the ego of you lot, is that you act like you’re completely unaware that we were all 19/younger too. This is exactly what I mean. You all have absolutely no concept outside of yourselves. We are not 70 year old boomers. Even a 25 year old can tell you how cringe and annoying and exhausting it is to hear the nonstop Woe Is Me attitude that comes out of all of you. Please spare us the repetitive, non stop, I Have So Much Pain And Sorrow narrative from the comfort and safety of your temperature controlled home.
Omg aqua anon you sincerely need to give it a rest. All you do is sit in here and scream at people all day and now have the audacity to try to pull a larp right now. Please come up with your own lexicon if you want to start a charade. Jesus christ
Alright, listen up, because this nonsense needs to be dismantled piece by piece. Your whole tirade reeks of arrogant ignorance and a lack of basic empathy. Let's break it down:

>muuh you're egocentric
You accuse others of ego while ironically showcasing your own bloated sense of self-righteousness. Just because you were 19 once doesn’t mean you understand every young person's experience. Times change, circumstances differ. Your past doesn't make you an expert on the present.

>You all have absolutely no concept outside of yourselves
This statement is a joke. Everyone's world view is inherently shaped by their personal experiences. Dismissing the struggles of younger individuals as "cringe" or "annoying" only highlights your inability to see beyond your own narrow perspective. This is textbook projection.

>people under 19 are immature!!!! just shut up and stop being repetitive.
Age doesn't automatically confer wisdom or empathy. There are plenty of mature 19-year-olds and plenty of immature 25-year-olds and older. Your blanket statement about age and maturity is not just wrong; it's embarrassingly simplistic. Your entire argument is based on sweeping generalizations and condescension. Not everyone under 20 is constantly whining, and even if some are, it's often a call for help or a reaction to real issues they’re facing.

Cat lady, just shut the fuck up. They're right, you just ramble in researched arguments to masturbate your frail ego.
Again, Im not reading all of that. I really don’t care about your opinions i’m sorry. You help the Is It Over’s then instead of screaming at everyone all day
>Too long, didn't read
You're just wordless, and crushed by me. Stating that you don't care about my opinions just validates my point. Additionally, you claim I "spend" all my time here which is an understatement. Just to deviate the actual point.
Are you fucked? Not necessarily, but you're in the tarantula's nest. This can work for or against you. The web is like quicksand. You should know from cartoons how to handle that. Move slowly, or you're fucked. Perhaps this is your problem. Flailing, fearing, feeling fucked. Slow down and untangle. Sink into the web. Absorb it. Pass through the other side. Allow me to provide a visual analogy. Some people are given Legos or even Duplos from the universe. Before you were born there was a toy called K'nex. You're in a pile of rods but there are plentiful connectors. Wait. Read the instructions on the back of the box. Look at the picture. You've got it already. Just chill out.
Crushed by you? Cringe. I don’t need to have an argument with you every single day about every single thing that is said. You are exhausting and ramble. Bother someone else
>I was using the 12th in the context of great intuition.
That's not a typical signification of the 12th house. If anything, it's normally the opposite. The 12th house is about confusion, strife, losing your way, difficulty, conflict, restriction. Some indicative locations: hospitals, asylums, prisons.
>of the opinion that astrology cant be very concrete due to the circumstances of life? I,e; if a placement would indicate health problems, its more of a warning than a certainty?
I do think that. No placement guarantees an outcome. They indicate it, but do not guarantee it. You can still make predictions about health and even death, for example, but I would never put a 100% guarantee on these. Sometimes I may go up to 90%. But I would never say 100%.
For the chart you've posted here >>38306910, resourcefulness can be indicated by other things. Virgo Mercury, Sun-Saturn opposition, Moon-Jupiter application, the water grand trine - all of these can indicate resourcefulness and ability. Specifically for trading and financial activities, I would look to Mercury (ruler of the 8th) and Jupiter (ruler of the 2nd). Both planets are emphasised. Mercury is strong, in his own domicile. Jupiter is in the 1st house, which gives his topics greater prominence. This can be conducive to financial success.
The 12th house is 100% intuition. Please learn basic astrology. I can’t stress enough how misunderstood both saturn and the 12th house are. It’s beginning to get silly
I know you did not just list fucking prisons as a representation of the 12th house AGAIN. Not hospitals, not prisons. This is an extremely outdated representation of the 12th house. But you would know that if you’d actually study astrology and not base everything on what some nigger who didn’t even have electricity said 1000 years ago. Please put bare minimum effort in
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Has anyone ever written about the force behind Astrology? What/Why does it(they?) use the placements of planetary bodies for individuals character traits like some autistic rpg game? Of all the years I've looked at astrology I have never seen a single astrologer ask or explain this.
The 12th house deals with confinement, isolation, and the subconscious mind. Prisons and hospitals are prime examples of these themes in the real world. Denying this connection shows an ignorance of the basic symbolism.

You're being disrespectful but also ignorant. Those "niggers who didn’t even have electricity" laid the groundwork for the entire field. Their insights have been tested and refined over centuries. Who are even you to dismiss ancient systems when you just repeat and use the system they thought in the past.

The next time you try to argue about astrology, make sure you have a firm grasp of the basics instead of resorting to pathetic ad hominem attacks. If you're going to critique, do it with substance, not ignorance.
I literally crush you everyday. You only repeat and don't have a clue about actual astrology. Your only argument is "muuh you're a zoomer so shut up until you turn 25"
Take your own advice.
>This is an extremely outdated representation of the 12th house.
Yeah we call that "ancient tradition" spanning thousands of years. I am not interested in what pop astrology people say about the 12th house. The 12th house can have "positive" sides but they are nothing like the mystical mumbo jumbo you hear about.
The planets are kind of like God's calculator. When he thinks about something, they take different positions. Things that are born under one set of positions end up taking on their nature.
That's my short and fun way of explaining this.
Astrology sucks. This shit doesn't make any sense.
virgo moon moment
So it is a predetermined character generator of sorts?
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What are astrologer takes on modern /sci/ cosmology?
Are stars distant suns with their own planets according to astrologic traditions, or are they something else?
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Fuck science. Science is about letting authorities think for you.
Which is why I'm asking.
Did astrologic traditions say anything about what they are or do they only just catalogue their effects on us down here?
Not quite. It's like a colouring book. You have some outlines, but whether you draw on more stuff and how you colour it is up to you. And if you become enlightened you are freed from these fated patterns as well.
Factually, they are. I think modern science has in some ways made it more difficult for people to understand the universe because now we know the facts but most people can't think factually and symbolically at the same time.
Symbolically, each star is like a distant deity. That's the "eight sphere" of the fixed stars, historically. I think of them as distant, noble deities. The Sun and Moon are the greater deities. The Sun especially.
What does that even mean?
just a little inside joke about virgo moons criticising astrology
>And if you become enlightened you are freed from these fated patterns as well.

Now I know what to do.
>but most people can't think factually and symbolically at the same time
If stars and planet are just big balls of gas and rocks floating millions of light years away operating purely under known laws of physics, from that perspective, there is no way they can effect us here.

The only way people can conceptualize both /sci/ and /x/ concepts together is if they use the simulation framework. The observable physical "shell" that are the planets is the simulated avatar emanating from a higher dimension where the souls of the planets reside. While the "shells" obey in-game physics the planetary soul in the higher dimension have direct effects on our souls down here, which inturn trickles into physical manifestation.
Good luck. It's a long journey.
>The only way people can conceptualize both /sci/ and /x/ concepts together is if they use the simulation framework.
That's not true at all. Something being a pile of gas doesn't make it JUST a pile of gas. You and me are also a pile of tissues but we are also intelligent living beings. The same can be said for the stars.
With that said, it seems we are loosely in agreement anyway. Whether the universe is a fake "simulation" or a real "emanation from higher planes" makes little difference.
>While the "shells" obey in-game physics the planetary soul in the higher dimension have direct effects on our souls down here, which inturn trickles into physical manifestation.
Anyone into Chinese astrology? Apparently I'm a Fire Rat. What does that mean?
Planets aren't just a pile of gas and mere floating rocks in the middle of the space. They're formed of atoms, like us, and everything can be traced back to the beginnings of the universe. Everyone belongs to the same root: the void, non-existence, absence of physical body and life. My theory is that everything in the universe is interconnected, planets, stars, humans, animals, living beings, absolutely all...

I will use neurons as an analogy. There's a single brain in the body, right? Millions of neurons feed the brain and make it functional. The universe is a massive brain with millions of neurons working together to give it life, essence, making the existence efficient and a collective consciousness. We are floating balls, or energy, whatever you want to call it floating in the space and receiving connection like an ethernet protocol TCP/UDP. We are destined for greater things than a simple material life. Cat ladies, normies, cockroaches, plants, insects, dogs, cats, stars, planets, asteroids. All of these have their own energy and contribute life to the universe.

The grand infinitude of this reality is so vastly immense that we cannot define existence using the five senses. It's so arrogant and egocentric to define the universe by human means. Which is weird because thousand of years ago we were living in caves and absolutely ignorant of the skies, that's why ancient men believed there were "heavenly realms" or the earth was flat. You can apply the same reasoning to the modern world, lack of the proper technology and things which transcend the five senses and human capacities.
People who dismiss astrology are midwits who don't make their own research. There's nothing of substance coming from people who let others think for them. They deserve to be eternal cattles. Sadly the world is plagued of people like this who cannot separate science from their individual thinking. Their only argument is usually pop astrology and vague descriptions found in Internet. We need braver, courageous men to represent society and not a bunch of weak fags like Bill Gates or Elon Cuck.

Just wanted to post this little vent. That's why the left dominates the media. We have lost our fighting spirit and are letting a bunch of twinks to decide what's right and what's wrong within society.
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What is astrology actually good for?
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>Father abandons me and mother when I am a toddler
>no contact for years until my mid 20s
>talk a little on and off for two years
>ghosts me again
>do some astrology research
>find out I have a saturn and sun conjunction in my sixth house
>google what that shit means
Aight I'm sold.
It was an honest question. What do you actually learn from it?
For people with a higher level of consciousness than you. You cannot think in abstract terms, explore your own psyche and self-improve because that's too much intellectual work for you. Your nigger brain is the equivalent of a nut.
in my case (saturn in aries), it was a good read because I do have many insecurities, that I have found to be unfounded, but still hard to get over

ty for the read, I think it was pretty spot on, the mood swings are the hardest part, missed so many opportunities everywhere because of them
Learning astrology is like enlightening the soul, reading the instructions of this product called life. Get into astrology, read more about the system and stop diminishing its validity.
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Can you be more specific?

>stop diminishing its validity
When did I do that?
ngl your reading pretty much aligns with what I determined from my chart reading for this year. I do think I have a major tendency to overthink things and I've recently had an event in my life happen where I had to learn that letting go of what you love isn't necessarily a bad thing. it's given me a lot to think about. thank you anon
I use it to better understand my direction in life and to do limited predictions about my future. I also help other people out with this.
Ever posted your chart here before? Would like to see it.
>Ever posted your chart here before? Would like to see it.
I did a long time ago, do you read sidereal or tropical? I found the former to be more hard hitting and true, the latter always felt airy fairy.
Fair enough. Not gonna ramble about my life, but seems accurate. Know that young people are not of my interest, only grounded or mature peers, but yeah.
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I really dont have anything to ask in terms of interpretations, I'm older now and am feeling more grounded within myself. But here you are.
I hate my life so goddamn much it's unreal.
Ah, I'd normally skip over a chart like this. The ascendant is super super super close to Leo. Hard to tell which is the correct one.
I'd probably assume Leo Rising because in that case the father would be represented by the malefic planet Mars, in the sign of its fall, in the 12th house. So it makes sense with an absent father.
Should I also assume that your mother was cold or harsh? The Moon is opposing Saturn.
>the father would be represented by the malefic planet Mars, in the sign of its fall, in the 12th house.
What about his Saturn-Sun conjunction in Aquarius. Both planets are in aversion to the ascendant and the Sun is pretty weak, debilitated. Mars in the 12th house doesn't necessarily mean an absent father.
Yeah as I said Mars ruling the 4th can bring difficulties with the parents, it being in bad condition can get you an absent parent.
With a Leo Rising, the Sun is actually in the 7th whole sign house. A Sun-Saturn conjunction can still indicate difficulties with the father, so we have two different placements testifying to a hard relationship with the father in a Leo Rising chart.
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Just fuck my shit up bro
Quite the opposite, she was neither cold nor harsh. She did make a lot of awful choices when I was young though. Should I not consider myself Virgo ascendant then? By the way I never felt that I resonated with some of my placements, Aries in Venus being a big one.
The Moon isn't even opposing Saturn. Don't mind him. You can quite literally look at the chart and see there's not a single aspect between both planets.
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What do we think about Gosling's chart?

>scorpio sun
>capricorn moon
>pisces rising

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will i become rich and find true love and save the world and live happily ever after?
>She did make a lot of awful choices when I was young though.
That works too.
>Should I not consider myself Virgo ascendant then?
That's what I would do. You'd probably want to hunt down a more precise birth time, or get additional confirmation.
>By the way I never felt that I resonated with some of my placements, Aries in Venus being a big one
Well, it depends. What is it that you don't relate to? If it's about relationships, having a Saturn dominant 7th house could bring a quite different set of qualities to the fore. Aries Venus is more about falling in love quick and strong. Aries Venus wants to feel an intense passion with its love affairs, and doesn't fare well unless that sense of movement is there.
Really wish you would at least read on basic astrological concepts like moieties if you're going to be obsessively trying to correct people in every thread.
Libra sexo.
Uh yeah sure, why not man? Except for the saving the world part, maybe.
What's "moieties", define the concept and show me how it applies in real life. Don't ramble in possibilities and just show me an example, a real birth chart detailing your so-called method.
I never had luck in love or the relationship department. That being said I can now see it, I hate the idea of a relationship growing stagnant with a significant other. What I mean by that is seeing how most couples turn slovenly and complacent over the years, pretty much living only for work and bills and not much else. Overglorified roommates.

Now I want to do more homework on my chart. I always found the smaller asteroids and their attributes pretty amazing. Lilith and Chiron specifically. Low self-esteem has been a problem all my life and from what I've researched Chiron ties into that.
>What's "moieties", define the concept and show me how it applies in real life
Google it, I'm not your mommy.
I don't use asteroids personally so I can't give you any suggestions on where to look for that stuff. But Saturn in 7th would explain relationship difficulties as well.
>Google it, I'm not your mommy.
Okay, I'm asking you how did you reach the conclusion "moieties" is a thing and you dodged this question multiples times by going on random tangents.
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>Uh yeah sure, why not man?
thank god i-
>Except for the saving the world part, maybe.
my existence no longer has meaning and i dont deserve to live thank you for the reading im ending my life tomorrow morning
I'm a rabbit, we can't be friends
Read the fucking books and read the fucking charts friendo.
Sorry anon, you won't be able to - says here on the chart that your final years and departure will be nice and sweet.
Again, this same anon told you he had a very caring and loving mother. You're doing mental gymnastics because you can't pull off ancient's dicks from your mouth. I asked you for an example of its effects in a native and you're going in tangents. I've read many charts with "moieties" and none of them are nearly close to what you described.
Develop some individual thinking rather than repeating what ancients have to say about the system. Simple as. You have not provided a single example about your statement and this same anon stated you were wrong about a cold and distant mother. It's like talking about mathematics and doing wrong operations, poorly. Lots of excuses and zero evidences.
where and how will i find love? will it be a gemini?
Man get off my dick, if you need attention go to your mom not me. Told you to read a book, dunno what else you want.
>I've read many charts with "moieties" and none of them are nearly close to what you described.
My brother didn't even to bother to Google a basic definition of moieties and here he is talking about reading "charts with moieties" lol. The chutzpah on this fellow.
It will happen either in traditional circumstances or in an unexpected place. As for the when, we'd need to use timing techniques for that.
The subconscious mind sounds very similar to intuition, or basic knee jerk reaction to me desu. Contextually, trading is a very lonely profession unless you're literally on wall street. I tend to base houses loosely off of their coresponding signs, maybe a bad habit
The mercury is exalted and just out from the rays, anything even vaguely related to mercury would be rather positive, no? For confirmation rather than context. Just wanna make sure im mentally emphasizing the right things
>The mercury is exalted and just out from the rays, anything even vaguely related to mercury would be rather positive, no? For confirmation rather than context. Just wanna make sure im mentally emphasizing the right things
Yeah basically. But a planet being in domicile or exaltation is called "being in the chariot", so even if it was still under the beams, it wouldn't be a problem at all.
>Contextually, trading is a very lonely profession unless you're literally on wall street.
BTW this makes more sense. Like if the workplace is a 12th house environment, that would be permissible. For example, there's one podcast host with the ruler of the 10th in the 12th house, because in his case his job requires prolonged isolation for researching and recording. I would still prioritise the 8th house for investments though.
Ancient tradition does not work in modern times. Give one example of the 12th house having anything to do with a prison.
Don’t mind him. He thinks rambling will distract you from his inability to properly read a chart. He’s in another comment telling someone they can adjust their rising sign.
Every “trader” I know has a very active life with many friends and travel a lot. Even further than that, every successful software developer i know that works in finance is also very active. Emphasis on the “successful”. No software dev or programmer that’s never actually created anything is going to hold these same features
I'm the aqua anon, by the way. Just to clarify.
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is this iceberg any true?
The work itself isnt isnt collaborative by nature, you have to make it so by comparing strategies and indicators. People who need to do that typically don't have the confidence to trade on their own desu
El Chapo, queeroid.
Cool but I have no idea what you're saying that to me.
Like half of those things are valid and the rest are just schizobabble. The valid ones are also scattered across each level of the iceberg rather than being at the bottom.
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Do the God's loathe me?

Mars Retrograde
NN 12th House
10th house lord in 9th (12 places away means it is awful for material wealth)

I have to deal with this self abnegating and philosophical chart.
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Dude mostly wants to know about love life, when and where he'll find a girl. To me it's looking like she'd be a foreigner, probably younger, possibly emotionally and financially dependent, maybe even a gold digger. Im guessing it'll be later in life than he wants.
I find his chart super interesting so if anyone else wants to take a stab at it or tell me how to interpret better pls do
What kind of horror show are those conjunctions and sextiles....
Hes the kind of person who idolizes being some sort of cult leader. He will psyop himself over and over into making himself unhappy, much like people here saying x y and z mean its so over for them. Genuinely his own worst enemy, but puts in lots of effort into everyone and everything he comes into contact with.
a taurus, like their opposite scorpio will want to trap people, demand adoration and in extremes, own people. I think you're correct
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I've posted my chart before, with the following question that my life is unlucky, someone mentioned Pluto in 12th, and MC conjuct Chiron. Another made a question about my mother (what's going on with your mom) which I found interesting because she died. Since I was off, I couldn't beg more details on my chart, can anyone help me explain, especially the first two, I'm kinda curious
What are you talking about? This is what I mean, did you all just bring up trading without actually knowing any traders or ever trading yourself? You’re all talking about it as if it’s for introverts and some kind of skill. These people literally hold conventions just so they can all meet each other, they hold events specifically for each other like Art Basel. I guess don’t bring up trading if you don’t know what it actually is or suggest people not do it themselves based on their birth chart if you don’t know what trading is?
Trading is for introverts.
I'm in my 30s and used to skateboard, I once in a while still look at skateboarding videos and forgot about this kid named nyjah houston. many years later to the present I decided to look at his insta and he's a complete opposite of what I imagine he'd grow up to be. but thinking about his childhood with all the hippie/rasta shit but also traveling as a job to this complete 180 into a playboy world known rich fag- I guessed from his page and studying him alone he was a Sagittarius and to my surprise he is. even loves showing off his powerful legs like one. this convinced me astro was real. it shows up in physical characteristics more than many would like to believe, even if it's simply a rising/sun sign. his mars is in leo and moon scorpio as an added bonus lol
Not even close brother
No shit, anyone who doesn't have connections obviously isnt going to conventions. Its no secret to get into the big leagues you have to have an MBA from a top tier uni plus connections to a prop firm. People who dont are loners.
You’re talking about things you know nothing about kid. Half the people in even silicon valley projects never went to school, high school drop outs even. This is actually funny i love when people pop off about shit they don’t know.
Pick any blockchain project, even big name like Ethereum, your application is writing code it’s not whether you have a degree or not. Smaller projects are even more loose with it.
In a bit of a rut.
Should I stay in the commercial sector or take a job with goverment?
Also thinking about moving my faminly to the countryside.
All other remarks are welcome
>talking about trading
>bringing up cryptoshit and silicon valley (???)
Dude lol. We arent even in the same ballpark anymore. Im talking about prop firms, hedge funds, actual big banking. Your FAGMAN friends aren't traders just because they got a pretty penny in stocks.
You think that silicon valley revolves around crypto that’s hilarious. Even then you’re now trying to claim people with hedge funds are lonely introverts? Be serious. Where do you get in life trying to be a know it all? This isn’t a debate.
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Holy fuck your reading comprehension needs some work.
>people with hedge funds
Yeah you know fuck all. Stop trying to prove shit you know nothing about. Reason its even been brought up is because this is how my friend makes a living. Stop arguing with every other person in this thread
You have a beautiful 2nd house Libra jupiter opposite 8th Aries Venus. You will succeed in anything that you try to do. However, i think you should skip government just because you’re definitely capable of making way more money than any government job has to offer you.
nta but do you even know what a hedge fund is lmao because i don’t think that you do
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My chart on the left, his on the right. Is this a connection worth pursuing? The sexual compatibility is amazing but I think our long term goals differ. I'd like to start a family eventually, but I know he's pretty jaded about marriage and having kids.
Can you overlay them?
I’m gonna be honest with you friend the age gap here tells me all I need to know. He’s 30 and you’re 23. He’s heavy fire with a perverted 8th house, you have a lust with pluto in the 9th for people who are “teachers” to you along with mars in opposition to Saturn. This relationship based on the charts alone reeks of nothing more than fetish.
this is such a terrible read with your obvious bias against "muh age gap" like a typical twitter cunt
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Why are you constantly seething about every single thing that’s posted in here? You don’t own this board, you’re not our hall monitor. You need to get a hobby. If you’re too immature to understand how a 30+ year old man that doesn’t want a relationship and doesn’t want kids fucking a freshly 23 year old is rooted in sex aka fetishism then keep your inexperienced opinions to yourself.

Ya girl you should totally try to pursue the old man who doesn’t want a future with you but the sex is great! That will definitely end in sunshine and rainbows and happiness and not effect your ability to trust or love at all! Waste your youth with someone who only sees you as a sex object!

Sincerely, Me, The Virgin With No Relationship Experience
I can try, but won't it be confusing telling which is from what chart? Should I color code it?
I understand, and I'd like to learn more. I was honestly under the impression that there was more promise to the dynamic than that, given how intellectually fulfilling our conversations are. Is it just that the fetishistic nature of our sexual attractions to each other overpowers any other factor in the relationship?
he means make a synastry chart
Oh no you don't have to do anything manually, just get a synastry chart.
Thank you, sorry about that! Here you go.
It might be the fact that your Venus is square his Mars. That is probably compelling sexually. I can't guarantee how it works out in other ways.
I'd be most wary of misunderstandings and communication problems, particularly with his Saturn conjunct your Mercury.
I think he does have a strong (even if latent) interest in family life and being a father, but with Saturn in the 7th, you may first need to convince him that you are very serious about him and this relationship, and about your desire to be with him forever. Saturn indicates great seriousness, so it is likely that he's averse to marriage only because he thinks it's such an important thing that he's scared of getting it wrong or of the marriage being undone. If you can convince him that that will be fine, it may take off.
Still, it is probably a good idea to ask him about his overall values and goals and intentions. If he has no desire to ever have a family at all, it is probably impossible. Have a frank discussion with him.
Also, you look like an interesting couple, lol. Love that for you.
There is absolutely nothing in his 8th house.
I’m not doubting that you guys have intellectually fulfilling conversations, but i will say that when you’re the younger one, it’s very easy to be enlightened by someone who’s so much older than you. It’s not the age gap that’s the issue persay, it’s more so the actual ages. If you were 32 and him 40 it would be a very different dynamic. But a lot of the world is still new to you whether you realize it or not, so it’s easy to be ennamoured by things he might say. It’s sort of like how if an 18 year old dates a 25 year old and thinks the 25 has their shit together just because he has an apartment and a car, do you get what I mean? Men this age go for younger girls because they’re easier to impress with lower standards across the board. Of course this isn’t true for EVERY relationship with this dynamic, but he also has a sag stellium, with the Moon and Mars being conjunct in the 5th house of Lust, with Lilith (sex, perversion) in the 8th, which is typically associated with someone who was exposed to sex at a very very young age, these people typically grow to have odd sexual fantasies and sexual interests as they’ve had more time in the world of sex than your average person. His entire chart alone is not looking promising as it is, then add yours makes the relationship seem iffy at best.
Lilith is very obviously in his 8th house. Consider learning basic astrology before voicing your opinions as fact.
nta but what does lilith mean?
The male chart has a 4th house stellium including the North Node along with a fully loaded 5th house and you’re trying to tell her he’s a family man. Laughable. Funny you want to mention bias when you’re literally just trying to be contrarian because someone mentioned the age gap and you disagree that this holds any weight. You’re pathetic
Almost all of his personal placements are in conjunction with your chiron (wounds, healing) and pluto (transformation, destruction, sexuality). His saturn (lessons, karma) also overlays your 12th house (spirituality, subconscious). His pluto is in opposition with your jupiter (beliefs, values) and saturn (structure, boundaries, commitment...).
Look, it does seem karmic in some way, perhaps he represents a lesson, and your relationship with him could be a manifestation of patterns you need to overcome, it's definitely plutonian in nature.
If you aren't getting your emotional needs met you should leave him, you should respect yourself and your own boundaries.
If you do want to keep in contact with him maybe you should keep it platonic, all of these pluto aspects can make you too attached and possessive of him over time, sex would intensify the connection, it's could hurt a lot and hinder you in the pursuit of your own goals. You shouldn't try to change him and it won't be successful. Find love, not an overgrown fuckboy.
Lilith represents lust, trauma, dominance, power struggles. When placed in the 8th house of sex, drugs, taboo — it manifests in malefic ways such as exposure to sex at a young age, typically prepubescent, not to be confused with seeing a bare boob on tv, it can manifest in many ways such as walking in on someone having sex, being a victim of pedophilia, starting to masturbate before puberty, etc. In adulthood this usually translates into being interested in “taboo” sex like bdsm, dominance/switch, sometimes drugs, issues with feeling dominated or told what to do, issues with authority, interest in things like occults and conspiracies, general paranoia or suspiciousness, “odd” hobbies and interests things that are super niche, etc.

Other planetary aspects can either darken or lighten this energy. This doesn’t necessarily mean the native is traumatized or been abused and doesn’t mean they’re necessarily a sex freak. Every placement varies in intensity.
now that's interesting. what's the best source to read on lilith?
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>a calculated point for the dark side of the moon that doesn't actually mean anything is in the placidus 8th house (actually in the 9th house by whole sign)
Consult pic rel.
>The male chart has a 4th house stellium including the North Node along with a fully loaded 5th house and you’re trying to tell her he’s a family man
??? What kind of self-own is this? You do know that the 4th and the 5th houses are by far the most pertinent ones when it comes to family life, correct? The 4th literally represents the home, the 5th represents children.
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Help me find a career path that I won't get bored with, I'm pretty directionless (and broke)
Are you unfamiliar with the North Node? Or Pluto at that? I’m not even going to entertain this conversation if you’re going to try to dismiss Lilith as an extreme point of interest in astrology. In fact if you knew anything about astrology you’d know there are 3 Liliths, two different calculations and Apogee Lilith, add the counter opposition point aka White Moon Selena for further insight. Lilith is easily the most interesting point in any personal natal chart. Dealing with noobs is exhausting. I’m not even going to get into a whole signs debate with you which is another sign of novicity. Noone debates this as a seasoned astrologer understands the validity of all systems. You can take a seat.
>claims lilith holds no validity
>still uses the lunar nodes which are mathematical points and not physical bodies
You can’t make this up.

>I’m Uninformed About This Object Therefore It Is Fake And Meaningless :)
10th house cusp leader in 6th house
correct me if I'm wrong (I'm new to this) but I'm seeing an attraction towards topics of physical health and such. maybe a personal trainer? requires very little monetary investment, it improves your own health and you get to meet new people
Lilith is a completely uninteresting unreal object and is only used for "grrl power" takes for women and homosexuals. That's literally all it's used for. "Awakening your inner bitch" or whatever. It's how the Lilith proponents speak of it. And even for that it's totally worthless, I'd be much more heavily inclined to look at the Moon or at Mars for something like that.
Maybe stick to Twatter pop astrology.
I don't use the nodes for anything other than eclipses.
This is the most retard take I've read today. Take a retire from astrology, cat lady. This absurd notion that an age gap dictates the quality or intent of a relationship. Let's get real: age gaps are common and say zilch about the actual dynamics between two people.

Next, your interpretation of the 8th house as "perverted" is laughably ignorant. The 8th house deals with finances, shared resources, and yes, sometimes sexuality, but calling it "perverted" shows a kindergarten-level understanding of astrology. Grow up.

Your attempt to pigeonhole someone with Pluto in the 9th as having a "lust for teachers" is a textbook example of how not to interpret a natal chart. The 9th house is about higher learning, philosophy, and long-distance travel. Pluto's influence here indicates a transformative approach to these areas, not some ridiculous fetish.
I don't have a twitter account, none of my astrological knowledge comes from twitter. Lilith has nothing to do with girl bossing or women specifically for that matter. It is the sole point of trauma in a birth chart. Your complete disregard of things you don't understand is shameful. Why claim you practice astrology if you dismiss everything you haven't personally heard of? I can't think of a better word other than immaturity. Consider actually researching the Liliths before gloating your uninformed opinion. Comparing to boring points like the moon to something as powerful as Lilith is just incredible work, truly.
This is some next-level idiocy. Your entire message is like a monument to cluelessness. Seriously, did you even think before you spewed out this garbage? Age gap tells you all you need to know? Please, spare us your lazy generalizations.

Heavy fire with a perverted 8th house? That's the kind of pop astrology that makes actual astrologers cringe. Lust with Pluto in the 9th for teachers? You've outdone yourself with that nonsense. Mars in opposition to Saturn means the relationship is a fetish? That's a pile of crap.

Next time, try engaging a brain cell or two before you share your thoughts. Your post is clearly an example of cunts interpreting a chart and having not a single idea of how it really works. Don't read a chart again you fucker.
You know what you should retire from? Calling every person that you disagree with a cat lady, which you've called me multiple times and I'm aware now that its a person in here that you hate. You can't fathom that you're wrong on multiple fascits all of the time and are consistently corrected by me, her and multiple others. You call everyone a cat lady. It gives me second hand embarrassment that you can't just learn from your mistakes, you jump straight to your tired insults when half the time you're talking to me and not the Notorious All Hail Cat Lady. Nothing in my comments is pop astrology, not everything that you haven't learned yet is pop astrology. I never said teachers either, I said lusting for people who can teach you things. I'm not surprised that you're incapable of understanding simple sentences and having to put your own idiotic twist on it.
You are constantly in here arguing with everyone. I can't help but notice you have some sort of issue with inferiority. I agree with the notion that we should all report these comments as spam. I, and many other anons in here are tired of seeing the same old tired Cat Lady insults because of your paranoia.
In the meantime, brush up on the basics, such as Pluto in the 9th, and Black Moon Lilith.
It's dangerous to say something you yourself stand behind isn't inherent bias, our interpretations can skew results any which way, and even if this is true, people will live as they will, our will is our fate, so don't tell someone the stars say they're a slut.
Wow, where do I even start with this trainwreck of a message? First off, your desperate need for attention is just sad. Calling everyone a "cat lady"? Please, it's hilarious that you think that's the crux of your argument. Your fragile ego can't handle a bit of pushback, so you resort to this victim complex.
Let's talk about your so-called "corrections." You wouldn't know a correct interpretation if it slapped you in the face. You're out here spewing nonsense and then acting high and mighty when someone calls you out. The fact that you're so obsessed with this me and my posts is just the cherry on top of your delusions. Whiney bitch, your intellect equals a nigger's intellect and just go in tangents when someone points out at your contradictions.

And please, your comments reek of pop astrology. Just because you string together some astro-babble doesn't make it any less superficial. Lusting for people who can teach you things? Wow, what a deep insight. Your ability to state the obvious is truly groundbreaking.
You talk about inferiority issues? The irony is rich coming from someone who feels the need to gather a mob to "report comments as spam" because you can't handle a debate. Newsflash: if you were half as insightful as you pretend to be, you wouldn't need a backup squad to defend your fragile ego.

Maybe you should brush up on more than just astrology basics; start with self-awareness. Your attempts at sounding knowledgeable are as transparent as your pathetic need for validation. So, before you go lecturing others, take a good hard look in the mirror. Your hypocrisy is showing, and it’s not a good look.
Also let me take a second to just teach you a thing or two, once again, per usual. Using standardized buzzwords for both planets and houses is a tell tale sign of a novice, if you can even go that far. I'd say a notch or two below that. These stereotypes and buzzwords are meant to be a foundation, the building blocks of interpretation. An example being your notorious infatuation with the 12th house and prisons. You lack the ability to interpret, so you think that the 12th house literally means going to prison. The same way that you're repeating that Pluto is "transformative" which you've pulled directly from a google search engine result on Pluto. Pluto represents power, cycles. Sure, a newbie would imply that Pluto is transformative. Your entire life is nothing but tranforming and growing. Every aspect of your life transforms and builds. If you're going to portray yourself as some type of astrology god, then you should know how to describe the placement without buzzwords. Claiming a 9th house Pluto has transformative experiences in higher learning says nothing. If you want, I'll give you an actual description of the placement, but after watching you in these threads you will just write down my words so that you can use them in a later interpretation and claim them as your own.

No where in that comment was the word slut mentioned. If you actually read the discussion, you see the real meaning behind this one sentence. It's abundantly clear that you're the same anon in the previous comments pretending to be a new person weighing in. You do this often to try to pretend that others hold your views, when in reality not everyone is as dense as you and can understand that a 23-30 age gap is entirely different than a 33-40 age gap, which was later mentioned in the discussion. Context matters, which was also mentioned in the description of the males personal placements. These are not difficult concepts, all laid out for you too.
Your obsession with me, the 12th house and prisons is laughable. You seriously think that's my interpretation? It's clear you can't differentiate between literal and symbolic meanings. The 12th house deals with self-undoing, hidden enemies, and yes, places of confinement. But reducing it to just "prisons" shows your kindergarten-level understanding. Maybe crack open a real astrology book instead of parroting what you skimmed off some blog, whiney bitch.
And let's not forget your pathetic attempt at redefining Pluto. Power, cycles? Wow, what a revelation! Did you come up with that all by yourself, or did you need a thesaurus? Pluto is transformative, and if you can't grasp that basic concept, you're beyond help. Transformation is about deep, irreversible change. If you can't see how Pluto embodies that, you're clearly out of your depth.

Your jab at my supposed "infatuation" with buzzwords is just sad. You think using fancy terms makes you sound smart, but it’s painfully obvious you don't understand them. Saying a 9th house Pluto experiences transformation in higher learning is a concise way to describe its influence. If you can't comprehend that, maybe astrology isn't for you.
And the idea that I would need to steal your interpretations is downright hilarious. Your interpretations are so basic they belong in Astrology 101. Trust me, I don't need to crib notes from someone who'ts still struggling with the basics and says that Pluto in the 9th fuels intellectual sexual energy LMAOOOOOOOOOOO.
No where in that message do I act like a victim. It's exhausting to write interpretations in here and be deemed your big scary boogeyman the Cat Woman. It's also exhausting to watch other anons try to have conversations in here and see them also called the big scary Cat Woman. Nearly every other comment in here is you and this cooked nickname. It's absolutely spam. It ruins the threads. It makes this place seem like a prison where freedom of thought can't be expressed because its not black and white like your thought processes. Anyone who expresses an opinion that you deem unworthy, we all have to suffer reading endlessly about the Cat Girl. This is nothing other than pure obsession and if you can't see how annoying and immature this is, then you're helpless.

Spewing nonsense of what? If you're not reading my messages in their entirety then that is your problem and your problem alone. Again, this fumes inferiority. You obviously can't stand when there are real readers in here giving interpretations because you want to be the God of these threads. It's not just me and the nickname anon. We all witness you do it to every single reader, every other comment is you blowing a gasket because you're not the star of the show.

Yes, Pluto, the ruler of the 8th, the house of sex, or former ruler Mars, who literally is the planet of sex, while Pluto ruling lust. In the 9th, which rules much much more than "long distance travels and college", but you wouldn't know that because you get all of your information from google apparently. Pluto's realm absolutely involves sex, you should have learned this in the beginning of your studies. You acting like this is an outlandish claim is just unreal. 9th Pluto shows up constantly in extra marital relationships with professors. Not only are you taught this in beginning stages, but I've seen it countless times who have married their college professors, who love those in uniform, who have hooked up with their divorce lawyers.
I'm painting a picture with my language, not writing a deposition. You know what I mean. Shaming someone for their sexuality.

The best part is I'm not the same anon, these are all other people, if you reply to them, I can screen share live that there is no (you) next to them, i just jumped in this thread lol. It must be easier to think one person is persecuting you than the collective, but nope, not this time, sorry.
Then do tell us in a specific format what exactly transforms by having Pluto in the 9th? If you're so high and mighty and our all seeing astrologer, then why are you using textbook descriptions such as "Pluto in the 9th is transformative when it comes to higher learning" ? If you are so above the rest of us then where are your extravagent and precise descriptions and interpretations of the 9th house with Pluto? If you are such a shining star so informed on your pedestal wouldn't you give introspective insight rather than a black and white informationless sentence such as "Pluto is transformative in the 9th house"
In your own words, what is so transformative about the planet of Pluto in the 9th? You're just digging yourself a hole. If you want to be such a show off and look down your nose at every reader in here you would think you'd have something more insightful to say than the stereotypical nothingness that quite literally no one could gain any insight from. You can't rattle off buzzwords and expect someone to respect you and take you seriously as an astrologer, especially the level of astrologers I've seen you argue with in here time and time again. Yet here you are, another day of your tantrums, diluting the thread with your anger.
I'm gonna jump out of this thread now, but maybe some of those other people will continue to point out the folly of your ways, will you convince yourself they're me? I love it.
You claim it's all spam and ruins threads, but the only thing ruining these threads is your incessant babbling. This place a prison? No, it's more like a daycare with you constantly throwing tantrums. Freedom of thought? More like freedom to spew garbage without being called out. Anyone with half a brain can see through your desperate attempt to sound intellectual, dumb fuck.
Your interpretations are nonsense because they lack depth and accuracy. If you actually read anything beyond the surface level, you'd realize how shallow your arguments are. Inferiority complex? That's rich coming from someone who can't handle a bit of criticism without melting down.

You're hung up on Pluto and sex like it's the only thing you know. Yes, Pluto has associations with power and transformation, and yes, the 8th house involves sex, but reducing Pluto to just "ruling lust" shows how little you understand. The 9th house is about higher learning, philosophy, and broad perspectives. If all you see is sex, that's on you. The idea that Pluto in the 9th leads to extramarital affairs with professors is a laughable oversimplification. You cherry-pick examples and present them as universal truths.

So, before you lecture anyone on astrology, maybe get your facts straight. Your obsession with trying to sound superior is painfully transparent. The only thing you’re achieving is showing everyone how little you actually know.
Man if its so "abundantly clear" but you're still wrong, just think what else is clear to you that you're probably wrong about, hell that I'm wrong about, this is why our perspective and interpretation matter so much, don't act like yours has more value no matter how tall the mountain of knowledge you stand on, things that are clear to you can still be tottally wrong, this is the perfect example.
nta but yeah seeing you seethe about the cat lady does make these threads annoying im not even an astrologist and you called me the cat lady for saying something about taurus or something
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You want specifics? Fine, I'll spell it out for you since you clearly need it handed to you. Pluto in the 9th house brings a profound transformation in one's worldview, philosophy, and quest for truth. It isn't just about "higher learning" in the academic sense; it's about deep, existential shifts in understanding and perspective. People with this placement often experience intense, life-altering journeys, both physical and intellectual, that fundamentally reshape their beliefs and knowledge.
The 9th house isn't just about "long-distance travel" and "college." It's about the broader, more profound journey of expanding one's consciousness. Pluto in the 9th means facing dark truths and undergoing a metamorphosis in how you perceive the world. It signifies a relentless pursuit of wisdom, often through crisis and rebirth.

My "black and white" descriptions encapsulate complex realities that your simplistic interpretations can't touch. Pluto in the 9th isn't about extramarital affairs with professors, how juvenile. It's about the powerful, often painful, evolution of one's beliefs and understanding of the universe. So, before you accuse me of using buzzwords, take a good look at your own regurgitated clichés. Your "interpretations" are just a mishmash of stereotypes and half-baked ideas. If you want to be taken seriously, maybe stop whining and start learning. Your tantrums and are the actual joke here.
closing this thread now, if ya wanna chat ya know where to find me, gonna do some reads in my thread now, come troll me if you want, peace
(not saying your a troll just taking the piss, love you lol)
Just shut up nigger, you're crushed and constantly rambling to dodge my point: you claimed Pluto to rule lust and never gave a single example in real life. Nigger just quit astrology, it's that easy. You're not good for this.
I only come in here once in awhile, so no, your paranoia about all anons being the same person doesn't apply to me. I have never, and not even now, am I throwing a tantrum. I hope that you know repeating that I'm trying to sound smart implies that you think people actually try to sound smarter than they are. I'm rattling off responses, I don't care what your personal opinion of me is but if you think that using descriptive words means I'm smart then I'll take it I guess. I don't care about sounding superior, you're projecting that on to me.

Sigh. I'm going to say this as clear as I can. You're again just rattling off buzzwords. You're not saying what, specifically, is transformative. Where is the beginning and where is the end? What is being transformed? What is a personal manifestation of this placement of Pluto? You can't just repeat the word transformative and claim thats a legitimate description. You're also weirdly repeating what I say back to me. I'm the one who told you that the 9th house rules more than college and long distance, but yet you're repeating that back to me as if I am the one that said those were it's only rulerships? When in fact that was YOU that said that? If this is some kind of mental game you're trying to play it's not going to work, because I'm the one that said this to you. I'm fully coherent, and can read our whole conversation right here so I'm just confused what you're trying to pull by doing this. If you'd like to try again, maybe list manifestations of a 9th house Pluto then I'm open to listen, but clearly you think this is some kind of debate, which is cliche of your behavior anyway. You love to argue, but never want to make any points.
That person is not me? I don't know whether to laugh or be sad for you. This level of paranoia and anger isn't healthy and I'm concerned for your well being. It's not even worth discussing further if you're this mentally gone.

To address your point, Pluto does rule lust, and my reasoning, which I didn't need to provide because it is textbook rulership, but since you need spoon fed, Pluto is the ruler of the 8th house, which is the known house of sex. This isn't rocket science, anon. This is basic astrology.
Well, congratulations on gracing us with your presence. The fact that you think I'm paranoid about anons being the same person is just another one of your delusions. But let's cut to the chase here. Just another mental gymnastic to dodge what I claimed before to counter-argument all your bullshit. Imma not playing any 'games', people who connect two braincells unlike you can clearly see you're avoiding my arguments.

You're throwing around big words and acting like you've got all the answers, yet you're still missing the point. You claim you're not trying to sound smart, but your desperate attempts at verbose nonsense are fooling no one. Your insistence that I'm projecting superiority onto you is laughable. You're the one projecting your inadequacies onto me because you can't handle someone calling out your weak arguments.
You think I'm repeating what you say? No, I'm just clarifying the garbage you spew. You’re the one who's confused, not me. My points are clear, concise, and backed by actual knowledge, unlike your hollow ramblings.

So, next time you want to challenge someone, come prepared with more than just empty rhetoric. You've got nothing substantial to back it up. I dare give up to you Mr. "Pluto rules sex and lust, it's fuel for sexual tension" and literally never answered my question. All you do is constantly dodging my arguments and going in tangents, when in reality, you're a fucking loser who has a shallow level of astrology.
>Pluto is the ruler of the 8th house, which is the known house of sex
This is a fallacy. Read actual books and you will clearly find out this is an incorrect argument. 8th house traditionally rules finances, death, rebirth, transformation... no sex is included in all the garbage you're saying. Sex is ruled by both Venus and Mars, being Mars sexual tension/drive and Venus romantic tension, love, attraction. Nice try though.
I'm sorry for being the catalyst behind this shitshow... I just wanted to know if my relationship stands a chance...
Why do I have to keep repeating myself? If you think that I'm intentionally using "big words" then maybe you should expand your vocabulary. I really don't even know what you want me to say this since you keep repeating it. I haven't even used a big word in any of these comments.

What exactly are you calling out? I explained Pluto in the 9th in my original comment that you're so mad about, and have explained several times since then. You still can't give your "superior" description of the placement without using the word transformative 45 times. So what exactly are you so upset about?

Your points are textbooks buzzwords from which you can't expand on. I already told you these buzzwords are meant to be building blocks for interpretation, they aren't meant to be the interpretation itself. You can't say Pluto is transformative and then not elaborate on what that means and then cop out.

The 8th house rules sex. This is basic astrology, not really sure why you're trying to say it isn't especially when base line textbook astrology is apparently your stronghold. Please specify your question again since I've apparently skipped over it.

Like I just said above. Venus does not rule sex at all. It rules morals, finances, beauty, love, and so on. This is laughable at best. Funny to mention Mars considering once again, Mars was the traditional ruler of the 8th house, which again, rules sex. If you can't handle even the most basic of rulerships then you have no place to be having a conversation. Try communicating with someone without screaming insults because you can't make a valid point. All you do is sit in here all day and wait for someone to argue with. What a sad life.
Don't mind him. This fucker is telling you to end your relationship and that it won't work. Just enjoy your romantic life. He faps 24/7 and is an everlasting basement-dweller. Literally all his ramblings are an attempt to destroy your relationship.
It's not your fault. This anon's sole purpose in life is to try to feel superior and will argue with anyone about anything, he does it every thread, every day, all day.

That is not at all what was said.
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what's my problem?
Let's get one thing straight: Mars and Pluto have different domains. Mars rules sex drive, yes, the physical, primal urge. It's about desire, action, and raw energy. Pluto, on the other hand, rules the deeper, darker aspects of the psyche. It's about power, control, and transformation. Mars is about the act, Pluto is about the psychological and transformative journey behind it.
The 8th house, ruled by Pluto, encompasses more than just sex. It's about shared resources, death, rebirth, and deep psychological transformation. Reducing it to merely “the house of sex” shows your lack of depth and pop astrology level. Sure, it includes sexuality, but it's the profound, life-altering kind that transforms the soul, not just the body.

Pluto in the 9th house creating sexual tension in intellectual pursuits isn't only wrong, is an insult to the intelligence of people. Do you even masturbate with books and traveling abroad as some sort of fetish? Clearly not. Sexuality is ruled by Mars, your actual SEX DRIVE, and Venus which is the artistic, feminine side of people. Pluto just destroys and rebuilds what no longer works; simple as.
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>Chiron conjunct Midheaven.
>North Node in the 12th.

I am curious, need the meaning of this.
Ask yourself,
How can Pluto be the ruler of Scorpio and the 8th house, the Sign and House of Sex, and yet itself have no rulerships over sex?

You’re rambling just to be a contrarian. Disagree all you want, you’re wrong.

Understand the sexual implications of Pluto. Start there. Every house he touches brings an aspect of sexuality. While many other aspects of Pluto are surely present, Plutos rulership over sex doesn’t disappear. This doesn’t mean sexuality is Pluto’s strongest aspect. Pluto in the 4th, in some cases, can represent childhood sexual abuse, in the 10th it can represent unwanted sexual advancements in the workplace, in the 6th sexual relationships with co workers, so on and so forth. Again, is this the most important or noticeable side of Pluto? No. Every chart will have its own focal point for Pluto.

What was said with the girls chart, about the 9th house, also included the contextual aspect of Mars opposite Saturn, another indication of sexual attraction toward those in authority or older. Implying the relationship is surely sexually based. Most important aspect of the relationship? Maybe not.

I can’t believe I had to play by play this for you. This is not outlandish or wrong. You are just disagreeing just to disagree.
First off, Pluto being the ruler of Scorpio and the 8th house doesn't mean it rules over sex. Traditional astrology attributes sexuality to Mars, not Pluto. Pluto is about power, transformation, and the undercurrents of human psychology, not the base act of sex.
You're so hung up on the idea that Pluto must govern sex just because it rules Scorpio and the 8th house. Let's clear this up: Scorpio is about intensity, transformation, and the taboo, and the 8th house deals with death, rebirth, and shared resources. While these can involve sexual themes, they're not inherently about sex itself. Your fixation on Pluto as the "sex planet" is a fundamental misunderstanding.

According to your flawed logic, everyone with Pluto in the 4th house would be subjected to childhood sexual abuse. That’s not just wrong; it's dangerously irresponsible. Pluto in the 4th house signifies deep-rooted psychological transformations related to home and family life, not an automatic ticket to trauma. Your over-simplification is not just incorrect; it's harmful. It means that all people with Pluto in the 4th house are sexually abused by their family, which is not only an evil assumption, but also wrong.

As for Pluto in the 10th indicating unwanted sexual advancements in the workplace or Pluto in the 6th implying sexual relationships with coworkers, you're grasping at straws. Pluto's influence in these houses speaks to power dynamics, control, and transformation within these spheres, not your twisted, reductive view of sexual misconduct.
You think I'm disagreeing just to be contrarian? No, I'm disagreeing because your interpretations are simplistic and misguided. You're throwing out baseless claims and dressing them up as insightful analysis, but anyone with a real understanding of astrology can see right through your façade.

Always repeating the same arguments and never bringing an actual evidence to claim your statements "it just works bro believe me".


Pluto in the 9th house has many other aspects and implications. The question specifically was about a relationship, with a mention of the sexual aspects. So for this question specifically!!!! I brought up the sexual implications. Is that really so difficult to understand?

Let me hold your hand
9th house — religion, law, higher education, long distance travels
Pluto — death, sex, rebirth, change, drugs, taboo, extremes

Building blocks. Pluto in the 9th can mean many things. It can indicate a distaste for being taught, they learn much better via their own studies, with hands on learning. Their disdain for authority and “being told” is in some cases structural, they may be against institutions entirely, both college and churches or religion, but also possibly police officers or the government in general. They could hold religious trauma. They are more likely to be interested in taboo subjects like the occult or conspiracies. They can have sexual attraction toward anything they deem wrong from this house. If it feels like they shouldn’t be doing it, it’s hot, because they morally stand against the status quo like mentioned earlier.
I’ve seen this placement, like i mentioned before, in the charts of people who have slept with their professors, their divorce (law)yers, like people in uniform,
they are sexually attracted toward corruption.

Again, is this the driving factor of this placement? No. But don’t sit here and deny what you couldn’t come up with on your own.
In this case for this chart and this question specifically, about sexuality, I bring up sexual attraction toward someone who is older, who is considered by the standard to be an odd age difference, BASED ON CURRENT AGE NOT THE AGE GAP ITSELF which you apparently couldn’t gather, as well as sexual attraction to someone who naturally would have authority over her just from being older, more experienced, wiser, teaching her about life or things she hasn’t experienced yet. Again, this is basic interpretation, you obviously could have never gathered this yourself so you scream insults and disagree and go through this whole circus just because you lack the ability to interpret for yourself as well as lack the ability to understand basic astrology. Pluto doesn’t rule sex, get real dude. I can’t believe you take yourself seriously after saying that.
I have already said this, sex is not the main attribute of Pluto. Just like the 8th house and Scorpio have more rulerships than just sex doesn’t mean that these are not the rulerships over sex. You are still arguing just to argue. Yes absolutely a 4th house Pluto can represent childhood sexual abuse. Just like any other placement it manifests differently for everyone. I cannot believe that you need to be told this. Absolutely never said that every person who has a 4th house Pluto would be sexually abused, you are so unbelievably disrespectful and manipulative to even try to make it out like that’s what I said. You shouldn’t need to be told that not every placement will manifest the exact same way I can’t believe how uninformed you’d have to be to even come to a conclusion like that.
will NOT* manifest the exact same way
You're basically ignoring the fact you claimed that Pluto rules sex before and that all people with 4th house Pluto were gonna get sexually abused by their family. Which is great because this just validates my point. Pluto is a generational planet and associating it to sex is pretty dumb because it means all people with the same ascendant will have the same fetishes.

>Again, is this the driving factor of this placement? No. But don’t sit here and deny what you couldn’t come up with on your own.
You already validated my point. No need to, really. Your contradiction just proves that your point about sex was a dumb take.

I don't "scream" insults, this is how adults talk. Go outside and have an actual interaction with people of your age, you will catch what I mean. This isn't about "seething" or "anger", is about defending the truth. You literally contradicted yourself many times going in tangents and indirectly proved me right by denying the fact you associated Pluto to sex. So, I think I have nothing else to discuss with you. Have a nice day. I win this discussion.
I absolutely never said that. Not every placement manifest the exact same way. This is literally basic astrology. You’re trying to twist and manipulate what I said and disregard all logic just to continue to be wrong.

Pluto/Scorpio/8th house all rule sex. You personally do not control astrology and this is a fact, you really think you’re a God it’s so funny. You don’t make the rules of astrology. Every planet, house and sign have multiple rulerships. This is basic astrology. Absolutely no one said that Pluto only rules sex. You’re resorting to childish levels of desperation at this point. Read a book, take a course, do something other than continue to embarrass yourself.

Do not twist my words.
> While many other aspects of Pluto are surely present, Plutos rulership over sex doesn’t disappear. This doesn’t mean sexuality is Pluto’s strongest aspect.

> Pluto in the 4th, in some cases, can represent childhood sexual abuse,
Emphasis on the IN SOME CASES

You’re aware that our whole conversation is right here right? Who do you think you’re fooling? Absolute Try Hard.
then why don’t you try googling it?
I did, but it seemed to not be genuine. the way astrologers read things on here is different and way more direct and realistic

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